What Room?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Originally posted by 7kluz
She... may have had the Maglight in her hand so as to not have to turn on the lights after everyone else was (supposed to be) asleep...
Exactly. The Maglite is easily explained. Patsy may have used it to see late at night when she went to check on JB. The light switch in JB's room did not operate the light.

Excerpt from former housekeeper Linda Wilcox's interview with Peter Boyles:

...you walk in the room and hit the switch, the light doesn't come on. See, cause when the room was redone, they put in a ceiling fan, one of the metal ones, without a light kit on it. The only light in her room was the lamp between the two beds. You have to physically walk over and turn it on. It isn't run by the switch. The switch was meant to run the overhead ceiling light which was removed to install the ceiling fan.

Ned, the TV program on which Dr. Werner Spitz demonstrated his Maglite experiment was aired at least 4 years ago, I think. FULTON said he saw it too. Maybe he will know the date and the channel it was on. (Do you, Fulton?)

I think BDI and that although John and Patsy found out from Burke he used it to light the way to the basement when he and JonBenet went down there to play after snacking on pineapple, John and Patsy may not have known that Burke had struck JonBenet on the head with the Maglite. After all, there was no outward indication that her skull had been fractured. Burke probably didn't admit to them he'd struck her. Why would he admit it if he thought that if he kept quiet about it, they'd never find out he'd done that to her too, in addition to everything else?

I think John and Patsy wiped the Maglite down (including the batteries) in hopes they could use the Maglite to show how the intruder managed to creep around in their darkened house. That's why, instead of hiding the Maglite, they set it on the counter, wanting LE to find it. They couldn't put intruder fingerprints on the Maglite, but they could wipe off Burke's and their own, leaving LE to believe the intruder had wiped it completely down.
We know that the maglite is normally kept in a drawer from the wet-bar. How did it get from the drawer to the counter?

One could say John used it to check the plane that afternoon, but then John is Mr. Tidy and would have placed it back in the drawer.

The only reason I could think of is that the flashlight was used to write the RN. Remember the neighbor who reported "strange eerie lights" that night around midnight?
I agree Ivy, that BDI. I feel that John and Patsy in the cover-up that night ran around and cleaned up what they thought was everything at the crime scene, including the mag light which I do believe Burke hit her with. They had no choice but to leave it in plain sight in case LE was able to match it up to JBRs head wound. The one screw up in my book is the pineapple. Burke may never have told them they ate a couple of pieces of pineapple, which explains why the Ramseys neglected to add this little incident to their cover-up story.
Yeah, 7kluz, I do agree that's highly likely. OR one of the two caught JAR. I vacillate on the two once in awhile, but nonetheless, I think one of the John Ramseys is responsible for JB dying. Even if it was the scenario that it was at Patsy's hand.
The problem with the flashlight being used as lighting is that the Ramseys do leave some lights on at night. The light on the second floor landing, sconces on the stairwell, light in the den, etc...

I believe Patsy sat around the kitchen counter and used the flashlight to write the RN. I am beginning to believe that John helped Patsy concoct the note. There are some speech patterns I am picking up from reading the interrogation of John.
Well, I'll be the odd person out and state that I think the head wound was received in the sun room. Sitting up in the chair that's at an angle in the corner by the window; directly above the location of the room in the basement. The room where the light that is usually turned on was turned off...

And then after the hit she was initially taken and laid out by the tree in the living room and then something was planned to explain it.

I have absolutely no evidence to colaborate this. Only a gut feeling. And I feel the weapon was a #6 golf club.
JonBenet died facing down (from the urine stains on her longjohns). Rope fiber found in her bed; paring knife on washer/dryer in hallway where cupboard was open and diapers hanging out (was Burke's knife hidden behind it?)

JonBenet's bedroom curtain is askew and her blanket in the downstairs basement dryer.

Possible she walked downstairs barefoot in the basement with Patsy to retrieve the blanket.

JonBenet's bedroom is definitely part of the crime scene.
Maybe but I don't think Patsy was the killer in the bedroom , I think the basement for death.
Originally posted by SisterSocks
#6 golf club humm?

Yeah - put an actual golf club up against the photo of the skull fracture. Then measure the club out and check the measurement dimentions of the fracture. The club will slide directly inside the hole. Oddly enough, even the pitch of the club on the #6 measures up to it.
Britt: ...you walk in the room and hit the switch, the light doesn't come on. See, cause when the room was redone, they put in a ceiling fan, one of the metal ones, without a light kit on it. The only light in her room was the lamp between the two beds. You have to physically walk over and turn it on. It isn't run by the switch. The switch was meant to run the overhead ceiling light which was removed to install the ceiling fan.

Ned: Damn Britt you are sooooo good, and don't know why I waited until now to make the connection. Since JB was a bed wetter they HAD to have used a flashlight to get her up in the middle of the night. I have read that statement several times and never made the connection. Guess my ole fuse is burning out LOL Well well, looks like this flashlight plays more and more right into this crime.
TLynn: (was Burke's knife hidden behind it?)

Ned: Burkes knife was found in the basement according to Lou
Here's a thought I always wondered about the 2 knifes, perhaps Patsy or John began cutting the rope with the paring knife, finding it dull, they retrived Burkes from the cupboard and brought it down with them to the basement.

I wonder if the BPD ever checked the sharpness on the knifes, and I believe only Burke's knife yielded rope fibers, is that right?
Ivy: John and Patsy may not have known that Burke had struck JonBenet on the head with the Maglite. After all, there was no outward indication that her skull had been fractured. Burke probably didn't admit to them he'd struck her. Why would he admit it if he thought that if he kept quiet about it, they'd never find out he'd done that to her too, in addition to everything else?

Ned: I have a hard time believing that any 9 year old child could inflict a skull fracture of that magnitude, therefore Burke is IMO the less likely suspect. To small to have done such a thing IMO.

Burkes question on the 911 call of "what did you find" clearly implies he had no idea of what was going on, when he woke that morning
Originally posted by Pook
Yeah - put an actual golf club up against the photo of the skull fracture. Then measure the club out and check the measurement dimentions of the fracture. The club will slide directly inside the hole. Oddly enough, even the pitch of the club on the #6 measures up to it.

Everyone has a threory , happy to hear some of yours Pook whats the rest of it?
Originally posted by Nedthan Johns
Ivy: John and Patsy may not have known that Burke had struck JonBenet on the head with the Maglite. After all, there was no outward indication that her skull had been fractured. Burke probably didn't admit to them he'd struck her. Why would he admit it if he thought that if he kept quiet about it, they'd never find out he'd done that to her too, in addition to everything else?

Ned: I have a hard time believing that any 9 year old child could inflict a skull fracture of that magnitude, therefore Burke is IMO the less likely suspect. To small to have done such a thing IMO.

Burkes question on the 911 call of "what did you find" clearly implies he had no idea of what was going on, when he woke that morning

I have to disagree with you Ned when it comes to whether Burke was able to inflict the head wound. I think Burke was fully capable of delivering that blow, especially if he had been angry at the time. What Burke was incapable of doing is covering up the crime scene the way it was done. I feel the reason Burke asked "what did you find" is because he had no part in the plan to cover-up. I think the Ramseys sent him to his room and he was told to stay there until they came to get him. I feel when he hears his mother on the 911 call and talking about a ransom note I think he was truly confused. I think John was very angry when Burke suddenly appears, asking questions at a very crucial moment when he was told to stay in his room. This could be the reason John snaps at Burke at the very end of the 911 call.
Originally posted by Nedthan Johns
Ivy: John and Patsy may not have known that Burke had struck JonBenet on the head with the Maglite. After all, there was no outward indication that her skull had been fractured. Burke probably didn't admit to them he'd struck her. Why would he admit it if he thought that if he kept quiet about it, they'd never find out he'd done that to her too, in addition to everything else?

Ned: I have a hard time believing that any 9 year old child could inflict a skull fracture of that magnitude, therefore Burke is IMO the less likely suspect. To small to have done such a thing IMO.

Burkes question on the 911 call of clearly implies he had no idea of what was going on, when he woke that morning

I agree!...

911 tape disputes Ramseys' story
Burke's voice is audible, contrary to parents' statement that he was in bed asleep when mom called

Rocky Mountain News Staff Writer

Burke Ramsey was awake and asking questions as his mother phoned police to report the disappearance of his 6-year-old sister, JonBenet, officials familiar with the murder investigation said Thursday.

A digitally enhanced tape recording of Patsy Ramsey's early morning 911 call -- which includes Burke's voice, according to the officials -- appears to contradict statements by the Ramseys that Burke was asleep in bed at the time.

Patsy Ramsey didn't hang up the telephone after placing the 911 call at 5:51 a.m. on Dec. 26, 1996, allowing a few moments of conversation between the family to be recorded, the sources said.

Boulder police, who have never publicly released the 911 recording, took the tape to a California laboratory for a sound enhancement in April 1997.

John Ramsey and Burke Ramsey, then 10, can be heard on the tape, according to the officials.

The sources described this sequence:

Patsy Ramsey cries and screams, "Help me, Jesus, help me, Jesus," after setting the telephone down, apparently believing she had disconnected the call.

Another voice -- identified as Burke Ramsey's -- is heard in the background. John Ramsey says to him, "We weren't speaking to you."

Burke Ramsey replies, "But what did you find?"

Boulder police and the Boulder District Attorney's office would not comment Thursday.

But an attorney for John Ramsey blasted what he called the "vicious leak" of the 911 tape's contents. Hal Haddon said whoever revealed the information is guilty of "criminal misconduct" and should be indicted.

"This vicious leak is one more example of the pattern of official misconduct which has characterized this investigation for the past 19 months," he said in a written statement.

"Police sources leak what they claim is critical evidence and spin it against the Ramseys. The Ramseys are helpless to reply because they do not have access to the evidence.

"The situation is a disgrace to the criminal justice system, which appears powerless to prevent it."

The Ramseys insisted Burke Ramsey was asleep when Patsy Ramsey found the ransom note demanding $118,000 for JonBenet's return and when she dialed 911 to report her daughter missing, according to the officials familiar with the investigation.

The couple made that statement soon after their daughter's death, and again in July during 20 hours of separate interviews with investigators from the Boulder County District Attorney's office, according to the sources.

Police listed the enhanced 911 tape as one of the reasons to take the case to a grand jury during a two-day presentation of evidence in early June to District Attorney Alex Hunter and his assembled experts.

John and Patsy Ramsey have steadfastly denied involvement in their daughter's death. But Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner has said they continue under an "umbrella of suspicion."

Burke Ramsey was interviewed in Atlanta in July. Beckner had said police considered him an important witness in the case.

Attorneys not connected to the case had different perspectives on what the tape means.

"It's significant because if this contradicts the statements of John and Patsy and Burke Ramsey, you can reasonably conclude that there was a reason for them to mislead law enforcement officers," said Craig Silverman, a former Denver prosecutor now in private practice.

"It explains the 'umbrella of suspicion' that we've been hearing about, but it doesn't advance our knowledge as to what person did what," he said.

Defense attorney Scott Robinson questioned whether such a tape recording would be admissible in court. He said there is not a lot of case law on such a situation.

Even assuming the tape is valid, Robinson said he quickly could think of six or seven scenarios that would explain the snippet of dialog, with interpretations ranging "from the sinister to the sad and sympathetic."

Hunter's office will not disclose the starting date or location for the Boulder grand jury. But sources said the 16-member grand jury would be convened sometime after Labor Day.
(Kevin McCullen writes for Rocky Mountain News in Denver. Staff writer John Ensslin contributed to this report.)
P-NY-08-20-98 2314EDT
August 21, 1998

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