What Scares Ron More Than Haleigh Gone Missing

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Here is my issue with the drug dealer took the kid, or the marrying Misty under the keep your friends close and your enemies closer umbrella;

If you have messed up your life and endangered your child to the point that someone breaks into your home and takes your child what would you do?

Track them down and kill someone?
Forget about saving your rearend and tell the police immediately in hopes they could get your child back alive?
If you know for a fact she is dead and your debt is not repaid don't you put your other child into hiding for his own protection?

If you are marrying the person you suspect and attempting to coax info out of them how many months could you do that before you killed them? beat them? grew exhausted of the charade and tried other tactics? would you stop talking to the cops? or would you share your concerns and hope they could bug the house and her phone?

Ron doesn't strike me as being in fear of some drug cartel.
He doesn't strike me as a father taking desperate actions in a desperate time.

Did he say 5 year old daughter? Cause that's a problem, she is six now, birthday was the 17th. If he said that, then he knows something we don't...

In his mind, she is still 5. Ask the parents of most missing children - they still picture, and think of, their children at the age they went missing. Michaela Garecht's mom said (in an interview or her blog, I can't remember) that while she knows Michaela is 30, she has to always remind herself that she is still not a 9 year old. I wouldn't read too much into that statement, he's probably just under stress.

I really dont think either one had a direct hand in her abduction, and I still get the impression that she is very much alive.

But maybe I hope too much.
Just had to add my 2 cents! RC & MC getting married not long after their child was kidnapped, feels in your gut just like CA not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days. As a human being you just know: something is terribly wrong and these people are hiding something. No way are they telling the truth, when their actions speak volumes.
Just had to add my 2 cents! RC & MC getting married not long after their child was kidnapped, feels in your gut just like CA not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days. As a human being you just know: something is terribly wrong and these people are hiding something. No way are they telling the truth, when their actions speak volumes.

Well, IIRC, one of the reasons early on may have been making his live-in relationship with an underage teenager look legitimate - regardless of any other motives - this fact was being talked about in the media (except for NG) and on many forums at that time.
Under the circumstance of a missing possibly raped and murdered daughter, MC being underage was something they didn't concern themselves about previously, why would they allow it to take attention away from moving mountains to find her? I don't buy it.
I feel that previously they weren't the topic of national news. No reason to get married, then the whole country was talking and shaking their heads about a 25 yr old man shacking up with an underage girl. If I were TN, I would have said "Son, marry her.. get the focus back on Haleigh". I think this is what happened.
This dude is afraid of prison, period. For a multitude of reasons.
I'm hoping this isn't old perspective. If so, just ignore or delete.

But here's my take:

Ron is no "love of my life" kind of guy. If you remember the 911 call, he had no trouble calling M a B*tch in no uncertain terms. He's had both drugs and violence in his past. Both are limited in education and values.

(IMO!) I'm thinking he was into some folks for either drug money earned, unpassed; or owed, unpaid -- and the minions came calling while he was away and M was there. In the heat of the moment and not fully realizing the consequences, he calls 911. Soon after, he may not have known exactly who, but he knew why.

If Misty gives it up, he goes away for a long, long time. His Mom would probably never forgive him (far more important than Misty's love and affection.)

Once it seemed likely that Haleigh was not coming home, the charade began in earnest. I shield you. You shield me. If we give the upper echelon up, she will never come home; if we give them up, we're also as good as deadourselves .


Sooooo.....going back to that Texas/Mexico vacation, what exactly was that about? It just doesn't seem in character for a single noncustodial RC who had very little legitimate means of support to suddenly want to take his very young kids on a vacation to where, so that they could do uhmmm, what?
I wish I could help answer that onelove. As I said not 22yr old irresponsible male would do this. They would not take an infant and a toddler across the county by themselves. He had not cared for them before and left all that stuff to CS. I don't believe he went there. Maybe someone else here can verify. There is family around on the boards.....don't know if they will respond though...lol
JMO - but the thing in life that scares him most is disappointing his mom and the thought that he will lose her love. - JMO
Things that may scare rc.

1. losing jr....not likely to let him go...ever.
2. destroying his image..he has of himself
4. LE scares him...refuses to talk to them w/o attorney
5. FBI scares him...refuses to talk to them w/o attorney
6. FDLE scares him...refuses but will if they refrain from certain question and his attorney is there to answer them.
7. spending time by himself
8. not having a truck
9. not having an attorney

....and finally being w/o a gun.
..... I don't believe he went there. Maybe someone else here can verify. There is family around on the boards.....don't know if they will respond though...lol

Help me reason this out: if he TOLD Crystal he wanted to take a 6 month old and 2 year old to Mexico, why would she say yes? Like you say, it just doesn't make much sense, especially with his age and prior history of NOT participating much in child care/nurturing behaviors, not to mention the status of his finances, well, on the surface anyway.

Why do you think RC didn't actually do this trip but only TOLD Crystal he was going to? It seems he could have said he was taking them to nearby Orlando, which a 2 year old might have enjoyed, or any other number of attractions in Florida that might have been fun for a kid that age. But a long, long trip to Mexico, which would be torture with kids that age?? A trip a 2 year old is not likely to even remember or enjoy? Not to mention a bottle feeding, diapered 6 month old.

And WHY would Crystal have said yes to this? Unless maybe the potential 'advantage' of having a toddler and baby to run the border with meant there was something in it for Crystal too?

I don't have a clue whether there is any merit in this or not, it just seemed pretty hinky to me at the time. If Ron did go to Mexico, if he DID have success with using the kids for border drug running, might he have wanted to keep them when he got back because they could be similarly useful back home in Florida? Its really pretty common, almost cliche. While it seems mean to wonder these things, remember that these were people deeply immersed in drug-using friends and family as a way of life.
Maybe the only thing in it for Crystal was a vacation of not having them with her for awhile. He may have told her his mother was with him and they were going to take a cruise. Whatever he told her CS bought it. She may have thought she had time to apply to get support now that he was away. Maybe he never went but took them to his GMAs and went to court and filed. I think he took them in August and filed Aug/Sept. He got picked up for drugs in Sept, I remember that. (judge payed no attention) He told judge that he heard when he was away that CS may have been doing drugs and he didn't want the kids around that....*cough*.
Help me reason this out: if he TOLD Crystal he wanted to take a 6 month old and 2 year old to Mexico, why would she say yes? Like you say, it just doesn't make much sense, especially with his age and prior history of NOT participating much in child care/nurturing behaviors, not to mention the status of his finances, well, on the surface anyway.

Why do you think RC didn't actually do this trip but only TOLD Crystal he was going to? It seems he could have said he was taking them to nearby Orlando, which a 2 year old might have enjoyed, or any other number of attractions in Florida that might have been fun for a kid that age. But a long, long trip to Mexico, which would be torture with kids that age?? A trip a 2 year old is not likely to even remember or enjoy? Not to mention a bottle feeding, diapered 6 month old.

And WHY would Crystal have said yes to this? Unless maybe the potential 'advantage' of having a toddler and baby to run the border with meant there was something in it for Crystal too?

I don't have a clue whether there is any merit in this or not, it just seemed pretty hinky to me at the time. If Ron did go to Mexico, if he DID have success with using the kids for border drug running, might he have wanted to keep them when he got back because they could be similarly useful back home in Florida? Its really pretty common, almost cliche. While it seems mean to wonder these things, remember that these were people deeply immersed in drug-using friends and family as a way of life.
IMO, she said yes, because she in no way wanted the daily responsibility of caring for 2 small children. Crystal was/is a drug abuser, she wouldn't even get up to take Haleigh to her Drs. appts. 12 times. Her youngest child was born addicted to drugs. She did not pay child support on Haleigh and Jr. Imo, it's pretty clear why she said yes. When she had her time to go to court to try and get them back she did not even show up, and then lied about the reason!
What Scares Ron More Than Haleigh Gone Missing?

IMHO... Apparently from ALL their diabolical tactics and the lies coming from Ron C and his family....I'll venture to say THE TRUTH being revealed concerning his involvement and WHY she has disappeared is what scares him the most.. Same with them too...JMO...
IMHO - What scares someone like Ronald Cummings is losing the opportunity(ies) to bully, intimidate, and threaten others to get what he wants - Ronald has been able to do that without interference for a long time but now, with Haleigh's suspicious absence, gone are the days when Ron's only audience are his inner circle of family & friends, the Sheffield family, and a handful of others within the community; NOW the curtains have been drawn back and the whole world is looking on and watching. What angers Ronald about the media/people "getting into his business" is that it's crimping his ability to actively and effectively bully, intimidate, and threaten others - in other words, it's taking away his power AND that is what scares Ronald more than anything!! JMHO -
My amendments to whisperer's list.
1. losing jr....not likely to let him go...ever. Because his mother would never forgive him.
2. destroying his image..That his family pretends he has.
4. LE scares him...refuses to talk to them w/o attorney
5. FBI scares him...refuses to talk to them w/o attorney
6. FDLE scares him...refuses but will if they refrain from certain question and his attorney is there to answer them.
Fumbling an answer w/LE and media. His mother would never forgive him. (I wuz gonna say she'd KILL HIM, but that's not literal & not funny given the situation.
7. spending time by himself 100%, but IDK for fact.[/i]
8. not having a truck disagree, but I'm sure he likes his truck pretty good
9. not having an attorney Not having mom & g'mom & attys & everybody else closeby ready to correct/cover for his mistakes.

....and finally being w/o a gun.And he is exactly who 2nd Amendment supporters want toting a gun.

IMO, she said yes, because she in no way wanted the daily responsibility of caring for 2 small children. Crystal was/is a drug abuser, she wouldn't even get up to take Haleigh to her Drs. appts. 12 times. Her youngest child was born addicted to drugs. She did not pay child support on Haleigh and Jr. Imo, it's pretty clear why she said yes. When she had her time to go to court to try and get them back she did not even show up, and then lied about the reason!

ITA and for those reasons I believe that she must be completely ruled out as a possible suspect.
IMHO - What scares someone like Ronald Cummings is losing the opportunity(ies) to bully, intimidate, and threaten others to get what he wants - Ronald has been able to do that without interference for a long time but now, with Haleigh's suspicious absence, gone are the days when Ron's only audience are his inner circle of family & friends, the Sheffield family, and a handful of others within the community; NOW the curtains have been drawn back and the whole world is looking on and watching. What angers Ronald about the media/people "getting into his business" is that it's crimping his ability to actively and effectively bully, intimidate, and threaten others - in other words, it's taking away his power AND that is what scares Ronald more than anything!! JMHO -

Could be, but seems even with the whole world looking on it hasn't stopped him from attempting to bully, intimidate, or threaten others....JS...TC..WBG all come to mind, and I'm certain there are more I may have forgotten to mention....JMO
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