What the Heck Is Wrong With Huckaby?

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What Is Wrong with Huckaby?

  • Pedophile/Pedophilia

    Votes: 31 10.8%
  • Munchausen's Syndrome/Munchausen's by Proxy

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Sociopathic, Psychopathic or Just Plain Evil

    Votes: 65 22.6%
  • Combination of All or Some of the Above

    Votes: 181 63.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 6.6%

  • Total voters
I just can't get past the "feeling" that Huckaby has a vicious, mean streak in her which she conceals until she "strikes". Have you ever interacted with someone who actually enjoys causing misery to others? Actively pursues that? Is truly a sadist? I have, and it's bone chilling, because they seek opportunities to dominate and injure others by finding a way to make them vulnerable. That's the tone of Huckaby's trail of misery left behind her that I keep hearing.

Who is more vulnerable than children?

Yes, I have had the displeasure to interact with someone as you describe. This person was a woman, a neighbor. She came off very sweet and nice. Ended up hitting on my husband. When he rebuffed her, it unleashed evil in her. She began stalking ME by phone, left "objects" on my front porch, sent one of her friends over to my house posing as a pest control person, etc. It got very strange. We actually moved out of our home for a month. The police were little help in the town we lived in. Found out she had a drug abuse past... meth. That was over 15yrs ago. We moved away shortly after, as we found the police to be NO help in the matter. We live in a different town now.

Anyway, after this MH thing occurred, my husband and I were talking about how, YES, women can be totally psycho, maybe even more so than men. I thought about that neighbor from years ago because she REALLY reminded me of Huckaby. I decided to google her name and WOW. found out she had committed several crimes... counterfeit, robbery, many meth charges always with rehab given... And found out she was DEAD. couldn't find out COD, assume OD or murder since they had no service, no memorial, county cemetary. Good riddance, IMO. She was an opportunistic person who would screw anyone over to get something. No sense of right and wrong, or no concern for it at least.

Yes, there is EVIL in this world. And yes, I have seen it in female form.
Is there a name for someone who knows they are having mental issues and refuses to get help or discuss with anyone that can help them?


Many schitzophrenics and bi-polar, or mania patients stop taking meds when they start to feel better...or don't take them at all. Also, they don't want to admit they have a problem. Sociopaths usually don't take meds at all (ie, Peterson and Anthony).

IMHO MH was schitzo, bi-polar, and manic depressive. She was taking meds at one point in time, and was previously requested by the court to undergo some type of psych evaluation.

She snapped, she went loopy, completely lost it. I have no other explanation for her crime.

I read Ann Rule's book "The Stranger Beside Me" about Bundy and know that she used cameleon a lot to describe him, and I do agree with you.

But, when the fortunate surviving victims describe him, they speak of an abrupt shift from good to evil, and they saw it in his eyes.

So that is where I'm getting at the possible dualistic nature of Huckaby.

I've never read Ann Rule. I had a friend once who just loved her stuff. Did she date Bundy? How creepy. Did Bundy know that she was a true crime writer? Creepy.

I haven't read too much about Bundy. For some reason whenever I want to look into a more detailed account, my skin crawl and I just can't do it. Will do it one day though. I wonder if people like MH and Bundy would see a kindred sick spirit in eachother. Nah... Bundy was too arrogant.
I've never read Ann Rule. I had a friend once who just loved her stuff. Did she date Bundy? How creepy. Did Bundy know that she was a true crime writer? Creepy.

I haven't read too much about Bundy. For some reason whenever I want to look into a more detailed account, my skin crawl and I just can't do it. Will do it one day though. I wonder if people like MH and Bundy would see a kindred sick spirit in each other. Nah... Bundy was too arrogant.

I am not sure Ann was a writer then. She was once on the police force.

But she and Bundy volunteered at a rape help crisis center together from what I can recall.
I don't disagree that both male and females who commit these crimes are sexual deviants/predators, however, it is clear to me that males and females can approach sexual deviance or all in all "sexual relations" of any sort in different manners. Psychologically, their views on sex and its connotations can be different. It can be that a female's view on sex can be more intensely influenced by their childhood experiences vs a male. To me, they are two different animals (literally) and I don't think there is anything wrong in discussing the possible reasoning and path in different lights. That said, the punishment, yes, I believe should be equal and in the eyes of the law, a crime should be treated no different in regards to the gender of the perpetrator. But we need to have an open mind that their paths to getting there statistically may vary greatly.

I have a question that may be construed as not politically correct. Was Huckaby as a child abused by a Hispanic male or female. Perhaps her rage was taken out on Sandra because of her ethnicity.
I have a question that may be construed as not politically correct. Was Huckaby as a child abused by a Hispanic male or female. Perhaps her rage was taken out on Sandra because of her ethnicity.

No such thing as not politically correct on Websleuths, IMO. We have to look at everything from all angles and I think it's a good question.
Start with Tulane, then. That's very general stuff you posted, and I'm not inclined to go hunting for a book to read to prove your theory. What dept., professor(s), drugs used, who were the children--details? What is the definition of "mind-splitting", which you are grouping loosely with MPD?
Imho, they're likely referring to the late Louis Jolyon West, who was one of the many psychiatrists involved in the 1950s-60s MK-Ultra projects and did much of his "research" at Tulane University. As for documented accounts of "attempted" creation of MPD (now known as DID) in children, the late George Holben Estabrooks is the most well known in that department, as he kept copious notes of his "work" (which is now on file at Colgate University). Estabrooks' child victims... um... I mean, subjects, were provided through a special arrangement with a (then) local orphanage in upstate NY, iirc. While some still point to Estabrooks' work as proof positive that he was able to create MPD in his child victims... um... I mean, subjects, I remain skeptical. Even so, I do not doubt for a minute that he screwed up several hundred kids from a psychological, emotional, and even social aspect, and I have often wondered where those victims are now.

ETA ~ I now see they were referring to the late Robert Galbraith Heath. Yes, the "work" he did, which iirc, primarily involved psycho-surgery, is widely known. So they weren't referring to West. Though, he too, was involved in research related to the creation of MPD.
Is there a name for someone who knows they are having mental issues and refuses to get help or discuss with anyone that can help them?

Medication compliance is a huge challenge bc once the client begins to feel better, they may not think they need their meds anymore. This may be in part due to the horrific side effects of some meds. Take neuroleptics for example. Neuroleptics are designed to combat psychotic episodes. They also have the nasty side effect of "numbing" the brain. And long term use can result in irreversible brain damage, Tardive Dyskinesia. TDK is similar to Parkinsons, by the way. To combat these side effects, the prescribing physician may add cogentin to the mix. Cogentin, unfortunately has its own side effect, blurred vision. Cost may also play a part. Esp considering that many prescriptions run in the hundreds of dollars a month arena, yet most who require that degree of medication are in the lower income, to poverty level range, simply due to their mental illness and inability to hold down a full time job. Now top this off with the staggering psychiatric bills that are often a combination of repeat hospitalizations along with required, at the very least, monthly visits to their prescribing doctors. And of course, lest we forget, the medications are being prescribed for a reason. To manage the mental illness. So, we come back full circle.
I voted for the combination of factors and (IMO) I believe histrionic personality disorder is present:

Histrionic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called dramatic personality disorders. People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and distorted self-images. For people with histrionic personality disorder, their self-esteem depends on the approval of others and does not arise from a true feeling of self-worth. They have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention. The word histrionic means “dramatic or theatrical.”

This disorder is more common in women than in men and usually is evident by early adulthood.

Your Voice: All for the death penalty
by Sophie Wan, Tracy

With regard to David Coursey’s letter (“Spare Huckaby the death penalty,” Saturday’s Tracy Press), Melissa Huckaby deserves what she gets if she committed that crime.

I had to sit there and watch her fake tears as she cried at the candlelight vigils they had for Sandra Cantu. She knew what she was doing.

Do you really think she wants to kill herself? No! She wants people to feel sorry for her. She wants us to think she is mentally ill. But the only thing she is mentally ill about is to think that I or anybody else really feels sorry for her.

Sandra will never have a ninth birthday, a graduation, go to college or have a family and a child herself. If Melissa Huckaby robbed Sandra of her entire life, the least we can do is take hers from her. There are people who learn how to live in jail — Huckaby has family that she can see and visit, she can talk to her children — she has a life, though it might not be on the outside.

Hopefully, she will get dealt with in prison, but she is actually being protected in prison.

I am completely in favor of the death penalty — hopefully, they don’t wait too long to do it. I would personally pay to see her put to death.

My children lived in fear of who was going to come get them in the night. I told them not to be scared, because I thought the killer was long gone, but lo and behold she was right up the road from us. I had to live across the street from her church and look at the police go in and out of a holy place while that church carried on with services on Sundays.
My guess has been that she is borderline sociopath (if not outright), psychotic, narcissitic, and perhaps there may be a dissociative disorder thrown in there for good measure.

I have to agree with you snapdragon. She's quite complex, and I think her mind is going to be a tough cookie to figure out. I'm talking along the lines of Manson and Dahmer. I have no proof, but my gut tells me this isn't the first crime she's comitted.


Is is possible Sandra did something to hurt MH's daughter's feelings? And MH, in her sick and twisted way, decided to teach Sandra a less and went too far?
Hello WS :)

Yes, what the heck is wrong with Huckaby? She cried and showed remorse when she was sentenced.


MH: "not a day, not an hour goes by that I don't think about..." (is this regret?)
MH: " I can't imagine forgiving someone who hurt my own daughter" (is this empathy?)
MH: "I still can't understand why I did what I did." (this one disturbs me the most)

What is that last statement? There is no way MH was a "normal" person before this: we know she drugged another child and had set fire to a building IIRC. I am not mystified that WE wonder why MH did what she did, I was assuming that perps knew why they did what they "did."

I was surprised to see "real" tears from MH, if that is what they were. And can I say that Sandra's mother is an amazing woman, as she was facing the monster that took her daughter away: she spoke of the pain MH's daughter will go through having a mother who did such a thing.

So, what the heck is wrong with Huckaby?
IMO she is mentally disturbed and evil. I read that she was diagnosed as bipolar and schitzophrenia and it appears now she is taking high doses of anti-psychotic medications, as she has gained a tremendous amount of weight since she's been incarcerated. However, it is my opinion that she is also evil due to the heinous and cruel nature of this crime. IMO she knew what she was doing...IMO she carried out the crime the whole while knowing what she doing. Mental illness played no part in it, but that's my opinion.
Hello WS :)

Yes, what the heck is wrong with Huckaby? She cried and showed remorse when she was sentenced.


MH: "not a day, not an hour goes by that I don't think about..." (is this regret?)
MH: " I can't imagine forgiving someone who hurt my own daughter" (is this empathy?)
MH: "I still can't understand why I did what I did." (this one disturbs me the most)

What is that last statement? There is no way MH was a "normal" person before this: we know she drugged another child and had set fire to a building IIRC. I am not mystified that WE wonder why MH did what she did, I was assuming that perps knew why they did what they "did."

I was surprised to see "real" tears from MH, if that is what they were. And can I say that Sandra's mother is an amazing woman, as she was facing the monster that took her daughter away: she spoke of the pain MH's daughter will go through having a mother who did such a thing.

So, what the heck is wrong with Huckaby?

See the words I bolded respectfully in the post by Chiquita.

No not regret for first statement IMHO. She's talking about what she is supposed to be feeling. She may not even think about it. Just what she thinks she should say. JMHO. Or, OTOH she might think about it, reliving details with enjoyment.

No not empathy in the second statement. IMHO. I don't think she can empathize. Again I think she is intelligent enough to have figured out how most other people respond and pretend she feels that way too. JMHO.

Third statement is all about her IMHO. Notice how many time she said "I".

I, I, I...me, me , me. I looked at not what she said but how she said it and all I can see is her.

(not picking at you Chiquita! Just jumping off your post :))

We will never know why she did what she did to Sandra. Her gender makes no difference in what was done. IMHO.

I'm curious to know the combination of Personality disorder's that she has---I do believe her at this point in time to be disordered not mentally ill.

This vile woman pedophile is just like the male pedophile. They never admit to raping their victim. I am sure in MH disgusting perverted mind she thinks it wasn't rape at all.:furious:

She said Sandra did not suffer and added, "I did not sexually molest your daughter."

But at a news conference after the hearing, Deputy District Attorney Tom Testa said, "I found that statement strange, and I don't think a jury would have accepted it. It's hard for me to believe that Sandra Cantu did not suffer."

Sandra suffered injuries to her genitalia that were consistent with the diameter of the handles of a rolling pin that was found at the nearby Clover Road Baptist Church, where Huckaby taught Sunday school and where her grandfather is the pastor. The rolling pin had a "bloody smudge" on it, and its handle was bent, authorities said.

The blood contained Sandra's DNA, authorities said.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/06/14/BAKJ1DUTQQ.DTL#ixzz0rRsAjTeP
In this article, the authorities are positing that huckaby has some form of Munchausen's and may have actually assaulted and murdered little Sandra in a bizarre bid for attention, possibly as the one who "solved" the case by finding the note and making the connection with her "stolen" suitcase. They point out that hucakby's daughter indeed was often sick and in the hospital, way more than she should have been and that huckaby was likely making her sick. They also point to huckaby's history of inflicting injuries on herself, which is common with Munchausen by proxy people. So are, IMO, creating stories that center on yourself, like being raped, attacked and, setting fires, all of which I think this nut did.
I have always thought she had a Munchausen's aspect to her. No matter. She raped and killed a little girl. The reason, although interesting to people like me who want to know what makes criminals tick, is trumped by the act.

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