What the Heck Is Wrong With Huckaby?

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What Is Wrong with Huckaby?

  • Pedophile/Pedophilia

    Votes: 31 10.8%
  • Munchausen's Syndrome/Munchausen's by Proxy

    Votes: 5 1.7%
  • Sociopathic, Psychopathic or Just Plain Evil

    Votes: 65 22.6%
  • Combination of All or Some of the Above

    Votes: 181 63.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 19 6.6%

  • Total voters
She might possibly be a pedophile or a number of other things but IMO it DEFINTELY takes a sociopath to do what she did. So I chose sociopath. No one with feelings or empathy for others could DO such a thing.

I buy that people can kill people who have wronged them out of rage, or have gambling problems or greed or something that would cause them to rob people, and many other things but I will NEVER work out in my head how anyone at all could even get the idea in their head to do such an awful thing to a child, especially someone who is a mother herself. I won't buy any excuse or explanation for Melissa Huckaby. :hand: Except sociopath. And still not an excuse.
What about teaching children to watch for dangerous behaviors in anyone instead of watching out for certain kinds of people? That's what this article mentions. I really like what he says here:

My child's now an adult. He was never abducted or abused but I wish I had thought like this when he was little. He would have been even better armed.

It seems more proactive to educate and empower potential victims than to depend on LE, as well-intentioned as they are.

I was errant in not noting in my post how important child education is, but stranger safety does not work as most often it is not a stranger. There are great programs for kids. Ed Smart talks about one all the time on Oprah.
Going on the information that is known currently, Melissa H fits the DSM-IV TR definition of Anti-Social personality quite well.
Judging from what we know about Sandra's sexual assault and murder, there is also a Paraphilia disorder involved as well.

Huckaby may have a psychosis or other more serious psychiatric disorder than we know, judging from the mental illness provisions in her past sentencing.

This is not to say she meets any criteria for a criminal insanity plea. I believe the dumping of Sandra's body in suitcase in a cow pasture drainage ditch negates any plans the defense might have for a successful insanity plea, which she has entered in the past, unsuccessfully.
Originally Posted by lngrid
What about teaching children to watch for dangerous behaviors in anyone instead of watching out for certain kinds of people? That's what this article mentions. I really like what he says here:

My child's now an adult. He was never abducted or abused but I wish I had thought like this when he was little. He would have been even better armed.

It seems more proactive to educate and empower potential victims than to depend on LE, as well-intentioned as they are.
I hope this is going to make sense.
SecretSquirrel (below) was quoting me (above):
I was errant in not noting in my post how important child education is, but stranger safety does not work as most often it is not a stranger. There are great programs for kids. Ed Smart talks about one all the time on Oprah.
SecretSquirrel, you may think you were errant, but I was on drugs when I posted. (Benadryl, actually.) I completely screwed up. I meant to say that we should teach children to watch for certain dangerous "red flag" behaviors from anyone, instead of teaching stranger danger, trying to sniff out potential pedophiles in unreasonable ways or relying solely on LE to protect our children and grandchildren. I meant to refer readers to this Contra Costa Times article, where MY quote had come from.

Can I use Benedryl as an excuse? I do remember feeling like I was about to fall asleep as I was writing that post. Should have gone to bed. :crazy:

My apologies to you and to KoldKase for responding so sloppily. I do pay attention to you both and respect your opinions.
...One thought in response to the question of the various crimes possibly committed by Huckaby: Ted Bundy committed many types of crimes, including a number of known thefts, which he was very much into planning. He used cons in some, as well, and he was caught occasionally at it. I am trying to drag that out of my memory, and one thing that comes to mind is he conned a store out of a stereo...or something like that...?

Bundy had so many educated, successful, professional people believing his "good law student" facade that he managed to penetrate state politics and enter into some lofty inner circles there.

Your comments got me thinking about the MPD debate.

Ted Bundy was a master of deception, I've heard people comment that it seemed like his face changed along with whatever persona her was presenting. Looking at pictures of Bundy from various periods in his life I can see where these reports are coming from. The differences in his appearance seem to be more than just the passage of time and are unlike those who frequently change their look. With Bundy it seems that so much more was involved than a simple change of clothing and hairstyle.

I wonder if this chameleon-like nature of Bundy that may be present in others like him is confused for Multiple Personality Disorder.
Your comments got me thinking about the MPD debate.

Ted Bundy was a master of deception, I've heard people comment that it seemed like his face changed along with whatever persona her was presenting. Looking at pictures of Bundy from various periods in his life I can see where these reports are coming from. The differences in his appearance seem to be more than just the passage of time and are unlike those who frequently change their look. With Bundy it seems that so much more was involved than a simple change of clothing and hairstyle.

I wonder if this chameleon-like nature of Bundy that may be present in others like him is confused for Multiple Personality Disorder.

Is it cameleon-like nature or what is referred to as: the Jekyll and Hyde persona?

I will never forget the image of the young lady who took a ride in his car and his kind and friendly nature turned to hatred toward her. He got some handcuffs on her and then tried to to hit her over the head with a tire iron, or pipe. She was one of the fortunate ones who escaped him by throwing herself out of the passenger door onto the street.
Ah. The lynch mob is looking better and better....

If LE and our government admittedly can't stop these perverts from raping and abusing children...then what ARE we supposed to do? Just ignore the criminals and victims, like collateral damage?

But no one here is "convicting" anyone, just to keep the record straight. It's a discussion forum, so we don't have that power.

Has anyone asked you about what your picture of the toddler with the burned legs is all about?
Let's see; Allegedly we have fire setting, petty theft, lawsuits for multiple ambulance rides and hospital bills, kidnapping, and then multiple counts associated with murder special circumstances.

Seeing as how I am just a lay person and taking into consideration that all of the above have been reported by the news, at the bare minimum there is a person here who does not have a whole lot of respect for the rights of others. Be interesting to learn a little more about her childhood and whether or not she was all that kind to animals...I know I sound flip but it sure sounds like a classic sociopath/psychopath.

Cases like this make me ponder the ability to head this kind of behavior off...did the people around her enable this behavior by helping her believe that she was not responsible (a'la Casey Anthony for example) or was she simply unable to see beyond her own needs? This is too simplistic I am sure....but I got the impression when watching her at her hearings that she goes through the motions of emotion...sort of like an actress...rather than actually feeling anything.

As for the suicide attempt, even Richard Speck cut his wrist when he realized he was going to be caught for killing the nurses in Chicago...and I seriously doubt he even felt the blade when he did it, he was so stone cold....JMO.
concentric is asking KoldKase about their avatar:
Has anyone asked you about what your picture of the toddler with the burned legs is all about?
That freaked me out too, concentric, UNTIL I clicked on the little link in KoldKase's signature. It's all explained there and is actually very sane. :)
concentric is asking KoldKase about their avatar:
That freaked me out too, concentric, UNTIL I clicked on the little link in KoldKase's signature. It's all explained there and is actually very sane. :)

Okay, I went and checked out the link as I have always had a "problem" with that picture being used on a site addressing our topic of discussion...

And, yes, now I understand the context, but I still find the picture itself disturbing.

I mean no disrespect to KoldKase in this, as I have always appreciated KoldKase's input.
Is it cameleon-like nature or what is referred to as: the Jekyll and Hyde persona?

I will never forget the image of the young lady who took a ride in his car and his kind and friendly nature turned to hatred toward her. He got some handcuffs on her and then tried to to hit her over the head with a tire iron, or pipe. She was one of the fortunate ones who escaped him by throwing herself out of the passenger door onto the street.

Kinda like Dr. J and Mr. H, except Bundy would switch personas depending who he was in different social circles. His hair would change, his weight, his mannerism etc. Its everything that MPD except Bundy was aware of what he was doing and the whole time he was Ted Bundy just with a few changes. So he didn't disassociate like MBD's do. He only has the superficial aspect of MPD, not the psychological issues an MBP has.

If you go to this sight and scroll down, you'll see a six pack of "The Many Faces Of Ted Bundy": http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/bundy/index_1.html
I thought the article that arielilane posted in the media thread about MH was interesting.

In short, three professionals were interviewed and all three came up with different possible diagnosis. They made good points too because looking at her behaviors we can see they fit well into the three different opinions.

KC is/was mundane by every definition of the word. Susan Smith too. They are run of the mill women that commit murder against their own children. Manipulative, Liars, egocentric, controlling.

I am interested to see how MH's criminal history, previous history of relationships (romantic and platonic) unfolds and to hopefully catch a glimpse into who she is, so we can decide if she is indeed different or mudane and boring and for lack of a better word, evil.
Kinda like Dr. J and Mr. H, except Bundy would switch personas depending who he was in different social circles. His hair would change, his weight, his mannerism etc. Its everything that MPD except Bundy was aware of what he was doing and the whole time he was Ted Bundy just with a few changes. So he didn't disassociate like MBD's do. He only has the superficial aspect of MPD, not the psychological issues an MBP has.

If you go to this sight and scroll down, you'll see a six pack of "The Many Faces Of Ted Bundy": http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/serial_killers/notorious/bundy/index_1.html

I read Ann Rule's book "The Stranger Beside Me" about Bundy and know that she used cameleon a lot to describe him, and I do agree with you.

But, when the fortunate surviving victims describe him, they speak of an abrupt shift from good to evil, and they saw it in his eyes.

So that is where I'm getting at the possible dualistic nature of Huckaby.
Something happened to her as a child, she went this far to get the attention. I think.. she thinks she's still a child, and when she won't get away with it, she will still have earned the attention she never had. Maybe I'm wrong.

I think this woman is a childhood gone totally wrong.

rip Sandra : (
How come when a man does something horrific, we don't talk about his childhood?
How come when a man does something horrific, we don't talk about his childhood?

I get your point, but actually I am not 100% sure this is true. I think that anyone's motivation for a sadistic crime, especially one that is focused on a child, is going to spark discussion on what we can find that might indicate why someone would behave this way. I cannot speak for others but my purpose is to try and gain some reassurance that I would recognize aberrant behavior around me and mine I suspect...and I would be able to protect us from pure evil. I am sure we could start a lively discussion on this O/T subject for sure.

In this particular case, the fact that it appears to be sexually motivated and it was not just a female but a PARENT makes this particularly heinous. The incidents of females slaughtering other peoples children are not common in this society. Males slaughtering other people's children are more common and makes sense in a twisted way if you take into consideration what we think we know about aberrant male behavior. Say what you will about the "rightness or wrongness" of it, we still have an inherrant Madonna type belief about women and children...and perhaps about women in general still. The fact that females have evolved to the point where we can both bring home the bacon, fry it up and fix the stove almost proves the point...jmo.
How come when a man does something horrific, we don't talk about his childhood?

Yes, why is that bone always tossed out there immediately when it comes to women when we never hear it if the predator is a male? Interesting question indeed.

I only see this tossed out there when it is a female as if they are the only ones who are abused as children and that simply is not true.

MH make adult choices and we are now discussing those deplorable adult choices she made.

There is nothing showing that MH was abused as a child imo. Only 15-25% of female sexual offenders were abused as children.

I think she has a sexual deviant twisted mind and may be more in the vast majority with other female sexual predators, than the smaller group of 15-25% minority.

Imo, I think it is simply easier to offer up excuses or reasons for any predatory acts that a female may be accused of......it seems it is much easier to believe that a woman must be insane or abuse made her do these dastardly acts rather than having to face the brutal truth that evil and perversion are not packaged just in one gender but BOTH.

However, I have never afforded females any excuses and I don't afford the male defendant any either. I have seen what they both are capable of doing and both can be just as cunning, diabolical,vicious, cold and calculating.

IMO, this is the path MH chose and Sandra Cantu paid the ultimate price when she crossed paths with this predator.

I think it has been highly unreported concerning these female sexual predators.

Being a mother does not shield anyone from doing evil acts. All we have to do is read this site continuously to know what some mothers are capable of doing and it is horrific as any male could do.

JMO of course.
I don't disagree that both male and females who commit these crimes are sexual deviants/predators, however, it is clear to me that males and females can approach sexual deviance or all in all "sexual relations" of any sort in different manners. Psychologically, their views on sex and its connotations can be different. It can be that a female's view on sex can be more intensely influenced by their childhood experiences vs a male. To me, they are two different animals (literally) and I don't think there is anything wrong in discussing the possible reasoning and path in different lights. That said, the punishment, yes, I believe should be equal and in the eyes of the law, a crime should be treated no different in regards to the gender of the perpetrator. But we need to have an open mind that their paths to getting there statistically may vary greatly.
I don't disagree that both male and females who commit these crimes are sexual deviants/predators, however, it is clear to me that males and females can approach sexual deviance or all in all "sexual relations" of any sort in different manners. Psychologically, their views on sex and its connotations can be different. It can be that a female's view on sex can be more intensely influenced by their childhood experiences vs a male. To me, they are two different animals (literally) and I don't think there is anything wrong in discussing the possible reasoning and path in different lights. That said, the punishment, yes, I believe should be equal and in the eyes of the law, a crime should be treated no different in regards to the gender of the perpetrator. But we need to have an open mind that their paths to getting there statistically may vary greatly.

I am not so sure that they are so different. I think they are very similar.

I don't see why a woman's childhood abuse would be any different than if a man had endured sexual abuse as a child. I just read an article that said that males are 10 times more likely to contemplate suicide than a female who had suffered sexual abuse. Imo, this is because males are often not seen as victims and they have no support group and that is why they are the least likely to even tell of their abuse or the gender of their abuser.

They truly have the same MO imo.

They go under the guise of appearing meek, unassuming, gentle, trustworthy and caring.
They both entice their victims.
They both go though grooming periods with their victims.
They both ingratiates themselves into the victim's life.
They both can be vicious and sadistic when sexually abusing the child victim.

This is the world that MH chose to live in. Imo she liked the sexual thrill that it gave her and the power and control she felt over a small vulnerable child. I think her sexual deviant thoughts were as disgusting as any male who does the same to children.

I continue to feel that the 7 year old child was her first target in the MHP but when the mother of the child got the police involved MH backed up and then selected Sandra as her next targeted victim.

It makes no sense imo that past childhood abuse could spur something like this. If that were so and with millions of children being sexually abused yearly then we would see more pedophiles than we do now. Both men and women.

IMO, MH wanted to satisfy her sexual fantasies of raping a child with a foreign object. That is the choice she and she alone made and Sandra trusted her and never knew until it was too late that MH was a lone wolf in sheep's clothing.

I bolded the part about meds. Nurse, you bring up some really good points. I also wonder if she was on a medication that made her homicidal. Or made her commit criminal acts. I've heard that a great percentage of persons who are in prison these days were once given medications for ADHD when they were children. I'm not making excuses for her, though. It's a sad reality.
I have been saying this all along too, although many posters disagree with me, I believe its the meds she was on...if you look at soooo many cases where mothers (such as andrea yates, susan smith, and the columbine high shootings, many other school shootings ) many of these cases all have a common denominator, the perpetrators were all on some type of psychotropic meds. I always here people say "well they were crazy before they were on the meds" well if that were true, think about this...why isnt there more violent crimes commited by these types of people BEFORE they were on the meds, I am going to make a systematic list of persons who have commited these crimes so people can see just how many of these women and children who commited these crimes really were on these drugs, some people do not react the same on certain meds, I have stated before that 3 close personal friends went into a downward spiral from some of these meds. One trying to kill herself 3 times AFTER she was on the meds and she has four kids!!!! So I am thinking the meds are making her worse although she may have had some depression before she even started the meds, the meds probably made her worse. MOO...


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