What was Casey Doing During the Day?

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During the Day Casey Was?

  • Hanging out at the Malls?

    Votes: 12 4.0%
  • Hanging out at her parents home while they were at work?

    Votes: 132 44.1%
  • Hanging out at Amys, while Amy was at work?

    Votes: 7 2.3%
  • Hanging over at some other guys pad?

    Votes: 44 14.7%
  • Working as a Call Girl or Dancing in Bars?

    Votes: 31 10.4%
  • Involved in some sort of illegal activity?

    Votes: 45 15.1%
  • Promoting Club Fusion?

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • None of the Above??

    Votes: 26 8.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I didn't vote because I believe it was all of the above. I can tell you what she WASN'T doing - working a legit job, caring about anyone other than herself, and LOVING CAYLEE. Actions speak louder than words CA.
I don't know what she was doing. I don't think it was anything in public though, because no one has stepped forward to say they saw her or her daughter.
3 years ago....Enjoying spoiling Caylee
2 years ago....Enjoying being Jesse's fiance
1 year ago.....Stealing items/Sudafed for profit/for new friends
Using drugs
Ignoring Caylee
Working online...Answering replies to escort service?

Having a sense of ENTITLEMENT that she could rip off everyone.

(Is it possible she has a felony & found it difficult to get a legit job?)
This is the one main thing that I can't figure out. If she was going to malls or the library, someone would have come forward by now. If she was at a strip bar, phone sex, internet *advertiser censored*, that would have been sold to a tabloid (anything-or-a-buck type of people) by now. If she was staying at home, one of the neighbors would have surely come forward to the police. She doesn't seem to have long lasting relationships to cover the entire 2-year time period so surely, if she was 'hanging out' at someones house, someone would have come forward by now.

Driving places costs money. Feeding a toddler costs money (they eat constantly). I would think that CA & GA would surely have noticed all the food that would go missing if they were staying at the house. Plus, they'd notice all the dirty diapers in the trash and various messes that toddlers love to create that aren't always easy to clean up. Plus, at that age children are just starting to enunciate words enough that you can really understand what they are saying. So I bet that whatever it was that she was doing with Caylee during the day was about to be exposed, by Caylee.

I find this whole 'what did she do all day' thing perplexing. It's the piece of the puzzle that is completely missing for me. KC had to be doing something to be bringing in money on a somewhat regular basis. After 2 years she would have been caught stealing from stores by now or at least been on the 'regular returners' list at most stores and would not be able to play that game anymore.

CA doesn't strike me as the type of mother who would just readily hand over gas and food money. I get the feeling that she would really give KC a hard time about it (deservedly so) with questions such as "how much DO you earn KC?" "why do you need money when you have a job?" I also think GA would have started investigating on his own, in secret, what his daughter was doing during the day if he had become truly suspicious of her activities earlier on.

Which leads me to wonder: HAS someone come forward to the police and it is an important piece of evidence and they are keeping it quiet?
I think she would leave a guys house in the morning and tell him she was going to work with normal hours. Then she would go to her parents house and hang out for a few hours telling them she didn't have to be at work until the evenings, at which time Cindy would be getting off of work and would watch Caylee. This would be just in time for her to tell whichever guy she was with at the time that she was getting off of work. It really wouldn't take much effort to bounce back and forth between a few houses.
here's another question ... what is she doing now?

She can't leave the house other than lawyer visits, eh?
Her calls are most likely being monitored.
She has no friends left, I would guess.
She probably watches the news and reads online though she's not supposed to be, and seeing all the things written and talked about her.
I would go as far as thinking her house is bugged.

Her family has to think she's guilty, deep down inside, don't ya think?
And if her mom was calling her an "unfit mother" before, I'm wondering what kind of verbal abuse she is giving to Casey.

She must know her days are numbered...
just a thought, what about identity theft? do you think she could have stolen peoples ids and got credit cards? i remember reading she used credit cards alot, and in LA interview he said there was some sort of id in her wallet that the detective grabed before he could see what it was.
If the neighbors have jobs they might not have seen Casey on many of the days she was there.
Not having worked for anyone other than Kodak at a kiosk in Universal, I don't think she ever found out what it was to be proud of an earned paycheck or ever developed a strong work ethic. She lost her job by abandoning it by not returning after Caylee was born. She didn't even pick up the phone to notify them. So she got to lay back for a while being a Mom and enjoying herself until it wasn't enough. The stealing began a while back as she seems to have gotten very comfortable about doing it. I've followed her pings on the cell phone for a few weeks now and no one I have ever known makes that many calls while driving in one day unless they are running something to or from wherever they are going or have just come from. Someone was selling and someone was buying something. She needed the money, so she was the "runner". The rest should be easy.
I bet she slept most of the day when she was not otherwise texting or spending time on the internet.
Although I'm sure that it's possible that every neighbor works everyday, I find it difficult to believe that one of the neighbors wouldn't have ratted her out if she was at home.

In every neighborhood I've lived in there is always at least one busy body. Always at least one retired person who is chatty. Always at least one friendly neighbor (not necessarily a close friend but an acquaintance) who, if they worked & took a day off & noticed that KC was home when she should be at work, would probably mention it, in passing, to GA or CA and definately would report it to the cops.

I've lived in several states in several different socio-economic environments and the one thing they've all had in common is the above-described neighbors. Since we know that the A's don't live on an isolated farm and that they've been in that house for more than a few months I just can't buy a neighbor not noticing or not saying anything to someone (be it the A's or the police when this case came forward).
All of the above- everything EXCEPT be a devoted, loving mom to her daughter.
I agree. Most likely a combo of all of these things.
you know she was at mommy and daddys. She is a 22 year old tit baby
There has been LOTS of evidence that Casey's parents seem willing to take her word on just about everything, so how hard could it have been for her?
There have been several statements made about Casey being able to work from home online. So she just tells Mommy and Daddy she is working at home, and plays on the internet. When she wants to go out, she tells them she needs to go to work so they will watch Caylee. IF she is asked about where her money is going, she lies and tells them things like she had to buy new clothes for work, they shorted her check, she had to pay the nanny, etc. I don't have the impression C&G ever dug past the surface on anything she did. In the documents there are references to her stealing from Lee, Cindy, Jesse, and Amy, and there are probably more. She is also a pretty girl, and seems to know how to work it, so I figure she probably got a lot of 'gifts' from men. She could have been doing something illegal and nefarious, but I doubt it. She just doesn't strike me as the type to believe she SHOULD have to work, regardless of what it is she is doing. Her sense of entitlement comes across as too strong.
No high school diploma or GED at age 22 would make it harder to get a job. I don't think she would be above lying about graduating, but I know it was my previous employer's policy that an employee have at least a high school diploma or GED before being hired.

I have a 2 1/2 year old who is a talker ... complete sentences and conversations, and I have to agree with the person who wondered how Caylee did not "rat out" Casey. My daughter tells everyone everything. My son was the same way.
I think she probably spent most of her time hanging out at home.

My sociopath father leeched off my mother until she issued an ultimatum (after about 15 years of sponging)--get a job or get out.

She left for work earlier than he left. He'd hang out at home until about an hour and a half before she was due to get home, then he'd bathe, get dressed in work clothes, and take off until shortly after she arrived home. After she was home and lubricated by a drink of two, he'd come home from his "long day at the office," and settle in for cocktails. On work days when she was at home, he dressed for "work" and parked himself in the library or someplace else for the day.

This went on for YEARS. I knew of it because I stayed in their house when visiting from out of town. (Yes, my silence was implicitly expected; yes I was an enabler. The dynamics are perplexing even to me, even from a distance of many, many years.)

I'm betting this was Casey's MO. Though I probably would have checked "all of the above" if it'd been an option.

What an interesting story. The thing that boggles my mind about this scenario as well as Casey's is... didn't anyone ever question where the paycheck was?
I see from the poll that the majority here think Casey was hanging out at home while her parents worked, but how can that be when they worked different shifts which only left a few hours during the day when G or C wouldn't be home?
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