What was Casey's plan?

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When Casey is tried and convicted and finally settles in for her long stay in the prison system of the State of Florida, it will probably be the very first time in her life that she has had any discipline and structure in her life. She will probably thrive on it and get fat and not so cute, too.
Could be she was drawing unemployment checks. I know if you quit it is hard to collect, if you are fired you can certainly draw unemployment. Anyone know how long you can draw? She would have been home during the day and get the mail, cash her checks, tell everyone she had a job. Wonder if she drew it, when it ran out?:waitasec:

I know in MD the max on unemployment is 26 weeks so roughly 6 months. Not everyone gets 26 weeks it depends on a few different things in regards to how you left your past employer etc. I'm sure every state is different.
I vote plan. Just not a very good or well organized plan. Jails are full of people who commited poorly planned and executed crimes. It seems the rule, rather than the exception. Premeditation doesn't mean that every detail is planned perfectly, and the "plan" doesn't require improvisation.

Applying non-criminal logic to a criminal plan, is sure to disappoint.

I agree.

Casey really wasn't careful either. She had to know her grandparents would catch her. Amy, too. I guess she was done with them.

I think she was within days (maybe hours) of giving up on Tony. She was grooming a couple of local men plus MH in CA. Maybe when Casey finally split from Tony she would have taken some of his money too.

There is no way Casey could have known Cindy was going to burst in when she did. Casey had been able to hide from Cindy for over a month.

I don't think the chloroform was for cleaning. I also don't think it was just to make Caylee sleep...too many OTC effective drugs for that.
Do we know how long Casey actually did work at Universal? And exactly when? I think I read somewhere she was there for a while, but I can't remember anything else. Anyone know the dates?

All I remember is her employment ended in 2006 and she was only there for about 6 months IIRC.

The dates are in one of the document dumps.
Yes you would think that she'd need more of a plan, but, we don't know just how many things Casey has gotten away with through the years with her parents, did they always believe her lies and never call her on anything? If her mindset was that they would go along just like in the past, then this might actually be the first time Casey's plan has never worked out for her. Did she think she'd tell the kidnapping by nanny story and it not get blown up to how it is now?
imo Casey did not actually do much thinking, she acted and reacted and has been squirming ever since to get out of the mess she has created.


No, we don't know how many things she's gotten away with - but, we know a lot...i.e., how does someone living in your home pretend to be going to a job for 2 years when, in fact, she's stealing you blind and "hangin'" with her buds all day?? How does your 18 year-old daughter get pg and you don't have a clue who the father is and don't bother to ask? Instead, you accept that he was killed in an accident on the way to Caylee's birthday party, and...then there's the Zani lies and on and on and on....

There was no "plan". That would require a little work and forward thinking...
I also believe that Caylee was just dumped somewhere handy and close - just can't see "Miss Thang" working up a sweat - ever...even to dispose of a dead body. This is one sick puppy.
No, we don't know how many things she's gotten away with - but, we know a lot...i.e., how does someone living in your home pretend to be going to a job for 2 years when, in fact, she's stealing you blind and "hangin'" with her buds all day?? How does your 18 year-old daughter get pg and you don't have a clue who the father is and don't bother to ask? Instead, you accept that he was killed in an accident on the way to Caylee's birthday party, and...then there's the Zani lies and on and on and on....

There was no "plan". That would require a little work and forward thinking...
I also believe that Caylee was just dumped somewhere handy and close - just can't see "Miss Thang" working up a sweat - ever...even to dispose of a dead body. This is one sick puppy.

Wouldn't it take planning to look up and get chloroform?

Casey also had ZG's name ready to go.

I agree with the above theory.

I think Casey wanted TonE. Cindy and George were most likely hassling her about not fulfilling her responsibilities as a mother. She was out all night and probably hung over and not too diligent during the days after George and Cindy went to work. I think going to her parent's house and getting Caylee was the day job the DJ saw Casey going off to.

It sounds like things came to a head on Father's day. Maybe Casey lost her temper with Caylee, too. Or maybe Casey was was fuming because her parents were so mean and passively/aggressively negligent with Caylee (all the gp's cared about in Casey's mind).

After the tragedy, I think Casey was living day to day pretending the whole thing never happened and making up stories when confronted. I think she put the messy evidence where she wouldn't have to deal with it.

Eventually she probably intended to come up with a plan. But in the meantime it was more fun being TonE's ideal girlfriend.

Cindy found Casey before Casey got around to any real plan. The police ratted Casey out to TonE before she could "explain".

Up to Caylee's disappearance, Casey's life was pretty much winging it day by day. I think that was and is still Casey's MO.
This is my theory too. Denial seems to be a "special" skill in this family.
1) KC stole money from GP's to finance trip to PR with friend.
2) CA caught her before plan could be implemented.
3) This results in blow up on Father's Day.
4) KC kills Caylee accidentially from rage/loss of control resulting from fight w/
CA. (manslaughter)
5) Buries body in backyard. Realizes she must move it before it is discovered.
6) Stealing from AH and CA to finance getaway.
7) Moves body (I believe) to Boggy Creek Road (or elsewhere).
8) Is stealing gas because she does not want to use her getaway money for
expensive gas, plus does not want to be filmed in gas station which might
give away movements. This hinders how far she can drive.
9) Realizes smell in car will not go away, so parks at AMSCOT, tosses bag
over the fence so it won't be found in the car when, she hopes, it will
be stolen because she left her purse on the seat, key in the ignition.
Might as well have put a sign out "Please take my car!". Clean neat way
to rid yourself of pesky evidence.
10) Go into hiding, don't return your parents calls, steal from your girlfriend
whom you claim you are going to move into your house when she returns
from her trip. Doesn't sound like how you treat someone you intend to
continue a relationship with.

I believe KC was trying to make preparations to run (maybe to California, her Marine?) and by the time people started to look for them, the evidence would be gone or close enough to not do any good. Plus, after that much time, she could claim anything had happened to Caylee and it would be very hard to prove. I think this is not going exactly as she wished, but well enough for her. Plus, she would not say anything to her friends about what is going on, that will look better once she is MIA. "Please, just give me one more day"...... Go ahead, poke holes in it! :crazy:
8) Is stealing gas because she does not want to use her getaway money for
expensive gas, plus does not want to be filmed in gas station which might
give away movements. This hinders how far she can drive.
Go ahead, poke holes in it! :crazy:

Respectively Clipped

Why would she buy all the crap at Target/Win Dixie if she wanted to keep the $$ for getaway? Wouldn't she just keep writing checks to herself until they bounced then leave?
1) KC stole money from GP's to finance trip to PR with friend.
2) CA caught her before plan could be implemented.
3) This results in blow up on Father's Day.
4) KC kills Caylee accidentially from rage/loss of control resulting from fight w/
CA. (manslaughter)
5) Buries body in backyard. Realizes she must move it before it is discovered.
6) Stealing from AH and CA to finance getaway.
7) Moves body (I believe) to Boggy Creek Road (or elsewhere).
8) Is stealing gas because she does not want to use her getaway money for
expensive gas, plus does not want to be filmed in gas station which might
give away movements. This hinders how far she can drive.
9) Realizes smell in car will not go away, so parks at AMSCOT, tosses bag
over the fence so it won't be found in the car when, she hopes, it will
be stolen because she left her purse on the seat, key in the ignition.
Might as well have put a sign out "Please take my car!". Clean neat way
to rid yourself of pesky evidence.
10) Go into hiding, don't return your parents calls, steal from your girlfriend
whom you claim you are going to move into your house when she returns
from her trip. Doesn't sound like how you treat someone you intend to
continue a relationship with.

I believe KC was trying to make preparations to run (maybe to California, her Marine?) and by the time people started to look for them, the evidence would be gone or close enough to not do any good. Plus, after that much time, she could claim anything had happened to Caylee and it would be very hard to prove. I think this is not going exactly as she wished, but well enough for her. Plus, she would not say anything to her friends about what is going on, that will look better once she is MIA. "Please, just give me one more day"...... Go ahead, poke holes in it! :crazy:

I can see this and I have toyed with her possibly getting rid of her parents so she could inherit the house. She had been telling a friend or friends that she was going to get the house. Either that or she was planning on having the car stolen or found and time ran out on her plan to fake her own kidnapping. She might have wanted to convince Tony to move somewhere else or thought he was going to or she was going to run to California to sack up with the military guy. Mostly she probably just hoped everything would go away so she could live a normal life as she saw it. What happened to a quiet shy good student in high school that caused her to drop out suddenly? What caused an employee of the year to abandon her job, start sleeping with anyone and everyone, lying, stealing, cheating? What caused that seemingly normal high school girl with good grades to create a fictional list of characters in her life? What caused her to usurp details about those she envied and incorporate them into her own life? What causes a seemingly doting mother to kill a child out of spite and then drive around with a rotting corpse in the trunk? This sure seems like a case study in "nurtured" sociopathy. Sexual abuse victims exhibit many of these characteristics, and many sexual abuse victims develop sociopathic tendencies.
Lee could tamper with the date on the 'alleged Father's Day video' all he wanted, it was still verified by the staff and others this video did take place on Father's Day.
Quote: What happened to a quiet shy good student in high school that caused her to drop out suddenly? What caused an employee of the year to abandon her job, start sleeping with anyone and everyone, lying, stealing, cheating? What caused that seemingly normal high school girl with good grades to create a fictional list of characters in her life? What caused her to usurp details about those she envied and incorporate them into her own life?

Actually, these are also all classic, textbook signs of a child who has suffered the extremes of narcissistic parenting--and finally rebels. From what we know, CA exhibits both extremes: the overindulgent coddling, failure to discipline and hold KC accountable, while simultaneously overbearing and controlling to the point of running her daughter's brain... The kind of upbringing which can produce a child who has at the same time neither benefited from the rewards of discipline nor learned to take responsibility, while raised to be self-centered, entitled, believing they are "special" and therefore above the rules. JMHO
No plan. She learned early that her family would go along with whatever lie she told. She said, "Caylee's been missing since the 9th." Everyone echoed, "Yes, the 9th!" This though they had seen Caylee on the 15th.

Who ELSE would tell LE lies that are so easily disproved? Like invisible people and non-existent offices.

She just played it by rear.
I can see this and I have toyed with her possibly getting rid of her parents so she could inherit the house. She had been telling a friend or friends that she was going to get the house. Either that or she was planning on having the car stolen or found and time ran out on her plan to fake her own kidnapping. She might have wanted to convince Tony to move somewhere else or thought he was going to or she was going to run to California to sack up with the military guy. Mostly she probably just hoped everything would go away so she could live a normal life as she saw it. What happened to a quiet shy good student in high school that caused her to drop out suddenly? What caused an employee of the year to abandon her job, start sleeping with anyone and everyone, lying, stealing, cheating? What caused that seemingly normal high school girl with good grades to create a fictional list of characters in her life? What caused her to usurp details about those she envied and incorporate them into her own life? What causes a seemingly doting mother to kill a child out of spite and then drive around with a rotting corpse in the trunk? This sure seems like a case study in "nurtured" sociopathy. Sexual abuse victims exhibit many of these characteristics, and many sexual abuse victims develop sociopathic tendencies.

Sociopaths tend to start a lot earlier than that.

And, most sexual abuse victims develop PTSD, not sociopathy.
If Casey had a premeditated plan...what was it? It was obviously not a very good plan.
Lets see: Murder my baby. borrow a shovel from neighbor. Bury baby somewhere. return shovel. steal gas from parents. Tell parents Caylee is with babysitter and tell BF Caylee is with parents. No one will ever miss her!!!!

I've tried to do reverse planning and I'm unable to come up with anything that makes any sense if it was planned.

If it was not planned and it was an accident...what was her plan to cover it up? tell parents she is with babysitter and tell friends she is with parents. They will never miss her!

It was not the kidnapped theory because she would have reported it immediately and come up with unknown person taking Caylee, not babysitter that does not exist and police can verify...so stupid!!!!

Then once her mom found her, why say 31 days???? why not improvise and say it was that night? You know when Cindy wanted her to take her to Caylee, why not drive to Sawgrass. Knock on the door. Grow frantic when no one answered. and pretend at that point that Caylee was then missing with Cindy as a witness.
She purposely dug a deeper grave for herself by saying 31 days.

Either there is a lot we don't know, or she is the dumbest criminal in the history of criminals.

She had to say 31 days because no one had seen Caylee since then. She was counting the days as well. I have always gone back to her exact count as a red flag of something sinister, like her knowing how long it would take for her little body to decompose or counting her days of freedom.

I think Casey believed strongly that she could convinced anyone of anything and that they would believe her because so far this has been the case for her with friends and family. She faked a job for a long time and it was very easy. A person like Casey Anthony had NO love for Caylee or for anyone other than herself, so it would be hard for her to think into the future and imagine that other people would care so much to find her. I honestly believe she was going to use "Caylee is with the nanny" for a long time and then switch that to "Caylee is better off with the nanny than me" - eventually choosing to never speak to her parents again and never let them see Caylee. The fight she had with her mother was a perfect opportunity to break away from them.

She thought time would erase Caylee and no one would care because emotionally she didn't. Her big mistake was being lazy and not getting rid of her car.

She did NOT expect Cindy Anthony to barge in that day as Casey told her she was in Jacksonville. Her ZG plan simply unfolded into a bigger story. I believe this why she was delaying her mother and why she told her - "The nanny was keeping Caylee safe in a routine and that they should not interfere and they would pick her up in the morning."

I suspect there would be no Casey in the morning. But Cindy called the cops.
I'm sorry that I haven't read everyone's posts on here, and this has been said before on various threads, anyways, I think :

every day Casey grew more resentful of having to take care of Caylee because near the end maybe, in her mind, she envisioned Caylee as betraying her as in: Caylee forever wanting attention, but favoring Cindy, asking for Cindy.

Then there is the allure of having a permanent relationship with TonE--the way out of her single mother hell.

IMO she thought she would definately get away with this kidnapping scam, and she still does. I think she truly believes there will not be enough evidence to convict her. So she keeps on keeping on.
I used to think she had spent some time planning this based on the web search of ZFG months before the actual disappearance and the fact that someone with that name visited Sawgrass a couple of months before too. BUT if she did take months to plan this, she did a terrible job. She couldn't rationally explain any of the evidence and probably still can't despite what JB is telling people.

I keep going back and forth between "Planned out for months" and "It happened out of the blue". Without seeing all the evidence the state has against her, it's hard to piece this one together. I'm hoping these mysteries and more will be unveiled during the trial.
I posted this awhile back in the theories thread, but I still think it seems to fit;

Casey's major struggle in life has always been Cindy. They battle for control endlessly. All the friends state that she fought with her mom, hated her dad, and RG says that she spent all the days she could at their house, obviously not wanting to go home. She did everything in her power to be out of the house as much as possible. But when she had Caylee she anchored herself to the house she wanted to leave and put even more control in Cindy's hands. Cindy did care for Caylee and did many things right, but we know behind closed doors she told Casey what she is and that she was an incompetent mother among other things.

We also know that Cindy was very paranoid about Caylee and the pool, no doubt harped and harped on the subject as she is prone to do. I think the self labeled "vindictive " intended to stage a drowning that would appear to be Cindy's fault. Cindy was the one with her in the pool usually, and definitely so on the evening of the 15th. Cindy mentions that the ladder was back on the pool after that date and she was sure she took it down, being that she is so so careful about that.

The chloroform was intended to prevent Caylee from fighting, which would leave evidence by way of marks etc, and possibly attract attention by way of noise. This plan completely fell apart when Caylee died from the chloroform application. Now she can't stage the drowning, there will be no water in her lungs. They will do additional testing and Casey will be the only one that was there. She makes a handful of calls and then pieces together this hairbrained idea of what to do.

During this time Caylee's body is in the backyard, therefore the cadaver dog hits. Possibly left overnight, but I am not convinced of that, huge risk. She puts her in the trunk either the 16th or 17th. She has no clue what to do at this point or what to say since this wasn't her plan at all, but being Casey she goes out with her friends, makes up lies about the great time Caylee is having at every amusement park known to man (the sociopathic version of she is in a better place?), and does her best dodging and lying to Cindy that she can muster.

Based on her communication with Amy she mentions the smell in the car, and then on the 27th tells her via text that there was something dead (in the grill of the car) and that she got rid of it. I of course take that to mean she dumped the body that day, but originally thought this happened much earlier. Each day that passes her life is more and more normal without Caylee, she is happy, she is away from Cindy except for a few stressful phone calls, and everyone seems to buy the story, she actually thinks Caylee can just be with the fantasy nanny on a neverending fieldtrip and no one will ever be the wiser. Cindy storming the door on July 15th and involving the police took things to a whole new level and one Casey was not prepared for. She thought she could lie her way out of it and had Cindy given her until morning instead of calling the police Casey probably would have run.
:no: Actually her plan worked out pretty well, we can't find Caylee. My theory is based on the motive that Caylee was simply an interference in Casey’s partying lifestyle, and Casey being a true Sociopath with no real feelings of love or emotions, simply disposed of her, driven by an underlying jealousy between mother and daughter, both of whom I believe are narcissistic.

:no:I believe Casey sought out some sort of revenge against her mother because of her controlling nature and her threats to take Caylee away from her. Since the gas cans were returned empty and were stolen along the time Caylee was last missing, I certainly believe it was used to either burn or disguise the smell of the body. The time frame of the borrowed shovel would better help assist me with my thoughts on whether Caylee was either at one time buried in the backyard or just was laid there temporarily which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, unless Caylee used the Chloroform and then ultimately drowned her. It would have been simple enough.

:no: No fighting or screaming child to deal with, she would have been knocked out from the Chloroform and simply drowned without fighting. I would like to know how long a person has to be dead before cadaver dogs can pick up their scent?

I believe the dirt found in the back of Casey’s trunk will confirm if she was at in that backyard. The neighbors shovel will also be tested for dirt to confirm whether or not Caylee was buried at one time in the backyard.

:no: My theory on the abandoned car?
Casey’s purse having been left in the car and deserted have me to believe she was going to disappear. That way when they found the car, there would be no Caylee and no Casey. It would have looked like abduction. Casey didn’t count on the car being towed so soon.

Where is Caylee? My guess is somewhere close to where the pings point to when she made several calls on her cell phone. Buried, burned, tossed in a dumpster, or thrown in a gator swamp, I don’t believe she will ever be found. But Casey’s purse being left in the car indicates to me she planned to simply disappear. I believe this murder was more carefully planned then we all think. The fact that Casey searched for the uses of Chloroform on her computer prior to the crime indicate premeditated. Her purse and Amy’s number being left in the car are NO accident. It was a set up and was made to look like the two (Casey and Caylee) were abducted.
OK, so what would the premeditation consist of? The searches for Formaldehyde?

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