What we know about Ransom Note

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poco said:
This may have already been discussed in length on this thread. However, I just ran across it and found it quite interesting and wanted to share it with those of you who weren't aware of it.


The note is the most critical piece of evidence in this case.
Because of it, the true nature of this crime was revealed.
An unintentional death that had to be staged to cover up what REALLY happened to hide/divert attention away from - the identity of those involved.
Because it would have been too obvious and too difficult to try and explain "what happened."

Not rocket science here.

BTW - I just love how so many forget to include the all important "NOR PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF" when discussing government's role regarding religion. You'd think it wasn't even there..... But it is.
So stop prohibiting our free exercise of religion. Put back up those Ten Commandments. Let the students pray at football games and in class if they want! Afterall - the hypocritical congress begins EACH DAY with a christian minister leading them in PRAYER.~ IN GOD WE TRUST (or at least most USED to...)
Shawna said:
Order The Book "I Know You are Lying" by Mark McClish. You will not regret buying it. :)

That sounds like a great book Shawna. How did you relate what you read in that book to the Ramseys? just curious.... :)
He also knows when you've been bad or good so be good for heavens sake.

I think McClish is in for a surprise on the third day after his death.
I do believe that I would read every single scrap, scratch, mark and message contained in a ransom note that was left in my OWN home, when MY BABY has been taken out in the dark of night!

Am I nuts, or do you think you would have read the ENTIRE RANSOM NOTE, or just called the police??

BUT before you called the police, (a possibility in this case, that they called their brunch club -I take no credit for this another poster called them the 'brunch club')or immediately after you call the police you call your friends to come piling over. Who while there tidy up the kitchen, destroying possible clues and evidence.

Would you have called your childs name, screaming frantically for her, and looked in every nook and cranny of your home while holding a fireplace poker, broom, ball bat, heavy purse, flashlight, car jack handle, rolling pin, golf shoe with cleats, spray cleaner, or something in case you encountered this 'perp' in your own home?

Yet no, Burke slept peacefully, or so they said at first, not being awakened by the screaming of a FRANTIC scared spitless mother, (that would be me)

Lack of concern about JUST EXACTLY WHAT the ransom note said, equates in my pea brain to about equivalent to Scott Peterson leaving to hang up missing posters and sitting in his car 'actionless' for nearly an hour. Hmmm.
Great questions, Camper.

First, I would read the entire note before doing anything. Then I would immediately call the police on my cell phone, not a house line.

Yes, I would call them despite the threats in the note because it's my perception that the crude handwritten rambling letter is not consistent with a fancy criminal capable of high-tech scanning and scrutiny.

But of course I would tell the police about the threats and tell them to be very careful and inconspicuous.

Then I would gather up the rest of my family, sit down together somewhere and wait for the police, during which time I would be asking lots of questions.

I would not search the house, but would wait for the police to do it. I would not touch anything and would make sure no one else touched anything either.

And obviously duh and double-duh I would not invite anyone over nor even call anyone.
Of course, obvious questions come to mind when thinking about finding a ransom note like they did. After Patsy began to read it she probably got as far as directions to get $118,000, then panicked. She calls John with the news, then both probably started checking bedrooms, etc. John could have gone downstairs to make a quick check. At this point maybe they read the rest. John might have gone out the front or back looking for cars. Or they could have called the police after the quick house inspection, and began to look closer at the note at that point. It seems pretty obvious that they would check inside and at least look outside the front and back.
John seemed to be quite interested in what it said being that he was on all fours in the hall reading it on the floor. Patsy had a miraculous way of knowing what it said without even reading it when she spoke to the 911 operator.
Camper said:
Am I nuts, or do you think you would have read the ENTIRE RANSOM NOTE, or just called the police??

A normal reaction is to do what Patsy did.......once you read we have your daughter, run and check and when she's not in her room, panic and call police. When John came down to see what was going on, I believe Patsy raised the part about not calling police......and they both quickly decided to call 9ll and ask for help. They had no way of knowing what was ahead. Why would you think to check the house when there is a note saying they took your daughter and wanted ransom money? Another normal reaction is to call friends for help---the Smart's did the same thing.
Camper said:
I do believe that I would read every single scrap, scratch, mark and message contained in a ransom note that was left in my OWN home, when MY BABY has been taken out in the dark of night!

Am I nuts, or do you think you would have read the ENTIRE RANSOM NOTE, or just called the police??

BUT before you called the police, (a possibility in this case, that they called their brunch club -I take no credit for this another poster called them the 'brunch club')or immediately after you call the police you call your friends to come piling over. Who while there tidy up the kitchen, destroying possible clues and evidence.

Would you have called your childs name, screaming frantically for her, and looked in every nook and cranny of your home while holding a fireplace poker, broom, ball bat, heavy purse, flashlight, car jack handle, rolling pin, golf shoe with cleats, spray cleaner, or something in case you encountered this 'perp' in your own home?

Yet no, Burke slept peacefully, or so they said at first, not being awakened by the screaming of a FRANTIC scared spitless mother, (that would be me)

Lack of concern about JUST EXACTLY WHAT the ransom note said, equates in my pea brain to about equivalent to Scott Peterson leaving to hang up missing posters and sitting in his car 'actionless' for nearly an hour. Hmmm.

Camper, you're not nuts! I would have read the whole note carefully and IMHO most mothers would especially ones that are home most of the time w/their kids. I experienced one of my 4 kids missing and I was all over the house inside and then outside non-stop(luck was on my side and she was hiding in the closet) ANYWAY ...Yup...I'm reading the same page you are (same chapter/same book of life)... excellent observation BUT MOST DON'T GET IT ... HUM? IMHO if I were Patsy and I had just called 911 because my baby was gone, I would not be thinking of nothing else (no friends ...notta thing BUT MY BABY) ...


How was Patsy so able to focus (got to call friends) UNLESS SHE HAD A PLAN (premeditation/thoughtful thinking/planning while she was cancer-striken/bedridden that whole year thinking of how she/they could become rich/famous in a negative/positive way to save the world? (maybe?))...in JonBenet's name of course; remember Patsy's statement that JonBenet would never have to know what it was like to have cancer or to feel the pain of loosing a child, and that she was in a better place, etc.,; IMHO this was Patsy's way of justifying what she thought/did/created as she played GOD/JUDGE/JURY with JonBenet and her life... :silenced:
I've thought about this often. I honestly don't know what I would do. I think I would most likely crumble, become hysterical. I think my cool-headed hubby would take charge. He would most likely want to phone the police but I think there would be a battle between us over this which would cause a delay. I think I would go crazy. We did actually lose out older daughter on holiday when she was 3 years old. We'd been on the beach in Italy and were packing up for the day. She had a sweet wrapper and we told her to go and put it in a nearby bin - we returned our attention to packing up. What happened was that she got engrossed nin watching some other children on the way to the bin that she tripped and fell into a hole some kids had dug in the sand. When she stood up, she was disorientated and continued walking - but in another direction. We quickly noticed she was gone but started searching in the wrong direction. I really was hysterical very quickly. For what seemed like hours, we searched shops and walked about calling her name - to no avail. Eventually, we decided that the police needed to be contacted. So we went back to our hotel and the hotel manager took charge (he was fantastic). Seemingly, this is an everyday occurrence in this resort and they have a wonderful recovery system! There is a central telephone number for reporting missing and found children. Nico, the Hotel manager was very scathing that anything might hapen to our little girl. He said "In Italy we love our children". Sure enough, within minutes, our daughter was located at an old folks home about a mile away! A worker had found our daughter wandering on her own and had taken her back to her home and called the central hotline. In the meantime, they fed her ice-cream and pop and kept her amused. Apparently, the old folk thoroughly enjoyed having a young visitor!

The experience only lasted an hour, but it was a nightmare and I was a wreck.

The only thing I am certain that I would do is waken the other children and grill them. Everything else is anyone's guess!
Quote from Maikai - "A normal reaction is to do what Patsy did.......once you read we have your daughter, run and check and when she's not in her room, panic and call police. When John came down to see what was going on, I believe Patsy raised the part about not calling police......and they both quickly decided to call 9ll and ask for help. They had no way of knowing what was ahead. Why would you think to check the house when there is a note saying they took your daughter and wanted ransom money? Another normal reaction is to call friends for help---the Smart's did the same thing.

Your sense is that Patsy, did not want to call the police, then why would she call her friends to 'come over'?
Tell me what help the Friends would be?

WHY did they NOT call what turned out to be their very best friends the Stines to come over? Remember they stayed with the Stines for a lengthy period of time AFTER the murder. IF Maikai if you can believe what you believe, then I can believe that the Stines were very good friends BEFORE the murder, which Ramseys deny as being a fact. I would have called my MOM! You know what, MOM would have MADE me read the ransom note to her, EVERY SINGLE WORD. My best friend had I called her would have MADE me read every single word of the ransom note to her.

Also when someone has been kidnapped from the family home, there is typically a sign of forced entry.

Not to look around the house is a speculative thought, from someone who perhaps has never had little children in the home, who do indeed play pranks. One of whom was still sleeping/not sleeping.
The Ramseys originally claimed that they called their friends over to help search the area and the neighborhood.

Of course, once they arrived, Patsy had them preparing coffee, etc. and fussing over her. Nobody has ever claimed that they tried to do any searches, etc. and they were never asked to do so either.

No search was ever done.
The "Brunch Club" was invited over as a deversion and Ive always felt,as an "image" thing.Like,"look at what solid,upstanding INNCOCENT people we are......everyone loves us,our Minister is here,all our wonderful friends who belive in us blah blah blah"plus theyre great witnesses AFTER the fact (they could testify in Court just how distraught Patsy was!) and act as de facto witnesses to JBR being located.

I think it started as J & P thinking they'd only invite maybe The Fleet's and/or just The Fernies but you know Patsy! The guest list grew because well theres just people you cant NOT invite isnt there? ;)
there you go exagerating things again. Patsy wasn't directing anyone to do anything----he victim volunteers were the ones tidying things up, and getting lunch. The house WAS searched by Officer French--the first police officer on the scene. Remember that? Once the police got there, they were in charge. Linda Arndt was told the house had been searched. They just missed the cellar room. I think everyone's focus initially was trying to set things up waiting for the ransom call, and seeking leads on who was angry or upset with the Rameys, or needed money.

Barbara said:
The Ramseys originally claimed that they called their friends over to help search the area and the neighborhood.

Of course, once they arrived, Patsy had them preparing coffee, etc. and fussing over her. Nobody has ever claimed that they tried to do any searches, etc. and they were never asked to do so either.

No search was ever done.
Camper said:
Your sense is that Patsy, did not want to call the police, then why would she call her friends to 'come over'?
Tell me what help the Friends would be?

WHY did they NOT call what turned out to be their very best friends the Stines to come over? Remember they stayed with the Stines for a lengthy period of time AFTER the murder. IF Maikai if you can believe what you believe, then I can believe that the Stines were very good friends BEFORE the murder, which Ramseys deny as being a fact. I would have called my MOM! You know what, MOM would have MADE me read the ransom note to her, EVERY SINGLE WORD. My best friend had I called her would have MADE me read every single word of the ransom note to her.

Also when someone has been kidnapped from the family home, there is typically a sign of forced entry.

Not to look around the house is a speculative thought, from someone who perhaps has never had little children in the home, who do indeed play pranks. One of whom was still sleeping/not sleeping.

Patsy said in an interview that when John came down she was saying what do we do? what do we do? It says not to call the police......and John told her to call the police--a decision they said they both came to simultaneously.

I don't know why they didn't call the Stines, but that's not even relevant. Patsy's mother was in Atlanta. It wasn't a child's prank--JBR could barely read, let alone write a note like that. The Ramsey response was entirely correct, considering the panic they were facing at the time. They trusted the police to do the right thing. They did check Burke......at that point in time, they wanted immediate help---they had no idea what to do, or have the presence of mind to conduct their own investigation inside the house looking for clues.
Maikai said:
there you go exagerating things again. Patsy wasn't directing anyone to do anything----he victim volunteers were the ones tidying things up, and getting lunch.

Now Maikai,

There you go, minimizing things again. The Ramseys initial rationale for calling everyone over to the house was to have them comb the neighborhood for their missing daughter.

That is no exaggeration. As far as Patsy, she was coherent enough to know she needed her "friends", but incoherent enough to ask them to help look for JonBenet? She was coherent enough to dial all those numbers to her friends.

In a situation like that, I can't imagine not getting many wrong numbers as your hands are shaking and you are beside yourself with worry and such. Patsy was able to manage.

What a woman!
Maikai said:
Patsy said in an interview that when John came down she was saying what do we do? what do we do? It says not to call the police......and John told her to call the police--a decision they said they both came to simultaneously.

I don't know why they didn't call the Stines, but that's not even relevant. Patsy's mother was in Atlanta. It wasn't a child's prank--JBR could barely read, let alone write a note like that. The Ramsey response was entirely correct, considering the panic they were facing at the time. They trusted the police to do the right thing. They did check Burke......at that point in time, they wanted immediate help---they had no idea what to do, or have the presence of mind to conduct their own investigation inside the house looking for clues.

BTW Maikai,

We know where Nedra was. Where was Grandpa Paugh? Do you have any information regarding his itinerary that day?

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