What we know about Ransom Note

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UKGuy, I apologise if I sounded bombastic. I've been at this a long time and it infuriates me when the identity of the note author is staring us in the face and some people refuse to even take a look to check it out for themselves.

I don't know who staged the scene. My personal theory is that Patsy and John covered up for Burke. Taken in context with John saying they weren't angry at the killer and JAR saying the killer should be given "forgiveness" it makes sense to me.

The one thing I know for sure is that Patsy wrote that note!

I have to say this is looking more and more like my own version of that night's events. I also have always thought PR wrote the note.
The Rs seemed uncannily forgiving, almost placid, considering the brutal way she was killed, the sexual aspects of the crime, and the fact that a parent found her. There was more at stake than forgiving a stranger.
Yes DeeDee you are right. For years I have subscribed to the theory that Patsy did it, but now I'm not so sure. I know that she wrote the note and I'm pretty sure she staged the crime scene as the fibres from her jacket were entwined in the garotte knot. I'm just not sure whether John knew about the staging or not.

The head blow fits more in with a Burke did it scenario IMO. I can't make it quite fit otherwise. I think it's possible that John did take melatonin and go to bed that night, leaving Burke up playing with his Christmas toy and Patsy packing for the next morning.

It's possible JonBenet annoyed Burke snatching his new Christmas pressie or something and he hit her hard over the head with the flashlight or something else. He had done it before. Maybe John was heavily asleep and Patsy staged the whole scene, telling John about it in the morning. Making it seem like a sexual crime was possibly pointing as far away from Burke as she could make it.

I know all the arguments about them not letting Burke go with Fleet etc after the body was found, but we don't know what they said to him to make him fear. Who knows? They could have told him he had to keep his mouth shut or he would be taken away from them. It's possible. Think of the secrets that abused kids keep for years and years, going to school and acting normal when terrible stuff is going on at home. I don't think Burke was abused at all, but I know at 9 if my parents said I had to say nothing or would be taken from my home, I would have kept pretty quiet!!

I don't know more than anyone else but certainly covering for Burke is high on my list. He may not even have been aware that he hurt JB as badly as he did. If he hit her hard and then told Patsy, she may have sent him to bed without him knowing what he had done. Then when they were up and phoning 911, Burke could genuinely have asked "what did you find"?. He could have been totally unaware of what had transpired after that. To him it may just have been a normal sort of fight with JB.
When I first heard of this case, I was a Burke Did It. Over the years I've changed my mind. One of the reasons is the evidence of previous sexual abuse on JonBenet's little body.
This lead me to John being the one who abused her and Patsy caught him in the act and struck out. And the story goes on from there.
But, still I have this Burke did it attitude.
It makes sense, if maybe Burke had molested his little sister. In the form of playing doctor or some child-like game. He knew it was wrong and I do think he was caught before doing something to his sister. So, that would make his parent's rage even more conviencing for that evening.
Also, I have always wondered about his comment to his mom, "Why did JonBenet have to die?"
Not "Why did she die? but Why did she have to die.
But, BDI makes sense when you study the lack of further detective work after the grand Jury didn't return a charge. The state laws in colorado could have ended the police work on this case if it does not charge a child under a certain age.
Thanks for posting a link to Cherokee's thread on the ransom letter. It's brillant! I do have a few points to add since I'm a retired newspaper reporter about writing style for journalists. But I'll do in in another post.
I think I've said before that if Patsy was covering for Burke (or thought she was) it would explain her self righteous attitude in interviews and such after the crime.
AZWriter, I've also thought that the prior sexual molestation was possibly Burke playing "doctors". I think it was the housekeeper said she had caught them doing that and I don't think it's a stretch at all. Remember the dictionary page with the corner pointing towards the word "incest".

It would just make sense of some of the Ramsey's behaviour (but in no way excuse it).
Yes, it was housekeeper Linda Hoffman-Pugh who caught the children playing "doctor" or similar activity. I think she said she found them playing under a blanket on a few occasions and BR was furious and screamed at her to get out and leave them alone.
I'd be willing to bet that Burke and JonBenet were doing nothing more than the old "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" routine.

I'd be willing to bet that Burke and JonBenet were doing nothing more than the old "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" routine.


Sure, two young kids, not much supervision, odd attitudes in the family toward sexual matters. Kids get into trouble all the time. I sure did.
I'd be willing to bet that Burke and JonBenet were doing nothing more than the old "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" routine.


Nothing that hasn't occurred in many families. But SOMEONE was molesting JBR. While I don't necessarily suspect BR, it had to be someone else in the family.
Yes, it was housekeeper Linda Hoffman-Pugh who caught the children playing "doctor" or similar activity. I think she said she found them playing under a blanket on a few occasions and BR was furious and screamed at her to get out and leave them alone.

BR was furious and screamed at her to get out and leave them alone.
Never read that anywhere, imo, that attitude would elevate the behaviour to exploitative.
UKGuy, I apologise if I sounded bombastic. I've been at this a long time and it infuriates me when the identity of the note author is staring us in the face and some people refuse to even take a look to check it out for themselves.

I don't know who staged the scene. My personal theory is that Patsy and John covered up for Burke. Taken in context with John saying they weren't angry at the killer and JAR saying the killer should be given "forgiveness" it makes sense to me.

The one thing I know for sure is that Patsy wrote that note!

No you did not sound bombastic, that was just me being terse and ironic. Assuming the forensic evidence is valid then it appears that both John and Patsy assisted in fabricating the crime-scene. its John's fibers that lie beneath the staged clothing and blankets and that of Patsy's above, implying two phases of staging. Also Patsy lied through her teeth regarding the size-12's when she didn't need to do so, memory loss or a more consistent story should have prevailed? The only conclusion I can take from this is that Patsy, at the point she was adding the garrote etc , was unaware that JonBenet was wearing size-12's, otherwise her statements to the investigators would not be that she placed the size-12's into JonBenet's panty drawer e.g.

ljbrsink2RS: I think this is her bathroom sink and drawers?

That is it is unlikely that Burke initiated the first phase of staging then told his parents, also there is no recorded forensic evidence linking Burke to JonBenet particularly dna, he is a young immature boy, not an experienced criminal versed in the methods of evidence removal, the crime-scene is too complex for him to have created it.

JonBenet's chronic injuries point to someone else and the nature of those injuries offer up a motive for killing JonBenet!

And that is also ONE thing that I know for sure!!!
Me too. Patsy wrote that note - no question.
Now who would Patsy cover up for? Certainly not for an intruder. This was a family affair.
please go over to FFJ and read Cherokee's analysis of the ransom note with a totally open mind. It is an excellent, comprehensive analysis.

This is the link...


Respectfully Snipped Zotto :)

I had read Cherokee's analysis earlier, it is excellent and of all the analysis has the most I already thought and/or agree with. Analysis such as this only confirms my intuition about so many things.

I do not know if Cherokee says this or not but: I noticed where it says; "We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction."

I am sure this has been pointed out on many threads long before I arrived at WS but I realized it says they represent a small foreign faction. They are not even the foreign faction, they just represent them.

Because of all the information I have gained from WS and FFJ this is what is coming into my mind right now : I had the thought the ransom note was supposed to be written by the housekeeper.

LE: John, I've noticed you made a comment on the 26th regarding and it was a (inaudible) comment, about this being an inside job. But if this was someone that you know who did this, who would have had the best opportunity to have come into your home and move throughout your home and wrote on a note pad in your home to have done this?
JR: Well, and that morning we had certainly focused on the cleaning lady. I mean she had free reign of our house, she had a key, she had spent the weekend.
(skip)same statement
There had been some very bizarre behavior.
(skip)And based on the room was just such an out of the way place that I just don't...

IIRC, it was the housekeeper and other(s)with her that brought up all the Christmas decorations from the basement per Ramsey statements.

JR confused me here and after this part because it seems he is willing to believe someone may have come in the window but "you couldn't really see the windows from off the street/wasn't obvious to anyone but him", and he lets LE know that it was difficult for him to get into that window. I wondered why. But I think that its because they wanted people to think that the housekeeper and her husband did this to get money from them.

They never wanted anyone to take "the small foreign faction or those who represent them" seriously. The RN was (maybe)written to look like the housekeeper wrote it. That's why its okay to be a woman's handwriting, okay to be on a pad found in the house: that is why JR would be the one to point it out to LE. The amount would be an amount the housekeeper might know.

The housekeeper would feel comfortable in the house. Comfortable using Patsy's things. Patsy was supposed to leave a check for two thousand on the counter for the housekeeper(who has a key)but would be picking it up after the Rs go on their trip.

In thinking of the language: switching to using the familiar "John". Using the "motherly" directions. Get good rest(paraphrased). The misspelling of the words and the whole kidnapping/ransom note plan in general, could be the Ramsey's idea of what the "uneducated poor" desperate for money(and maybe jealous)would try to pull off.

I've always wondered what their own experts said about the note and it's writer,all I heard from them was PR didn't write it of course.Did they ever profile the writer and stuff?


John Ramsey's Statement
Press release dated July 23, 1997
Thursday, July 24, 1997

Therefore, today I am announcing an escalation in my own efforts to find the murderer of JonBenet. Prominent experts in the fields of criminology, handwriting and language forensics have developed a profile of the probable behavior of JonBenet's killer before and after the crime. Highly qualified handwriting analysis experts have developed a template for our investigators to use in comparing key features of handwriting samples against the note.

Based on tips received from our previous advertisements and other fieldwork, our investigators are looking into solid leads. While we are limited in our work because we do not have access to the forensic information and do not have police powers to search and test, we do have the advantage of knowing that no one in our family is responsible for JonBenet's death and we can evaluate information without prejudice.

Leads,experts.......did we ever hear from those experts?(Except Douglas saying parents like these don't murder their kids,bla,bla)
Oh I forgot,they weren't hired to find the killer,they were hired to protect the R's.Makes sense.

I find it very interesting though that JR's profile of the killer fits......guess who?

The profile provided to me suggests the following:

JonBenet's killer may have been suffering from some stress in the weeks and months preceding the crime; (sounds like PR)

A triggering event, such as a job crisis or crisis in a personal relationship, may have caused this individual to vent anger, perhaps at a female close to him, or perhaps at me personally; (a female CLOSE to him,hmmm)

Since the murder, this individual may rabidly read news reports of the investigation, listen to talk talk radio shows oriented to coverage of the murder; (I know,I know,PR said they never watched tv again.Right)

He possibly has increased his consumption of alcohol or drugs; (what about anti-depressants)

He may have even turned to religion; (HA! :D)

He may be rigid, nervous and preoccupied in casual con versation; (sounds like you,JR)

He may have tried to appear very cooperative with the authorities if he was contacted during the course of the police investigation; (appear,I agree,sounds like you again)

He may have quickly constructed an alibi for his whereabouts the night JonBenet was killed (yep,was sound asleep)and may have repeated it several times to key individuals around him as if rehearsing them in the answer; (sound like your LE interviews)

The killer is someone who may have previously been in my home. (he/she lives there?)
Also: in perfect murder perfect town they have Patsy saying about the ransom note: "that looks like Linda's handwriting." How accurate is that? Is this something taken from what officer French stated Patsy stated?

I think they wanted it to look like it was the housekeeper, just to belabor my point. :)

Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note - Forums For Justice

Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note Copyright 2007 by Cherokee

He made a series of claims. In order to evaluate these claims, I make use of LLRN and BRN in order to see how well his claims hold up, and as an independent check to see the soundness of his conclusions. If I don’t offer a counter-claim, it is likely I agree. I agree that the note contains movie references to Speed, Dirty Harry, Ransom among others.

Like the RN, I started out carefully formatting but then as I grew tired, I just started cut and pasting. Note, Cherokee owns the copyright to his statements, but I provided them as fair-use, in that I provided his statement, in context, and counterexamples, if I am aware of any. There might be some sloppiness on my part on the cut and pasting, I apologize in advance, but Cherokee’s analysis spans over 3 pages single spaced text.
Unless otherwise stated, the material comes from Cherokee, LLRN, BRN, and RN.

“When I first read a copy of the Ramsey ransom note, I immediately knew it was a fake. The content was overly dramatic and much too wordy to be a real ransom note from real kidnappers.”

Please see BRN. 970 words $500k paid out. LLRN almost so.

Also in line 2, the beginning phrase, “Listen carefully!” has been noted by others for its ironic use of the word “listen” even though the communication is written, not spoken.

I'm sorry this had to happen, but I am in bad need of money, & couldn't get it any other way” Weinberger ranson note, “attention” not “read carefully”

“Further analysis of the note showed that even though the author strove to present a threatening tone, a strange concern for the recipient of the ransom note was present. There was almost a “motherly” quality to the instructions given in phrases such as “Make sure that you bring an adequate size attache,” “put the money in a brown paper bag,” and “I advise you to be rested,” among others.”

from BRN

"Loved one-please come home. We will pay all expenses
and meet you anywhere at anytime. Your Family."

“Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts

The money should be placed in a large cigar box, or if this is impossible, in a heavy cardboard box, securely closed and wrapped in white paper.

As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death.

In addition, the parallel linguistic construction of the paragraph containing the sentences ending with “she dies” was almost poetic in nature, and certainly not believable.”

“parallel linguistic construction” exist in other RN’s of “almost poetic in nature”

this comes from BRN

if you will, if you pay
the ransom prior to seven days,
Should you catch the messenger
we send to pick up the ransom
We will immediately know his fate.
Should you catch all, of us
we will never admit anything as to do
If you ask the police t
She is quite safe, if somewhat
Should you catch all, of us
we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again
-she will die.

As you can see, you don't want to catch We can see no way for you to secure the safe return o

The salutation only addresses one parent, not both parents of the allegedly kidnapped child. The ransom note author uses the formal “Mr. Ramsey.” What is interesting is why the author felt a salutation was necessary. A ransom note only has to state the amount of money demanded and the time of a call and/or where to make the drop. Finding the note in their home, and their daughter missing, the Ramseys would assume the note was addressed to them.

LLRN Dear Sir;
As you no doubt know by this time your son has been kidnapped.

your daughter has been kidnapped by us and we now
hold her for ransom. She is quite safe, if somewhat

Also in line 2, the beginning phrase, “Listen carefully!” has been noted by others for its ironic use of the word “listen” even though the communication is written, not spoken.

You need fear no physical harm for him provided you live up carefully to the following instructions,

First of all, the faction would not be “foreign” to the writer if they were truly foreign. Secondly, a true terrorist or rebel faction never describes their organization as “small.” They want to appear powerful and able to inflict harm at will. They will boast of their large numbers and ability to do damage. By using the adjective “small,” the author is obviously trying to minimize their threat. But why?

William Hance 1978
We are an organization composed of seven members
(William acted alone in staged kidnapping of Gail Johnson)

Once again, the writer is somewhat redundant in saying JonBenet is “safe and unharmed.” To be “safe” is to assume to be “unharmed” and vice versa.

-agreed but has been noted before.
Allow me to ensure you that he is at present well and safe LLRN

The instruction to “bring an adequate size attache” is unnecessary and part of the author’s need to tell the story. They are visualizing the scenario as though it was playing out in a movie, from where they probably got most of their ideas for the ransom note. Concern about the “adequate size” of a container for ransom is NOT in the mindset of most kidnappers.

3. The money should be placed in a large cigar box, or if this is impossible, in a heavy cardboard box, securely closed and wrapped in white paper.

3) The bills should occupy no more than 400 cubic inches and thusly fit into a standard large suitcase of inside dimensions 31.5" longx18.75" highx6.25" deep. Purchase such a suitcase and lock the bills inside.

The ransom note author is following the steps taught to all communications/journalism majors on how to write a story ... who, what, why, when, where, and how.

It should be noted that Patsy Ramsey was a journalism major, and very proud of that accomplishment. She even used the initials of her bachelor’s degree in an acronym with her name. Patsy knew how to write and tell a good story. Her “talent” portion for beauty pageants was dramatic speech.

Of course, Patsy is not the only journalism major in the world, just as she is not the only person who uses far right indentation in her letter closings and exclamation marks. But the fact is important because Patsy was one of four people in the house the night JonBenet died, and she had access to the ransom note pad and pen.

As we have seen, the ransom note author’s main purpose was to establish the identity of who wrote the note, and therefore, who was ultimately responsible for the dead body in the home. Once that priority was taken care of, they turned to what and why, a kidnapping scenario somehow related to a foreign faction, and when, supposedly at the time of writing. With those details in order, the writer next concentrates on

LLRN & BRN accomplish this, neither were journalism majors.

The sentence reads, “I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery.”

Once again, the writer is concerned with instructions, not action. The author’s true focus is subconsciously revealed because they know there has been no kidnapping, there will be no ransom and therefore, no real action will be taken or needed.

. Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty. LLRN

You will receive a future communication instruction you as to your future orders. :LLRN
. Here are the requirements you must meet in this matter BRN

The main thought of the sentence, “The delivery will be exhausting” is followed by a subordinate clause “so I advise you to be rested.” The author continues using the first person singular pronoun, but the most important factor in this sentence is the concern expressed for John’s welfare. No hardened criminal, vagrant or “foreign faction” would care if John was “rested” or not. The concern is a subconscious revelation of the author’s personality, which is nurturing, and therefore, according to probability, female.

This is further confirmation of what we saw earlier in the paragraph. Linguistically, the ransom note author has now taken on a decidedly feminine voice in their overall tone and choice of words.

However, should you carefully follow out out instructions to the letter, we can assure you that your son will be safely returned from LLRN sounds feminie

She is quite safe, if somewhat
uncomfortable. We offer no proof of our possession of her
at this time. It will arrive by mail in a few days. Barbara is
presently alive inside a small capsule buried in a remote
piece of soil. She has enough food and water and air to
last seven days. At the end of the seven days the life supporting
batteries will be discharged and her air supply will be cut off.
As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death.
When you have the money in readiness, call all the Miami
area major newspapers and place the following ad in the "personal" section of the classified advertisemsnts:

"Loved one-please come home. We will pay all expenses
and meet you anywhere at anytime. Your Family."
Within twelve hours after you deliver the money you will receive another call advising you of your daughter's whereabouts. A letter will be sent also to insure the findings of your daughter.

Most importantly, in this last paragraph, the writer sets the stage for the reason JonBenet will be found dead. They threaten that JonBenet she will be “executed” if there is any “deviation” from their instructions. They warn, among other things, that the Ramseys are not to call or contact anyone.

With this, the purpose of the ransom note is revealed. The ransom note author KNOWS the Ramseys will completely ignore their repeated warnings and contact not only the police, but also an address book full of friends. How does the writer know this? Because they are not a foreign faction, or even a criminal, but a member of the Ramsey family who knows JonBenet is already dead. For this Ramsey, ignoring the very warnings they have penned is part of the plan. It provides the reason for JonBenet’s death and why her body is found in the Ramsey’s basement where it was presumably taken after the kidnappers detect (with their omnipotence) the Ramsey’s non-compliance of their demands.

Any deviation from this outline will result in your death.
Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty.

They warn, among other things, that the Ramseys are not to call or contact anyone.

Don't tell anyone or go to the Police about this, because I am watching you closely. I am scared stiff, & will kill the baby, at your first wrong move. Peter Weinberger

Should you catch all, of us we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again-she will die.

1) Although we will always anticipate the involvement of the police in this situation, be assured that if your communication with them or their actual presence is detected, we will break off negotiations with you immediately. We have tied into several
of the possible means of communications that you have with the police and feel that you will be unable to contact them without our

The threatening tone of this paragraph continues with the sentence in lines 31 through 33. The sentence reads, “You will also be denied her remains for a proper burial.” This statement opens a window into the ransom note author’s mind, as they try to top the execution threat with another punishment.

Why is this necessary? Wouldn’t JonBenet’s DEATH be considered the ultimate punishment in the mind of the writer? The answer is because JonBenet’s death has already happened. It is a fact of reality and the only thing left is for her body to be found, thus the focus is on JonBenet’s BODY not her death.

The ransom note author is now having trouble suppressing their emotions about JonBenet’s death, and the accompanying images of her lifeless body. These images are starting to become a part of the ransom note as the writer struggles to maintain focus and concentration.

The use of the adjective “proper” in relation to the noun “burial” is interesting as it shows how important a “proper burial” is to the writer.

"As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your *lovely and intelligent daughter* to death."

The author is concerned with the care of JonBenet’s body just as they were concerned with John being rested. There is a nurturing, and feminine, component in the midst of the sentence’s threatening tone.

Before modern times and the advent of funeral homes, women were responsible for the care and proper preparation of a body for burial. They bathed the corpse and dressed it in the deceased’s favorite or best clothing. JonBenet’s body was treated in similar fashion. When it was found, it had been wiped clean and wrapped carefully in a blanket.

The parallel with the ransom note with JonBenet’s body cannot be dismissed. In both the staging of the ransom note and of JonBenet’s body, there are elements of the macabre and horrific, but underneath the harsh words and images there is a paradoxical thread of nurture and concern. This thread is part of the writer’s true identity that lies just below the false self-imposed mask.

. Barbara is
presently alive inside a small capsule buried in a remote
piece of soil.
The box is waterproof and very strong-fiberglass reinforced
plywood-she has little chance of escaping. The box is in an unusual and lonely place. She has no chance of being accidently stumbled upon.

Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. . If you ask the police to advise you in this matter please be aware that
their very presence will scare us off. We can see no way for you to secure the safe return of your daughter other than to obey instructions explicitly.
Within twelve hours after you deliver the money you will receive another call advising you of your daughter's whereabouts. A letter will be sent also to insure the findings of your daughter.

The next section of the ransom note is a lengthy and overly dramatic warning about what will happen to JonBenet if the Ramseys speak to anyone about their “situation,” “tamper with” the ransom money, or wear any “electronic devices” during the money drop. The writer also claims they are familiar with “law enforcement countermeasures and tactics,” gives percentages on the Ramseys chances of getting JonBenet back or of “killing” her, and states the Ramseys are “under constant scrutiny as well as the authorities.”

The author takes great pains to stress what will happen to JonBenet if the Ramsey do not cooperate with their instructions. They also stress their omniscience in being able to monitor the Ramseys and “the authorities” which includes bank workers and law enforcement. Because the ransom note writer is working backward from an end results, the excessive threats and claims of omnipotent surveillance are necessary to explain events that have already happened in the Ramsey home.

. Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty.
1. For obvious reasons make absolutely no attempt to communicate with either police authorities or any private agency. Should you already have communicated with the police, allow them to continue their investigations, but do not mention this letter.
As a final word of warning - this is a strictly commercial proposition, and we are prepared to put our threat into execution should we have reasonable to believe that you committed an infraction of the above instructions

Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. If you pay the ransom prior to seven days,
we will tell you of her whereabouts. Should you catch the
messenger we send to pick up the ransom, we will simply
not say anything to anyone and ergo Barbara will
suffocate. The messenger knows only one of us and he will report to us via radio from the pickup site. We will immediately know his fate.

Should you catch all, of us we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again-she will die. As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death. The police may allow you to have a free hand prior to the return of your daughter
should you be so callous as to contact them. If you ask the police to advise you in this matter please be aware that
their very presence will scare us off. We can see no way for you to secure the safe return of your daughter other than to obey instructions explicitly.

With this, the purpose of the ransom note is revealed. The ransom note author KNOWS the Ramseys will completely ignore their repeated warnings and contact not only the police, but also an address book full of friends. How does the writer know this?

Should you already have communicated with the police, allow them to continue their investigations, but do not mention this letter.

1) Although we will always anticipate the involvement of the police in this situation, be assured that if your communication with them or their actual presence is detected, we will break off negotiations with you immediately. We have tied into several
of the possible means of communications that you have with the police and feel that you will be unable to contact them without our

The most important element of this section relates to the ransom note writer’s use of the personal pronoun “you” and their linguistic attempt to connect with the reader. This type of writing is indicative of a female author. Female writers favor personal words such as “you,” “her” and “she,” and relationship words such as “for,” “with,” “in,” and “not.” Mr. Shlomo Argamon, a linguist and computer scientist at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, states, “Women have a more interactive style. They want to create a relationship between the writer and the reader. Men, on the other hand, use more numbers, adjectives and determiners - words such as “the,” “this” and “that.”

Allow me to ensure you that he is at present well and safe. You need fear no physical harm for him provided you live up carefully to the following instructions, and to such others as you will receive by future communications. Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty. You will receive a future communication instruction you as to your future orders.
As a final word of warning However, should you carefully follow out out instructions to the letter
Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. If you pay the ransom prior to seven days,
we will tell you of her whereabouts. Should you catch
When you have the money in readiness, call all the Miami

In line 51, the author continues with their thought, and placement, of percentages with, “Follow our instructions and you stand a 100% chance of getting her back.” Once again, direct emphasis is put on the Ramseys following the writer’s instructions to ensure JonBenet’s survival. The repeated instructions and warnings are necessary in the author’s mind even though their redundancy (and ridiculous language) is so evident to us. They want there to be no mistake that JonBenet WILL BE DEAD if the Ramsey don’t comply with their demands.

She has enough food and water and air to
last seven days. At the end of the seven days the life supporting
batteries will be discharged and her air supply will be cut off.

As a final word of warning - this is a strictly commercial proposition, and we are prepared to put our threat into execution should we have reasonable to believe that you committed an infraction of the above instructionse

After performing my own analysis on the ransom note many years ago, I recently came across a web site which used a simplified version of the algorithm developed by Argamon and Koppel. I typed in the Ramsey ransom note text to obtain a gender analysis from the computer program. The result confirmed my earlier analysis, and that of many others. The Argamon and Koppel program said the ransom note author was female. In fact, the score was 1077 (female) to 464 (male).

--try using writings known to be male and female and see how well this program works.

Murdering pedophiles do not leave ransom notes, fake or otherwise, and they certainly don’t take their time composing a three page letter in their victim’s home using pen and paper left on the kitchen counter.

He should read what happened to Susan Denegan and Marian Parker

Marian Parker (1927)
• Case Details. Marian, age 12, "was snatched in 1927 by someone who sent ransom notes to the family. But kidnapping wasn't the motive; the "kidnapper" collected a ransom and delivered the girl back to her family -- she had been killed and her body desecrated in a classic case of Lustmord or lust murder. See an excellent summary by Mark Gribben." Source: Laura James at Clews The Historic True Crime Blog.

Susan Denegan
Get $20,000 ready & waite (sic) for word. Do not notify FBI or police. Bills in $5's and $10's." On the backside was a warning: "Burn this for her safty

From a page on Richard Heirens:

"In a comfortable neighborhood on the north side of Chicago, James Degnan lived with his
wife, Helen, 9-year-old daughter, Betty, and 6-year-old daughter, Suzanne. In the early
morning hours of January 7, 1946, Suzanne Degnan was kidnapped from her home and a
ransom note was found on the bedroom floor. Before nightfall, police discovered her
dismembered body parts in the sewers of her north side neighborhood. The autopsy later
revealed that the child had been strangled."

Suzanne was sleeping in a room very close to her parents' room. Her mother heard some noise in the
night, called out to Suzanne and asked if everything was alright. The child answered yes and the mother
went back to sleep.

The next morning the child was gone, taken in the night, and a note was left.

The front of the ransom note:

Get $20,000 Ready + Waite
for Word. Do Not Notify
FBI or Police. Bills in 5's
and 10's.
Back of the note:
The child was not safe. She had been taken to a nearby basement, strangled, dismembered. Her head
was the first part found.

17 year old Richard Heirens was caught burglarizing a house 6 months later. He was tried for three
murders, two elderly women who were killed during burglaries, and Suzanne Degnan.

L&L were alleged to have “molestation” given BF was naked and gagged, the brutality of the crime, selection of target, mutilation of corpse, and L&L were openly gay. - I cannot ad more as a single post I've reached the lmit.
I do not know if Cherokee says this or not but: I noticed where it says; "We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction."

I am sure this has been pointed out on many threads long before I arrived at WS but I realized it says they represent a small foreign faction. They are not even the foreign faction, they just represent them.

Chiquita, I've got something VERY special planned on that subject, so you and the folks just sit tight!
I've always wondered what their own experts said about the note and it's writer,all I heard from them was PR didn't write it of course.Did they ever profile the writer and stuff?


John Ramsey's Statement
Press release dated July 23, 1997
Thursday, July 24, 1997

Therefore, today I am announcing an escalation in my own efforts to find the murderer of JonBenet. Prominent experts in the fields of criminology, handwriting and language forensics have developed a profile of the probable behavior of JonBenet's killer before and after the crime. Highly qualified handwriting analysis experts have developed a template for our investigators to use in comparing key features of handwriting samples against the note.

Based on tips received from our previous advertisements and other fieldwork, our investigators are looking into solid leads. While we are limited in our work because we do not have access to the forensic information and do not have police powers to search and test, we do have the advantage of knowing that no one in our family is responsible for JonBenet's death and we can evaluate information without prejudice.

Leads,experts.......did we ever hear from those experts?(Except Douglas saying parents like these don't murder their kids,bla,bla)
Oh I forgot,they weren't hired to find the killer,they were hired to protect the R's.Makes sense.

Houdini didn't use smoke and mirrors this well!

I find it very interesting though that JR's profile of the killer fits......guess who?

As if I HAD to guess!

The profile provided to me suggests the following:

JonBenet's killer may have been suffering from some stress in the weeks and months preceding the crime; (sounds like PR)

A triggering event, such as a job crisis or crisis in a personal relationship, may have caused this individual to vent anger, perhaps at a female close to him, or perhaps at me personally; (a female CLOSE to him,hmmm)

Since the murder, this individual may rabidly read news reports of the investigation, listen to talk talk radio shows oriented to coverage of the murder; (I know,I know,PR said they never watched tv again.Right)

He possibly has increased his consumption of alcohol or drugs; (what about anti-depressants)

He may have even turned to religion; (HA! :D)

He may be rigid, nervous and preoccupied in casual con versation; (sounds like you,JR)

He may have tried to appear very cooperative with the authorities if he was contacted during the course of the police investigation; (appear,I agree,sounds like you again)

He may have quickly constructed an alibi for his whereabouts the night JonBenet was killed (yep,was sound asleep)and may have repeated it several times to key individuals around him as if rehearsing them in the answer; (sound like your LE interviews)

The killer is someone who may have previously been in my home. (he/she lives there?)

Good, good! Madeleine, you are now discovering your power. Join me. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict.
Also: in perfect murder perfect town they have Patsy saying about the ransom note: "that looks like Linda's handwriting." How accurate is that? Is this something taken from what officer French stated Patsy stated?

I think they wanted it to look like it was the housekeeper, just to belabor my point. :)


Wait for it, wait for it...
Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note - Forums For Justice

Analysis of the Linguistics and Handwriting in the Ramsey Ransom Note Copyright 2007 by Cherokee

He made a series of claims. In order to evaluate these claims, I make use of LLRN and BRN in order to see how well his claims hold up, and as an independent check to see the soundness of his conclusions. If I don’t offer a counter-claim, it is likely I agree. I agree that the note contains movie references to Speed, Dirty Harry, Ransom among others.

Like the RN, I started out carefully formatting but then as I grew tired, I just started cut and pasting. Note, Cherokee owns the copyright to his statements, but I provided them as fair-use, in that I provided his statement, in context, and counterexamples, if I am aware of any. There might be some sloppiness on my part on the cut and pasting, I apologize in advance, but Cherokee’s analysis spans over 3 pages single spaced text.
Unless otherwise stated, the material comes from Cherokee, LLRN, BRN, and RN.

“When I first read a copy of the Ramsey ransom note, I immediately knew it was a fake. The content was overly dramatic and much too wordy to be a real ransom note from real kidnappers.”

Please see BRN. 970 words $500k paid out. LLRN almost so.

Also in line 2, the beginning phrase, “Listen carefully!” has been noted by others for its ironic use of the word “listen” even though the communication is written, not spoken.

I'm sorry this had to happen, but I am in bad need of money, & couldn't get it any other way” Weinberger ranson note, “attention” not “read carefully”

“Further analysis of the note showed that even though the author strove to present a threatening tone, a strange concern for the recipient of the ransom note was present. There was almost a “motherly” quality to the instructions given in phrases such as “Make sure that you bring an adequate size attache,” “put the money in a brown paper bag,” and “I advise you to be rested,” among others.”

from BRN

"Loved one-please come home. We will pay all expenses
and meet you anywhere at anytime. Your Family."

“Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts

The money should be placed in a large cigar box, or if this is impossible, in a heavy cardboard box, securely closed and wrapped in white paper.

As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death.

In addition, the parallel linguistic construction of the paragraph containing the sentences ending with “she dies” was almost poetic in nature, and certainly not believable.”

“parallel linguistic construction” exist in other RN’s of “almost poetic in nature”

this comes from BRN

if you will, if you pay
the ransom prior to seven days,
Should you catch the messenger
we send to pick up the ransom
We will immediately know his fate.
Should you catch all, of us
we will never admit anything as to do
If you ask the police t
She is quite safe, if somewhat
Should you catch all, of us
we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again
-she will die.

As you can see, you don't want to catch We can see no way for you to secure the safe return o

The salutation only addresses one parent, not both parents of the allegedly kidnapped child. The ransom note author uses the formal “Mr. Ramsey.” What is interesting is why the author felt a salutation was necessary. A ransom note only has to state the amount of money demanded and the time of a call and/or where to make the drop. Finding the note in their home, and their daughter missing, the Ramseys would assume the note was addressed to them.

LLRN Dear Sir;
As you no doubt know by this time your son has been kidnapped.

your daughter has been kidnapped by us and we now
hold her for ransom. She is quite safe, if somewhat

Also in line 2, the beginning phrase, “Listen carefully!” has been noted by others for its ironic use of the word “listen” even though the communication is written, not spoken.

You need fear no physical harm for him provided you live up carefully to the following instructions,

First of all, the faction would not be “foreign” to the writer if they were truly foreign. Secondly, a true terrorist or rebel faction never describes their organization as “small.” They want to appear powerful and able to inflict harm at will. They will boast of their large numbers and ability to do damage. By using the adjective “small,” the author is obviously trying to minimize their threat. But why?

William Hance 1978
We are an organization composed of seven members
(William acted alone in staged kidnapping of Gail Johnson)

Once again, the writer is somewhat redundant in saying JonBenet is “safe and unharmed.” To be “safe” is to assume to be “unharmed” and vice versa.

-agreed but has been noted before.
Allow me to ensure you that he is at present well and safe LLRN

The instruction to “bring an adequate size attache” is unnecessary and part of the author’s need to tell the story. They are visualizing the scenario as though it was playing out in a movie, from where they probably got most of their ideas for the ransom note. Concern about the “adequate size” of a container for ransom is NOT in the mindset of most kidnappers.

3. The money should be placed in a large cigar box, or if this is impossible, in a heavy cardboard box, securely closed and wrapped in white paper.

3) The bills should occupy no more than 400 cubic inches and thusly fit into a standard large suitcase of inside dimensions 31.5" longx18.75" highx6.25" deep. Purchase such a suitcase and lock the bills inside.

The ransom note author is following the steps taught to all communications/journalism majors on how to write a story ... who, what, why, when, where, and how.

It should be noted that Patsy Ramsey was a journalism major, and very proud of that accomplishment. She even used the initials of her bachelor’s degree in an acronym with her name. Patsy knew how to write and tell a good story. Her “talent” portion for beauty pageants was dramatic speech.

Of course, Patsy is not the only journalism major in the world, just as she is not the only person who uses far right indentation in her letter closings and exclamation marks. But the fact is important because Patsy was one of four people in the house the night JonBenet died, and she had access to the ransom note pad and pen.

As we have seen, the ransom note author’s main purpose was to establish the identity of who wrote the note, and therefore, who was ultimately responsible for the dead body in the home. Once that priority was taken care of, they turned to what and why, a kidnapping scenario somehow related to a foreign faction, and when, supposedly at the time of writing. With those details in order, the writer next concentrates on

LLRN & BRN accomplish this, neither were journalism majors.

The sentence reads, “I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery.”

Once again, the writer is concerned with instructions, not action. The author’s true focus is subconsciously revealed because they know there has been no kidnapping, there will be no ransom and therefore, no real action will be taken or needed.

. Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty. LLRN

You will receive a future communication instruction you as to your future orders. :LLRN
. Here are the requirements you must meet in this matter BRN

The main thought of the sentence, “The delivery will be exhausting” is followed by a subordinate clause “so I advise you to be rested.” The author continues using the first person singular pronoun, but the most important factor in this sentence is the concern expressed for John’s welfare. No hardened criminal, vagrant or “foreign faction” would care if John was “rested” or not. The concern is a subconscious revelation of the author’s personality, which is nurturing, and therefore, according to probability, female.

This is further confirmation of what we saw earlier in the paragraph. Linguistically, the ransom note author has now taken on a decidedly feminine voice in their overall tone and choice of words.

However, should you carefully follow out out instructions to the letter, we can assure you that your son will be safely returned from LLRN sounds feminie

She is quite safe, if somewhat
uncomfortable. We offer no proof of our possession of her
at this time. It will arrive by mail in a few days. Barbara is
presently alive inside a small capsule buried in a remote
piece of soil. She has enough food and water and air to
last seven days. At the end of the seven days the life supporting
batteries will be discharged and her air supply will be cut off.
As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death.
When you have the money in readiness, call all the Miami
area major newspapers and place the following ad in the "personal" section of the classified advertisemsnts:

"Loved one-please come home. We will pay all expenses
and meet you anywhere at anytime. Your Family."
Within twelve hours after you deliver the money you will receive another call advising you of your daughter's whereabouts. A letter will be sent also to insure the findings of your daughter.

Most importantly, in this last paragraph, the writer sets the stage for the reason JonBenet will be found dead. They threaten that JonBenet she will be “executed” if there is any “deviation” from their instructions. They warn, among other things, that the Ramseys are not to call or contact anyone.

With this, the purpose of the ransom note is revealed. The ransom note author KNOWS the Ramseys will completely ignore their repeated warnings and contact not only the police, but also an address book full of friends. How does the writer know this? Because they are not a foreign faction, or even a criminal, but a member of the Ramsey family who knows JonBenet is already dead. For this Ramsey, ignoring the very warnings they have penned is part of the plan. It provides the reason for JonBenet’s death and why her body is found in the Ramsey’s basement where it was presumably taken after the kidnappers detect (with their omnipotence) the Ramsey’s non-compliance of their demands.

Any deviation from this outline will result in your death.
Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty.

They warn, among other things, that the Ramseys are not to call or contact anyone.

Don't tell anyone or go to the Police about this, because I am watching you closely. I am scared stiff, & will kill the baby, at your first wrong move. Peter Weinberger

Should you catch all, of us we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again-she will die.

1) Although we will always anticipate the involvement of the police in this situation, be assured that if your communication with them or their actual presence is detected, we will break off negotiations with you immediately. We have tied into several
of the possible means of communications that you have with the police and feel that you will be unable to contact them without our

The threatening tone of this paragraph continues with the sentence in lines 31 through 33. The sentence reads, “You will also be denied her remains for a proper burial.” This statement opens a window into the ransom note author’s mind, as they try to top the execution threat with another punishment.

Why is this necessary? Wouldn’t JonBenet’s DEATH be considered the ultimate punishment in the mind of the writer? The answer is because JonBenet’s death has already happened. It is a fact of reality and the only thing left is for her body to be found, thus the focus is on JonBenet’s BODY not her death.

The ransom note author is now having trouble suppressing their emotions about JonBenet’s death, and the accompanying images of her lifeless body. These images are starting to become a part of the ransom note as the writer struggles to maintain focus and concentration.

The use of the adjective “proper” in relation to the noun “burial” is interesting as it shows how important a “proper burial” is to the writer.

"As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your *lovely and intelligent daughter* to death."

The author is concerned with the care of JonBenet’s body just as they were concerned with John being rested. There is a nurturing, and feminine, component in the midst of the sentence’s threatening tone.

Before modern times and the advent of funeral homes, women were responsible for the care and proper preparation of a body for burial. They bathed the corpse and dressed it in the deceased’s favorite or best clothing. JonBenet’s body was treated in similar fashion. When it was found, it had been wiped clean and wrapped carefully in a blanket.

The parallel with the ransom note with JonBenet’s body cannot be dismissed. In both the staging of the ransom note and of JonBenet’s body, there are elements of the macabre and horrific, but underneath the harsh words and images there is a paradoxical thread of nurture and concern. This thread is part of the writer’s true identity that lies just below the false self-imposed mask.

. Barbara is
presently alive inside a small capsule buried in a remote
piece of soil.
The box is waterproof and very strong-fiberglass reinforced
plywood-she has little chance of escaping. The box is in an unusual and lonely place. She has no chance of being accidently stumbled upon.

Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. . If you ask the police to advise you in this matter please be aware that
their very presence will scare us off. We can see no way for you to secure the safe return of your daughter other than to obey instructions explicitly.
Within twelve hours after you deliver the money you will receive another call advising you of your daughter's whereabouts. A letter will be sent also to insure the findings of your daughter.

The next section of the ransom note is a lengthy and overly dramatic warning about what will happen to JonBenet if the Ramseys speak to anyone about their “situation,” “tamper with” the ransom money, or wear any “electronic devices” during the money drop. The writer also claims they are familiar with “law enforcement countermeasures and tactics,” gives percentages on the Ramseys chances of getting JonBenet back or of “killing” her, and states the Ramseys are “under constant scrutiny as well as the authorities.”

The author takes great pains to stress what will happen to JonBenet if the Ramsey do not cooperate with their instructions. They also stress their omniscience in being able to monitor the Ramseys and “the authorities” which includes bank workers and law enforcement. Because the ransom note writer is working backward from an end results, the excessive threats and claims of omnipotent surveillance are necessary to explain events that have already happened in the Ramsey home.

. Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty.
1. For obvious reasons make absolutely no attempt to communicate with either police authorities or any private agency. Should you already have communicated with the police, allow them to continue their investigations, but do not mention this letter.
As a final word of warning - this is a strictly commercial proposition, and we are prepared to put our threat into execution should we have reasonable to believe that you committed an infraction of the above instructions

Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. If you pay the ransom prior to seven days,
we will tell you of her whereabouts. Should you catch the
messenger we send to pick up the ransom, we will simply
not say anything to anyone and ergo Barbara will
suffocate. The messenger knows only one of us and he will report to us via radio from the pickup site. We will immediately know his fate.

Should you catch all, of us we will never admit anything as to do
so would be suicide and again-she will die. As you can see, you don't want to catch us for to do so would be condemning your lovely and intelligent daughter to death. The police may allow you to have a free hand prior to the return of your daughter
should you be so callous as to contact them. If you ask the police to advise you in this matter please be aware that
their very presence will scare us off. We can see no way for you to secure the safe return of your daughter other than to obey instructions explicitly.

With this, the purpose of the ransom note is revealed. The ransom note author KNOWS the Ramseys will completely ignore their repeated warnings and contact not only the police, but also an address book full of friends. How does the writer know this?

Should you already have communicated with the police, allow them to continue their investigations, but do not mention this letter.

1) Although we will always anticipate the involvement of the police in this situation, be assured that if your communication with them or their actual presence is detected, we will break off negotiations with you immediately. We have tied into several
of the possible means of communications that you have with the police and feel that you will be unable to contact them without our

The most important element of this section relates to the ransom note writer’s use of the personal pronoun “you” and their linguistic attempt to connect with the reader. This type of writing is indicative of a female author. Female writers favor personal words such as “you,” “her” and “she,” and relationship words such as “for,” “with,” “in,” and “not.” Mr. Shlomo Argamon, a linguist and computer scientist at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, states, “Women have a more interactive style. They want to create a relationship between the writer and the reader. Men, on the other hand, use more numbers, adjectives and determiners - words such as “the,” “this” and “that.”

Allow me to ensure you that he is at present well and safe. You need fear no physical harm for him provided you live up carefully to the following instructions, and to such others as you will receive by future communications. Should you however, disobey any of our instructions even slightly, his death will be the penalty. You will receive a future communication instruction you as to your future orders.
As a final word of warning However, should you carefully follow out out instructions to the letter
Contemplate, if you will, the position into which this puts
you. If you pay the ransom prior to seven days,
we will tell you of her whereabouts. Should you catch
When you have the money in readiness, call all the Miami

In line 51, the author continues with their thought, and placement, of percentages with, “Follow our instructions and you stand a 100% chance of getting her back.” Once again, direct emphasis is put on the Ramseys following the writer’s instructions to ensure JonBenet’s survival. The repeated instructions and warnings are necessary in the author’s mind even though their redundancy (and ridiculous language) is so evident to us. They want there to be no mistake that JonBenet WILL BE DEAD if the Ramsey don’t comply with their demands.

She has enough food and water and air to
last seven days. At the end of the seven days the life supporting
batteries will be discharged and her air supply will be cut off.

As a final word of warning - this is a strictly commercial proposition, and we are prepared to put our threat into execution should we have reasonable to believe that you committed an infraction of the above instructionse

After performing my own analysis on the ransom note many years ago, I recently came across a web site which used a simplified version of the algorithm developed by Argamon and Koppel. I typed in the Ramsey ransom note text to obtain a gender analysis from the computer program. The result confirmed my earlier analysis, and that of many others. The Argamon and Koppel program said the ransom note author was female. In fact, the score was 1077 (female) to 464 (male).

--try using writings known to be male and female and see how well this program works.

Murdering pedophiles do not leave ransom notes, fake or otherwise, and they certainly don’t take their time composing a three page letter in their victim’s home using pen and paper left on the kitchen counter.

He should read what happened to Susan Denegan and Marian Parker

Marian Parker (1927)
• Case Details. Marian, age 12, "was snatched in 1927 by someone who sent ransom notes to the family. But kidnapping wasn't the motive; the "kidnapper" collected a ransom and delivered the girl back to her family -- she had been killed and her body desecrated in a classic case of Lustmord or lust murder. See an excellent summary by Mark Gribben." Source: Laura James at Clews The Historic True Crime Blog.

Susan Denegan
Get $20,000 ready & waite (sic) for word. Do not notify FBI or police. Bills in $5's and $10's." On the backside was a warning: "Burn this for her safty

From a page on Richard Heirens:

"In a comfortable neighborhood on the north side of Chicago, James Degnan lived with his
wife, Helen, 9-year-old daughter, Betty, and 6-year-old daughter, Suzanne. In the early
morning hours of January 7, 1946, Suzanne Degnan was kidnapped from her home and a
ransom note was found on the bedroom floor. Before nightfall, police discovered her
dismembered body parts in the sewers of her north side neighborhood. The autopsy later
revealed that the child had been strangled."

Suzanne was sleeping in a room very close to her parents' room. Her mother heard some noise in the
night, called out to Suzanne and asked if everything was alright. The child answered yes and the mother
went back to sleep.

The next morning the child was gone, taken in the night, and a note was left.

The front of the ransom note:

Get $20,000 Ready + Waite
for Word. Do Not Notify
FBI or Police. Bills in 5's
and 10's.
Back of the note:
The child was not safe. She had been taken to a nearby basement, strangled, dismembered. Her head
was the first part found.

17 year old Richard Heirens was caught burglarizing a house 6 months later. He was tried for three
murders, two elderly women who were killed during burglaries, and Suzanne Degnan.

L&L were alleged to have “molestation” given BF was naked and gagged, the brutality of the crime, selection of target, mutilation of corpse, and L&L were openly gay. - I cannot ad more as a single post I've reached the lmit.

Most impressive. Unfortunately, your counterclaim is fundamentally flawed in two important ways:

1) Cherokee's analysis is essentially a distillation of expert opinion, people who know what they're talking about. It's not something he/she just whipped up out of thin air.

2) Remember how I warned you in the past about cutting up the RN into pieces? Yes, each singular aspect can be argued. But when you put the WHOLE THING together, as Cherokee did--when you take the holistic view I keep telling people about, the conclusion becomes, to be blunt, inescapable.

But then, this knowledge cannot be learned from a Jedi.

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