What we know about Ransom Note

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Due to the practice note(s), the latest that the writing could have begun is 5AM. The 40+ minute gap between blow and strangulation could be when the notes were being composed? This was when the 'kidnapping' was imagined?

"respect your business" and "you're not the only fat cat" do not align with a note that at least once was addressed to both Mr. and Mrs. The surviving practice note is not the version which immediately preceded the final, settled upon one? Or does the notepad evidence show that it is in fact the preceding page? By eliminating the Mrs., PR is not personally responsible for JB's rescue.

PR finding the note on the spiral staircase is a good opening for a movie. PR only glanced at the RN before the 911, against which the RN warned. Although, she rushed to the last two lines that she inverted to the operator. As she spoke, firstly, it's a "note"; then, it's a "ransom note". A deceptive order of info.

JR spread out the three pages on the floor. He read the ransom note on his knees in his underwear after showering. Before BPD arrived, he returned upstairs to dress and brought BR back to bed. In a brief bit, JR would lawyer up.

JR spread out the three pages on the floor. He read the ransom note on his knees in his underwear after showering. Before BPD arrived, he returned upstairs to dress and brought BR back to bed. In a brief bit, JR would lawyer up.
Well, given what we know regarding JR's credibility wrt his version of events, the above should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Everything depends on when JonBenet actually passed away. She might actually have survived, although in a coma, into the early hours?

Some such scenario had to take place as the parents were obviously lacking in time to complete a convincing staging?

The parents appeared totally unaware that the breakfast bar was still set for a pinapple snack, so it was left intact.

i.e. who notified whom regarding JonBenet's injuries. This has to be JonBenet's assailant, the rest is all collusion and postmortem fabrication.

Unless JonBenet was staged independently by her assailant in the basement thinking she was dead, but in fact she was in a deep coma?

This is an aspect that all three RDI theories need to explain, i.e. which Ramsey informed the others that JonBenet was either dead, or mortally injured?

As I have said elsewhere, upon reading the RN my journalism experience immediately reminded me of dictated drafts taken over the phone. I think that an intruder motivated by pedophilia (I liken him to Lenny) called a partner when things when wrong in getting JBR out the window and he rushed his sick fantasies there in the basement when it became clear he could not get his prize home.

The outside (smarter) partner, motivated by money (George) gets the call and dictates the note. That accounts for the rambling repetitions and inconsistencies. Someone dictating wants to get the messages out, even at the price of repeating things 2 or 3 times, since they can't see and review the draft. An editor subsequently would have cut that note by half or more.
To me the note read like something dictated in a panic by an outside partner after the pervert inside man killed JBR, overcome by his own sickness. The note is then dictated in rambling, repetitive fashion. I can not picture anyone writing that as their own product, with the ability to look back and review in process where they were in terms of messaging. Too much repetition.
I don’t think Burke did anything but if he did he can’t be charged or even implicated under Colorado children’s law. So he is cleared whether he did it or not.

David Rogers,
I don’t think Burke did anything but if he did he can’t be charged
He might be charged but not prosecuted?

If at any point in the future it can be demonstrated beyond doubt that the case is RDI and that Burke Ramsey colluded with his parents in the postmortem staging, then it will call into question the validity of the litigation settlements and effect counter litigation to recover funds demanded on the basis of alleged fraudulent claims?

I am a firm PR rn. And I add to that the belief that she wrote it at leisure, in advance, with a premeditated plan to either stage a kidnapping or carry out a murder. There were so many practice notes. I believe it was part of her pre-planning and pre-staging.

SA does not rule out PDI, imo. By the way.

As for the rn, the movie references don't sway me one bit. I have very little experience with movies, but I am well-read and picked up plenty from books and social interactions to bathe a note in a movie-tinged aroma if I wanted to. JR could have quoted those films around her often enough for her to know that they would reach his attention when he read it, and perhaps that it would sound like JR and not like her. Imoo the entire incident was a fantasy in PR's mind, from plan to rn to accomplished murder. A stage on which she would be the star, as a secret villain and as a public tragic hero/victim/martyr.

The vitriol in that note suggests seething rage at JR, which may or may not have had anything to do with her motives in the actual event.

I do believe the abbreviation in the signoff was imoortant to the author. Unconsciously, the writer betrayed a persona of 1) a mother 2) a cancer survivor and 3) a highly educated person with writing expertise, a dramatic personality, and an odd fixation on French words and marks.

Their dog was named Jacques. Attache. JonBenet. Their 2nd home was in Charlevoix.

The many references to "delivery" betray a mother's experience. The percentages...how many times over the course of her treatment do you suppose PR literally heard a doctor say, "you have XX% chance..." of survival, of remission, etc.

As for the letters, which follow the word "Victory!" I have many possible theories.

Saved By The Child (as I believe she felt she owed God a sacrifice)
She.Beat.The.Cancer (no period after the C on purpose, because cancer is the "C" word, not the "C." word.

All just MOO.
David Rogers,

He might be charged but not prosecuted?

If at any point in the future it can be demonstrated beyond doubt that the case is RDI and that Burke Ramsey colluded with his parents in the postmortem staging, then it will call into question the validity of the litigation settlements and effect counter litigation to recover funds demanded on the basis of alleged fraudulent claims?

No. A minor can not be charged nor can they even implicate a minor in a crime.
Saved By The Child (as I believe she felt she owed God a sacrifice)
She.Beat.The.Cancer (no period after the C on purpose, because cancer is the "C" word, not the "C." word.

All just MOO.

Cancer is also called The Big C and there is no period (menstruation) after the big C (stage 4 ovarian cancer).

IMO some of it was dictated to Patsy and she filled in the rest. It's long because they needed it long, in order to bury the "don't contact anyone" threats in the middle (literally the middle, it's all in the 2nd of the 3 pages). Looking it over with this in mind it's almost comical how the letter writer has something of a pleasant disposition for page 1; "be well rested", "we might call you early" "we respect your business" etc to all the death treats that fill page 2. If they called all these friends over and it was a short, realistic note of a few lines that said not to contact anyone or she dies, they would appear absurdly careless about their concern for their daughter. So they call 911 and all their friends. They may have anticipated the police saying "oh no didn't you read this part about not contacting anyone, now it's too late." I always wondered why they felt the need to sign off with a dramatic "victory" and acronym on the last page, but listening to the 911 call, I wonder if they anticipated being asked something like "does it say who took her?" and so the need for the 3rd page to look at quickly if anyone asks.

The only sense I can make of this possible plan, with the body still in the house, is they hoped someone would come to the conclusion that the kidnapper was in the basement, monitoring the family and heard them make the 911 call, did what he threatened, and left out the broken window.
ITA the RN could have been dictated. "Listen Carefully!" PR skipping to the last two lines would make sense to rehearse.

Especially with the movie that was playing at the White’s party that night which said, “Listen carefully”.
So, 9 year old axe murders can just tear up their classmates every Monday and the police must remain mute?

Obviously not. They are usually entered into some medical facility for therapy, then released a few years later.

Usually everyone and their dog knows who did what, etc. Except there is no judicial process, unless it's behind closed doors, and the Press and Media are under the legal injunction via state or federal statute not to report the minor's identity.

Go knocking on doors in Boulder and ask who killed JonBenet, they know, but do not want the lawyers and media on their doorstep.

Of course if you have wealthy parents things are more likely to go in your favor, too.
I am a firm PR rn. And I add to that the belief that she wrote it at leisure, in advance, with a premeditated plan to either stage a kidnapping or carry out a murder. There were so many practice notes. I believe it was part of her pre-planning and pre-staging.

SA does not rule out PDI, imo. By the way.

As for the rn, the movie references don't sway me one bit. I have very little experience with movies, but I am well-read and picked up plenty from books and social interactions to bathe a note in a movie-tinged aroma if I wanted to. JR could have quoted those films around her often enough for her to know that they would reach his attention when he read it, and perhaps that it would sound like JR and not like her. Imoo the entire incident was a fantasy in PR's mind, from plan to rn to accomplished murder. A stage on which she would be the star, as a secret villain and as a public tragic hero/victim/martyr.

The vitriol in that note suggests seething rage at JR, which may or may not have had anything to do with her motives in the actual event.

I do believe the abbreviation in the signoff was imoortant to the author. Unconsciously, the writer betrayed a persona of 1) a mother 2) a cancer survivor and 3) a highly educated person with writing expertise, a dramatic personality, and an odd fixation on French words and marks.

Their dog was named Jacques. Attache. JonBenet. Their 2nd home was in Charlevoix.

The many references to "delivery" betray a mother's experience. The percentages...how many times over the course of her treatment do you suppose PR literally heard a doctor say, "you have XX% chance..." of survival, of remission, etc.

As for the letters, which follow the word "Victory!" I have many possible theories.

Saved By The Child (as I believe she felt she owed God a sacrifice)
She.Beat.The.Cancer (no period after the C on purpose, because cancer is the "C" word, not the "C." word.

All just MOO.

So, if the note is a fabrication by the Ramseys, why would they pick a signature with any possible tie to them? Wouldn't it be either totally random or something that points to a third party?

I mean....is that the place to get cute. Would they sign it "Yours in Christ"?

Maybe it means "Sicko Burke Truncheoned Child"?

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