What will be the sentence for ICA?

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What do you think the sentince will be

  • ICA will walk out a free person

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • ICA will receive the ultimate sanction

    Votes: 114 14.1%
  • ICA will receive LWOP

    Votes: 498 61.4%
  • ICA will receive 40 years or less

    Votes: 52 6.4%
  • ICA will receive 30 years or less

    Votes: 102 12.6%
  • ICA will receive 20 years or less

    Votes: 32 3.9%
  • ICA will receive 10 years or less

    Votes: 14 1.7%
  • ICA will receive time served

    Votes: 8 1.0%
  • CA/GA/LA or some other witness will face criminal procedings

    Votes: 65 8.0%
  • Hung Jury and a Mis-trial

    Votes: 18 2.2%
  • Mister Baez will have sanctions and a bar report.

    Votes: 56 6.9%

  • Total voters
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They haven't heard from mental health experts because from what I understand, Baez is saving them for the penalty phase which brings up the question as to WHY he didn't bring them in during the sentencing phase. Don't you find that strange? Wouldn't a mental health expert be more qualified to diagnose her behaviour versus a "grief" expert who has no psychiatry nor psychology degree nor has she examined Casey nor did she know anything about this case?

I would have to believe that a juror with a lick of common sense would realize that if Casey is on trial for 1st degree murder, she was evaluated and deemed competent to stand trial. There was no insanity plea nor was there any evidence to suggest Caylee drowned. Again, any juror with common sense would ask themselves if this was accidental, why in the world would Casey be sitting in jail for 3 years and not admit it sooner? Why wait until OS to say Caylee accidentally drowned. It makes absolutely no sense.

Keep in mind I am writing opinion from my own perspective based strictly on the presentation within the trial and without regard to the online/TV analysts or the prevailing opinion in this forum. In fact, I only started following the case during jury selection - but I've seen most of it since then.

I don't think the defense presented any mental health experts because they could not find any which would help their case. I think they believed that in the absence of any mental health experts (State or Defense) that this witness would become the defacto one. I actually think it was a smart move.

You bring up a very good point: "any juror with common sense would ask themselves if this was accidental, why in the world would Casey be sitting in jail for 3 years and not admit it sooner?"

I personally believe JB addressed this (from the defense perspective) in his opening statement when he claimed GA shouted "you'll go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your life!"

I believe the point of that was to indicate that ICA (ignorant of the law) was afraid that even an accidental death would put her away for life, and that the cover-up soon reached the point of no return - in that there was enough even with an admitted accidental death, to put her away for a while or that the State became intent on prosecuting her for first degree regardless of what she said.
I think she will get the DP.
HHJP has watched her and he knows she has no remorse. She tried to throw her own family under the bus.
HHJP has dealt with other ICA's . He knows what she is. JMO

If HHJP gives her the DP he will be my hero!

He does have a history of being willing to dole out the DP, doesn't he?
Keep in mind I am writing opinion from my own perspective based strictly on the presentation within the trial and without regard to the online/TV analysts or the prevailing opinion in this forum. In fact, I only started following the case during jury selection - but I've seen most of it since then.

I don't think the defense presented any mental health experts because they could not find any which would help their case. I think they believed that in the absence of any mental health experts (State or Defense) that this witness would become the defacto one. I actually think it was a smart move.

You bring up a very good point: "any juror with common sense would ask themselves if this was accidental, why in the world would Casey be sitting in jail for 3 years and not admit it sooner?"

I personally believe JB addressed this (from the defense perspective) in his opening statement when he claimed GA shouted "you'll go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your life!"

I believe the point of that was to indicate that ICA (ignorant of the law) was afraid that even an accidental death would put her away for life, and that the cover-up soon reached the point of no return - in that there was enough even with an admitted accidental death, to put her away for a while or that the State became intent on prosecuting her for first degree regardless of what she said.

Okay, let's say that George convinced her that she could go to jail for life because of an accident. Frankly, I think that it would be hard to convince someone of that given the number of accidental child drownings reported in Florida newspapers every year where the parents are NOT put in jail for life. But even if that did happen, once Casey had a lawyer in the picture, surely he would have told her "nope, that's not true." So why didn't she come forward with the accident explanation the day after she hired Jose and he cleared that up for her? You can't claim ignorance of the law when you have a lawyer working with you.

I think Casey didn't dare claim that it was an accident because she KNEW that the baby had duct tape over her face, and that if the body was found, she'd be caught in a very obvious lie.

He is a true man of the law. He can't be swayed by a murderer. JMO.

Thank all of you for setting me straight. I live near Dayton, Ohio where the China Arnold case has been tried for the third time. She was given the death sentence the first time and the last time life in prison. She is appealing that also. She is the woman who put her baby in the microwave! I guess I am a little jaded by that case.
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) —
Jurors see scant evidence in Casey Anthony trial

After more than 33 days of testimony, 400 pieces of evidence and sweeping promises from attorneys to prove how 2-year-old Caylee Anthony died, neither prosecutors nor defense attorneys have provided concrete evidence showing whether the girl was killed by her mother.

And when closing arguments begin Sunday, jurors are likely to be skeptical.

Prosecutors have said Casey Anthony suffocated the toddler with duct tape, though their case has been highly circumstantial. They have focused on the lies Anthony told in the month after her daughter was last seen, and an odor detected in the trunk of her car.
Defense attorneys, meanwhile, have not provided concrete evidence to support their claim Caylee accidentally drowned in the family pool.

i voted LWOP because i do not see this as DP material. maybe i'm just getting to the point in my life that i believe we shouldn't make life or death decisions - but that is neither here nor there. i think she deserves LWOP and the evidence supports it.

i do not have concerns she we walk like so many others do. i think the state has met it's burden and the jury will deliberate for a short time. everyone cites the OJ trial as a concern - but that was set in a climate of distrust of LAPD after the Rodney King beating and the defendant was a charismatic national "hero". there is no such issue here. she'll be convicted of murder one, imo, but i do not believe condemned to death.
I voted LWOP, but I want the DP
She's a danger to society (imo). Pets dying off, killing her baby daughter... and I just wonder what would have happened.... to GA and CA if, this whole thing hadn't blown up in her face. Seriously, she should be shut down.
I don't think that grief councelor is going to have any bearing on this case at all. Everyone on that jury will think about themselves and how they would act if their child went missing or was killed. Either accidentally or on purpose and I bet not a one of them would act like she did. WE have all heard the expression that everyone grieves in a different way but no one grieves like she did because she wasn't grieving at all and never has. Not to this day. She seems to have no love at all for anyone. The jury can see she has thrown her whole family under the bus and that she has no love for them. That will also abolish that 'loving mother' baloney.
I am hoping for LWOP but I voted 40 years or less. I have tried to listen to the trial from a jurors perspective and concentrate only on the evidence presented. Sentencing someone to death is a very serious matter. I would need to be ABSOLUTELY certain that the defendant committed the crime. Which I am from reading here with you all but the jury doesn't know the things that we all do.

Did the defense create enough reasonable doubt for this jury to consider the 'what ifs'?
I don't know.

I wish the state had called the young man who asked ICA if she was jogging on Suburban Dr. and she denied it. That would be a deal breaker for me because it places her in the vicinity of the remains site and I would recommend LWOP.

I am just praying that Caylee Marie gets the justice she deserves.


I'm gonna miss you all when this is over:)
They haven't heard from mental health experts because from what I understand, Baez is saving them for the penalty phase which brings up the question as to WHY he didn't bring them in during the sentencing phase. Don't you find that strange? Wouldn't a mental health expert be more qualified to diagnose her behaviour versus a "grief" expert who has no psychiatry nor psychology degree nor has she examined Casey nor did she know anything about this case?

I would have to believe that a juror with a lick of common sense would realize that if Casey is on trial for 1st degree murder, she was evaluated and deemed competent to stand trial. There was no insanity plea nor was there any evidence to suggest Caylee drowned. Again, any juror with common sense would ask themselves if this was accidental, why in the world would Casey be sitting in jail for 3 years and not admit it sooner? Why wait until OS to say Caylee accidentally drowned. It makes absolutely no sense.


No it actually wasn't strange - just Florida Law. A person is deemed fit to stand trial before the trial starts. Florida does not allow "mental issues" used as a defense beyond that in a capital trial.

So, the defense, being completely fed up they couldn't sneak the experts in during the guilt phase despite a couple of underhanded attempts, decided to have another run at it and convinced the Judge to have another competency hearing. Again, fit to stand trial.

That's it. Simply, does ICA know right from wrong and does she understand consequences. The answer was yes.

Also, please excuse my very basic language - my brain is completely fried...
I found the video of that interview (with awesome footage of a young, handsome and very hip HHJP doing some cool lawyering).

It's interesting to me that JP said he felt a coldness around the black widow that he's never felt before or since - he attributed it to her pure evil. It's too bad we'll probably never know exactly what he thinks of ICA.

I think some of the pictures we've seen of him watching her,outside the presence of the jury are quite telling. He sees her demeanor flip like a light switch. That's one of the reasons why I believe she'll get the DP.
I hope this case hasn't taken a toll on his health.
I think some of the pictures we've seen of him watching her,outside the presence of the jury are quite telling. He sees her demeanor flip like a light switch. That's one of the reasons why I believe she'll get the DP.
I hope this case hasn't taken a toll on his health.

Agree MissJames - we've seen HHJP - the Judge - several times during this trial. It is true he has babied Baez along throughout this trial. He believes this is actually a simple capital case made large by Baez and the media.

I believe he will not spare ICA's "feelings" when he addresses her at sentencing. He sees everything that happens in his courtroom.
I disagree with your opinion regarding SK. Even though she may be considered a "grief expert", she admitted on the stand (after JA's brilliant cross) that she did not know anything about this case and after JA's hypotheticals, she admitted Casey's psychological behaviors are beyond her expertise. She's not a psychiatrist nor a psychologist. I would have to believe that before anyone can logically diagnose how one grieves would have to know the circumstances of the case. You can't lump everyone in the same category. A murderer versus a parent whose child died accidentally or illness.

We all know Casey was given a competency examination by 3 court appointed experts and it was ruled she is competent. Therefore, she is not mentally ill and furthermore there has been no proof provided by this defense that she was in anyway shape or form sexually abused as a child which may or may not have been a factor in her bizarre "grieving" behavior.

SK's testimony was a flop, imo

I agree . SK's testimony was ridiculed ,even by other defense atty's ,some who had been close to the case.
If anything ,she drove home what a real grieving mother would do.
I won't go into it here,but there were some things about the way SK was doing during her testimony and the jury got to see it up close and personal. I don't think she has credibility with the jury. JMO
i wouldn't mind if she got DP but with no one knowing for sure what REALLY happened to poor Caylee as far as exactly how she died. i think the jury will give her LWOP. its pretty obvious through ICA's actions that she did something. but is hard to say exactly what. either way Caylee will get justice i'm sure!!
I voted LWOP as I would like to see ICA withstand life not being protected by
anyone!!! My wish in closing arguments would be 3 blown up pictures, first
being sweet Caylee, the second ICA partying and the third poor little Caylee's
scattered mangled bones (hard to type that) displayed during the entire closing arguments. That would remove any feeling sorry for ICA if I had any, I don't. IMO, there is no punishment harsh enough on this earth for what KC
did to sweet Caylee.
If I were on the jury, I would vote as I did here, DP. Just following instructions as ordered by the judge.
1. Caylee is dead.
2. She was murdered at the hands of Casey Anthony. (duct tape is no accident)
3. It was premeditated. (chloroform research)

No other emotions or thoughts should be involved.
Keep in mind I am writing opinion from my own perspective based strictly on the presentation within the trial and without regard to the online/TV analysts or the prevailing opinion in this forum. In fact, I only started following the case during jury selection - but I've seen most of it since then.

I don't think the defense presented any mental health experts because they could not find any which would help their case. I think they believed that in the absence of any mental health experts (State or Defense) that this witness would become the defacto one. I actually think it was a smart move.

You bring up a very good point: "any juror with common sense would ask themselves if this was accidental, why in the world would Casey be sitting in jail for 3 years and not admit it sooner?"

I personally believe JB addressed this (from the defense perspective) in his opening statement when he claimed GA shouted "you'll go to jail for child neglect for the rest of your life!"

I believe the point of that was to indicate that ICA (ignorant of the law) was afraid that even an accidental death would put her away for life, and that the cover-up soon reached the point of no return - in that there was enough even with an admitted accidental death, to put her away for a while or that the State became intent on prosecuting her for first degree regardless of what she said.

George's suicide letter proves he had no involvement in this case whatsoever including the alleged cover up and molestation. Furthermore, the defense's theory that Roy Kronk hid Caylee's body for months so he could cash in on the $5000.00 reward money is an insult to the jury and to the public. Where did he find her body? Where did he hide it? In his own backyard in another county? If it wasn't so sad, it would be laughable.

Also, the cops gave her an out at Universal. They gave her examples of accidents involving children. Nothing. She let them continue believing Caylee was with the nanny.

The jailhouse video where CA mentions the media saying Caylee drowned. Casey's reply. "surprise surprise". She sounded disgusted that the media would even think that. It went against her fairytale of the kidnapping story.

I think many including this jury wanted to believe it was an accident. I don't think anybody wants to believe a young mom is capable of the brutal murder of her child. The evidence presented by the State has proven that nobody but Casey Anthony is responsible for murdering her daughter and disposing her like trash. The accidental drowning will forever remain in Casey's imaginary world. In the real world, our world, this was no accident. It's murder.
Yes, I see at times Judge Perry's chair almost vibrating, as if he has one foot moving (which is an unconscious stress reliever). What I love about him (beyond his control of the trial and his fairness) is that he has no ego in the game and he cares so much about the jurors. It's not all about him (thinking of some other judges whose egos exploded in high-profile cases. But this trial has to be stressful for him.

I am sure that he has figured out that Casey has no remorse or conscience. She needs to be locked up for a very long time. However, I think there will be compassion for the rest of the family, and so I think the sentence will be life with possibility of parole after 30 years (why I voted for 40 years or less).

I'd like to see her spending the rest of her bella vita faced with the fact that many, many people worked to put her there in prison because they all KNOW she is a murderer, child abuser and liar. She'll never get it--her kind never does--but she will have a long list of people to blame and lots of time to blame them. And when she gets out, the world will be different, she will still have no education or skills, her parents will be too old to take care of her (or they will be with Caylee) and hopefully Lee will have his own happy family and have the sense to leave her alone. And she will be too old to ever have another child.
I think some of the pictures we've seen of him watching her,outside the presence of the jury are quite telling. He sees her demeanor flip like a light switch. That's one of the reasons why I believe she'll get the DP.
I hope this case hasn't taken a toll on his health.


Through out this entire trial, actually over the years we have seen ICA play her games. IMO HHJS recognized it from the get go. I am most certain that HHJBP has been watching, paying close attention to the inmates behavior. There was a photo of him not long ago standing by the door way watching her. She may have been playing it up for the jurors, but it hasn't gotten by HHJBP. I believe some or maybe all of the jury has noticed it as well! Of that I am certain. IMHO once she is convicted he will throw the book at her and not hold back. In my mind I am imagining the tongue lashing that she will be receiving!

Agree MissJames - we've seen HHJP - the Judge - several times during this trial. It is true he has babied Baez along throughout this trial. He believes this is actually a simple capital case made large by Baez and the media.

I believe he will not spare ICA's "feelings" when he addresses her at sentencing. He sees everything that happens in his courtroom.

ITA. I believe that once she is convicted HHJBP will give her a tongue lashing like she has never received. Yesterday when CM's final appeal for an acquittal was denied I noticed her let out a huge sigh, a gush of air and put her head down. Reality, imo is hitting her hard now! The game is over and it is no longer about her any longer. It is now all about justice for Caylee and HHJBP will be harsh with her.

I am sure she will be convicted just not too certain of where this jury will go with it all. IMHO the SA have done a fabulous job bringing the totality of circumstantial evidence together nice and neatly all wrapped up like an X-Mas present. I wonder if it will be enough for 1st degree for this jury? Will it be enough for them that she was the last person seen with a live Caylee?! I hope and pray so because in my mind no mother whose child died due to an accident would throw their bodies out like trash in a dank, dark woods left for animals to chew on regardless of the circumstances!!!

I think that at the very least George Anthony has realized all of the above too. Okay off my soap box....
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