What will be the sentence for ICA?

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What do you think the sentince will be

  • ICA will walk out a free person

    Votes: 3 0.4%
  • ICA will receive the ultimate sanction

    Votes: 114 14.1%
  • ICA will receive LWOP

    Votes: 498 61.4%
  • ICA will receive 40 years or less

    Votes: 52 6.4%
  • ICA will receive 30 years or less

    Votes: 102 12.6%
  • ICA will receive 20 years or less

    Votes: 32 3.9%
  • ICA will receive 10 years or less

    Votes: 14 1.7%
  • ICA will receive time served

    Votes: 8 1.0%
  • CA/GA/LA or some other witness will face criminal procedings

    Votes: 65 8.0%
  • Hung Jury and a Mis-trial

    Votes: 18 2.2%
  • Mister Baez will have sanctions and a bar report.

    Votes: 56 6.9%

  • Total voters
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All of a sudden i can't answer this,
respectfully snipped and bolded by me...

I feel the exact same way.. I have no clue what this jury will decide.

with that being said after today's testimony (re: CA did not do chloroform searches, etc) I think premeditation is for surly possible for this jury to see.. so I voted for LWOP (I do not think they will vote for the DP)..
Hello everyone! This is my first post and after looking around this site I think I am going to REALLY like it here!

I voted for this like I do for the Oscars/Emmys...

I voted LWOP but hope for the ultimate...I was mighty impressed with the entire Prosecutions case and totally entertained by the Defense...That Mr. Baez sure is a funny one...not

Just wanted to jump in with both feet and say Hi!

Well, its almost over, (If HH has anything to say about it.) what do you see as the end result of this trial?

1. ICA will walk out a free person

2. ICA will receive the ultimate sanction (Death)

3. ICA will receive LWOP

4. ICA will receive 40 or less years

5. ICA will receive 30 or less years

6 ICA will receive 20 or less years

7. ICA will receive 10 or less.

8. ICA will receive time served

9. CA/GA/LA or some other witness will face criminal proceedings

Feel free to write in your thoughts as there isn't an "Other" option listed.

Considering the jury and HHJP have had a glimpse the sheer hell ICA has put her parents through, the number of innocent people she willingly and knowingly accused and involved in her sadistic menagerie of lies, and her lack remorse; I hope she gets the DP. But I voted LWOP because because I think that the jury might want her suffering to be lifelong. That would be fine in my opinion.
I didn't read the responses before I voted, and I voted LWOP. I'm suprised at how many of us feel the same way. I think it could be because of her age, or how the defense will say in closing there is reasonable doubt (not linking Casey to the death, DNA, etc). That gives the DT just the slightest bit of wiggle room.

Unlike Scott Peterson, where we could tie him to the boat, to where the bodies washed up, I think we're not quite there yet in this case.

Just an observation.

My opinion only --

I want her to receive the Ultimate Sanction and it is possible with a 7 juror vote.
This was premeditated in my eyes. She threw Casey away like an old toy. No remorse, dragged her family and everyone else through hell, thinks the whole thing has been one big party. Ultimate Santion.
As far as what I think she will get you never know with a jury, so I can't say for sure.
If Misty Croslin could get 25 years......

ICA should get atleast LWOP Or DP

Well now you certainly have a point there! Though, personally, I think 25 years for a drug run was a bit harsh. Again, just MOO. If ICA gets 30 years I will fall out of my chair and you'll all have to come pick me up.

I'd rather save that jail space for killers and sex offenders!

Dangit already - we just need more prisons ;)


I do not want the DP.... Not that she doesn't deserve it but... I worked in a Max Prison and DP inmates have it pretty good...

Also she would be isolated so no one could "greet her and give her a welcoming party" everyday of her life, if she was on Death Row, :wink:

also I am a Florida Tax Payer, I don't want to foot that bill for Death row..

If LWOP in General Population she would have to work (for the first time in her life) for her keep...
I'm going with........... Death Penalty

Casey being female and her age would not for one iota of a second come into play when It comes to the DP.

I don't care how old or young she is ....... She took an innocent precious
Life Way too soon.

If I was on the jury this is how I would be thinking.
I believe without a doubt LWOP. No DP. I have changed my mind from a lesser charge that I had thought about because today they proved even more of premeditation.
When I first started watching the trial I thought there's no way the jury would consider the death penalty, now I'm not so sure. I think they'll choose LWOP though. Anything less than that and I'll have collapsed on the floor, incapable of being consoled!
I'm going with........... Death Penalty

Casey being female and her age would not for one iota of a second come into play when It comes to the DP.

I don't care how old or young she is ....... She took an innocent precious
Life Way too soon.

If I was on the jury this is how I would be thinking.

I agree. I don't think her age or looks will sway the jury one bit. IMO the evidence is overwhelming to show premeditation and guilt. The duct tape alone is reason enough for the death penalty IMO, but with everything else added in...I am more confident than ever that we will get the ultimate sanction from this jury, especially since it was mentioned upthread that only 7 jurors need to vote for the DP. That is something I did not know before. I thought it had to be unanimous. I also feel that the jury will want to choose the DP for what she did to the rest of her family, especially GA! I hope that he can walk away from this with a renewed sense of purpose, after being Caylee's hero on the stand. He needs a clean break from ICA.
I chose Life. One for many of the reasons stated above. Death is actually too 'good' for Casey in my opinion. She will get appeal after appeal which will put her on center stage over and over. She will be treated as 'special' in jail and like someone else said, she will have a gravy life, no work detail etc.

No..I want her to never see outside the prison walls again, I want her to be in general population, I want her to have to clean up someone else's poop or cook someone's slop or something and I want her to do it forever.

Also I feel that while the mitigating factors have been proven, I don't know if it's one of those circumstances where someone would feel 100% at ease giving a death sentence, cause it's all circumstantial.

I'm going with........... Death Penalty

Casey being female and her age would not for one iota of a second come into play when It comes to the DP.

I don't care how old or young she is ....... She took an innocent precious
Life Way too soon.

If I was on the jury this is how I would be thinking.

I changed my mind alot today when it was proved that CA was at work the day those searches were made. She IS evil. But working in a prison the rest of her life, no parties and if she thought CA as controlling well, I would think in prison you are really controlled. So, for her it would be miserable. :)
If she doesnt get LWOP I sure hpe the jurors keep her in long past child bearing yrs. She is not good Mother material. I have a feeling if she got out, she'd get pregnant as soon as possible. And, would she go back to her parents? GA would definately move out. I think for him togo thru that circus again would kill him and you know the circus would be back.
I sure hope the jury keeps in mind what happened to Caylee and how KC was last one SEEN WITH HER and look what happened...she ended up dead in he swamp :(
I chose Life. One for many of the reasons stated above. Death is actually too 'good' for Casey in my opinion. She will get appeal after appeal which will put her on center stage over and over. She will be treated as 'special' in jail and like someone else said, she will have a gravy life, no work detail etc.

No..I want her to never see outside the prison walls again, I want her to be in general population, I want her to have to clean up someone else's poop or cook someone's slop or something and I want her to do it forever.

Also I feel that while the mitigating factors have been proven, I don't know if it's one of those circumstances where someone would feel 100% at ease giving a death sentence, cause it's all circumstantial.


Casey will be appealing with LWOP too.
No 100% certainty Casey will be in Gen. Pop.
Casey will not be seeing outside Prison walls weather she gets LWOP or DP.
Maybe so, maybe not.... hard to tell if she will be
Casey has it a lot worse if she gets the DP....... She's already used to being alone in her cell 23 hours a day 24/7 365, having no other contact with inmates etc.

Majority of Murder cases are...... Scott Peterson had less evidence than Casey and his rear end is sitting on Death Row.
I'm going with........... Death Penalty

Casey being female and her age would not for one iota of a second come into play when It comes to the DP.

I don't care how old or young she is ....... She took an innocent precious
Life Way too soon.

If I was on the jury this is how I would be thinking.

Right - Scott Peterson was rather young too. There are many young men/women on DR throughout the country.

I just don't know -- Your Honour has the ultimate decision (if they come back with the ultimate penalty). He decides if it's LWOP or the DP (from what I understand).

He may just surprise us -- he has sentenced someone to death before, and even attended a death.

If I'm wrong, someone please correct me. Thanks.


Does anybody know if Judge Perry has ever given an inmate LWOP when it was a DP case?
Like the jury came back with DP verdict and JP switched it to LWOP instead?
I think she will be convicted at the very least of Aggravated Child Abuse which carries the Death Penalty. If the Jury votes for Death I think HHJP will go for life and overrule.


Just some current history of Women convicted, sentenced, and executed in the State Of Florida.

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