What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

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MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
I spoke to a reporter in the know who was in trial today and his impression is that #JoseBaez and #caseyanthony believe they've won this.

via twitter

Wow! I can't imagine ANYONE thinking they've convinced everyone that KC is not guilty!

I attended a small neighborhood brunch this morning to welcome a lady to the neighborhood. There were people there that haven't followed this case as we have here at WS, but got interested after hearing about it on HLN and Fox News, and started watching the coverage.

Coming into the case with no background and basing their opinion on what they've seen on the news, all stated that KC was guilty. Not one person said they thought she'd be found "not guilty."

I think KC will be shocked when she hears a guilty verdict. I think we'll see her cry and there might be an angry outburst.

On the other hand, I think GA, CA, and LA, won't express any surprise, only sadness. The verdict won't come as a surprise to them as they know she's guilty. They will be sad and cry.
I can see ICA throwing a huge fit just prior to an anxiety attack. I believe CA will probably faint and need medical attention - GA will be devastated - and I would be surprised if Lee is there. However, if she is acquitted, I will throw a hiuge fit just prior to having an anxiety attack............... :)
I'm thinking if guilty she'll cry for a few secs but then perhaps angrily say something to JB or to someone else. If she does say something, what would it be?
"I told you so!" to JB?
"You're a liar!" to GA?
"You son of a b**ch!" to JA?
Doesn't Casey have a seizure disorder? Wouldn't that be dramatic if the verdict illicited a seizure? I almost thought she was going to have one today when she stood there with her head down, before being taken back to jail.

Another Casey lie. That's her only disorder. JMO.
I can see ICA throwing a huge fit just prior to an anxiety attack. I believe CA will probably faint and need medical attention - GA will be devastated - and I would be surprised if Lee is there. However, if she is acquitted, I will throw a hiuge fit just prior to having an anxiety attack............... :)

If she is acquitted I will have a heart attack and be in ICU!!! I cannot bear the thought of this girl walking away a free woman.....
What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

Here's why I think so:
Today the way she was looking at HHJP when CM was trying to get her aquitted. She did her best little girl about ready to cry routine. I think she really thought that JP would aquit her as he has been vigorlously making sure that she has a fair trial which I think in her mind she thought she was his princess.
And because she thinks the defense has the jury wrapped around her little finger.
KC's only seizure disorder is red bull induced..when she drank 6 redbulls ..she had a seizure. I think she will continue to act like a legal aide..looking at papers..straightening up legal papers..BUT then when the deputy goes to take her back I think she will implode..then explode. imo

I agree. She knows the cameras are on her. She knows she will do appeal after appeal. She does not believe she will go to prison for the rest of her life... it will take years of denied appeals for that to get across her thick skull.
MarkNeJame Mark NeJame
I spoke to a reporter in the know who was in trial today and his impression is that #JoseBaez and #caseyanthony believe they've won this.

via twitter

He cannot be serious??? He really is delusional just like his client!
I can see ICA throwing a huge fit just prior to an anxiety attack. I believe CA will probably faint and need medical attention - GA will be devastated - and I would be surprised if Lee is there. However, if she is acquitted, I will throw a hiuge fit just prior to having an anxiety attack............... :)

My predictions:
Lee won't be there.
Cindy will have a panic attack and Fbomb the news people outside.
George will be silent. Pensive. Not devastated...
Thinking ahead to when the verdict is delivered...what will her reaction be to whatever the verdict is? Will she show any emotion at all? Will she sob? Will she say anything? Will she maintain the blank stare she's had at times?

Casey will cry IMO.....she cries when it is about "her".
my two cents:

We already know the defense has pretty much conceded that she lied to LE... so there is guilty on those four charges right off the bat

as for her reaction on any other verdict? well, I have been following this case since it broke in the news and was placed on the missing forum here at websleuths. Each day as more info came out my jaw dropped further and further until I think I struck oil. From the start Casey Anthony has amazed me with her statements, inappropriate reactions, lies, etc etc etc.. to include her behavior in court.

I am sure she will surprise me once again with her behavior when the verdict is read. I have no earthly idea what game face she will bring that day.

((aside: with all that being said, after the rebuttal case and motion for aquittal today I think I really saw her start to see it come home.....and not in her favor.... so if that is a taste of what we will see if she is found guilty of murder I can anticipate her not being able to hold in her rage and all the pretend carp going out the window...))

she should be well-prepared, come to think of it. Remember? "If they find her, guess who will spend eternity in jail?"
Casey will cry IMO.....she cries when it is about "her".

Hopefully she will be in cuffs before they read the verdict. That way she can't pinch her nose or scratch her eyes to try and make magical tears come out.
If she is acquitted I will have a heart attack and be in ICU!!! I cannot bear the thought of this girl walking away a free woman.....

There better be a wing at the hospital big enough for all of us!

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