What will Casey's reaction be when the verdict comes in?

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I heard that, too. I wonder if Casey knows that?! I can see Baez grinning ear to ear if she gets LWOP and she is going at him like a lioness protecting her cubs. Oops, bad analogy..

I think guilty on all counts is definitely a win for the prosecution. Anything less is a win for the defense. But if ICA gets LWOP instead of DP, imo, it's still a win for the prosecution.
She'll either look stonefaced, or will give the performance of a lifetime!
This is hysterical, the perfect scenario:great:

Wait, don't forget, some kid who now stands zero chance of getting a piece from Casey, will be sitting in the courtroom flipping everyone on the jury, and then HHBP will say, "Ladies and gentelmen of the jury, there's some nice snackcake waiting for us in the backroom that the dessert lady brought us. Now would be a good time for us to take a break, why don't we go back there and enjoy some nice dessert?"
my fear is she gets off an a technicality - she is free. cindy and george will have to deal with this insane event. no one will be able to go on as before. everywhere they go they will need a body guard. cindy and george will have to have a move far away and casey will go with them until they can figure out what to do with her. you can not even start to know the fear casey will have someone will harm her. for everyones life to go on i hope she gets lwop- i will be nice to her and spare death as her family had enough tears . death is not to be decided by me- jury can do that.

a life of hell if she is free for many
In my dreams it would go something like this - - -

Judge Perry - Has the jury reached its' verdict?

Jury Foreman/woman - We have Your Honor.

Judge Perry is handed the verdict.

Judge Perry - In the Case of the State of Florida versus Casey Marie Anfoney... the jury finds the defendent, in the charge of First Degree Murder, GUILTY.


The gallery erupts in applause.

Casey attacks Jose Baez.

Jose screams "Not the pocket square! Not the pocket square!"

Jeff Ashton cheers Casey on.

Linda Drane Burdick burns all of Jose's clicky pens.

Cheney Mason goes back to sleep.

Ann Finnell gets ready for the penalty phase (Can't say anything negative about her).

Dorthy Clay Sims creates an add on Craigslist titled "Babysitter for Hire."

Cindy Anthony collapses and since no one reaches out to catch her, we hear a loud THUD, at she hits the ground. She dusts off and tries it again.

As Cindy lays on the ground, George Anthony hands her divorce papers.

Judge Perry looks up case law... he does have a contempt of court hearing for Jose coming up soon.

Roy Kronk hands Leonard Padilla a bouquet of daisies.

I'm too tired to go on... but I am sure she will simply shake her head "no"

Couldn't snip a thing, I am crying laughing. Thank you!
ICA will have her cameo role ....it is HER DAY and NO ONE else's!
IMO, she will go into hysterical, manic behavior.
She is expecting to fool everyone with a 'GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD'.
When 'guilty of all charges' breaks her mood.........
Wait til we see the REAL ICA..........eyes glaring, teeth snarling, real tears for HERSELF!
I'm waiting to see the face that CAYLEE last saw in life...........
IMO, it will be real scarey to see.
I can not see her controlling herself.........JMOO
She will have a breakdown (I think) when she is found guilty - AND SHE WILL BE FOUND GUILTY - but my question is this - do Baez and Co. do the appeal for her (pro bono) or are they going to walk away and never see her again?
She will have a breakdown (I think) when she is found guilty - AND SHE WILL BE FOUND GUILTY - but my question is this - do Baez and Co. do the appeal for her (pro bono) or are they going to walk away and never see her again?

My understanding is that she will have a different attorney, I think since she is indigent, a court appointed attorney.
LWOP - I'd expect to see the red triangle bulge in her forehead get huge, with the two baby horns of her forehead throbbing, the real tears for self, the head shaking no, the teeth grind, snarling while muttering something that looks like an evil spell, and then surprising us by winking at JB or some weird thing.

:floorlaugh: Thank-You-I needed that!
That was priceless!

:fence: (just because I love it's swinging little legs)
KC will be lucky to hold it together. She's had her own little commentary to herself throughout the trial, and especially during closing arguments/rebuttal. I guess what I'm getting at is any reaction she gives won't surprise me, but I do agree at some point she's going to lose it--probably at the jail or perhaps at JB and company in some backroom away from the camera.
Once she is convicted, I expect a pity party of epic proportions complete with full meltdown in the courtroom. My opinion is based on the belief that ICA is a narcissitic sociopath who only shows emotion when it concerns her.

I suspect that once her imaginary bubble of innocence is busted that she will go ballistic! She will have the mindset of ' I'll show them, they'll see...they MUST see it my way! I will MAKE them see!'

ICA will appeal and appeal and appeal in an attempt to wear the system down in an attempt that someone will eventually believe her nonsensical story.

This is what narcissitic sociopaths do, they keep on...... and on....... and on...... and on.... and on.... about a subject until one is so worn down and exhausted that the victim cries UNCLE!

That's what they do...I was married to one for 20 years. this is MOO


I wish this scenario would play out... I really do... but I keep thinking back to one of the jail house videos where she says "I'm not giving the media anything, they get nothing from me." Maybe not an exact quote but I think she will stay true to form; stone faced and cold as ice, therefore giving us and the media nothing.
She will probably do the shake her head no thing. Mumble mumble -- shake shake, tight jaw, stab the eye and the whole routine.

I wonder if she will be shocked? She does appear nervous lately, but I kinda think she might be counting on going to dinner at the cheese cake factory when she is found not guilty? (keep thinking ICA)

EDIT: oops , guess I'm assuming they will find her guilty.
She's gonna be madder than a ole wet hen.
I think she's going to throw a screaming raving tantrum of epic proportions and will have to be restrained.

Then again, it might just be my active imagination and tight boots!

I'd pay money to see this happen!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy using Tapatalk.
She has come close a few times to losing her temper during this trial, and barely held things in check today after all was said and done.
We all KNOW she has a volatile, mercurial temper when she can't persuade others to believe her and I highly doubt has heard the word "No" very often in her life, nor I'm quite sure EVER been so blatantly disbelieved and proven a liar so often.She has GOT to be seething just under the surface

I suspect if the DP is given she will glare at HHJP, THEN scream like a banshee and jump up on the DT table, pull down her pants, squat down and defecate on it and start slinging poo at everyone she sees while jumping up and down and screeching like a monkey. Wide eyed, snarling and biting at anyone who comes close until the stunned bailiffs taze her into submission.

I also predict that a wild eyed, screaming JB will knock a stunned and sloth like CM butt over tea kettle in his wild flight away from the crazed ICA

Hey!! It could happen ...:floorlaugh:

OMG trublu... laughing so hard I've got tears rolling down my face! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I think she will pretend to faint. And start making pleas for her Mother to help her.

Sorry, if someone said this already, you guys post so fast, I can't keep up! LOL
I had a dream about this...

The jury said "We the jury find Casey Marie Anthony guilty of first degree murder."

Casey got pale and almost passed out.

Baez reached over to make sure she didn't fall over.

She turned to say something to Baez as he touched her...

And puked all over him. :sick:

Then the next day I had two children puking all over the house. :waitasec:

For what it's worth...

I also had a dream that she only got convicted on the final four charges of lying to police.

Then after she got out of jail Baez took her out on his boat...

Which apparently was VERY well equipped with hidden surveillance cameras.

Casey came back alone in Baez's boat in my dream.

Her story of what happened to Baez was proven false because of the hidden cameras she was unaware of.

The video showed how she ended up alone on the boat.

She got sent away for life anyway after getting away with the first murder.

It was very OJ like. :crazy:

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