What will happen to the Anthonys?

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That would be a match made in hell, for sure!

Yes, the two are so IN for money right now..

exclusive interviews
exclusive video footage of their marriage
movie deals

You know JB has to protect his best asset .. and that is Casey :)
I wonder about George, whether he will hang around. Especially when Casey comes "home". As I am sure Cindy will accept her with open arms. I just hope she, Casey, gets her tubes tied.
If any of this family try to profit on the back of little Caylee's murder especially ICA, remember the saying:

ILL- gotten gains never prosper.

She will probably drink/drug herself to death on the party scene.
the gp wont be able to make a dime off caylee .. since kc is soon to be free all rights will be stripped from them .i can assure you of that bc kc thinks only of kc
I shudder to think after reading some of Casey's jailhouse letters on what she said she planned to do after she got out.. dye her hair, change her name, and adopt a child.. the thoughts haunt me.. whew! I don't think she'd be incognito by any means or that her delusions of adopting would be viable.. but I do hope that the whole family goes into very extensive counseling, for their sakes and the sakes of the rest of the community that must deal with whatever is to impact those they come into contact with in the future.
also i hope george will be ok .. i wil never believe he did anything except mabey sleep around on ca .. they had problems before this whole thing .. again kc will get her wish her and mommy .or she will get rid of them both .. she reminds me of a female ted/bundy and an animal that kills its offspring ..
I wonder how long it will be until she's back on Facebook.

I can't imagine things will go back to whatever "normal" is with that family. Who knows, though. They seems to like pretending like nothing ever happened.
re BBM If she walks on Thursday, Thursday :) I hope she enjoys all the Facebook pages already created in her dubious honor, disparaging her.
I don't believe Casey will go home. I think the hardworking people of Florida will be paying for her assimilation and she really will become a 'paralegal' for her boy Baez. Maybe AF can arrange for her to go to law school.
Or maybe she'll get 'Won over' by chloroform at Fusian.
The first thing I thought when the verdict was passed was when will Steven Hirsch make an offer for Casey to star in a *advertiser censored* movie. Sure enough, as reported on TMZ, an offer has just been made for an undisclosed amount. Come this time next year, Casey may be a multi-million dollar pornstar sipping champagne in the jacuzzi of a beachfront villa with male and female hanger-ons basking the glow of her notoriety.
I don't know what will happen to the Anthonys, but I pray that both George and Lee will walk away and never look back.
What will happen to the Anthony's is yet to be seen. When you let a Psychopath go free after killing, what are the chances that the Psychopath will kill again?

Natalee Hollway was murdered by a Psychopath and he was " left out " to kill again and did!

Casey acts like a Psychopath and has already killed once......What is the likelihood that she will Kill again? Casey has rage toward many people including her Parents, as she blames them for her having to spend the last 3 years in Jail........This is so very concerning for the safety of Family and all of the people involved in her case.........JMO

I think there is a very good chance she will kill again.. now she knows there are no consequences to her actions so she is free to do as she pleases.
If this was a book - the next short chapter would be some random person finding Casey's body - after being chloroformed and smothered with duct tape - rotting away in a swamp.

It would be investigated and found to be a suicide. End of story.
Those miserable people will go on being miserable to each other and society. But we now know the truth about them. I hope to never see/hear anything of them again.
If Casey goes near George or Cindy, George might kill her this time. He already testified he was going to take the gun he went out and bought to try to force people invovled to talk and when she refuses, spews venom or lies... George will lose it. If he kills her he will either end up in jail ("if I could trade places with her, I would...") or turning the gun on himself ("Caylee here I come.").

Casey will steal, lie and try to get away with murder again if she is smart enough to attempt to disappear and not go home.
Look the only way we can combat these people is to not buy a book, watch movie or any tv associated with the Anthony's, lawyers or jury. I for one am taking the Thirty dollars or so I would have spent on a book and sending it to the Orange County SA's office to be donated to the cost of this trial or to the Guardian ad Litem program. We have strength in numbers guys lets do something to make th
Ok, so besides the posts I've done in other threads about the suspicious behavior of GA & how I felt he was hiding things...I just came across another oddity. George sent Casey a letter in prison in March of 2009, 3 months after Caylee's remains were found, and his letter tells Casey "I see you have put on a few lbs.! I realize that you cannot run/work out, but just be careful! Can you request or get a chance to have some outdoor activity?" How strange is that? I'm not saying that's evidence of anything, just sayin' that is really odd behavior & thing to ask about if he just found out 3 months ago that is granddaughter is for sure dead & he and ICA are newly grieving. He was worried about her weight at that point? That family puts the disfunction in disfunctional. Her jail letters also indicate her obsession for caloric intake & diet foods...now I'm beginning to understand why. That's just another of my random observations on suspicious behavior of GA. I think he knew what happened long before. I wanted to start a thread on all the odd/suspicious statements & actions of GA, but apparently I don't have privileges to start a thread. Anyone else find that to be odd though?

If your parent is telling you you are putting on a few pounds is a sign of anything, it's a sign they are perfectly normal. lol There is nothing strange about it whatsoever. Nothing dysfunctional about that as this family were very weight conscious and obviously still are.

FYI Somethinghere: You have to post a certain number of posts before you get certain privileges here. Once you have reached that number you will be able to start a thread. The rule applies to everyone. jmo
What will happen to the Anthony's is yet to be seen. When you let a Psychopath go free after killing, what are the chances that the Psychopath will kill again?

Natalee Hollway was murdered by a Psychopath and he was " left out " to kill again and did!

Casey acts like a Psychopath and has already killed once......What is the likelihood that she will Kill again? Casey has rage toward many people including her Parents, as she blames them for her having to spend the last 3 years in Jail........This is so very concerning for the safety of Family and all of the people involved in her case.........JMO

The scary part for those living in Orlando is Lee's question to KC, "Is this like the last time?"
I don't care what happens to them other than I hope they rot in hell. Every last one of them.
I dunno but they better hope they never have to call the OCSO for help.

why OSCO is already guarding them (even two officers on ATVs behind their home all night). That's the beautiful thing about the people of OSCO's LE department, they will come and help them when the murder/suicide call comes in.

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