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What evidence will convict Casey

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remember though KC went on and on in the last interview with her parents to the point that she got very angry over the point that there was nothing else to tell. She wanted them to stop asking her because she had nothing to tell them

Interesting, huh? But just within the last week or so JB once again mentioned that we didn't know the whole story. If Casey is saying she didn't kill Caylee and JB and CA/GA are also agreeing, why wait until trial to tell the story? I don't know anyone who would sit in jail for months if they were innocent and could prove it. I think this is all smoke and mirrors while they work to discredit the evidence.
Interesting, huh? But just within the last week or so JB once again mentioned that we didn't know the whole story. If Casey is saying she didn't kill Caylee and JB and CA/GA are also agreeing, why wait until trial to tell the story? I don't know anyone who would sit in jail for months if they were innocent and could prove it. I think this is all smoke and mirrors while they work to discredit the evidence.

Good point, RO. They're working like mad to discredit the evidence, with the help of that dream team. (Wow, I wish I could get my eyelashes to do that!!)
I just don't get why she didn't get rid of the body in a Lake like Lake Jessup; along with all the evidence. Why didn't she do that and then run, get out of FL. There were so many other ways to get away with this, I don't get it. She just hung around waiting for Cindy and George to ask "Where's Caylee?" She doesn't strike me as stupid.
If the toy horses are rubber or plastic, having only Caylee's and KC's fingerprints on them.
I just don't get why she didn't get rid of the body in a Lake like Lake Jessup; along with all the evidence. Why didn't she do that and then run, get out of FL. There were so many other ways to get away with this, I don't get it. She just hung around waiting for Cindy and George to ask "Where's Caylee?" She doesn't strike me as stupid.

She has a personality disorder which adversely affects every aspect of her being and her life. Her thinking is extremely disordered . These wingnuts live in la la land . KC is disordered to the point that she is and was quite dependent upon her enablers ( parents) . Most kids want independence badly enough they go get jobs, roomates, education and move out of the parental home and make their own way in the world.
I just don't get why she didn't get rid of the body in a Lake like Lake Jessup; along with all the evidence. Why didn't she do that and then run, get out of FL. There were so many other ways to get away with this, I don't get it. She just hung around waiting for Cindy and George to ask "Where's Caylee?" She doesn't strike me as stupid.

My thinking is that she thought about running, but she has the mind of a ten year old sociopath. She wanted her parent's house. She was already moving her friend (or next victim) AH in, re: the change of address form and mail order delivery of something AH ordered for herself, and making plans for the parents to move out and sign the house over.

Also, she never intended her parents to call the police over Caylee or dig up the backyard. She had her lies ready and description of Zenaida ready to sell it, but she didn't count on the police throwing her in jail. She just never considered it.

It's a big shock to her.

She's in shock and trusting her lawyers. Big mistake; they are only in this for personal gain.

IMO :chicken:
With due respect, I don't see how she covered any of her nasty butt. kc also said she went to Tampa with zg after zg abducted Caylee. kc said she stayed with her in the hospital after her car accident. The jury cannot just pick and choose one out of all the lies and choose to believe this...not reasonable.
Wouldn't there be a police report or witnesses to this supposed wreck? What about medical records of a hospital stay at Tampa General, and medical insurance records. I think NOT finding these records would put to rest the Zenaida mystery!
Is that all? Just a key to the car?

Let's not forget the key to the house, the knife, the heart sticker, duct tape, blanket.....

I mean, after all, Zanni has been the go-to-girl throughout this whole thing! What with her unwaivering devotion to Caylee and KC, that girl should at the VERY least be presented with a key to the city! After all, she seems to have a key to everything else. :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Man, when I was a single working mother of a small child, I had a list of everybody who ever said to me, "Hey I babysit, I'll watch (your daughter)" ... I had 27 names & phone #s at one time and couldn't get any of them to sit for me one weekend because they all had plans-- YES I paid them each and every time. I would have died for a go-to-girl like Zanni! I'd have married her! I had to lug all the clothes and food my child would need to most of the places they watched her. None of them had so much as a pop-tart. Really, the unwaivering devotion Zanni exhibited (up until the time KC got caught by CA) is above and beyond the call of duty, and is itself abnormal. Then, for this (albiet fictional) woman to "turn" on KC and steal and murder this child that she has so often watched, far more in fact than KC ever did, makes you wonder if (fictional) Zanni didn't have a psychotic breakdown. And if she's a KC alter-ego, that'd fit.
I voted All Of The Above but im surprised Her Behavior scored so low.
I dont think it will in the Jury's minds or hearts.
Man, when I was a single working mother of a small child, I had a list of everybody who ever said to me, "Hey I babysit, I'll watch (your daughter)" ... I had 27 names & phone #s at one time and couldn't get any of them to sit for me one weekend because they all had plans-- YES I paid them each and every time. I would have died for a go-to-girl like Zanni! I'd have married her! I had to lug all the clothes and food my child would need to most of the places they watched her. None of them had so much as a pop-tart. Really, the unwaivering devotion Zanni exhibited (up until the time KC got caught by CA) is above and beyond the call of duty, and is itself abnormal. Then, for this (albiet fictional) woman to "turn" on KC and steal and murder this child that she has so often watched, far more in fact than KC ever did, makes you wonder if (fictional) Zanni didn't have a psychotic breakdown. And if she's a KC alter-ego, that'd fit.
I was thinking along the same line.
If the defense does decide to go the insanity route out of necesity I could just see some paid 'expert' on the stand explaining to a jury that the Nanny is really 'Bad Casey'....:rolleyes:
I voted all of above.
Bits and pieces of everything.
Something has been bothering me about everything, wouldn't testing of the clothes found, and the pull up with flower print in the bag tell so much? Would any dna / drug testing be able to be done on a used pull up? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but that poor babys clothes and used pull up should have some type of answers right?
I was thinking along the same line.
If the defense does decide to go the insanity route out of necesity I could just see some paid 'expert' on the stand explaining to a jury that the Nanny is really 'Bad Casey'....:rolleyes:

Yeah, I agree. Hey, let's all get a "Zanni", well, actually, we all already have a bad part to us, so let's USE this! 1. Identify the part we don't like about ourselves. 2. Compartmentalize it. 3. Name it. For me "bad EchointheDark". 4. Get it fake id. 5. Embrace it! 6. Do whatever I want and when caught, pull out the fake id, and say "the nanny did it!", meaning of course, that I'm telling the truth in a backwards sort of way, that I of course know that I, Echo... did it, but not really, absolutely....!

My head hurts.

My heart hurts more, thinking about little Caylee. So so so many people out there would die for a beautiful child like her to adopt. Why did KC have to kill her to be free of her? If KC's motive was money, she could have sold Caylee to somebody with money, via a legal adoption, cash under the table, and nobody could have done squat about it. KC could have danced away the $ and probably been recruited by the adoptive parents to make a #2 baby bro or sis for their Caylee. But that's KC, never one to take advantage of any opportunity for work or advancement, in fact, to militaristically refuse to work, think, produce, or do any good for anybody except herself. Wow.

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