What would you tell the state?

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Dec 25, 2010
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I've never started a thread, so if I don't do this right please delete, change or whatever needs to be done.

I can not make suggestions to the D.T..can't. However, I can think of some for the state.

1. Don't let your temper out of the "bag". I know there are many things in this case to drive you crazy but don't go there. Think of Caylee often and bite your tongue.

2. Keep the science as simple as possible. Folks can learn and understand anything if you break it down enough. My husband helps me with computer usage this way. =-) He's computer science and I'm not.

3. Follow a plan, keep it clear-common sense, be professional and remind the jury often about Caylee. Caylee seems to get lost sometimes and she has/is trying so hard to share her sad story. I'm positive this is why I'm following this case, because this little girl needs to be heard.


Your doing a good job. =-)
1. Continue to expose every single lie that this inmates family has perpetuated.
2. Keep frustrating the DT by telling the 'real' story.
3. Just keep being your committed, professional selves. (JA- relax, you are much smarter than your opponent, we see him for what he is and so will your jurors.)
4. LDB- you ROCK. Smart, witty and a true truth seeker! Can't ask for anything better than that to bring this to the finish line!
Keep Caylee your main focus as you you fight for justice for her. Don't allow the defense to distract or frustrate you with their shadyness, arrogance or pen clicking. Keep up with your research and home work, You already earned an A+ from me. Keep one step ahead of them as you have been. Keep your eye
on the prize, JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!
What would I tell the state? Hmm.. there are a couple very good points I've seen posted here that I've felt should've been fwd to the state lol other than that.. I have no advice.. they're all amazing!
Ashton is brilliant and argues a wonderful argument. He got DNA evidence brought into court years ago.. I'm confident he will get the air samples allowed as well.

LDB is the kind of women that every little girl aspires to be. She's beautiful, professional and fights the good fight for victims in Orange county. The woman's a pit butt and I enjoy watching her at the podium.
Given the thread for the DT...a thread for the SA is appropriate.

I have made no secret of my admiration and respect for the 3 SA that have been assigned to this case. Each of them is talented beyond belief and worth so much more than their State salary allows.

I see, as a whole, a professional, dedicated, passionate team that maintains dignity and decorum while faced with "true evil" in the form of murderers, rapists, and other criminals.

Prosecuting someone for the death of a child makes it almost impossible to allow for emotional detachment. As a prosecutor...your are charged with finding justice for victims. It goes beyond punishing law breakers....it puts you in a position to effect change and make consequences for actions possible.

In a case like this...where the family has been less than cooperative....the SA is literally the advocate for the victim. It is in this case that emotions often overpower our resolve and logic.

I really can't say that I have seen the SA's do anything rude. At least not when they initiated it. But, I have seen them allow themselves to be drawn into the whirlpool effect that the DT continually stirs up.

Each side is charged with protecting their client. Each side MUST do so with vigor, and we see that demonstrated in every hearing.

That said, JA has to calm down and not allow the schoolyard games, unprofessionalism, and lack of cooperation get to him on a personal level. Long ago...JB identified JA's hot buttons. Like the pen clicking...he is hitting on those buttons as often as he can.

I hope that JA will ease up a bit and allow time to object without the rapidfire comments we saw Friday. That tactic will work well in front of a jury because far less of his objections will be overruled in trial. For now....he needs to breathe and ignore JB the man, and see him as nothing more than a defense robot.

I admire his passion and resolve. He and Linda are nothing short of AMAZING.
I understand why Jeff Ashton gets so angry... He understands the seriousness of this case. He understands that this case is about a murdered baby... not an accidental death... not a case of neglect... but MURDER! You can tell how personally attached he has become to this case and making sure that Justice for Caylee is reached. A perfect example is when he quipped back at Jose and said "Yes, divine intervention. Unfortunately... we were too late." You could tell how emotional he was when he was describing what may have been Caylee's last moments. His voice was shaking and he was having a hard time getting the words out.

He has invested nearly three years into this case. He gets upset when the defense makes a mockery out of the murder of Caylee Marie Anthony and I don't blame him at all... but I do hope that he can tone it down just a little bit. I understand 100% what angers him because it angers me. I can not even imagine having to be in the same room with Jose Baez and Casey Anthony. I have dreamt of it many times and every time I get arrested!

My suggestion to Mr. Ashton would be to let the defense show their true colors. They will try and try hard to get a reaction from you... just as Jose did with Linda with the pen-clicking incident. Don't let them!

You are Caylee's voice! She needs all of you and we are all counting on you and have 1000000% faith in all of you! Mrs. Drane Burdick... Mr. Ashton... and Mr. Frank (he reminds me of Joe Pesci (sp??))
Given the thread for the DT...a thread for the SA is appropriate.

I have made no secret of my admiration and respect for the 3 SA that have been assigned to this case. Each of them is talented beyond belief and worth so much more than their State salary allows.

I see, as a whole, a professional, dedicated, passionate team that maintains dignity and decorum while faced with "true evil" in the form of murderers, rapists, and other criminals.

Prosecuting someone for the death of a child makes it almost impossible to allow for emotional detachment. As a prosecutor...your are charged with finding justice for victims. It goes beyond punishing law breakers....it puts you in a position to effect change and make consequences for actions possible.

In a case like this...where the family has been less than cooperative....the SA is literally the advocate for the victim. It is in this case that emotions often overpower our resolve and logic.

I really can't say that I have seen the SA's do anything rude. At least not when they initiated it. But, I have seen them allow themselves to be drawn into the whirlpool effect that the DT continually stirs up.

Each side is charged with protecting their client. Each side MUST do so with vigor, and we see that demonstrated in every hearing.

That said, JA has to calm down and not allow the schoolyard games, unprofessionalism, and lack of cooperation get to him on a personal level. Long ago...JB identified JA's hot buttons. Like the pen clicking...he is hitting on those buttons as often as he can.

I hope that JA will ease up a bit and allow time to object without the rapidfire comments we saw Friday. That tactic will work well in front of a jury because far less of his objections will be overruled in trial. For now....he needs to breathe and ignore JB the man, and see him as nothing more than a defense robot.

I admire his passion and resolve. He and Linda are nothing short of AMAZING.

Very well said Sleutherontheside. Very well said...
this may not be good due to the defense being so WAAAH WAAH all the time but i admit it's hilarious when ashton brings up bloggers and he obviously knows they can get things right even if it came to proving HIM wrong. ya know...the comment "...and bloggers are probably going to correct me on this...". BAAAM! that was directed to mr. buuyez! maybe? i hope.
I have no advice for Caylee's "Angels for Justice" team. Keep doing what you're doing. I wouldn't change a thing. Do not fear Mr. Ashton's passionate objections -- he is doing his job each and every time he "objects" by "jolting" us back time and time again to the "TRUTH" with his passion. Jurors draw their own independent conclusions about the attorneys based on how the attorneys interact with one another during witness examinations/objections, and there is always a "winner" and a "loser" in the juror's eyes, regardless of whether the attorney does happen to lose his/her cool temporarily. Please note that Jurors actually do like and actually "NEED" a little "excitement" or "jolt back to reality" once in a while for those jurors who have temporarily "checked out" or "tuned out" and to break up the monotony and sheer boredom with attorneys who are unprepared, unprofessional, unlikeable, disrespectful and stutter, stammer, waste time, are pompous, and exhibit bullylike or childish behavior.
Mr. Ashton may lose an objection or two here and there and possibly more than he'd like to lose but I highly doubt he will "lose" in the eyes of the jury.
LDB - Don't change a thing.

Caylee's "Angels for Justice" team already has the 1) "likeability" factor, 2) "believability" factor, 3) "professionalism", 4) "preparedness", 5) "delivery style" 6) "knowledge base" 7) "passion" and 8) "evidence" to effectively prosecute this case. The rest is up to the jurors. Keep it simple, to the point and at every chance possible throughout the entire trial, mention "Caylee Marie Anthony's" name to keep the focus where it belongs. Never let the jury forget that Caylee's "Angels for Justice" team is the only real "family" Caylee Marie Anthony has. Every one of her birth family has abandoned her and it is important for the jury to never forget that.

Lastly, remember that the acronym CMA not only stands for Caylee Marie Anthony - it also stands for CHILD MURDER ATROCITY!
No mercy for the DT!
I'm glad you realize they are as
rotten as that creature they have as a client.
Other than that, chill out. You got this!
Whatever you do, never tell anyone to "Shut Up" in open court. As dreamy as I think JeffA is, that is so rude and kinda shows a loss of control.

JA should give the opening, LDB the closing.

Sounds like LDB, from her comment to the judge about needing a day off because of Orange County Schools, has a kiddo. Please, LDB, in your closing, appeal to the mothers on the jury.

Important One! As much as they make me want to go all Elvis on my TV set, be sugary sweet to the Anthonys. If they get out of line, be taken aback, be like the lamb that the wolf is attacking, cause that's what they are. Don't for a second have the jury think you have made them defensive.

I would tell them:

Remember Caylee!

JB et al has a game plan... all be it a sleezy one...you, the State have a game plan..well thought out...control...

Like two soccer teams that meet...one plays by intimidation and force...the other finesse and ball control.

The team that plays ball control cannot fall for the others antics...or they will lose...

Play your game State, not JB's. Keep your eye on the task at hand. HHJP knows the law, the Jury will see through the charade...hang in there...

We all see the shenanigans these guys are up to...

Keep your head up...stay calm...know we are hear behind you and HHJP wants justice as well.
Sit tight and be cool. The DT is working diligently digging that hole and forming that noose. Simply allow them to do so. Then throw in the last shovelful of dirt when the hole is too deep to climb out.

Don't think for a second the jury and judge will be unaware of what is taking place. Trust science. Trust your education. Trust the jury. And trust that little rocking judge!
I agree with you all....the closing statement should be just as strong as the opening statement..

The closing is where the prosecution will direct the jury to all the inaccuracies being stated throughout the trial. They will inform the jury to not take the grandmothers word for she lost credibility (they will point out the inaccuracies). The grandfather already stated he would lie in order to protect his adult child so, he too would be deemed incredible..

They will bring Caylee Marie front and center her justice is what we are brought here for...how unnatural it is for this child to have been found as she was and how her mother never informed anyone of this alleged abduction until the Grandmother calls for help. It now appears the grandparents are not wanting justice for this precious child...we must uphold the law and know a 2 year old doesn't do this to herself and we've already shown you that this alleged nanny doesn't exist...

The mothers actions and inactions for that critical 31 days as she evaded her parents giving excuses why the grandparents couldn't see Caylee and that Caylee Marie was with this alleged nanny, along with the partying, the tattoo and not one close friend new that Caylee was ever abducted. She wants us to believe during this time, she was conducting her own investigation.. How she hasn't told one credible statement to help find this precious baby is due to her knowing exactly what became of her own daughter..consciousness of guilt is as natural as taking this child's life is unnatural...You also heard the defendants reaction to the news of finding a childs skull at Suburban swamp...which was only 1/4 mile from the home where she resided. That is not a coincidence for this is where the defendant along with childhood friends would bury their deceased pets or hang out, so this was familiar ground to the defendant...and on with the evidence....JMHO

Justice for Caylee is why we are here and if you agree with the State of Florida, if you believe in the law, then you must find justice for Caylee Marie...there are other options for parents who find it hard to parent, who find it hard to be financially stable but this is only a part of it and we proved to the court the defendant didn't work, her parents took care of Caylee's needs. Jealousy and freedom seem to be what the defendants goal was, to be free of parental incubrances, to be free to live her life without Caylee Marie but murder is never an option...so you the jurors, if you find the evidence of this case as we the state presented it, then you must find the defendant guilty and give Caylee Marie justice....JMHO

Justice for Caylee
1. Thank you!!!!

2. Keep your eye on Caylee Marie Anthony

3. You can't prevent people from lying...be prepared for lies...you are honest and moral people, but everyone is not.

4. Stay with the facts at the time of the disappearance. Don't follow down the lying path. Point out the change of testimony and move on. Jurors will remember the change of the facts and realized why they are changing their testimony.

5. Do not confront a witness with anger. This will not make jurors sympathetic towards the witness and will make you seem caught off guard. Point out the discrepancies in a calm and forthright manner.

6. Show sympathy for a family member of the deceased in your statements, but stress that you just want the truth for Caylee. The jury may be sympathetic due to the loss of a loved one. Stress that you know the witness is distraught over the loss of their granddaughter/niece, and willingness to get justice for Caylee. That will put them on the defense to whether they want to seem more interested in getting justice for Caylee or getting their daughter/sister off on lies and technicalities

For the SA prosecuting this case I have profound respect for you all. It must be something so out of your field to deal with this type of DT tactics.

My advice is to pick your battles wisely, and never let JB see when your frazzled.

I would have LDB give opening and closing, she has a pleasing understanding tone with her voice. It comes across factual with no bias but the truth being told.

For goodness sakes open with 31 days and hit that hard LDB like you did when you quoted ICA with the FBOMB! OH that was so fantastic

I don't really see any problems with the SA office only that it seems after dealing with clowns for a long time it has frazzled JA some. I'm sure a few days off before the trial will be just what the doctor ordered.

Not easy to sit there and swallow all the BS coming from JB mouth.
You are doing an awesome job for Caylee. Thank you and not just for the people of the good State of Florida but for everyone.
I would say that LDB should expose this whole family for the nest of vipers that they are. It shows consciousness of ICA's guilt for them to have interfered with and lied consistently since this case started, and financed their lifestyle with blood money.
You are all doing an outstanding job. How good - well I have been to two hearings and I had to struggle not to genuflect as you all walked by :)

My only suggestion would be to say Caylee Marie Anthony as many times as possible - especially whenever the DT says the little girl or the child.

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