What's eating you alive re this case?

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Yeah I heard it was a very odd take and kind of confusing. I may watch it, but honestly, it doesn't really sound like my cup of tea. I can applaud the filmmakers for trying to take the case in another direction (i.e. "not just another documentary"), but I personally prefer the documentary-style. This take sounds a little too "avant-garde" (for lack of a better term). It seems like it's trying to make a statement on the "obsession" surrounding this case, more so than trying to illuminate or solve it, which is their prerogative but, for all intents and purposes, somewhat pointless (or just as pointless as "yet another documentary").
Admittedly, no -- I'm just saying though, if you are an RDI'er, it's beyond reasonable to assume that there was an argument at some point during the whole ordeal. I'm PDI, and I would bet once JR found out, he flipped out and there was a shouting match. So as someone already mentioned, that scene was in the movie; and again, it makes sense why that scene would be in the movie to me. If the filmmakers were going over all the of the possible sequences that could have happened that night, then again, I see why it was included.

I can see them arguing in every scenario where RDI. How can't you?

Definitely a domestic dispute no matter which scenario played out. IMO it may have got physical at some point. It may have played out in stages throughout the night. We have whatever sparked the chain reaction in the first place and then emotions are on high and the adrenaline kicks in as they go into *advertiser censored* covering mode where everything counts and their lives are literally on the line.

Those two are not going to be calm, cool, and collected....and certainly not for hours on end while dealing with their daughter's homicide.

All three members of the family should've been strip searched that morning.... for scratches and bruises and they also should've been drug tested as well. Could've made an easy case for doing this for Burke's sake in the kidnapping phase. The phantom IDI could've drugged him and maybe even sexually assaulted him before having to vanish into thin air.

They should've at least been asked to do this just to gauge their reaction. If John and/or Patsy refuse such a request, go get the warrants and watch them lawyer up before her body is even found.
I have two (theories?) chain of events and people involved that have not been rebutted to my amateur and undeserving sleuth status satisfaction.
Please, would a professional or cop tell me why both of these are irrelevant? And how they arrived at the pineapple in the bowl thing?
Why couldn't have Susan Stines' son along with BR (maybe even JAR), been the ones who raped and killed JR?
Patsy said, "They killed my baby. We didn't mean this to happen"
Burke was packed off to hang with the Stines' son while the coverup happened. And the Stines followed them back to GA? And Susan Stine was impersonating a judge or lawyer online in order to intercept anyone who had a real line on what happened?
Someone mentioned a bike that was Patsy new Christmas bike and/or someones? Someone mentioned bike tracks in the snow? Could the Stine boy have beat feet back to his home in the early morning hours? And JAR had a coat over his head when he got into the van after the murder 9the only one sho covered his face and tried to conceal his identity_) Someone said the Ramsey
Someone said Patsy said or John said, "Susan - Jonbenet is dead." On the phone or what? and the Stines' were out on the deck making fun pf the paparazzi and the photogs right after JBR's death.
No one has looked at the Stines'? And the following tight knit kinship the Ramseys' had with them?
Also the other thing was I read somewhere Patsy had let Jonbenet go out late for a photoshoot with two photographers when they got back from the Stines? After the festivities on December 25th. Alone. So the two adults went to bed thinking Jonbenet would be returned unharmed. And then what happened in the night? Her body was put in the cellar. For overnight keeping. It is suspicious to me that the meat freezer was in the same room JBR's body was found in.
I know Patsy was 'put up to' the cover up. I also suspect both parents had been abusive to Jonbenet since she was 3. And Patsy had been basically whoring JB out. She was compromising JB's safety and security for her self aggrandizement. Burke was entering the age when young male children are very dangerous company for little girls. And JAR, the Stine boy (who was 2 years older than Burke) and Burke together, had late night access to the murder victim.
Yeah I heard it was a very odd take and kind of confusing. I may watch it, but honestly, it doesn't really sound like my cup of tea. I can applaud the filmmakers for trying to take the case in another direction (i.e. "not just another documentary"), but I personally prefer the documentary-style. This take sounds a little too "avant-garde" (for lack of a better term). It seems like it's trying to make a statement on the "obsession" surrounding this case, more so than trying to illuminate or solve it, which is their prerogative but, for all intents and purposes, somewhat pointless (or just as pointless as "yet another documentary").

I don't think that is what the movie was about at all. And I found it fascinating. Especially listening to the actors (that are all local to Boulder) talk about the case. The actors had no idea their thoughts were going to be part of the movie.

The biggest thing I took away from it was the matter of perception. We see it right here in this forum. 4 people can read or see something and all 4 will describe it differently. Its especially telling when they show a scene done but with different actors. Each actor portrays the scene differently.
I thought the film Casting JonBenét, was very well done. There is a haunting score for the scenes in the last 5 minutes that wraps up the film. It is emotional, and well, haunting.

This scene depicts Burke waking up Patsy in the middle of the night. She says “sweetie, what’s wrong?”

For a moment I harbored some sympathy for all of them, if this is the way it actually went down. It didn’t last long.


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I don't think that is what the movie was about at all. And I found it fascinating. Especially listening to the actors (that are all local to Boulder) talk about the case. The actors had no idea their thoughts were going to be part of the movie.

The biggest thing I took away from it was the matter of perception. We see it right here in this forum. 4 people can read or see something and all 4 will describe it differently. Its especially telling when they show a scene done but with different actors. Each actor portrays the scene differently.

I haven't seen the movie, so I'll reserve judgement. I was just speculating the take the filmmakers were going for, based on a synopsis I read.
If they have nothing to hide about that night, then why lie? Jonbenet was asleep and carried in then BR says she walked in, BR slept through the whole thing turned into him actually being awake. The lies is what is eating me alive..if it was an intruder, why are did they lie so much? lies won't catch a killer or killers, it will just slow down the process and make it more difficult. That's why it is so difficult to believe IDI for me.

So Jonbenet's bedroom door, was it ajar or closed?, because PR said both. You know why i think and in my own personal opinion she changed her mind about the door? because if she continued to say that she noticed Jonbenet's door was closed when it was always ajar, then LE would ask why she didn't open it to check everything was ok before she went down the spiral stairs as the door position would be unusual. And then this also takes me onto this fact, if IDI then the perp while carrying a stun gunned Jonbenet would have to carry her and manage to pull the door back to the same or close to the same position he found it in when entering Jonbenet's room. Why on earth would a perp care to do that? and a stun gunned Jonbenet would be carried off, out and into the night by the perp via a door. In my own opinion.
The unexplainable smug look on John's face at the first media conference they had. He was angry that there were innuendo's of him sexually abusing his daughter but that is where the anger stopped. I didn't see sadness, anger, devastation. I saw someone who was close to being content.
JR is THE ONLY ONE of the three occupants that has never sued on his own behalf. Some of the most inflammatory allegations were leveled against him in tabloids, books, etc.. as to possible sexual molestation. I suspect that was one "can of worms" he did not wish to open.
JR is THE ONLY ONE of the three occupants that has never sued on his own behalf. Some of the most inflammatory allegations were leveled against him in tabloids, books, etc.. as to possible sexual molestation. I suspect that was one "can of worms" he did not wish to open.

I call it distancing.
My explanation for this is that there are two minds at work in this cover up and neither of them are collaborating with the other. In regards to the ransom note one has to remember that they could only use whatever was in the house at the time. How were they meant to improvise a disgruntled employee?? How could you tie that into the staging? I don't believe you could. You can write about it or infer it in a ransom note but to stage it?? No.

Did they have the time or presence of mind to collaborate the ransom note with the staging? I don't believe so. I think both went about doing whatever they could in the time they had. One was over the top ie Patsy's ransom note. John's was violent something Patsy could not have put into action.

The ransom note was made to sound violent and the staging was made to look violent.

Other opposites was Patsy not showering. John showered. Patsy was crying to the officer who first arrived. John was cordial. Patsy was consoled by her friends. John went AWOL. Everything they did was like chalk and cheese and its reflected in this crime scene as well.

The blue piece of paper on the floor in JonBenet's bedroom between the bed and the Christmas Tree. There was also something else that was blue under the Christmas tree. There were blue fibers found on JonBenet. I'm wondering if the blue piece of paper was actually a removal bottom lining to the blue bag (if it was a bag).
Patsy also claims to have spilt some red wine there on the carpet in that area. All a bit odd!!!
I wonder if that really was red wine or something else?
Also the angel made of glued puff balls did JonBenet make this??? If anyone knows about this angel that would be immensely helpful to me. TIA.
The blue piece of paper on the floor in JonBenet's bedroom between the bed and the Christmas Tree. There was also something else that was blue under the Christmas tree. There were blue fibers found on JonBenet. I'm wondering if the blue piece of paper was actually a removal bottom lining to the blue bag (if it was a bag).
Patsy also claims to have spilt some red wine there on the carpet in that area. All a bit odd!!!
I wonder if that really was red wine or something else?
Also the angel made of glued puff balls did JonBenet make this??? If anyone knows about this angel that would be immensely helpful to me. TIA.


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I would call it a blue piece of paper. I always thought of it as a section of cut away carpet. On closer look, it appears to be the bottom liner of a duffel bag from the one under the Christmas tree. I've had a few bags that had a removable stiff bottom.

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