When Did the Anthony Family Know Caylee was Gone?

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I don't know why you are apologizing. You have brought up some great points and we always welcome other opinions. :)
Welcome Dusty Rose, apparently you've done nothing wrong! Keep posting.:welcome2:
There was a video clip early on of George Anthony storming out of the house, and walking down the road. Someone (Lee?) comes along and convinces him to get in the car.
I wish i could see that clip again, I wonder if George was headed in the direction of where Caylee was found. I think he found out and was going to get her (Caylee) from the woods, before Lee went and stopped him.

If anyone knows this clip, please post the link for me?
Great post!
And thanks for reminding me that George and Cindy went to search their own backyard for Caylee
I forgot the reason/excuse they gave...did they think Caylee was hiding in her playhouse, in the sandbox...?
Something, some suspicion or realization, lead them to search their own yard before LE did...but then again George, if not both, knew or suspected that would happen once LE was called in...

CA sending Lee to look for ICA at her favorite clubs in Orlando on July 3, then CA telling LE that ICA was in Jacksonville (or wherever) with Jeffrey Michael Hopkins that weekend (cuz it makes so much sense right?)

CA telling LE that she had phone numbers for invizinanny - yet she never used them, not once in 2 years or 31 days? Questioned who was watching the "little angel". Odd that apparently in the past, ICA didn't have a nanny to babysit when CA wasn't available (a source of conflict? probably!).

CA asking ICA; "What have you done?" after "overhearing" ICA telling Lee, Caylee was "missing".

The A's telling LE they had already looked under the playhouse (When? On July 15th or before that?). Was that a favorite spot for ICA to stash things or Caylee's hide 'n seek spot?

Never, ever, not even ONE TIME did they ask for the kidnapper/s to return Caylee.

They knew all along. They were in coverup mode, all along. They may not have admitted this to themselves or to each other, but everything they did speaks to consciousness of guilt.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHMNxkI4iMk&feature=player_embedded @ 7:55

"I wanted her home the 15th."


Is it just me, or does this imply that KC/Caylee didn't stay in the Anthony home the night of the 15th?

If you count the day of the 15th of June, you get 31 days..........but only if you count the 15th of June.

Thanks ynot! I have heard that statement by CA before and it stood out, but until now I could not reconcile it. The statement of the 31-days never made sense to me because the A's always use the 6/16/08 am, GA escorting them out the door - date as the "last Caylee siting"

BUT........if Caylee disappeared with ICA in the evening of the 15th......BOTH make sense....:twocents:
I am here to make an apology to the forum, and to WS. I apologize for voicing my strong opinions, and I hope that I did not insult either side. I've read here for the last couple years, and wanted to be apart of a community that is not biased, but can see the full picture in the case.
Thank You for letting be here, and again I apologize.


Hi DR!

Your strong opinions are based on knowledge and a lot of thought, many of them are shared by most of us, those that aren't are just as valuable as any others that you will find here.

More importantly they are yours and will be treated respectfully by WS members 99% of the time. (If they are not treated respectfully you can bet the person who is disrespectful will be dealt with!)

This is a well moderated board, our mods are fantastic and work hard to keep the site what it is - we all mess up on occasion, emotions run strong, when we do a mod will be on us pretty quickly to tell us to knock it off - but politely sharing your opinions (strong or otherwise) is not a problem.

So long story short, please don't worry - I've seen nothing insulting in any of your posts - if someone else did, don't worry - as I said, it happens - then we move on!
If you count the day of the 15th of June, you get 31 days..........but only if you count the 15th of June.

Thanks ynot! I have heard that statement by CA before and it stood out, but until now I could not reconcile it. The statement of the 31-days never made sense to me because the A's always use the 6/16/08 am, GA escorting them out the door - date as the "last Caylee siting"

BUT........if Caylee disappeared with ICA in the evening of the 15th......BOTH make sense....:twocents:

Remember early on they used 6/8 as the date (but still called it 31 days) and last night I watched a video where CA said the last time ICA saw Caylee was 6/14. I don't think we can hold any of them to a date (or day count) anymore than we can believe anything else that comes out of their mouths.

But pings (and LE) don't tell mistruths. As far as we know LE is going with 6/16 - According to pings ICA was at the A house from early evening on 6/15 (7:30 PMish), until noonish 6/16 (ICA & Caylee are reportedly seen leaving by GA). She stayed nearby until GA left for work, then she returned to the house, presumably with Caylee in tow - she used the computer, made several calls (to CA & GA IIRC) that went unanswered, left her home late afternoon 6-16 and drove to Tony's apartment. A short time later ICA and TL were seen on surveillance camera at Blockbuster Video, with no Caylee. ICA stayed the night with TL on 6/16 and hung around with him on 6/17, with no Caylee.
I watched the video of Cindy's interview, posted above (and thank you!). The reference to wanting Caylee home on the 15th, for me, refers to wanting her home on JULY 15. Cindy had formed a determined intention. She would see her that day--or else. That is why she drove to the mall and got Amy and had Amy direct her to Casey's whereabouts and why she behaved as she did on the trip home and then in the later 911 calls.
Remember early on they used 6/8 as the date (but still called it 31 days) and last night I watched a video where CA said the last time ICA saw Caylee was 6/14. I don't think we can hold any of them to a date (or day count) anymore than we can believe anything else that comes out of their mouths.

But pings (and LE) don't tell mistruths. As far as we know LE is going with 6/16 - According to pings ICA was at the A house from early evening on 6/15 (7:30 PMish), until noonish 6/16 (ICA & Caylee are reportedly seen leaving by GA). She stayed nearby until GA left for work, then she returned to the house, presumably with Caylee in tow - she used the computer, made several calls (to CA & GA IIRC) that went unanswered, left her home late afternoon 6-16 and drove to Tony's apartment. A short time later ICA and TL were seen on surveillance camera at Blockbuster Video, with no Caylee. ICA stayed the night with TL on 6/16 and hung around with him on 6/17, with no Caylee.

If you look at the ping map for 6/16 KC left the house shortly after 4pm and headed towards TonE's. Between 4:15 and 4:30 she pinged near Walmart (where I believe the Tech Guy said he saw her with Caylee). She did not hook up with AL until after 6pm but she was in the area all that time. So was she trying to get someone to babysit Caylee and got no answer.

Is it possible she bought cough medicine to knock Caylee out with in Walmart and that is what is on CA credit card information that she did not want LE to see? jmo
If you look at the ping map for 6/16 KC left the house shortly after 4pm and headed towards TonE's. Between 4:15 and 4:30 she pinged near Walmart (where I believe the Tech Guy said he saw her with Caylee). She did not hook up with AL until after 6pm but she was in the area all that time. So was she trying to get someone to babysit Caylee and got no answer.

Is it possible she bought cough medicine to knock Caylee out with in Walmart and that is what is on CA credit card information that she did not want LE to see? jmo

Thank you, was the computer guy ever verified by LE? I remember reading his comments but don't remember seeing anything from LE. (I could have missed it.)

This still does not change the dates, my point being - the 16th being the last day Caylee was seen by her family according to LE (as far as we know) and pings.
CA sending Lee to look for ICA at her favorite clubs in Orlando on July 3, then CA telling LE that ICA was in Jacksonville (or wherever) with Jeffrey Michael Hopkins that weekend (cuz it makes so much sense right?)

CA telling LE that she had phone numbers for invizinanny - yet she never used them, not once in 2 years or 31 days? Questioned who was watching the "little angel". Odd that apparently in the past, ICA didn't have a nanny to babysit when CA wasn't available (a source of conflict? probably!).

CA asking ICA; "What have you done?" after "overhearing" ICA telling Lee, Caylee was "missing".

The A's telling LE they had already looked under the playhouse (When? On July 15th or before that?). Was that a favorite spot for ICA to stash things or Caylee's hide 'n seek spot?

Never, ever, not even ONE TIME did they ask for the kidnapper/s to return Caylee.

They knew all along. They were in coverup mode, all along. They may not have admitted this to themselves or to each other, but everything they did speaks to consciousness of guilt.

That consciousness of guilt is a real killer, isn't it?
I think Cindy knew when she made that last 911 call. If you listen to her, she can't get the name Caylee out - it takes her three times to do it. She knew then. She told George our Caylee is gone.

She had been told by KC that the baby had been missing for 31 days and I guarantee you, GUARANTEE you that as she said that, the house smelled like the car since the door to the garage was open and Cindy was back and forth.

I dealt with cleaning out my brother's house back in August after he was found two weeks after he died and it gets into everything. Could not keep a thing, not even pictures that were in a back closet.

She knew then. And I don't care if they kept the door closed. They were in and out and the odor is OVERWHELMING. Ugh, you can't even keep garbage bags for weeks after, because they seem to smell like it. It is horrendous.

I think she knew then or when she got the car, but she believed it then.
First, I'd like to tell you I'm sorry about your experience with your brother. It must have been very difficult for you.

Thanks for your post. It makes complete sense to me. However, I often wonder how in the world Cindy could "act" as she did in the aftermath?
What sort of person is able to do such a thing?

In other words, if it were you or me or most of the people in the world; we would be in pieces. Emotionally, spiritually, intellectually... splattered. I'd be in a mental health facility for a very long time on very strong medications.

Additionally, I love my daughter with all of my heart. I really, really do. She is KC's age and if she gave me the gift of a grandchild I still could not "perform" as Cindy has. I know I'm not capable. I'm telling you I know that I could not function.

It's so sad and makes me mad because Cindy is annihilating sweety girl Caylee's memory. She has turned her back on Caylee to protect the very person who has caused this horrible loss.

I'll say it again what sort of person could do this? I could read all of the psychology and psychiatry books and the posts members have made about the inner workings of this family and I will still never understand it.

I'm so sorry Caylee.
If you look at the ping map for 6/16 KC left the house shortly after 4pm and headed towards TonE's. Between 4:15 and 4:30 she pinged near Walmart (where I believe the Tech Guy said he saw her with Caylee). She did not hook up with AL until after 6pm but she was in the area all that time. So was she trying to get someone to babysit Caylee and got no answer.

Is it possible she bought cough medicine to knock Caylee out with in Walmart and that is what is on CA credit card information that she did not want LE to see? jmo

Thank you, was the computer guy ever verified by LE? I remember reading his comments but don't remember seeing anything from LE. (I could have missed it.)

This still does not change the dates, my point being - the 16th being the last day Caylee was seen by her family according to LE (as far as we know) and pings.

OT to this thread, but, in response:

FWIW, discussed in detail on the 6/16 Ping thread. Here's a [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4249618&postcount=350"]post[/ame] in that thread going over the options of when Casey could have gone to Wal-Mart 6/16 if trying to reconcile w/ pings that afternoon.

Also, FWIW, Here's a [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3632451&postcount=122"]post[/ame] in the thread regarding the different dates given by the family for last seeing Caylee that suggests phone records - specifically the timing of a rare call from George's cell to Casey after George called the Hopespring phone - debunk the notion of Casey leaving the house 6/16 before George.

Finally, FWIW, thread discussing James T.'s sightings, date options, etc. [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=89603"]here[/ame].

HTH. Back on-topic...
Thank you, was the computer guy ever verified by LE? I remember reading his comments but don't remember seeing anything from LE. (I could have missed it.)

This still does not change the dates, my point being - the 16th being the last day Caylee was seen by her family according to LE (as far as we know) and pings.

With respect, I think the only person who saw Caylee on the 16th was Casey, I think George lied, partly because of the attention to the minutia of Caylee's clothes. Over a month after she went missing who would remember? even a mom wouldn't remember that, the story was fabricated by Cindy and George JMO.

Cindy had left for work before Casey came out of the room and didn't see Caylee either. I believe her mother called Casey's cell phone as she left for work, I have always wondered why when she could have just gone to her room and spoken to her. Maybe Casey wouldn't let her in the bedroom...

I think no one other than Casey has seen Caylee since the night of the 15th and I believe this is when she died, also JMO.
First, I'd like to tell you I'm sorry about your experience with your brother. It must have been very difficult for you.

Thanks for your post. It makes complete sense to me. However, I often wonder how in the world Cindy could "act" as she did in the aftermath?
What sort of person is able to do such a thing?

In other words, if it were you or me or most of the people in the world; we would be in pieces. Emotionally, spiritually, intellectually... splattered. I'd be in a mental health facility for a very long time on very strong medications.

Additionally, I love my daughter with all of my heart. I really, really do. She is KC's age and if she gave me the gift of a grandchild I still could not "perform" as Cindy has. I know I'm not capable. I'm telling you I know that I could not function.

It's so sad and makes me mad because Cindy is annihilating sweety girl Caylee's memory. She has turned her back on Caylee to protect the very person who has caused this horrible loss.

I'll say it again what sort of person could do this? I could read all of the psychology and psychiatry books and the posts members have made about the inner workings of this family and I will still never understand it.

I'm so sorry Caylee.

A cold hearted person with a black soul to match. It's beyond my comprehension but it's in their character. I've said early on, CA traded Caylee for KC. Once KC took Caylee away, she traded back again. She is the sort of woman who never means what she says for she doesn't follow through and this prisoner knew that about her mother. She would hem and haw but this prisoner always got her way...JMHO

CA will be very sorry once a verdict is reached fo her own words will add to the guilt of ICA..this is one mess she couldn't get her felonious child out of...she should have begged her to come clean and NOT perpetuate her lies...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
With respect, I think the only person who saw Caylee on the 16th was Casey, I think George lied, partly because of the attention to the minutia of Caylee's clothes. Over a month after she went missing who would remember? even a mom wouldn't remember that, the story was fabricated by Cindy and George JMO.

Cindy had left for work before Casey came out of the room and didn't see Caylee either. I believe her mother called Casey's cell phone as she left for work, I have always wondered why when she could have just gone to her room and spoken to her. Maybe Casey wouldn't let her in the bedroom...

I think no one other than Casey has seen Caylee since the night of the 15th and I believe this is when she died, also JMO.

You could be right, but I agree with you for different reasons. I think GA changing his story from having an early breakfast with Caylee vs ICA bringing Caylee out from their rooms in the early afternoon - when they were leaving is troublesome; in one story ICA was carrying Caylee, another Caylee ran and hugged him and kissed him good-bye, yet another he carried her out to the car and put her in her car seat. The truth doesn't change, but Anthony mistruths sure do!

I think it is very possible CA started grilling him on 6/16 when he got home from work or 6/17 when ICA didn't bring Caylee home overnight - about what Caylee was wearing (when he last saw her) and what if anything he saw ICA leave with (if he saw them leave).
That consciousness of guilt is a real killer, isn't it?

At this time I have decided the only thing I do believe is that the last VERIFIED sighting of Caylee by anyone outside of the family was at the nursing home with CA
on 6/15/08... that's a fact and from that point the story turns to fiction... they all lied and continue to do so. ICA has a long road ahead. CA has run her mouth too much slipped up and back tracked. IMO the defense has their sights set on CA. We have seen and heard so much more from her than ICA.... CA looks like she is crazier than CA. To me that spells T.R.O.U.BL.E. for CA. she gave ICA 30 days... she knew all along.
I think Cindy knew when she made that last 911 call. If you listen to her, she can't get the name Caylee out - it takes her three times to do it. She knew then. She told George our Caylee is gone.

She had been told by KC that the baby had been missing for 31 days and I guarantee you, GUARANTEE you that as she said that, the house smelled like the car since the door to the garage was open and Cindy was back and forth.

I dealt with cleaning out my brother's house back in August after he was found two weeks after he died and it gets into everything. Could not keep a thing, not even pictures that were in a back closet.

She knew then. And I don't care if they kept the door closed. They were in and out and the odor is OVERWHELMING. Ugh, you can't even keep garbage bags for weeks after, because they seem to smell like it. It is horrendous.

I think she knew then or when she got the car, but she believed it then.

I'm very sorry to hear about your brother.

I think you're right about the smell. Lee even confirmed the smell permeated into the house (in between his giggles). They knew what the smell was, why else would someone park a car that smelled that badly in a garage...to conceal the smell from the neighbors.

One of the neighbors said that Casey parked her car outside and George/Cindy used the garage so it was unusual for her car to even be in the garage.

I think every LE person that showed up at that house smelled it too but they wanted to get as much info as they could before the As lawyered up. They needed to find Caylee's body and 31 days is a heck of a head start on LE.

I think CA knew the moment she found KC and KC would not take her to Caylee. I think that is the reason she pressed so hard to see her that night and make the call to Lee. I think she was hoping she was wrong, but she knew.
I believe they all knew of Caylee' demise by the time they retrieved the car. After having found my father- in-law dead in his home, estimated to have been dead for three days,the smell had permeated everything in the home. We burned mattresses, linings,drapes and curtains and took the furniture outside for airing, We were able to save the furniture but nothing of significance in the area of clothing, linens, wall paintings. This is the one and only time I have smelled a dead body. I am positive that I would recognize the smell again should I have the unfortunate experience of encountering anotherr scene like either of these.

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