When this is All Over...Whose Book Would You Want to Read the MOST?

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I would like to read Casey's book on a few conditions. It must be invasive, full disclosure. Invasive full disclosure would have to be backed up by a lie detector test. Each lie would have to be punished on an escalating scale, starting with a cattle prod and moving to Old Sparky. I would also like to know why as well as who knew what, and when did they know it?

If her book is a guaranteed truth and it is published for free online, I would read it.
Beth Karras -- not joking

Catherine Crier -- for the details and research

the Belich (?) reporter -- for her depth of experience with all aspects of this tragedy.

The first two are just for my respect for their reporting. I DO know they are not involved with this trial, yet.

Ann Rule because her books are always interesting and she makes sure she gets all of the facts through research. She doesn't hurry just to get a book out there and she also attends the trial and talks to LE and all kinds of people. She is the best in my book.
I'm a big fan of Rule too -- I love it when her books are released as audiobooks so I can listen while I clean :)

I try to read her blog and any interviews she gives. From what I've read, she's become more firm in her stance against writing about high-profile cases. She also said she wouldn't write another book about a serial sexual sadist again because the Gary Ridgeway case was so difficult to write about.

Rule explains her position re: Caylee's case in this excerpt from her blog. (and gives a little update on Diane Downs...)

I've been flooded in another way--with requests to write about Caylee and Casey Anthony. This is one of those cases that the media grabbed and has held onto, printing and showing every possible clue, theory, photo, and bit of gossip that they can dig up. I truly believe that there will be absolutely nothing new to write a book about when the case is finally over. This is a case very much like the story of Diane Downs who I wrote about in Small Sacrifices. It is the story of a mother who thinks only of herself, is a histrionic, narcisstic, sex-driven, sociopath. Only Diane shot THREE children, and her lies were a little different. Those of you who know me understand that I'm always looking for cases that have NOT been wrung dry in the media.I want to preserve a little mystery, some suspense, something to discuss with your friends and your sisters and mothers. Poor little Caylee has ended up being BIG NEWS and everyone has taken as many pieces of her memory and her tragedy as they can get. Unless someone should approach me with entirely new news, I won't consider writing about the Anthonys. I would appreciate it if any of you see suggestions on the guestbook about my writing this case, please refer the writers to this blog? Diane Downs came up for parole on December 6th after 25 years in prison, and she hasn't changed at all--except to get crazier-sounding. Now, she claims to have married an FBI agent in 1981, to have found the answers to her daughter Cheryl's murder in a book on angels, and, like O.J., she wants to get out of prison to find the person who shot Christie, Cheryl, and Danny. But Diane shot them. Just as Casey killed Caylee. Murderous mothers are so difficult for normal mothers to understand, but they are out there. Susan Smith is another one--and she drowned her two little boys 10 years after Diane shot her children. I don't blame truly psychotic mothers--they aren't aware that what they are doing is wrong. But mothers like Casey and Diane believe that the rules, laws, ethics, the rest of us live by don't apply to them. BECAUSE THEY ARE SPECIAL AND DESERVE TO HAVE WHAT THEY WANT, NO MATTER WHO GETS HURT... Frankly, as the mother of five, I don't think I could bear to write the story of Caylee's death....

I was just coming here to say I would love to read what Ann Rule had to write...I just bought a used copy of Small Sacrifices so have been comparing DD to KC.

I agree with Ann though...as a mom...just as she couldn't bear to write Caylee's story...I am not sure I could read it.

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