Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Red = Average and median are two different things. 107 could be an average IQ but it wouldn't be median (50/50) if it represented a group as large as 70%.

OK, I see what you mean...but still, it seems to me that he's saying 70% of the population are less intelligent than KC...I don't buy that one.
Wow. The Menninger Clinic is top notch. That would be prime choice for KC.

Karl Menninger was an important contributor in our understanding of personality disorders. I wonder if they would work with KC w/o insurance. I could see them doing it. Have her participate in one of their ongoing research studies or something and that way she could get the services without payment or lower cost.

For the sake of the general population, I do hope that KC is at Menninger's and that she completes their program and stay in treatment with their psychiatrists. They are experts on the KC Anthony's of the world. Would be one of the best places for her.
It would be very fitting if most of the now interned clients at the Menninger Clinic cancelled out and left. Because Casey was there.

A protest from her own kind!!!
Well, yes and no. The average intelligence in the USA is said to be abut 98-100, so if she has an IQ of 107 she is actually above the average (and apparently a score in that range is above almost 70% of the population despite how close it is to the average).

And this part, too:

Yes, I'm not positive on that one either.

Thanks for sharing this.

Or, he is thinking for himself, professionally, and basing this on the 20 hours of indepth analysis and psychological testing on Casey.

The article also stated that he'd read the reports from the other phycologists/psyciatrists...I find it hard to believe that she bared her soul & told the truth to any of these professionals & like my high school buddy was able to convince them she was "normal." 20 hours doesn't sound like a whole lot of time to spend with the likes of KC...just saying.
Wow. The Menninger Clinic is top notch. That would be prime choice for KC.

Karl Menninger was an important contributor in our understanding of personality disorders. I wonder if they would work with KC w/o insurance. I could see them doing it. Have her participate in one of their ongoing research studies or something and that way she could get the services without payment or lower cost.

For the sake of the general population, I do hope that KC is at Menninger's and that she completes their program and stay in treatment with their psychiatrists. They are experts on the KC Anthony's of the world. Would be one of the best places for her.

Darn shame all murderers can't get that treatment.
Darn shame all murderers can't get that treatment.

All nonconvicted murderers should get that treatment. Let's not forget that dear old KC is no longer in jail and was found "not guilty". Therefore, she merits whatever services she can get to help her 'move forward in her life.'

I do think that people in jail should get some form of psychological/psychiatric treatment. It could benefit at least some (i.e. addicts, mood disordered, schizophrenics, traumatized, self destructive, etc).

anybody else remember the text she sent to Amy? "This too will surpass"? (Gawd, that was my favorite) Half baked "big words" and too ill-educated to look them up - she can parrot, but she does not understand, and frequently messes it up. Once again, no real person there. Just a magpie collection of glittery images and erroneous catch-phrases. IMHO

Yep! we all watched her parrot during the trial too. The girl has never had an original thought. I think that average intelligence is a stretch. She uses phrases, words and body language of other people. She is a true Chameleon in every sense of the word. This treatment at the facility, if true, is a farce...as far as she is concerned.
All nonconvicted murderers should get that treatment. Let's not forget that dear old KC is no longer in jail and was found "not guilty". Therefore, she merits whatever services she can get to help her 'move forward in her life.'

I do think that people in jail should get some form of psychological/psychiatric treatment. It could benefit at least some (i.e. addicts, mood disordered, schizophrenics, traumatized, self destructive, etc).

I don't know Floirida but my guess is she had treatment available in jail, zeeks. Where I worked all the inmates had treatment available all day every day. Very few could benefit...as they are 99% psychopaths/sociopaths. Staff were taking for a ride on a daily basis. Oh the stories....LOL.
It would be very fitting if most of the now interned clients at the Menninger Clinic cancelled out and left. Because Casey was there.

A protest from her own kind!!!

No, people with mental illness are not FCA's kind.
If true, I can see this as a way for FCA to have the A's forgive her and play the victim ... Poor me! Oh! She has mental issues ... That's why. Poor thing.

It might also facilitate bringing FCA and the A's back together as a family -- although I can see CA wanting that and GA not so much. There are wounds from the murder and trial that can never heal IMO. The DT needs to dump her though.

They play this ruse to reunite and then go on a media tour presenting a united front that FCA was found innocent, it was an accident and, they are back together as a happy family now FCA has healed from her mental breakdown due to the accident. Sigh.

The curtain closes on a new face saving reality for the A's and they ride the money train, Caylee forgotten as an accident in both birth and death <tear>

What about the sexual abuse accusations? Are they going to ignore all of that? Just be one big happy family now?

She can lie to them, wrap the dead child in garbage bags, throw her in a dump, publicly accuse her father of being involved and of being a rapist, and it's all good now?
I don't know Floirida but my guess is she had treatment available in jail, zeeks. Where I worked all the inmates had treatment available all day every day. Very few could benefit...as they are 99% psychopaths/sociopaths. Staff were taking for a ride on a daily basis. Oh the stories....LOL.

In most prisons there would be a chunk of prisoners with APD but a larger percentage who are druggies, mood disordered, lack social skills, etc. I can't imagine working in a jail where everyone was APD as APD isn't that common. It's more common among prisoners than in general population but it isn't a diagnosis that is common (unlike anxiety disorder, mood disorders, schizophrenia, addiction, etc).

When I worked on a project studying female murderers there was a segment that could have benefitted (the one's who had been serious dv victims and killed their husbands, the former druggies, the simpering ones who just followed a man's orders and participated in their crimes, etc). Of course, there were a number of stone cold killers and those ladies didn't even consider that they had a problem. KC would fit into the group that denied the murder but we knew were trying to sell us a story. Those are almost as scary as the stone cold ones.
Never had the opportunity to work with females in a prison but sure did in private facilities. I'll take the guys any day of the week. What a nightmare being around sociopaths who in one case were ALL borderline. I get anxious just thinking about it.

Regarding prisoners: I's say 98% are anti-social...some have mood disorders, many are addicts..but almost all carry the sociopath tag. That covers a wide range of sociopaths/psychopaths. They had 4000 inmates there. It gives you a different perspective on crime and what's out there in society. Leaving there each day with all your body parts is a good day. My frame of reference is a high security setting.

I'd say FCa is a classic sociopath. She also belongs in prison and it really wouldn't bother her.
Yep! we all watched her parrot during the trial too. The girl has never had an original thought. I think that average intelligence is a stretch. She uses phrases, words and body language of other people. She is a true Chameleon in every sense of the word. This treatment at the facility, if true, is a farce...as far as she is concerned.

oy, at the risk of exhausting my welcome - I don't think she has the native intelligence to qualify as a chameleon. She's simply a poser. She apes the characteristics of the moment - of those around her. Third time I've said it (sorry!) - she's a reflection in search of a mirror - she doesn't exist without someone to imitate. Good luck to the clinic. Hope they are smart enough not to be gratified by her earnest attention.
Not only would prison not bother her, she would totally adapt and thrive.

Since there is a big chance that she'll commit another crime (e.g. theft) I could see her having another opportunity at prison. I wouldn't even worry about her survival possibilities in gen pop b/c that girl would definitely survive. The only thing that would get her would be trying to work two inmates against one other and even then she might be able to play with the big girls in that regard.
What about the sexual abuse accusations? Are they going to ignore all of that? Just be one big happy family now?

She can lie to them, wrap the dead child in garbage bags, throw her in a dump, publicly accuse her father of being involved and of being a rapist, and it's all good now?

oy, at the risk of exhausting my welcome - I don't think she has the native intelligence to qualify as a chameleon. She's simply a poser. She apes the characteristics of the moment - of those around her. Third time I've said it (sorry!) - she's a reflection in search of a mirror - she doesn't exist without someone to imitate. Good luck to the clinic. Hope they are smart enough not to be gratified by her earnest attention.

So true about her being a poseur.

The funny thing is that she's so transparent that many people in her own life were able to peg her as a liar and fairy tale teller. They just didn't find it tactful to confront her on it! lol

In patient treatment will involve a lot of confrontation on her behavior. She's not good enough to fool someone working with her intensely in treatment. In fact, KC will most likely get confronted in group therapy. No one knows a con artist and confabulator as much as other con artists and confabulators!
The article also stated that he'd read the reports from the other phycologists/psyciatrists...I find it hard to believe that she bared her soul & told the truth to any of these professionals & like my high school buddy was able to convince them she was "normal." 20 hours doesn't sound like a whole lot of time to spend with the likes of KC...just saying.

I don't know squat about psychotherapy, psychiatrists or psychologists and if 20 hours was in fact time enough to secure a good diagnosis of any kind but I do know that LE in Florida had FICA's number pretty darn quick!
OK, I see what you mean...but still, it seems to me that he's saying 70% of the population are less intelligent than KC...I don't buy that one.
you shouldn't buy it, it's utter nonsense.

BigFatMommyDog said:
oy, at the risk of exhausting my welcome - I don't think she has the native intelligence to qualify as a chameleon. She's simply a poser. She apes the characteristics of the moment - of those around her. Third time I've said it (sorry!) - she's a reflection in search of a mirror - she doesn't exist without someone to imitate....

Whisperer said:
Yep! we all watched her parrot during the trial too. The girl has never had an original thought. I think that average intelligence is a stretch. She uses phrases, words and body language of other people...

BigFatMommyDog said:
anybody else remember the text she sent to Amy? "This too will surpass"? (Gawd, that was my favorite) Half baked "big words" and too ill-educated to look them up - she can parrot, but she does not understand, and frequently messes it up. Once again, no real person there. Just a magpie collection of glittery images and erroneous catch-phrases. IMHO

spot on. and very well put.
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