Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Just a tidbit to ponder....

I will not post any names or numbers. That said...there is a Columbus Underground forum where a local DJ started a thread about KC sightings. He encourages folks to tweet or call in sightings. It was started 3 weeks ago.

The telephone number listed has a 904 area code.

Odd isn't it?

Happy sleuthing.
There is always lunatic fringe. Casey may never encounter them, but they're out there.

..the 'lunatic fringe' could go after a lot of people, ie: a paroled rapist showing up for HIS probabtion meeting-----i doubt the Court factors in his security problems.

..if kc anthony and her DT feel she's in "danger" -----she/them should be the ones to handle their OWN security for her.

..no wonder baez thinks she's "special"-----the Court continues to act as if she IS.
..the 'lunatic fringe' could go after a lot of people, ie: a paroled rapist showing up for HIS probabtion meeting-----i doubt the Court factors in his security problems.

..if kc anthony and her DT feel she's in "danger" -----she/them should be the ones to handle their OWN security for her.

..no wonder baez thinks she's "special"-----the Court continues to act as if she IS.

I agree, but I never said I feel the court should offer Casey protection or allowances. :waitasec:
If Casey hadn't killed her, Caylee would still be here. George and Cindy didn't do it.

I didn't say GA and CA did it. I am saying if they had looked into her lieing and stealing ways pehaps they could have gotten her some help before it was too late.
Maybe I'm being narrow minded here, but I can only think of one reason a woman would throw a hissy fit on hearing the news that a married man's wife is pregnant. :smilie with red "A" on forehead:

P.S. And why would a "professional" (OK…don't laugh) be discussing his personal life with a client? Not very professional, or ethical IMO, but then again we are talking about JB here.

I don't think there is anything wrong with him sharing the "happy" news....that's kind of a normal convo starter piece of news. Not necessarily smart though since FCA didn't really seem to have much of an affinity for babies.
Hi. I'm new here so excuse me as I find my way around. I found Websleuths after the pics of CA in Columbus OH were released. It took me a few days to pinpoint the street she is walking down in the pics but I finally figured out that it is in my neighborhood! That's when I found Websleuths and all the fantastic work many here had done to try to establish if it was in fact CA and exactly where she was photographed/videotaped. Thought I would jump on to offer any help I can since I can walk to that street from my home in less than 15 minutes and drive to it in under 3 minutes. Happy to help however I can.
I guess a little intro on me might be in order here. I live in Columbus in the neighborhood of Clintonville. I work as a Police Evidence Technician (crime scene) for CPD with 16 years on the job. There can be no mystery in my life - everything must be investigated and solved - which makes me great at my job but terrible at dating. Lol. I guess that is good enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.


First, Welcome to WS! :wagon:

Now, I'm pretty sure I saw her spit on the sidewalk in those Old Navy pix. Can you please arrest her? :innocent:
I disagree with this. I personally own an HD video camera (and a DSLR/400mm telephoto lens) with enough zoom that I could have taken these pics of FCA from 100 yards away or more. High quality stills can easily be captured from my video camera in the resolutions posted on TMZ. I think it highly possible and even likely this was done from a vehicle or from some vegetation where FCA never knew he/she was there. IF she saw the photographer and reversed course, that's even more evidence that it wasn't staged, IMO. I just don't buy the idea it was staged from the evidence we've seen, so far.

Thanks and I respect your opinion. I'd like to discuss this more with you - we might have to do it via PM as I am not sure if it is the kind of discussion being sought on this thread.

I've taken a couple photography classes but only know the basics. I concur with you a high quality still could be obtained from a distance. However, this photo was taken with only 35mm focal length (just click on the properties of the photo.) That image is not possible from a long distance with a 35mm focal length, is it? The depth of field would not be possible, IMO. The motorcycle for example is blurry, yet is perhaps 12 yards behind her. The photographer would have had to have been hiding on the other side of the street, in the trees, at least 60 yards away. There is no car set up correctly for the shot based on the reflection of her sunglasses and the angle of the image. It was straight bang down the sidewalk.

Thanks for your input and I welcome to be further educated on my reasoning if it is flawed. Photography is a hobby of mine.
There is always lunatic fringe. Casey may never encounter them, but they're out there.

And this could be looked at the other way also. Do you not think there are members of the community that are concerned that if she is not made to follow probation orders, (like securing a paying job), that she may be tempted to steal again? Perhaps people view her as lunatic fringe. IMO
Hi. I'm new here so excuse me as I find my way around. I found Websleuths after the pics of CA in Columbus OH were released. It took me a few days to pinpoint the street she is walking down in the pics but I finally figured out that it is in my neighborhood! That's when I found Websleuths and all the fantastic work many here had done to try to establish if it was in fact CA and exactly where she was photographed/videotaped. Thought I would jump on to offer any help I can since I can walk to that street from my home in less than 15 minutes and drive to it in under 3 minutes. Happy to help however I can.
I guess a little intro on me might be in order here. I live in Columbus in the neighborhood of Clintonville. I work as a Police Evidence Technician (crime scene) for CPD with 16 years on the job. There can be no mystery in my life - everything must be investigated and solved - which makes me great at my job but terrible at dating. Lol. I guess that is good enough for now. Looking forward to getting to know some of you.

Welcome and I will go first with a question. I read or heard that Starbucks is like 2 miles from Old Navy. Not a long walk even for a smoker like me but, is it true.
Second, if you have watched the video does it look staged to you or could a good freelance get those shots ?
Thank You
Not me. She had motivation to kill Caylee, she won't kill again. Hopefully no one would be stupid enough to give her access to their checking account or money. I'm more concerned about what the lunatic fringe might do if they find Casey - not to her so much as to innocent bystanders.

i think she will steal again. Unless she has already hit paydirt, I think anything down the line will not pay enough to sustain her for very long. I always thought she was planning on killing her parents (neck breaking etc) but I don't think she'll bother now.
No more so for her than anyone else

I couldn't disagree more. Because of the media attention this case has received, pretty much everyone in America could recognize Casey by site and almost everyone has an opinion of her, good or bad. The men standing outside the courthouse holding signs begging Casey to marry them, that's one side of the lunatic fringe. The other side is not so friendly.

There is no denying that this is a 'high-profile' case, it even has it's own forum on WS :crazy:. High-profile means more loonies. It's a fact of life.
i think she will steal again. Unless she has already hit paydirt, I think anything down the line will not pay enough to sustain her for very long. I always thought she was planning on killing her parents (neck breaking etc) but I don't think she'll bother now.

The notion that KC thought about killing her parents has flitted through my mind too. There's virtually no evidence of it, though, and my mind wouldn't have gone there if it had not been for the strange searches. Who knows. They're still alive (which I think is a good thing! :innocent:)
i think she will steal again. Unless she has already hit paydirt, I think anything down the line will not pay enough to sustain her for very long. I always thought she was planning on killing her parents (neck breaking etc) but I don't think she'll bother now.

It's very possible that Casey gets some type of thrill from stealing. She certainly has no conscience that tells her it's wrong so I agree, she probably will steal again, even if she has no need for the money.

I know it may sound strange, but I don't see Casey as a violent person. IF she kills again, it will be in a manner similar to how she killed Caylee, by rendering the victim unconscious first and then killing in a non-bloody manner. I believe the neck breaking was something Casey researched and ruled out as a possible way to kill Caylee after she chloroformed her.
I couldn't disagree more. Because of the media attention this case has received, pretty much everyone in America could recognize Casey by site and almost everyone has an opinion of her, good or bad. The men standing outside the courthouse holding signs begging Casey to marry them, that's one side of the lunatic fringe. The other side is not so friendly.

There is no denying that this is a 'high-profile' case, it even has it's own forum on WS :crazy:. High-profile means more loonies. It's a fact of life.

If she were to just fade away, hide out for awhile and try to stay out of the public's eye then everyone would be focusing on something new. The fact that JB is still shopping around to sell her story puts the responsibility for her safety squarely on her shoulders. If you taunt a dog long enough you'll get bitten. jmo
And this could be looked at the other way also. Do you not think there are members of the community that are concerned that if she is not made to follow probation orders, (like securing a paying job), that she may be tempted to steal again? Perhaps people view her as lunatic fringe. IMO

Casey is not lunatic fringe. She's lunatic. I hope people are intelligent enough to realize she could and probably will steal again. Anyone who has any dealings with her at all should take steps to hide their money and protect their financial information.
I didn't know we have a poster named Lunatic Fringe. :floorlaugh: Thanks for agreeing with me that you are out there.

Casey is not lunatic fringe. She's lunatic. I hope people are intelligent enough to realize she could and probably will steal again. Anyone who has any dealings with her at all should take steps to hide their money and protect their financial information.

I think the dangerous part for her is that she thinks of it all as a game, just an immature game of "catch me if you can". There are far more sophisticated criminals out there that could seek her out and do her harm. She is definitely not in a structured environment right now and things can only get worse for her. The bodyguards are not going to be with her forever. Though it would not be to her liking I think she'd be safer under the watchful eye of the probation department. jmo
Thanks and I respect your opinion. I'd like to discuss this more with you - we might have to do it via PM as I am not sure if it is the kind of discussion being sought on this thread.

I've taken a couple photography classes but only know the basics. I concur with you a high quality still could be obtained from a distance. However, this photo was taken with only 35mm focal length (just click on the properties of the photo.) That image is not possible from a long distance with a 35mm focal length, is it? The depth of field would not be possible, IMO. The motorcycle for example is blurry, yet is perhaps 12 yards behind her. The photographer would have had to have been hiding on the other side of the street, in the trees, at least 60 yards away. There is no car set up correctly for the shot based on the reflection of her sunglasses and the angle of the image. It was straight bang down the sidewalk.

Thanks for your input and I welcome to be further educated on my reasoning if it is flawed. Photography is a hobby of mine.

When I've looked at the EXIF data, I don't see the 35mm. Nevertheless, the photo doesn't look like it was shot at 35mm, and the EXIF data could be spoofed easily enough. If you can direct me to the exact photo where you see the 35mm, I would like to take a look at it. Thanks.
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