Where is Casey? (All things related to FCA's location) #2

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Based on the fact not ONE person has came forward saying they saw the actual Casey Anthony being filmed, I would think it would be highly unlikely some one would have noticed a Casey Anthony look alike being filmed ESPECIALLY if she were filmed the last week Casey Anthony was still in the Orange County Jail.

The most hated woman in America, and no one noticed her? Please.

But there has not been ONE person saying they saw a look-alike being filmed, either. After 6 weeks of seeing Casey in court, I am sure that those images/video clips were most definitely FCA.
The website advertises that Splash News buys photos and gives a phone number so I wasn't sure if their photographer took them or if Splash purchased them from a free lance photographer.

Just my opinion but if I was the free lance photographer, why would I go to Splash News to sell my photos when they take half? I think that option is there for the "noobies" who snapped a photo of a celeb and aren't in this business. This was the work of a pro. He would have not used that service, IMO.

Splashnews has 3,000 photographers, by the way.

I have cropped FCA out...this shows the video still's right side only. She would have been front left.. there's a sliver of her shirt on left side.

Disclaimer: I apologize greatly if this is not okay to post. I am simply providing what I think is visual evidence of how this video is taken by a high end, professional who knows how to keep a hidden distance while getting up close and personal. All identifying information has been removed. This is simply to make a point about the people at work here, trying to follow the money trail.
Thank you cherish. I knew this story was hinky. Ya can't believe anything until you see pictures!!

And this is another reason why the blonde one on cable TV at night isn't worth a minute of your viewing time!
Hate the sensationalism,but who else keeps missing kids and woman in the news?

That's rhetorical. I'll skeedaddle back to where is Casey.
Okay I've gone back and forth with this but now I've more than sure that was not her in those pics and videos. The chin and teeth is what sold me on that opinion. Her walk and mannerisms can be mimicked by anyone so that was not a selling point. Again just my opinion.

Agreed. In the eyeglasses/smooth pigtails photo, there's a visible gap between the two front teeth. Even if Casey had a less than perfect repair to a chipped or broken tooth while in jail, that doesn't explain the gap.
Based on the fact not ONE person has came forward saying they saw the actual Casey Anthony being filmed, I would think it would be highly unlikely some one would have noticed a Casey Anthony look alike being filmed ESPECIALLY if she were filmed the last week Casey Anthony was still in the Orange County Jail.

But the sale posters in the window were for the timeframe that these pictures were supposedly taken and specifically that Sunday. jmo
Maybe TMZ slipped Joes Baez a "commission" so he wouldn't spill the beans. After all, the pics are rumored to have brought $500,000, and that can do nothing but ad credibility for their future demands. Either way it's strange for Baez to be quiet.

BUT, if Joes Baez had called a presser the day the pics came out and announced: TMZ has FAKE Casey Anthony pics. That is NOT Casey Anthony." Would you have believed him?

If these were pictures of someone other than KC and knowing, as we do, that JB is trying to sell/market those other pictures of her (that no one seems to want) do we really think that JB would be quiet knowing they sold fake pictures when he has the REAL ones. They are way too quiet on this whole matter. This is JB....he's like a mouse and not even a squeak. jmo
Can anyone show me the way to this 500K rumor?
With as much NATIONAL media attention the pics and vids are getting, heck, with the sleuthing done here alone, some one would have come forward and said they saw something, at this point, even if they hadn't. People wanting their 15 minutes of fame and all. Some local media outlet would have found someone, and ran a local story, which the national media would have picked up.

The sheer silence is, imo, more proof Casey Anthony was never there than it is evidence she was there.

The most hated woman in America, and no one noticed her? Please.

-people don't care?
-people too busy with their day/their business to notice?
-people don't think it's newsworthy enough to go to media?
(and really, i don't think any media would find a story that someone saw someone walking around important enough to write about/cover/report on even if that person is kc... major celebs walk around every day and all their business isn't reported on by the media... or, maybe they don't want to give her the time? the news space?)
-employees too professional to comment? or too busy to notice?
-people don't follow news? i know many people like this... don't understand it though...

it's possible people did notice and made posts on their social media pages but we don't have access to that so we'll never know... they might've told their friends/fam, but again we don't have access to that. is it really that important and necessary to know what these people might've said about seeing her, if in fact they did see her and then mentioned it in some way to someone? what would be the benefit of knowing this?

not hearing that anyone commented on seeing/noticing kc, is hardly proof this isn't her imo.

I have cropped FCA out...this shows the video still's right side only. She would have been front left.. there's a sliver of her shirt on left side.

Disclaimer: I apologize greatly if this is not okay to post. I am simply providing what I think is visual evidence of how this video is taken by a high end, professional who knows how to keep a hidden distance while getting up close and personal. All identifying information has been removed. This is simply to make a point about the people at work here, trying to follow the money trail.

I can tell from Google Earth street view exactly where the photographer would have been to get that shot. The thing to note is how the heck did he know she wasn't going to walk right to him? The black shirt shots show her on the other street, so she was headed right to him to make a right to get to there. Instead, she turns around and heads South. He knew she was going to make that left.

They had to make this look like Casey wasn't in on it (to avoid the backlash for blood money to Casey), and they failed to realize we would sleuth out the exact locations and trace her steps like this.
I can tell from Google Earth street view exactly where the photographer would have been to get that shot. The thing to note is how the heck did he know she wasn't going to walk right to him? The black shirt shots show her on the other street, so she was headed right to him to make a right to get to there. Instead, she turns around and heads South. He knew she was going to make that left.

I guess that photographer had the "luck of the Irish". And I think we all pretty much agree now that thes e photographs were staged. CA and GA think the pictures are of KC so I'm voting on their side this time. lol jmo
Where have you read the photographer said it was Casey Anthony? Have a link? As far as people looking for casey there, wasn't it one of the area's she was first rumored to have gone? I think people WERE looking for her there; that's one of the reasons people are falling for the imposter being there.

And Elvis? I bet I can find pics and videos of Elvis look alikes taken recently that would make Priscilla Presley think he was alive. It's not that hard to apply make up, and learn mannerisms.

Obviously one person has said they saw the person walking around - the photographer. I think placing Casey in a college town was a stroke of genius, not that I like giving Baez that much credit. She looks just like the rest of the girls walking around the area. Unless someone was actively looking for Casey in the area, she wouldn't have been noticed.

Gee, I'm really certain it's her and I don't believe in any Elvis sightings. Elvis is dead, Casey isn't.
I guess that photographer had the "luck of the Irish". And I think we all pretty much agree now that thes e photographs were staged. CA and GA think the pictures are of KC so I'm voting on their side this time. lol jmo

I definitely think it was KC but I'm on the fence about whether they were staged. I can see it both ways.
Can anyone show me the way to this 500K rumor?

NG has used an article in Forbes as a source for how the whole photo licensing works. The $500k is speculation by a photo agency "insider."

So how much could Anthony and her team have made if they had anything to do with this? The insider thinks up to half a million, especially since these were the first photos of her. “She has to capitalize now. In a couple of months, people won’t give a *****.”


I finally went ahead and logged in...been enjoying lurking this thread for a few days now ;)
I am a zillion pages behind as I didnt have net for 2 weeks whilst moving, there was no polarising filter because there are other reflections present in the reflective surfaces. that filter would eliminate all reflections, not just the photographer's!

Yes, I never came back to reply to that but I agree. I couldn't remember exactly what reflections were seen in that particular photo at the time. With that said, I also had to agree the photos were taken from a closer distance than I originally expected, given the obstacle posed by the ravine. I'm still not buying 20-30 feet, however. Someone else pointed out that the photos could have been photoshopped after they were purchased to remove any unwanted reflections. Possible.
NG has used an article in Forbes as a source for how the whole photo licensing works. The $500k is speculation by a photo agency "insider."

So how much could Anthony and her team have made if they had anything to do with this? The insider thinks up to half a million, especially since these were the first photos of her. “She has to capitalize now. In a couple of months, people won’t give a *****.”


I finally went ahead and logged in...been enjoying lurking this thread for a few days now ;)

Ah...thank you so much.

Well, I don't know, but I suppose it could be that much. I remember the article, but not that part. I did not find the article very credible. As far as I remember, many posters here on WS' TMZ thread brought up some of the same things this writer does before this article was published. Who is this "someone familiar with the workings of celebrity photo agencies" ? That is fairly vague. IDK it just sounds hokey.

I would like to point out this quote from Gates...as Splash News is owned by Corbis and Bill Gates.

"Shenk said Gates wanted to make sure that Splash photographers followed the strictest standards, recognizing a celebrity’s right to privacy and the legal requirements governing photographing celebrities."

Funny, in the Forbes article

, "People online are questioning whether the woman in the photos actually is Anthony or a look-alike. Much of this speculation is fueled by the fact that Anthony looks about ten pounds heavier than she did while on trial. The insider isn’t bothered by this sudden weight gain."

"Plus, the insider ads that a photo agency wouldn’t sell fake pictures. 'If that got around, no one would deal with them anymore.'”

So what's the difference between fake or staged? Not much IMO. Well....if it got around that Splash staged a photoshoot and then sold it to big media companies for big money, would that not hurt their credibilty too?

IMO if this was a lookalike and that was leaked, Splash would lose all cred, as this "insider" states.
IMO if this was FCA but staged, Splash would lose all cred too.

Why would Splash risk its credibility by staging this shoot or paying FCA or JB?
Wherever she is, it is likely there are people that hate her close by:

Hate Casey Anthony? You're not alone, according to a new poll released this week — which pegs the Central Florida mother recently acquitted on murder charges as the nation's most hated person.
Based on the results of a poll by E-Poll Market Research, it appears that rage hasn't yet subsided. In the "total dislike" category of the survey, Anthony easily topped the charts at 94 percent.

Oh for the love of GAWD.....

E-Poll Market Research is a polling firm FOR HIRE.

Does anyone else see the correlation between the online "Where is KC?" game and the recent attempts to break the first photos of her? Additionally, doesn't the "E" comment made by JB make more sense?

By releasing a poll result that labels her as the most hated person in America, the media and other ....ahem.....interested parties are attempting to drive up her photo value.

Transparent as the "hot air" by the DT!!

Seriously...wonder who hired the polling firm?? They do specialize in media and agency clients.
So what's the difference between fake or staged? Not much IMO. Well....if it got around that Splash staged a photoshoot and then sold it to big media companies for big money, would that not hurt their credibilty too?

IMO if this was a lookalike and that was leaked, Splash would lose all cred, as this "insider" states.
IMO if this was FCA but staged, Splash would lose all cred too.

Why would Splash risk its credibility by staging this shoot or paying FCA or JB?

To explain it all, I just remind myself that Baez met with Mark Geragos and you can be sure that he walked away with some very valuable information about arranging this very thing "the credible way."

I remember a few years ago when Britney Spears was pre-meltdown, she was "known" to be one of the celebs who would call the paparazzi to inform them of her whereabouts and then take a cut of the sale. But since multiple pictures of her wearing the same outfit didn't earn as much, she would carry around a change of clothes, and more of the pics would sell from *each wardrobe change.*

IMO This whole Columbus shoot just reeks of celeb/photog tricks of the trade.
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