Where Is Heather?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Where is Heather?

  • In Water

    Votes: 106 28.4%
  • Buried in SC

    Votes: 69 18.5%
  • Outside of SC

    Votes: 32 8.6%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 78 20.9%
  • Laying in woods

    Votes: 22 5.9%
  • Where TM could watch the site

    Votes: 31 8.3%
  • hurts my heart; but, a landfill

    Votes: 35 9.4%

  • Total voters
I have a similar theory, but it involves help from others (unknown friends, young friends). I'm trying to remember now why I had in my head young people and who they were, but I did write out my theory (also using Jersey Girl's timeline) somewhere in these threads! I believe in my theory Heather was dumped in the Longbeard's dumpster, though.

I'd like to know where AC's bf was during that night and the next day. I fully believe the entire family know and are involved in what happened either that night or the disposal. TM's father being 100% directly involved. Sadly i think the 2 older kids also know NOW, especially the oldest, and thats why he was willing to lie on the stand. I'm still not positive where she is but I believe she will not be found. I think the C's made sure of that in a very deliberate manner. Thats why TM is so sure of herself and cocky. She's not 'just buried' somewhere, or at the landfill. I also think something more happened in between them getting home from their trip and the meetup that night. I think SM was in contact SOMEHOW, possibly by chance, with HE and TM found out, which pushed this even further.
I go back and forth of the fact that SM was actually willing to leave TM for HE, and she found that out too... and had to get rid of the 'competition', especially if she was Pregnant. Its all about control and image for her.
I have a similar theory, but it involves help from others (unknown friends, young friends). I'm trying to remember now why I had in my head young people and who they were, but I did write out my theory (also using Jersey Girl's timeline) somewhere in these threads! I believe in my theory Heather was dumped in the Longbeard's dumpster, though.

I'd like to know where AC's bf was during that night and the next day. I fully believe the entire family know and are involved in what happened either that night or the disposal. TM's father being 100% directly involved. Sadly i think the 2 older kids also know NOW, especially the oldest, and thats why he was willing to lie on the stand. I'm still not positive where she is but I believe she will not be found. I think the C's made sure of that in a very deliberate manner. Thats why TM is so sure of herself and cocky. She's not 'just buried' somewhere, or at the landfill. I also think something more happened in between them getting home from their trip and the meetup that night. I think SM was in contact SOMEHOW, possibly by chance, with HE and TM found out, which pushed this even further.
I go back and forth of the fact that SM was actually willing to leave TM for HE, and she found that out too... and had to get rid of the 'competition', especially if she was Pregnant. Its all about control and image for her.
**Underline & Italic by me-already had bold sections so this made more sense.

Help me get this thought out of my head. Do we know if the Ms had more than one vehicle? If Augusta Plantation was anything significant? While trying to sleep the other night I had a thought. What if this time frame was when HE met up with TM or SM? They meet at Longbeards, HE is harmed, she’s taken to Augusta, they go back to Longbeards to make sure nothing is left behind. The plan originally is to leave her car at home then they realize if they’re seen walking away from the area or picking the other one up that it’s too risky. So they agree to meet at PTL and ditch her car and pick up the one who was “tco business.” I’m sure this is a stretch, but while thinking of the cellphone timeline I was thinking that HE was really trying to call the pay phone to tell SM that she wasn’t coming, she needed to think about things after talking to BW. Then this thought occurred. I also noticed that there is some open field like areas at Longbeards & Augusta but I know google can be deceiving.
Feel free to pick this all apart, I won’t be heartbroken, I was just trying to think of where Heather could possibly be and found this thread. I really believe that wherever/whatever the Ms did with Heather, they’re confident that she won’t be found, otherwise why would they not attempt to make any deals in exchange? I get SM not turning in TM, she is the controlling type and probably had something in place that she used to hold over him. She’s not super smart but she’s not stupid. I feel like SM would just do what he was told to at this point. But I feel like she would use something to her benefit & to be with her kids. Maybe I’m wrong.
I never thought Heather was at PTL and believed that the car was driven there by an M or someone assisting them. When the Longbeard trip emerged in court, that reinforced my view.

I think LE advanced an implausible theory of a kidnapping/murder scenario at PTL, and paid for it by having to nolle pros their murder charge.

I believe Heather was in trouble and killed much earlier on that timeline, consistent with the Longbeard’s trip, and the odd movements of her phone discovered by the forensics guy who nailed down that expanded timeline.

There is no way those two clowns did this by themselves, in my opinion, and it makes zero sense that they killed her at PTL, or even did a grab and go. They appear to have headed to their home afterward, and the trail stopped. I think it was over and she was gone well before that, and they were just doing a final staging with her car at PTL. And I think LE swallowed the bait and ran with the gaslighting smoke and mirrors ‘look over here’ PTL appearance of things, so typical of ploys by individuals like TM. JMO.
Ok..I fully expected to have my “story” ripped to shreds. Now my brain is just spinning. What is bittersweet about it all is that while this all resulted it the Ms being in jail, the only way to dial it back to prove anything different would require stating that the evidence wasn’t what they’ve claimed it was. So I’m sure while the Ms aren’t content with being in jail, they are sitting content with not being pinned with murder. They seem way to comfortable with not giving any info on her wear abouts, which makes me think they disposed of her in a way that will make it impossible for her to be found or identified. :(
Many including myself, have opined there were only two people who knew how and where Heather's body was disposed. One of them is sitting in prison, the other died of a heart attack. I agree that Heather's body will never be found, nor the truth of how she died known, unless the MRS tells. I have zero hope of that happening, that evil woman hated Heather. Now she hates the Elvis family by extension, and will never give them a gift of the truth :(
Ok..I fully expected to have my “story” ripped to shreds. Now my brain is just spinning. What is bittersweet about it all is that while this all resulted it the Ms being in jail, the only way to dial it back to prove anything different would require stating that the evidence wasn’t what they’ve claimed it was. So I’m sure while the Ms aren’t content with being in jail, they are sitting content with not being pinned with murder. They seem way to comfortable with not giving any info on her wear abouts, which makes me think they disposed of her in a way that will make it impossible for her to be found or identified. :(
That was always the problem with the hard and fast claim that they killed her at PTL. LE can’t walk it back.

I don’t believe she’ll ever be found and agree that the smug confidence of the M’s, certainly from TM, is because she knows that what happened to Heather guarantees she will never be recovered. I hope for the family’s sake that something emerges, or someone for whom the burden is too much starts blabbing. But there’s no incentive for the M’s and who knows how much any third party really knows. And I think many of us believe at least one party is no longer able to tell us.

I have no words for the soulless depravity of the Moorer’s, with TM holding title to the most grotesque example.
I think T.M. would be the one directing the operation. I don't think Sydney would have any say in where to dispose of Heather. T.M. is a very vindictive person and I have a feeling that Heather would be at some place T.M could visit to gloat over. MOO

I don't think she would chance going there. But a body of water to look at and know she was put there at one point, yes. I also believe the cousin did see the picture, and that it was sent to Sid as a threat to keep him involved and quiet. I don't think he was the 'mastermind' behind any of this. Fully TM.
Thinking of Heather and her family today .. and praying for answers soon for her family, friends and loved ones. We all know Heather deserves justice, it's been far too long and she will be forever missed and loved.
I don't think she would chance going there. But a body of water to look at and know she was put there at one point, yes. I also believe the cousin did see the picture, and that it was sent to Sid as a threat to keep him involved and quiet. I don't think he was the 'mastermind' behind any of this. Fully TM.
I completely agree. I watched the ID special on Heather and Tammys cousin had no motive for telling the truth other than he was subpoenaed to testify what had told another inmate in confidence. And the footage of Tammy, Sydney, and Tammys sister cleaning out the truck pretty much put the nail in the coffin for me. I say all 4 of them know exactly what happened
It's been a few years since Sidney and Tammy Moorer were found guilty for kidnapping Heather Elvis.. Unfortunately, the family still does not know where Heather/body is. I don't think I've ever seen a man so scared of his wife as Sidney is. These two have never turned on each other, even now years later. I live in MB and followed the case and helped in the search for Heather. It's sad that the family is still in limbo. Tammy is a scary woman that may have intimated Sidney into the killing of Heather. She was never going to be in this by herself. I go down...you go with me. We women can be scary when scorned. I've done profiling over the years and these two are something else. As gruesome as it is, I have always felt they dismembered and scattered the remains. One always leaves something and takes something from a crime scene, not necessarily intentionally, they just never found what that is/was. Wish someone knew more. Got to be someone who saw something. We still see missing signs around town. Can't help but think of her and her family.
It's been a few years since Sidney and Tammy Moorer were found guilty for kidnapping Heather Elvis.. Unfortunately, the family still does not know where Heather/body is. I don't think I've ever seen a man so scared of his wife as Sidney is. These two have never turned on each other, even now years later. I live in MB and followed the case and helped in the search for Heather. It's sad that the family is still in limbo. Tammy is a scary woman that may have intimated Sidney into the killing of Heather. She was never going to be in this by herself. I go down...you go with me. We women can be scary when scorned. I've done profiling over the years and these two are something else. As gruesome as it is, I have always felt they dismembered and scattered the remains. One always leaves something and takes something from a crime scene, not necessarily intentionally, they just never found what that is/was. Wish someone knew more. Got to be someone who saw something. We still see missing signs around town. Can't help but think of her and her family.

I think until all kids are 18, Sid won't do anything. Her mom still has control of them, which TM also controls. I do believe she is the one the planned ALL of it. He is a weak, weak man.
Her remains. Give the Family Closure. Heather Elvis Case.
Tammy and Sidney Moorer. In prison for her disappearance.
Someone in the family knows.


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Have they had dogs search the compound?
I’ve seen a show on ID I believe and they had this big Pyle of like mud or whatever that would actually be but they took trash 2 this spot and it like took it in like Quicksand I wonder if she could have been put in something like that
I created a thread for that UID because there didn't appear to be one.

However, the post-mortem interval was described as months, so it seems unlikely that it could be her, but who knows for sure. The donation bin apparently hadn't been emptied in years.
Tammy and Sidney Moorer is in jail for killing Heather I thought they moved to Florida her body is in Florida some where but I know she passed on I just want to find her we can bring closer to the family and solve the case I know Tammy and Sidney Moorer knew they where not going to get away with it they will always be guilty and they know that I glad they are in jail wish her body was found somebody know thing please come forward

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