Where Is Heather?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Where is Heather?

  • In Water

    Votes: 106 28.4%
  • Buried in SC

    Votes: 69 18.5%
  • Outside of SC

    Votes: 32 8.6%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 78 20.9%
  • Laying in woods

    Votes: 22 5.9%
  • Where TM could watch the site

    Votes: 31 8.3%
  • hurts my heart; but, a landfill

    Votes: 35 9.4%

  • Total voters
hello all! I'm new here so go easy on me, hah :please:

It is driving me crazy that the Moorers withdrew $5,000 on the 18th. If they supposedly had 10K sittin in a safe at the house, what did they need to withdraw that for?

They probably had $5,000 in the safe December 17th. They withdrew $5,000 on the 18th. That makes the $10,000 that was found in the safe in February.
Question: Where did Sidney grow up? I posted this on Tammy's Disboards thread but maybe it belongs here too. Is it worth looking into? We're is 5 hours from Disney - GA or the southern part of SC? Has that area been searched?

Summerville, SC 5 hours 48 min. to Disney according to Google
I voted "I Don't Know", but here are some of my guesses/ ideas:


-Enclosed at/in some sort of construction site associated with SM (poured concrete, piping).

-maybe swampland

-possibly fire might have been used
Summerville, SC 5 hours 48 min. to Disney according to Google

I saw that but with as much as Tammy complained & gave too much information while she was complaining, she didn't say 5.48 or 5. She pointed out 5 hours, so that's what made me wonder about maybe a different place where he may have grown up. Does anyone know if Sidney grew up in the house where his parents live now? Did he/they always live there?
I saw that but with as much as Tammy complained & gave too much information while she was complaining, she didn't say 5.48 or 5. She pointed out 5 hours, so that's what made me wonder about maybe a different place where he may have grown up. Does anyone know if Sidney grew up in the house where his parents live now? Did he/they always live there?

I thought I saw somewhere that he grew up in Charleston, but that's about a 6 hour drive.
I just wonder..Did the M's ever rent a storage unit. Even if not to contain a body..maybe other things.
What about other houses/trailers on the compound, any fresh cemented areas near/ under..crawl spaces or the like.
Was there fresh soil or landscaping done recently..
I just think she may be close to where they live or in a place TM felt she could control.
A couple of ideas I have had the last hour:

1) I am thinking that possibly the M's headed back towards their house with Heather in their truck but went right by turning right and heading out of town taking her body somewhere to dispose of... possibly they did it somewhere near where they claimed to be having car sex that night. Wondering if wooded areas near those two places have been checked. Maybe they said that so they had an excuse to be in that area if cameras picked them up in the vicinity. The Century Circle area is where I would check first.

another idea...

2) I am also wondering if their own cameras recording at their home/compound is what evidence the police have that led to their immediate arrest. Would that not be ironic if their own security systems were the main piece of evidence against them showing them with Heather's body.
For one of my criminal justice classes, we had to discuss several inventive and ingenious ways to dispose of a body. I am not sure if the area where the M's live is country-ish or if there is farm land..but this leads me to ask, does anyone in their family or network of friends own a pig/hog farm or cattle farm that is close to where the M's live? As we all know, hogs will feed on a human body. How about cattle farms? Some cattle farms contain "decomp pits". This is where the farmer will throw dead cattle when they die. These decomp pits contain acid mixtures and are designed to decomp organic materials. I feel these ideas are worth checking out.

As I've mentioned previously, I really do not think TM and SM disposed of Heather's body in an obvious place or in an obvious manner. I think a whole lot of thought went into this. I know many people think TM is unintelligent, but I just have a differing opinion. I find her to be very sharp -witted, calculating and crafty. She is definitely smarter than her other half! I am not saying this as a compliment toward her in the least bit, as the words I would use to describe how I really feel about her would not be allowed on this forum.

I really hate to be posting about where Heather's deceased body could be, but I think it's time to bring Heather home and since the obvious places where one would dispose of a body have come up with nothing, I think it's time to start thinking outside the box. JMO
I know there has been discussion of burning and dismemberment but honestly I believe this kill was done in a fit of passion/rage & unplanned.
I think they are crazy yes, but I also believe it takes a certain kind of person/killer to take a body apart. I think the M's were cowards/wimps and do not have the guts to do something like that.
I believe she was either strangled, shot or drowned. I think when she is found she will be in one piece, probably buried with her purse/cell phone.. nothing cut up or taken apart. Does that make sense ?
The re-creation that was done at PTL leads me to think they found some kind of evidence there that backs up their theory that Heather was murdered at PTL. Otherwise, wouldn't they have re-created the crime scene at the Moorer's home instead? They didn't do that. The only did a re-enactment / re-creation at PTL. So if that's the case, I wonder what distinctive evidence was found there that suggested death. A bullet fragment? Something personal of Heather's (besides the car)? Wouldn't they have something more than a ping or last GPS lock to say the kidnapping & murder took place there?

I think the evidence they found at the Moorer's home only adds to the evidence that they already had. I do believe DNA from a vehicle will hang them, especially if that DNA came from a deceased person.

At first the police were speaking as though Heather was alive, then they announced the Moorer's were being charged with murder - which means a death had to occur. So if police have DNA from the truck that might happen to be blood, and if that blood shows death occurred, then both TM & SM would have a hard time explaining that away.
For one of my criminal justice classes, we had to discuss several inventive and ingenious ways to dispose of a body. I am not sure if the area where the M's live is country-ish or if there is farm land..but this leads me to ask, does anyone in their family or network of friends own a pig/hog farm or cattle farm that is close to where the M's live? As we all know, hogs will feed on a human body. How about cattle farms? Some cattle farms contain "decomp pits". This is where the farmer will throw dead cattle when they die. These decomp pits contain acid mixtures and are designed to decomp organic materials. I feel these ideas are worth checking out.

As I've mentioned previously, I really do not think TM and SM disposed of Heather's body in an obvious place or in an obvious manner. I think a whole lot of thought went into this. I know many people think TM is unintelligent, but I just have a differing opinion. I find her to be very sharp -witted, calculating and crafty. She is definitely smarter than her other half! I am not saying this as a compliment toward her in the least bit, as the words I would use to describe how I really feel about her would not be allowed on this forum.

I really hate to be posting about where Heather's deceased body could be, but I think it's time to bring Heather home and since the obvious places where one would dispose of a body have come up with nothing, I think it's time to start thinking outside the box. JMO

I think that is a good theory Kenya! Somebody mentioned this same exact scenario in Kyron Horman's threads after his disappearance. We learned so much about pigs and hogs! Poultry feces used on mushroom farms is another thing that would break down organic matter faster. Sick to think about but feasible and that makes it interesting. Thanks for your input!
For one of my criminal justice classes, we had to discuss several inventive and ingenious ways to dispose of a body. I am not sure if the area where the M's live is country-ish or if there is farm land..but this leads me to ask, does anyone in their family or network of friends own a pig/hog farm or cattle farm that is close to where the M's live? As we all know, hogs will feed on a human body. How about cattle farms? Some cattle farms contain "decomp pits". This is where the farmer will throw dead cattle when they die. These decomp pits contain acid mixtures and are designed to decomp organic materials. I feel these ideas are worth checking out.

As I've mentioned previously, I really do not think TM and SM disposed of Heather's body in an obvious place or in an obvious manner. I think a whole lot of thought went into this. I know many people think TM is unintelligent, but I just have a differing opinion. I find her to be very sharp -witted, calculating and crafty. She is definitely smarter than her other half! I am not saying this as a compliment toward her in the least bit, as the words I would use to describe how I really feel about her would not be allowed on this forum.

I really hate to be posting about where Heather's deceased body could be, but I think it's time to bring Heather home and since the obvious places where one would dispose of a body have come up with nothing, I think it's time to start thinking outside the box. JMO

That must have been an interesting class! I've mentioned before that I watch a true crime show recently where the body was buried in a grave that had been dug/prepared for a funeral happening the next day. I think that would be a great place to hide a body.....bury it down in the already dug hole, then a coffin goes on top of it. Would of course take some planning/reading obituaries, etc.
The re-creation that was done at PTL leads me to think they found some kind of evidence there that backs up their theory that Heather was murdered at PTL. Otherwise, wouldn't they have re-created the crime scene at the Moorer's home instead? They didn't do that. The only did a re-enactment / re-creation at PTL. So if that's the case, I wonder what distinctive evidence was found there that suggested death. A bullet fragment? Something personal of Heather's (besides the car)? Wouldn't they have something more than a ping or last GPS lock to say the kidnapping & murder took place there?

I think the evidence they found at the Moorer's home only adds to the evidence that they already had. I do believe DNA from a vehicle will hang them, especially if that DNA came from a deceased person.

At first the police were speaking as though Heather was alive, then they announced the Moorer's were being charged with murder - which means a death had to occur. So if police have DNA from the truck that might happen to be blood, and if that blood shows death occurred, then both TM & SM would have a hard time explaining that away.

B b m
The re-creation that was done at PTL leads me to think they found some kind of evidence there that backs up their theory that Heather was murdered at PTL. Otherwise, wouldn't they have re-created the crime scene at the Moorer's home instead? They didn't do that. The only did a re-enactment / re-creation at PTL. So if that's the case, I wonder what distinctive evidence was found there that suggested death. A bullet fragment? Something personal of Heather's (besides the car)? Wouldn't they have something more than a ping or last GPS lock to say the kidnapping & murder took place there?

I think the evidence they found at the Moorer's home only adds to the evidence that they already had. I do believe DNA from a vehicle will hang them, especially if that DNA came from a deceased person.

At first the police were speaking as though Heather was alive, then they announced the Moorer's were being charged with murder - which means a death had to occur. So if police have DNA from the truck that might happen to be blood, and if that blood shows death occurred, then both TM & SM would have a hard time explaining that away.

When will TM and SM become aware of all of the evidence LE has against them? Seems to me they might be more likely to give up where Heather is if they know how solid the evidence is. More likely to ask for a deal?
The re-creation that was done at PTL leads me to think they found some kind of evidence there that backs up their theory that Heather was murdered at PTL. Otherwise, wouldn't they have re-created the crime scene at the Moorer's home instead? They didn't do that. The only did a re-enactment / re-creation at PTL. So if that's the case, I wonder what distinctive evidence was found there that suggested death. A bullet fragment? Something personal of Heather's (besides the car)? Wouldn't they have something more than a ping or last GPS lock to say the kidnapping & murder took place there?

I think the evidence they found at the Moorer's home only adds to the evidence that they already had. I do believe DNA from a vehicle will hang them, especially if that DNA came from a deceased person.

At first the police were speaking as though Heather was alive, then they announced the Moorer's were being charged with murder - which means a death had to occur. So if police have DNA from the truck that might happen to be blood, and if that blood shows death occurred, then both TM & SM would have a hard time explaining that away.

LE says they do not know how Heather was killed, so it couldn't be a bullet fragment or anything that would tell them about the method.

When asked how Elvis died, Richardson said a cause of death has not been determined. “If we had a body, maybe we could determine the matter of death. We don’t know the manner of death and we may never know the manner of death,” he said.
Imo, it is almost impossible to guess where the M's, or anyone, would put a victim. Even "dummies" like those allegedly involved in Haleigh Cummings' disappearance, and other non-brain surgeons, as in Ayla's case and others, have managed to hide bodies (Imo) for years now. Yes, there are psychological methods to try to determine where a specific person might go, but those are only guesses and usually cover a very wide range...as in most cases, finding Heather will be by chance or luck, IMO.
Also, we don't know when the M's became aware that she had been reported missing, or rather, if they were aware on Wednesday that she had not been missed yet and decided to take a chance to move her elsewhere. They could have easily monitored social media to determine if anyone seemed to know she had disappeared.

( I still wonder how she was not missed, before her car was found. You'd think BW would be looking for her on Wed. and it seems unusual that someone like Heather would not answer calls or texts for two days. And no one called her parents, I guess. Just seems odd to me...not that it probably mattered as far as Heather being saved...:(. )
I thought I saw somewhere that he grew up in Charleston, but that's about a 6 hour drive.
I think that's one of those things, where someone claims the bigger (nearby) city, that people from outside the area have actually heard of...Charleston is only 20 minutes from Summerville. Plus, there's general confusion sometimes about Charleston vs. North Charleston, same as Myrtle Beach vs. North Myrtle Beach. North Charleston is not the NORTHERN PART of Charleston. It's a separate town and its outskirts touch the outskirts of Summerville.

ETA: I lived in Charleston for 13 years and drove to Disney, from there, twice. I'm a speed demon and it took me 5½ hours. Stupid Jacksonville traffic. Grrr...
I think that's one of those things, where someone claims the bigger (nearby) city, that people from outside the area have actually heard of...Charleston is only 20 minutes from Summerville. Plus, there's general confusion sometimes about Charleston vs. North Charleston, same as Myrtle Beach vs. North Myrtle Beach. North Charleston is not the NORTHERN PART of Charleston. It's a separate town and its outskirts touch the outskirts of Summerville.

ETA: I lived in Charleston for 13 years and drove to Disney, from there, twice. I'm a speed demon and it took me 5½ hours. Stupid Jacksonville traffic. Grrr...

Yeah, I just asked my boyfriend about charleston (he just graduated from The Citadel) and he said there are a lot of smaller towns in the surrounding area, but people will just say they're from charleston since its more easily recognizable than somewhere like Summerville.

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