Where Precisely Do You Think Caylee Died?

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What is the location of Caylee's Death.

  • Car

    Votes: 577 54.3%
  • Pool

    Votes: 100 9.4%
  • Caylee's Room

    Votes: 102 9.6%
  • Casey's room

    Votes: 231 21.7%
  • Computer Room

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Other Room

    Votes: 51 4.8%

  • Total voters
Interesting bit of discuaaion but getting a bit OT?
I feel The Spanish Inquisition breathing down my neck.

Dont be afraid, Hercule..happens to us all. Your posts are logical.

Many think that GA was lying or misinformed on Monday, the 16th, that's all. The information you stated is the way things would have gone down if GA and JG are absolutely correct. You are right in your conclusions based on GA testimony and JG stating he knows Caylee was alive at 3:00pm.
JG did recant his testimony about hearing Caylee on 24th. But at the same time he reaffirmed that he heard Caylee on the 16th. I agree that it is likely that the devious witch went out of her way to fool JG on 24th. by pretending to tell Caylee to get off the table... etc. That was the time she had just dumped the body, was dealing with the smelly car etc and likely to be doing her best to set up some sort of a cover story.

(another word the Anthonys should have patented)....lol....:crazy:.

Back on Topic"

I think Caylee died in Casey's room.
Dont be afraid, Hercule..happens to us all. Your posts are logical.

Many think that GA was lying or misinformed on Monday, the 16th, that's all. The information you stated is the way things would have gone down if GA and JG are absolutely correct. You are right in your conclusions based on GA testimony and JG stating he knows Caylee was alive at 3:00pm.
What makes me continue to accept GA and JG is the evidence as explained by JWG that phone calls and house computer activity normal for KC. No sign of panic and she WAS there in the morning and after GA left. So at least shoots down theories that she left for good during the night of 15th. Even if GA is totally wrong and/or did not see them at all on 16th. there is still evidence KC at least was there and nothing amiss in her computer use or phone calls.
That would mean that Cindy lied at the bond hearing when she said: "she tucked them both in on the night of 6/15" as well as George lied at the bond hearing when he said: "I saw them at 12:50 PM on 6/16."

Yes, it sure would Patty...and I personally believe that they did both lie about that entire night, morning and afternoon.

I believe that Casey and Caylee shared a room didn't they??? So the Caylee and Casey rooms should be combined in the poll

Caylee and Casey each had their own room, but Caylee did not SLEEP in her room-she slept with Casey, when she was home and if I am not mistaken she slept in Casey's bed even when she was NOT there. They both did have their own personal allotted "room" though, and Caylee's was full of Caylee's stuff...
Yes, it sure would Patty...and I personally believe that they did both lie about that entire night, morning and afternoon.

Caylee and Casey each had their own room, but Caylee did not SLEEP in her room-she slept with Casey, when she was home and if I am not mistaken she slept in Casey's bed even when she was NOT there. They both did have their own personal allotted "room" though, and Caylee's was full of Caylee's stuff...
The bedroom situation is clarified by the floorplan of the Anthony house posted in another thread.

Even if GA is totally wrong and/or did not see them at all on 16th. there is still evidence KC at least was there and nothing amiss in her computer use or phone calls.

You're assuming that KC would behave as a 'normal' person would and there would be some sort of clue in her computer/phone usage. Her actions after Caylee's death (the partying, renting movies, sleep overs, etc.) clearly show she doesn't react 'normally'. In light of this, I see no way to interpret the comp/phone usage on the 16th in one way or another.
My vote's on the pool. Jesse knew Casey better than anyone IMO

07/31/08 J Grund LE Interview
Starts about 2/3rd down the page here:
EE (Const Edwards).....Uh, apparently you were discussing possible scenarios with what may have happened. Uhm, can you go over those again?
JG: (Yawns.)
EE I think...
JG: Excuse me. That was me. That...
EE: With the pool issues and....
JG: That was Jesse yawning. Uhm....
EE: (Laughs.)
JG: Is, there was two, there’s two different types of what if scenarios that have gone through my head in regard to what could have happened to uhm, Caylee uhm, because I’ll say this for the record. Uhm, I don’t believe Caylee at any point in time would have ever hurt, or I don’t believe Casey would have ever hurt Caylee on purpose and I, I, there’s no way that I, I personally could ever foresee her doing that. Uhm, I do believe that there are times where Casey would leave Caylee unattended to do things. Get on the computer, talk on the phone. And at that point....
EE: And where would be she unattended? Where, in....
JG: Caylee, Caylee would usually, she would hang out in the living room while Casey was in the computer room, or sometimes Casey would go outside to use the telephone and leave Caylee in the living room. Uhm, she also went outside and played with Caylee a lot and them she’d also be playing with the dogs. Uhm, she let Caylee play in her playpen while she’d go do something. So, it, there were plenty of times where I could have foreseen, because we both know with children something quick can happen......>snip.
EE: So you’re talking the timeframes that Casey would leave her alone from time were lengthy?
JG: I mean yeah (affirmative). I mean again, uhm....
EE: How about the pool?
JG: I, I never, I didn’t know enough about Caylee and the pool. I knew that they like to, and I knew that Caylee loved the pool. But I never actually seen Caylee in the pool. Now I was under the understanding they had actually have to move the ladder because Caylee kept trying to get into the pool and things of that nature. Uhm, I believe at any point in time something possibly could have accidentally happened to Caylee. And if something accidentally happened to Caylee I literally believe that Casey would have an emotional breakdown; a mental breakdown to the point where I almost believe that she would take Caylee and put her somewhere and then uh, tell herself a new story, a new reality of what happened to her.>snip

(bold mine) "Absolutely" ITA and is why of course the dogs hit right next to the pool--for which there's really no other earthly reason nor any other logical explanation--but precisely as far as you would carry or place someone should you recover them from a drowning there. Takes only 5 minutes. Drownings can (and typically do) happen to children (esp between ages 1-4) in the care of inattentive otherwise occupied caregivers--frequently in home w a swimming pool. JMO
You're assuming that KC would behave as a 'normal' person would and there would be some sort of clue in her computer/phone usage. Her actions after Caylee's death (the partying, renting movies, sleep overs, etc.) clearly show she doesn't react 'normally'. In light of this, I see no way to interpret the comp/phone usage on the 16th in one way or another.
I agree but these are pieces of evidence that nothing serious had happened yet. As it turns out, we do have GA testimony and JG testimony, and I think testimony from others on the phone that day (not sure about that), so all we can do is add ALL the little pieces of circumstantial evidence.
(bold mine) "Absolutely" ITA and is why of course the dogs hit right next to the pool--for which there's really no other earthly reason nor any other logical explanation--but precisely as far as you would carry or place someone should you recover them from a drowning there. Takes only 5 minutes. Drownings can (and typically do) happen to children esp between ages 1-4 in the care of inattentive, otherwise occupied caregivers--frequently in a home w a swimming pool. JMO
Right next to the pool was a patch of dirt that showed signs pf some recent digging when LE got there. G & C explained that as them moving a plant. Also right next to the pool could be where the body was placed while in the process of faking a drowning just as easily as the place the body was placed after an "accident"
It is difficult to sort through since some of what the GP's have said is so conflicting. We know Caylee was alive on the 15th. We know that there was some big fight between Casey and Cindy on that same day. We know Casey texted TonE a lot very late that night. GA told LE that the last time he saw Casey and Caylee was the day of the 16th and described what they were wearing. I always thought this was odd considering the major fight the day before. Sorry for all of the elaboration...but assuming GA did see them together that day (and it is hard for me to take him 100% but his earlier statements to LE were more credible than CA's) I think she drove around or whatever and waited for him to leave for work and came back to the house and killed Caylee. I would think it would be either in her room or Caylee's room. But who knows? If she killed her in the car she would need some privacy for that...and the pings on her cell indicate she was very very close to where the remains were located on the day LE believes Caylee was killed. I am thinking since the body was in the trunk for a period of time...the murder occurred in the home and she was then placed in the trunk for two days or so and then later dumped. Bless little Caylee.
It is difficult to sort through since some of what the GP's have said is so conflicting. We know Caylee was alive on the 15th. We know that there was some big fight between Casey and Cindy on that same day. We know Casey texted TonE a lot very late that night. GA told LE that the last time he saw Casey and Caylee was the day of the 16th and described what they were wearing. I always thought this was odd considering the major fight the day before. Sorry for all of the elaboration...but assuming GA did see them together that day (and it is hard for me to take him 100% but his earlier statements to LE were more credible than CA's) I think she drove around or whatever and waited for him to leave for work and came back to the house and killed Caylee. I would think it would be either in her room or Caylee's room. But who knows? If she killed her in the car she would need some privacy for that...and the pings on her cell indicate she was very very close to where the remains were located on the day LE believes Caylee was killed. I am thinking since the body was in the trunk for a period of time...the murder occurred in the home and she was then placed in the trunk for two days or so and then later dumped. Bless little Caylee.
I can not fault anything you say.

Of course there is a lot of detail to fill in. That is what is occupying us all.
I'm not sure where, but I believe it happened June 15, not 16.
Twice Casey referred to June 15 being the last she saw Caylee.
1.)when she stated she hadn't seen Caylee for 31 days on July 15.
2.)she left a message on Troy's myspace, that she hadn't lived at home for 9 days, this on June 24.

I don't think she would have at her counting of twice, and I think she knew exactly the last she saw Caylee.
Right next to the pool was a patch of dirt that showed signs pf some recent digging when LE got there. G & C explained that as them moving a plant. Also right next to the pool could be where the body was placed while in the process of faking a drowning just as easily as the place the body was placed after an "accident"

You believe this if you like (a drowning staged why? seen by whom? when?) I just usually tend to arrive at the more obvious, logical explanation. JMO
It doesn't seem obvious to me that a child dies in a pool accident and it's mum throws it in the trunk of her car and leaves it to rot?
I have wondered about this alot....and it is really mentally sickening to process it. however,I can imagine that Casey was very disturbed(let's say) about the argument she and Cindy had...got Caylee into the car seat and left the house driving ..and while driving she just kept escalating until she was beyond"over the edge"...and drove to a place that she could turn off safely and discreetly...got out the tape and the rag...told Calee it was time to go to sleep....and just did it....sick...I am sorry my mind even came up with this,but it is what I think pushed her and she did it while still raging in her mind about the idea that her own Mother appeared to love Caylee more that she did Casey. I leave no blame on Cindy,I may not like her, but she should not feel guilty for the tragidy that occurred because of her daughters illness.
You believe this if you like (a drowning staged why? seen by whom? when?) I just usually tend to arrive at the more obvious, logical explanation. JMO

And yours is one that is in direct opposition to the one that LE has arrived at even though they have all the evidence, professional investigators, CSI, etc.
P.S. I,too, am the mother of a very ill 26 yr. old....and the blame that others put on Mothers is just unbelievable! You can do all you can..and things just go awry. I am also the mother of a 20 yr. old,and she is just a great person and has seen some dark years... but is mentally heathy and strong.
And yours is one that is in direct opposition to the one that LE has arrived at even though they have all the evidence, professional investigators, CSI, etc. yet!

You have LE's cause of death??? Do share.
At first I thought KC left her in the car and she suffocated, but since way back when the evidence came out, I think KC killed her in the car with choloroform and thats where she died. (So even though my theories always been in the car, the HOW part has changed).
Wherever her mother choose to end her life.

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