Where was she putting Caylee!!!!???

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think that most days she went home and stayed around there when her parents were at work. I think she just hung out wherever she could. Mooched off of whatever family or friend was gone at the time. She probably also sat in various McDonalds and shopping malls etc part of the time. After a while she probably sorted out some sort of routine where she could spend her days.
I think that there are two distinct questions here that will need to be answered as follows:

1. Where/What were Casey and Caylee doing during the day throughout the 18-24 month period that Casey was supposedly working?

2. Where did Casey leave Caylee on the nights that we think she wasn't sleeping at home (the A's) or with Casey?

The answer as to where she was during the day is probably quite varied and probably merits its own thread...

Regarding where she may have been putting her at night - do we know just how many nights we might be talking about? I don't think that there were too many. Casey's nightime behavior seems to have become more erratic and unaccountable from the end of May until probably mid-June. I believe that until the end of May, Caylee was probably sleeping at home a the A's most nights. As we know, there was probably an argument(s)/ultimatum toward the end of May/Early June. So where was Caylee sleeping at night during that period is probably what needs to be answered. Some of those nights have been accounted for - she was either at the A's or with Casey at RM's. So, what are the nights that we know she was at neither home?

May 31rst - Is it possible that Casey pretended to go to sleep with Caylee at home? She closed the door and waited until her parents went to sleep? Or that she told them that she and Caylee would be coming home late? AND that is why she took Caylee home in the middle of the night. So that CA would not freak out in the morning? Is that perhaps why, to CA didn't think anything had happened that night? (Don't forget, the issue hadn't escalated yet - the BIG fight hadn't yet occured and KC was still keeping things "under control".)

I haven't looked at the calendar in detail yet but it sounds like the first week of June, Casey was at the A's and/or at Rm's right up until the 10th. The nights that seem to be unaccounted for really seem to be from June 10th to the 15th (if we believe that Caylee died on the 16th). That's 6 nights. Those are the nights that really need to be looked at. Could she have been drugging her and putting her to sleep those nights? It's much more plausible for her to have found a temporary solution for 6 nights than to imagine that this had been going on for much longer.

Just thinking out loud...

Seems you and I are thinking along the same lines.
Cindy says Caylee cries at night when alone???
Other friends tolerated Caylee being with them....even at night.
Are you certain that Caylee was not sleeping at grandparents home during that time?
I have terrible insomia and had to take ambien to sleep. And let me tell you something, it will mess with your mind and memory.

Is it possible CA had taken something like that and that's why she doesn't remember about that night?
The first thing that stood out to me is KC LOVES taking pictures. IIRC, CA said photography was KC's hobby.

We all know by now KC thinks only of herself and I don't think she would have any job unless it is something she loves to do.

I have always thought she was involved in *advertiser censored* photos or videos as a photographer. I think she was taking Caylee with her and Caylee was getting big enough to start talking. She may have been drugging her with the Chloroform to keep her from seeing some things. KC probably od'd Caylee.

Do you remember, Melinda Duckett was involved in *advertiser censored* videos? She is from that same area.
....They FBI found DNA from the fluid of the mouth and nose in the trunk that matches Caylee. Most likely, this is from vomit.

As far as I know, we haven't been told any results from the stain -- IIRC, there was DNA recovered from the hair in the trunk *only*. There has been discussion about what the stain might be, which has included information about fluids from mouth/nose after death, but I don't believe it has been confirmed by anyone that the stain in the trunk was precisely from such a source. Would appreciate a link if I'm wrong, though.

Right, because she had keys to a model apartment and access to their gated entry?
That's pretty far out there, but whatever.

It may SOUND like it's out there, but KC is a very practiced thief.
Well I think she left Caylee in that car at times and that she did indeed die in there. Maybe not the trunk, but in the car. Why? On Greta long ago before the major drama/CA stated Casey ALWAYS kept a spare key in case the car got locked by accident w Caylee in it.
There was no pool accident, no oh she fell off a balcony. People call 911 for that stuff. There was no Zani the make up Nanny!
It was definately casey drugged her, then partied, and Caylee died in the car ie self absorbed Sociopaths do that!

That's what I always thought.
And doesn't it seem odd to anyone else that amy and ricardo are now a thing....I dont know about them but isnt that taboo dating someone a friend has dated....I dont know maybe im wrong but something is def off with amy's interview and tony's something just seems to much to point at casey....maybe im dumb....

I think that whole group might be a little casual about things like that. JG also introduced KC to her next lover, AR.
It seems like maybe Casey put Caylee someplace fast...then later after her little body began decomposing,she moved her.
That is why it was so stinky and why she left the car there. Now all you need is to find the person or persons who helped her push it into the lot.
I read earlier today in the papers interview that
the car was nosed into the area very close to the dumpster at AmScot where the tow driver had said he thought it was odd.
He had a cold and that is why he did not smell a bad smell. And had just started there again?
The manager was most helpful from the stuff i have read. The towing company seemed very happy to help in any way they could. Refreshing after the pulling teeth with the Anthony family.
To think Caylee may be dead is a sad thought.however it seems more likely now than unlikely.Where did the media get the idea that Casey now says she sold Caylee to PR ?
I could not find that online anyplace ?

Well keep up the good work...

Apparently KC recently told CE that she sold KC to Puerto Rico.
Based on the recent evidence, here is my best theory.

There is no third party nanny. Caylee was only ever watched by Casey, or Cindy.

Casey was using her trunk as a babysitter, possibly using Zanax. When should couldn't get any Zanax (no money maybe), she looked up Chloroform on the computer. Probably the week after her Mother ended her vacation and she had to go back watching Caylee. By this time, Casey was with Tony and wanted to continue going to the club and managing the shot girls.

So, Caylee was drugged and put in the trunk. I believe that due to the change to Chloroform after maybe having previous used Xanax, or that casey didn't know how much probably made the child vomit while unconscious and she died from asphyxiation.

The stain was from vomit. They now know how she was laying in the trunk.

Could be. I guess KC didn't know that most drugging mothers use benedryl.
<<<She was in the trunk. There is a stain. There is DNA. There was human decomp. These tests are being triple checked. >>> (Capt Logic)

How do you know the stain was vomit? Has that been released?

Has not be released re: any vomit. However, LE stated they have forensic evidence re: the position Caylee was laying in, in the trunk.
I think Caylee was being left with Casey's pimp while she was working.
I believe that one is extremely unlikely! I don't think a pimp is going to "babysit" and Casey wasn't working anywhere.

She had NO money!! No gas. Nothing. What she did have was a slew of lovers and one night stands that provided her a place for the night or the day...whichever she needed at the moment. She wasn't selling it...as she was giving it away right and left!
Why would being left in the trunk at night be ruled out as in one my other posts I pointed out a case in California where a husband and wife left their child in a trunk while they partied. The boy said they did that all the time. The humidity and temps were about the same as this speculated time of Caylee's disappearance. The news reports in the California case stated that the child was in the trunk for 4-5 hours and had a pillow to sleep on and didn't appear harmed.

Nightime Temp and Humidity:
California Case: 74F and 50% Humidity 4-5 hours in a trunk ok
Florida Case Around: 75f and 52% Humidity.
I hope no one thinks this is a stupid idea but in this case almost anything is believeable.
When I ran across the pic of CA, the guy on the bed, and the guy in the floor, (not sure where I saw this) there was a large duffle bag on the bed. Somebody surely would have seen her holding a little girl in her arms at night, or during the day. But that duffle bag would have held a little girl and no one would have even taken a second look if she was moving her around in that big black duffle bag. I saw that pic and that is just what went thru my head.. surely not
I believe that one is extremely unlikely! I don't think a pimp is going to "babysit" and Casey wasn't working anywhere.

She had NO money!! No gas. Nothing. What she did have was a slew of lovers and one night stands that provided her a place for the night or the day...whichever she needed at the moment. She wasn't selling it...as she was giving it away right and left!

Then where was she going all of the time when she said she was working?
She has too much unaccounted for time.

Who was paying for all of her tattoos?

Who was searching all of the escort services on the computer?

Maybe she had debts she was trying to get off her back and she was using the money she made to pay those and avoid leagal action while stealing for day to day expenses from friends and family.
As the interviews come out...we are finding places she went during different times. They aren't going to go back two years to figure out everywhere she went, but the way I see it...one night stands, lovers, friends, and others provided her a place to go "visit".

Probably paid for the tats with mom's money, stolen money, or was taking it out in "trade" perhaps.

Could have been just about anyone who had access to that computer or even done before CA got it. We don't know if she purchased it new or used. Maybe Casey was even looking to see if one of her friends was on there. Could be many reasons for those searches, imo.

What debts?! I don't see her having any debts other than the money stolen from other people etc.
IMO Cindy did call and tell Casey to bring Caylee home that night. It makes no sense as Casey and Caylee had spent many nights at Ricardos that she would get up take Casey somewhere and then go back there would be no reason. I do not think Cindy is being all that honest in her interviews so I take anything she says with a grain of salt.
Casey was not the girl on the bed, you would have to search which thread it was in but we figured out awhile back it wasnt Casey.

I hope no one thinks this is a stupid idea but in this case almost anything is believeable.
When I ran across the pic of CA, the guy on the bed, and the guy in the floor, (not sure where I saw this) there was a large duffle bag on the bed. Somebody surely would have seen her holding a little girl in her arms at night, or during the day. But that duffle bag would have held a little girl and no one would have even taken a second look if she was moving her around in that big black duffle bag. I saw that pic and that is just what went thru my head.. surely not
As the interviews come out...we are finding places she went during different times. They aren't going to go back two years to figure out everywhere she went, but the way I see it...one night stands, lovers, friends, and others provided her a place to go "visit".

Probably paid for the tats with mom's money, stolen money, or was taking it out in "trade" perhaps.

Could have been just about anyone who had access to that computer or even done before CA got it. We don't know if she purchased it new or used. Maybe Casey was even looking to see if one of her friends was on there. Could be many reasons for those searches, imo.

What debts?! I don't see her having any debts other than the money stolen from other people etc.

Well, there are still periods of times when no one knows where she or Caylee were.

I guess it will depend on what date the escort services were searched. I doubt the computers were purchased used as new ones are pretty cheap today.

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