Where's Maddie ( 48 hours mystery to air saturday)

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I would like to know the story behind the supposed exchange of Madeleine two days after she disappeared. I think the detective who claims he knows the kidnapper's ID, etc. is making stuff up, but time will tell.
One of the things that the investigator on 48 hours based his conclusion that Maddie was abducted on was the fact that according to the staff at the tapas bar Kate and Gerry were acting normaly that night. I think this information is useless. How in the world would the staff of the tapas bar know what is or is not normal for kate and Gerry. Kate and Gerry have both demonstrated numerous times they are very capable of showing no emotion when interviewed or photographed. The staff of the Tapas bar do not know these people. are not specialists in analyzing human behavior and have no basis to make that conlcusion. Yet, this investigator adamently stated it would have been impossible for them to be behaving normally if they were involved with Maddie's dissapaearance and therefore could not be involved. If this is the best evidence he came up with I think it is pretty poor info to base any conclusions on. Jane Tanners eye witness information is also unfortunitly very weak evidence. First, she came up with her memory of seeing this after she became aware Maddie was missing and second no one can substantiate it. Human memory is pretty poor and contaminate it by leading information, such as a child is missing and IMO it can not be considered reliable when not able to substantiate it. What does give her memory a little believability is no one has come forward to say that was me carrying my child. However, that is in no way reason to conclude what she thinks she saw happened. So I think the evidence Maddie was abducted presented on this show was weak and therefore, remain firmly on the fence.


Video of Jane Tanner (I can't see it on my Mac and frankly, I could care less....)

Too bad you can't see it. Jane actually comes across as quite believable and likable in this video. It's the first seed of doubt I've had in a long time

They should have had her helping speak to the media since the beginning. She's way better than any of the others spokesmen the McCann's have hired!

As much as she has been portrayed badly in the press, she comes across to me as just another woman you might be friendly with, very normal, worried and willing to help in any way possible.
Too bad you can't see it. Jane actually comes across as quite believable and likable in this video. It's the first seed of doubt I've had in a long time

They should have had her helping speak to the media since the beginning. She's way better than any of the others spokesmen the McCann's have hired!

As much as she has been portrayed badly in the press, she comes across to me as just another woman you might be friendly with, very normal, worried and willing to help in any way possible.

I had exactly the same feeling ,angelmom. She was sincere & I felt these twinges of fear about the public not looking@ possible sightings if they are convinced Maddie was accidentally killed. That would be awful . This is about finding Maddie ,not blaming her parents.:(
I think the fact that the wait staff at the tapas restaurant observed the McCanns acting "normally" is just another piece of information to add to the picture. I don't think you have to be an expert in human behavior to evaluate whether someone is acting normally. We all know what "normal" looks like, in the same way we all know *advertiser censored* when we see it, even if we can't define it. It means they weren't behaving suspiciously, nervously, or emotionally, etc. And, the wait staff had been watching them come to the restaurant for five nights already, so they even had a base line for comparison. So, the McCanns were acting the same way they had acted the other five nights, which was the same way most people act when their eating out with friends.

We got a couple of other pieces of information. It wasn't an all out booze fest, as some papers have claimed. It was five or six bottles of wine, which among 9 people over several hours isn't all that much.

Also, we learned that the McCanns couldn't actually see their apartment from the table (although that wasn't surprising, as it seemed pretty obvious from pictures to me). And, I appreciated his take on the McCanns that night. I can see his point that they had probably been lulled into a false sense of security by the previous five nights of leaving the children and eating out. If everything had gone well for five nights, they may have gotten pretty lax about their checking routine. Between that and the wine and good conversation, they may have only thought they were checking their children every thirty minutes, when in fact more like 45 minutes to an hour was going by between checks.

And, I appreciated his observation that the McCann's regular routine and the location of their apartment were both conducive to an abduction.

None of this is compelling proof that she was abducted. It's just more information to file away.

Despite all this, I thought the show was pretty thin on new information and not "explosive" as their promos claimed.
One of the things that the investigator on 48 hours based his conclusion that Maddie was abducted on was the fact that according to the staff at the tapas bar Kate and Gerry were acting normaly that night. I think this information is useless. How in the world would the staff of the tapas bar know what is or is not normal for kate and Gerry. Kate and Gerry have both demonstrated numerous times they are very capable of showing no emotion when interviewed or photographed. The staff of the Tapas bar do not know these people. are not specialists in analyzing human behavior and have no basis to make that conlcusion. Yet, this investigator adamently stated it would have been impossible for them to be behaving normally if they were involved with Maddie's dissapaearance and therefore could not be involved. If this is the best evidence he came up with I think it is pretty poor info to base any conclusions on. Jane Tanners eye witness information is also unfortunitly very weak evidence. First, she came up with her memory of seeing this after she became aware Maddie was missing and second no one can substantiate it. Human memory is pretty poor and contaminate it by leading information, such as a child is missing and IMO it can not be considered reliable when not able to substantiate it. What does give her memory a little believability is no one has come forward to say that was me carrying my child. However, that is in no way reason to conclude what she thinks she saw happened. So I think the evidence Maddie was abducted presented on this show was weak and therefore, remain firmly on the fence.


As far as Kate and her husband not crying all over the place in public, they were TOLD by Portugese Police not to, that it would somehow excite the kidnapper....this was brought up during 48 HRS show.
And they also showed a video of Susan Smith, remember her crying and sobbing and as it turned out, she was GUILTY.
The only thing the show raised questions about is WHY oh why did they leave the door unlocked? Even if I didn have small children I would still lock my door if I was in a foreign country, Id worry about my things being stolen.
Remember the Aisenbergs from FL? Their daughter was stolen 10 yrs ago, she is still missing. Alot of people blamed them, horrible things happen to people.
If I remember to watch, get the TV on something other than hockey or the kids go to bed with no problem I'll try to do a write up.

Go Sens Go

Well in Canada the 48 hours that was on was on about a couple in Ohio and how the husband was charged. So I didn't get to watch the 48 Hours about Madeleine McCann. :mad: Was it any good?
I saw this on and off but I caught the part with the investigator for the McCanns saying something to the affect of "we know we who took her, we even know where he is " but when pressed further he said he couldn't say anymore...
I don't know if he was referring to Murat or what but I thought that was a pretty bold statement to make.
As far as Kate and her husband not crying all over the place in public, they were TOLD by Portugese Police not to, that it would somehow excite the kidnapper....this was brought up during 48 HRS show.

Okay, then why now are they reporting all over the place that their detective knows who kidnapped Maddie, and they are about to close in on them? Don't you think THAT would somehow excite the kidnapper???

And they also showed a video of Susan Smith, remember her crying and sobbing and as it turned out, she was GUILTY.
Exacty, Susan Smith DID kill her children. Regardless of her public outpour of emotion...she did kill her children, for a man, nonetheless. Which proves, women can and do murder their children for stupid reasons. The McCanns didn't cry, so they wouldn't upset the kidnapper who they are now reporting they know who she is, where shes at and are about to find...LOL (I'm sure that will not excite the kidnapper...she won't be paniced, or scared, or fearing for her life no? She'll just sit and wait for them to come.) Thank you for the reminder.

The only thing the show raised questions about is WHY oh why did they leave the door unlocked? Even if I didn have small children I would still lock my door if I was in a foreign country, Id worry about my things being stolen.

Another excellent point. I have brought this up before. If the McCanns had all of the "Find Madeleine Fund" in cash, lying on Maddies bed, do you think they would have locked the door then?

Do you think they'd go have dinner and leave their Rolex watches and diamond rings sitting on the night stand? No, they put their valuables in a safe. Their "stuff" was more important than their children.
And, I appreciated his take on the McCanns that night. I can see his point that they had probably been lulled into a false sense of security by the previous five nights of leaving the children and eating out. If everything had gone well for five nights, they may have gotten pretty lax about their checking routine

Except that it hadn't "gone well" which of course the show didn't mention. Ms. Fenn reported her crying the night before. If you knew your child woke up and cried for you for 45 min why would you feel comfortable leaving her again?....I think they were already being "lax" on the checking.
Its bad enough that they did this once (leave the kids, really babies alone) but 5 times....
Hey maybe she was abducted, maybe someone noticed this pattern saw an opty to take her but either way they share some of the blame.
There are v. good aerial photos of The Ocean Club and the restaurant on the web & here on our forum but I thought the video on 48 Hours Mystery was outstanding. I refer to the apartment building and the roads. In one hour, of course some details were left out but the overall history seemed well balanced to me. I found the coverage of the work the p.i. from Boston accomplished worthwhile & I got a better feel for Method 3 from the brief segment on Sr. Marco of Spain. The t.v. news on Madeleine is usually out of date and riddled with errors, so this was well vetted by comparison.
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