Which is strongest RDI evidence?

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Which RDI claim is easiest to prove?

  • PR/JR handled the weapons or sexually assaulted.

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • PR/JR wrote the ransom note or helped to write it.

    Votes: 113 65.3%
  • PR/JR were motivated to hide prior abuse or rage.

    Votes: 14 8.1%
  • PR/JR used words or actions that prove their guilt.

    Votes: 38 22.0%

  • Total voters
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this but wasn't every item that was involved in JonBenet's murder already in the house? So this intruder entered with absolutely nothing? That's very strong RDI evidence in my opinion.

Also, what does everyone make of the Ramseys' statement that after JonBenet's murder, they got rid of their TV because every time they turned it on, the media was calling them the killers? I've always felt that the real reason they got rid of their TVs was because seeing the face of their child, whose life they ended, was a constant reminder. Also, if Burke saw JonBenet a lot as he goes through the channels, he's going to have more and more questions about that night. Most 10-year-olds aren't going to watch the news about the murder, but they would stop and pay attention if it's about their sister. I've wondered if the reason why Burke never asked his parents about the murder (as they claim), is because he wasn't exposed at all to the media frenzy behind it and perhaps, he didn't know until he was much older, how big of a case it was. Also, how long did this no TV thing go on far? I can't see a middle schooler or high schooler being fine with not having a TV. Or was that another lie the R's told?
I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this but wasn't every item that was involved in JonBenet's murder already in the house? So this intruder entered with absolutely nothing? That's very strong RDI evidence in my opinion.

Also, what does everyone make of the Ramseys' statement that after JonBenet's murder, they got rid of their TV because every time they turned it on, the media was calling them the killers? I've always felt that the real reason they got rid of their TVs was because seeing the face of their child, whose life they ended, was a constant reminder. Also, if Burke saw JonBenet a lot as he goes through the channels, he's going to have more and more questions about that night. Most 10-year-olds aren't going to watch the news about the murder, but they would stop and pay attention if it's about their sister. I've wondered if the reason why Burke never asked his parents about the murder (as they claim), is because he wasn't exposed at all to the media frenzy behind it and perhaps, he didn't know until he was much older, how big of a case it was. Also, how long did this no TV thing go on far? I can't see a middle schooler or high schooler being fine with not having a TV. Or was that another lie the R's told?

All of the above.
since I voted for the last one I think I'll put this here

THOMAS: Well, absolutely. But the Bible also says, without confession, there is no forgiveness.

Patsy, do you think...

J. RAMSEY: It doesn't say that.

THOMAS: It doesn't?

J. RAMSEY: Christ did not ask for repentance when he forgave his executers.

THOMAS: Without confession, there is no forgiveness. Do you think that God will forgive the person that did this?

P. RAMSEY: That's up to that person and God.

J. RAMSEY: That's up to God.

doesn't this sound like he(JR) defends himself?

I mean,they are talking about their childs murderer,if it was an evil intruder why react like this?

to me it sounds like "hey,this is between me and God and only he has the right to judge my actions and I don't need to confess in order to be forgiven"
Remember the Danielle Van Damm case? Her neighbor entered her home, punched her in the mouth, knocking her out, and carried her out of the home. He had his way with her ALL WEEKEND! He dumped her body by the side of the road where the poor baby was found.
Hey Ramsey's,

1 John 1:6-10
If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
Danielle's case is similar to Elizabeth Smart's, Riley Fox's, and Jaclyn Dowaliby's cases, where an intruder came into the house, took the child from their bed, and then murdered the child outside the home. Those cases may be rare but they happen. However, there has never been a case where an intruder murdered the child in the home when the parents slept. The intruders in those cases behaved very different from the supposed intruder in JonBenet's case. Just compare any case where a non-family member killed a child and you'll see how different it is from JonBenet's case.
Hey Ramsey's,

1 John 1:6-10
If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Good stuff Agatha.

The minute people start attempting to reinterpret the Bible is the minute they should just throw the whole thing away.

Either you believe it....ALL of it, or you don't.
To pick and choose the bits you believe or reinterpret the Bible is like reading the dictionary and ignoring the letter P.
what was wrong with her,why is she in a BETTER place now.
sounds a bit like relief to me.
did they ever consider that maybe JB was going down the wrong path?she started flirting,etc.
she's safe NOW,wasn't she before?
they sound like exorcists.
maybe they did it on purpose believing they are doing a good thing!
the fact that they left so soon,gosh,I would have been outside that morgue the whole night!they just wanted to leave and forget about everything.if it was an accident you would have seen at least a bit of remorse or guilt.no,they just left everything behind.
22 So, what do you want to happen to the person who

23 did this?

24 JOHN RAMSEY: I thought about that everyday.

25 And there's certainly the Christian side of me


1 that says, you know, forgive others' trespasses.

2 But what I've concluded is, that, you know, that

3 there is forgiveness, but there is accountability.

4 And this person must be held accountable.

5 Now, okay, what's accountability? I've gone from,

6 you know, hang him by the neck until dead in the

7 public square to put a tattoo on his forehead that

8 said, (I killed JonBenet,̃ and let him go through

9 life that way
. But that's the rage within me.

10 Sometimes it's just is there, frankly. But, you've

11 got to try to put in the Christian perspective as

12 to what -- how should I really feel.

13 Fundamentally, I would want the harshest, cruelest

14 treatment that our society can put on an

15 individual for doing this.

16 LOU SMIT: Including?

17 JOHN RAMSEY: I think, to me, the worst

18 thing that you can do is put a tattoo on his

19 forehead that said, (I'm a child killer,̃ and let

20 him go out in the street.
We've had to live with

21 this for 18 months. We'll have to live with this

22 for the rest of our lives.

that's NOT the cruelest punishment for a vicious child killer.that's the punishment they agree with because it was THEM who did it.in their heads they're okay with this punishment,it's enough.being under the umbrella of suspicion for life is not that bad after all,the death penalty would be though.

the way they interpret all this religious stuff is because they wanna make themselves feel better about what happened.

in his head he knows what he did and what he is and that's why he always finds such excuses.

in his mind he got what he deserved,the worst punishment,right,being called a child killler.he's in such denial!
my God and some say this case can't be solved because the crime scene was contaminated.
it's all there,all you need is a cop with b@lls who knows how to ask questions .
Kane was so close!
such cowards crack,of course that's why they need LW's around,to make sure this doesn't happen............
what was wrong with her,why is she in a BETTER place now.
sounds a bit like relief to me.
did they ever consider that maybe JB was going down the wrong path?she started flirting,etc.
she's safe NOW,wasn't she before?
they sound like exorcists.
maybe they did it on purpose believing they are doing a good thing!
the fact that they left so soon,gosh,I would have been outside that morgue the whole night!they just wanted to leave and forget about everything.if it was an accident you would have seen at least a bit of remorse or guilt.no,they just left everything behind.

JonBenet was six. It's not like she was a 16-year-old runaway who did crack cocaine and slept around. It's insane to try to justify your 6-year-old's murder by saying you stopped her from going down to the wrong path.

Also, what is this "flirting" thing? Where did it come from? Who was JBR flirting with? I've heard it brought up before but I never got all the details.
JonBenet was six. It's not like she was a 16-year-old runaway who did crack cocaine and slept around. It's insane to try to justify your 6-year-old's murder by saying you stopped her from going down to the wrong path.

Also, what is this "flirting" thing? Where did it come from? Who was JBR flirting with? I've heard it brought up before but I never got all the details.
The origin may be this interview.

Yet Pam Archuleta, over coffee and then wine at the Boulderado Hotel, said Patsy was “obsessed” by the contests, and she describes the alcove just outside the master bedroom in Boulder where Patsy displayed all the photos, trophies, ribbons and tiaras from her own days as Miss West Virginia. JonBenet’s pageant costumes were “handmade in New York, much finer than the other contestants,” says another family friend. "Her hair was highlighted, her makeup applied thickly and designed to make her look older. Besides, she had to take piano and singing lessons, she had a coach. Does that sound like fun?”
Even Patsy expressed occasional doubts about the effect of the circuit on her daughter: "She is too friendly, just too friendly with people," she told Michael and Pam. “She flirts with people.”
The origin may be this interview.

Yet Pam Archuleta, over coffee and then wine at the Boulderado Hotel, said Patsy was “obsessed” by the contests, and she describes the alcove just outside the master bedroom in Boulder where Patsy displayed all the photos, trophies, ribbons and tiaras from her own days as Miss West Virginia. JonBenet’s pageant costumes were “handmade in New York, much finer than the other contestants,” says another family friend. "Her hair was highlighted, her makeup applied thickly and designed to make her look older. Besides, she had to take piano and singing lessons, she had a coach. Does that sound like fun?”
Even Patsy expressed occasional doubts about the effect of the circuit on her daughter: "She is too friendly, just too friendly with people," she told Michael and Pam. “She flirts with people.”

What does that even mean? Who was she flirting with? We're talking about a kindergartener here. It kind of makes me think of girls who are convinced that every other girl is flirting with their boyfriend. Perhaps Patsy saw JonBenet as more of a rival than her daughter, and then whenever she saw her talking to someone of the opposite sex, she became delusional and thought she was flirting?
what was wrong with her,why is she in a BETTER place now.
sounds a bit like relief to me.
did they ever consider that maybe JB was going down the wrong path?she started flirting,etc.
she's safe NOW,wasn't she before?
they sound like exorcists.
maybe they did it on purpose believing they are doing a good thing!
the fact that they left so soon,gosh,I would have been outside that morgue the whole night!they just wanted to leave and forget about everything.if it was an accident you would have seen at least a bit of remorse or guilt.no,they just left everything behind.

Are you seriously saying that by them saying she is "in a better place now" that it somehow points towards guilt? Such a stretch,there. Just about everyone I know says the same thing when they lose a loved one. It's a coping mechanism, we all want to believe that the deceased truly IS in a better place.
Are you seriously saying that by them saying she is "in a better place now" that it somehow points towards guilt? Such a stretch,there. Just about everyone I know says the same thing when they lose a loved one. It's a coping mechanism, we all want to believe that the deceased truly IS in a better place.

it's denial in this case,an excuse,the killer is "not THAT guilty" because she's in a better place now.they are trying to justify the killer's action.that doesn't sound right to me.it's not just that phrase.
even if she's in a better place,how can we forget HOW she got there.what was the price she paid.it's not like she was suffering from a painful disease and thank God it's over .
We can't. Not just individually, but as a collective 'we'. Laws need to be enacted to make transporting a person across state lines, against their will, equal to or greater than firearms.

The innocents, the ones who can not speak out, need to be valued and justice needs to be metered out for them, before it is to the that rapes, maims and/or kills them.

The mishandling of the JonBenet case, the fact that it isso many years later, that there has been NO justice, makes this case what it is today.

A big fat puzzle, long on questions, without any justice for a child!
We can't. Not just individually, but as a collective 'we'. Laws need to be enacted to make transporting a person across state lines, against their will, equal to or greater than firearms.

The innocents, the ones who can not speak out, need to be valued and justice needs to be metered out for them, before it is to the that rapes, maims and/or kills them.

The mishandling of the JonBenet case, the fact that it isso many years later, that there has been NO justice, makes this case what it is today.

A big fat puzzle, long on questions, without any justice for a child!


Go tell it on the mountain, Sunnie!
The mishandling of the JonBenet case, the fact that it isso many years later, that there has been NO justice, makes this case what it is today.

So long as its clear that 'the mishandling' while stated as fact is merely an opinion. If unknown intruder without enough evidence to track him down, then not falsely arresting and convicting innocents is, in fact, handling the case correctly and LE/DA should be commended for it.

The case is not mishandled, there is simply not enough information to produce an arrest or lead to justice.

Just wanted to clarify that 'mishandling' isn't a case given as presented here. Its not known that anybody did anything that precluded justice.
So long as its clear that 'the mishandling' while stated as fact is merely an opinion. If unknown intruder without enough evidence to track him down, then not falsely arresting and convicting innocents is, in fact, handling the case correctly and LE/DA should be commended for it.

The case is not mishandled, there is simply not enough information to produce an arrest or lead to justice.

Just wanted to clarify that 'mishandling' isn't a case given as presented here. Its not known that anybody did anything that precluded justice.

So- you're OK with how Det. Arndt failed to secure the crime scene and allowed JB's body to be compromised?

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