Whitney Houston passed away on 2/11/12 - Part 1

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Very ironic MJ said the almost same thing just prior to his passing, that his end was near. Sometimes it really makes me wonder when you match the key players to the scenes of their lives, kwim?

Especially since MJ thought the record company was trying to have him killed!

I was just going through old youtube interviews of Whitney as I haven't seen them until this week. I found this video. I never heard this song before, and needless to say seeing the photos will make you cry. Also noticed the interesting name for the person who put it up.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd9TjPP31U0"]Whitney Houston- You'll never stand alone - YouTube[/ame]
By Claudine Zap | Stop The Presses! – 2 hours 36 minutes ago
Details are beginning to emerge about Whitney Houston's funeral Saturday -- and it looks to be be a touching affair that will celebrate the life of the legendary pop singer. Citing a family source, People magazine reported Thursday that Kevin Costner, Houston's co-star in the 1992 blockbuster "The Bodyguard," will attend and deliver a speech (Costner has yet to comment). The movie starred Houston as a megastar who falls for her Secret Service agent, played by Costner -— and remains one of her most beloved films. It also yielded one of her top-selling singles ever, "I will Always Love You." The movie grossed $400 million worldwide.Other stars paying their respects: Houston's godmother, Aretha Franklin, and Stevie Wonder, who are scheduled to perform. Houston's record producer Clive Davis -— who stood by the singer throughout her career ups and downs -— is also expected to say a few words. Still no word on whether her estranged ex-husband Bobby Brown will attend. more at link: http://music.yahoo.com/blogs/stop-the-presses/details-emerge-whitney-houston-funeral-191227342.html
I'll see if I can find the Dolly Parton interview that I saw on Tuesday in which DP talks about how much money she made once WH's version of "I Will Always Love You" became an international hit. DP wrote the song, so she collected massive residuals and continues to do so whenever the recording is played or performed in concert.

During an interview on CNN with Anderson Cooper last month, the Steel Magnolias actress revealed: 'When Whitney did it, I got all the money for the publishing and for the writing, and I bought a lot of cheap wigs.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbi...ong-I-Will-Always-Love-You.html#ixzz1mZLR0dkR[/quote]

Parton said she "went out shopping for shoes" !

When the shoe fits ... wear it! Yes. Whitney got . . . was not a
bussiness woman evidently and thats a rotten shame. Now that IS
stress! So ... let DOLLY PAY FOR THE FUNERAL! Thats my comment.

I don't think it was suicide either, but she did tell X-Factor winner Melanie Amaro at an E.N.T. doctor three days before to "carry the torch"!

Yes I heard that reported early on too - only once. Isn't that a strange thing to say? MA must have felt kind of funny - like a double take thingy - when WH made that comment as she is just beginning and in no way wishes to replace WH. More appropriately WH could have said something like 'welcome to my world' or simply 'congratulations on your win'. Also I wonder if WH picked up prescriptions drugs that day.
Dolly Parton said that in an interview before WH died. DP wrote the song and performs it herself. DP was paying a compliment to WH as the reason she made so much money is because WH sang the song so well so DP made a lot of money. That's the way it works. A musical artist writes successful songs and gets paid for doing it. :twocents:

ADDING ~ Honestly I can't imagine how anyone can be hostile toward Dolly. She is one of the most honest famous people I've
ever seen. She constantly pokes fun at herself and does a world of good for other people to include the creative idea she came up with to employ half of her family and town folk - Dollywood. I'm speechless that someone would drag her name, in a bad way, into WH's junk.
I don't know where or how the reporters get info, but here is a new one:

Star Magazine are alleging that the singer had sought a facelift to be performed by a Beverly Hills surgeon.

But Dr Marc Mani, a board certified plastic surgeon, is alleged to have refused to perform the procedure on Houston after she didn't pass the medical clearance exam that tests a patient's heart, lung and liver, according to a source.

'She was concerned about her appearance and wanted a facelift,' the insider said.

Dr Mani refused to confirm to Radar Online whether Houston had attended his clinic, citing federal medical privacy laws.

The website claim that preliminary results have revealed sedatives were found in Houston's system.


I don't see Whitney going for a facelift, she didn't need one! What do I know, I did not know her. I could have also just "guessed" heart, liver and lungs, given her past issues and her current age. Geesh!

ETA: More at the radaronline link:

Whitney Houston ‘Didn’t Want To Die,’ Says Her Makeup Artist

“She seemed good and vibrant and full of life,” Dowdley tells Star. “She had no idea this was going to happen.”

In fact, Whitney had already scheduled Dowdley to do her makeup for Clive Davis’ pre-Grammys bash on Feb. 11, but she would be found dead hours before the party started.


Of course I realize that anyone that was in her "entourage" a.k.a. staff is now out of a job and not going to say anything bad b/c they need a new job with a new star.
Whitney Houston ‘Didn’t Want To Die,’ Says Her Makeup Artist

“She seemed good and vibrant and full of life,” Dowdley tells Star. “She had no idea this was going to happen.”

In fact, Whitney had already scheduled Dowdley to do her makeup for Clive Davis’ pre-Grammys bash on Feb. 11, but she would be found dead hours before the party started.


Of course I realize that anyone that was in her "entourage" a.k.a. staff is now out of a job and not going to say anything bad b/c they need a new job with a new star.

I really don't believe that Whitney wanted to die or that she would have committed suicide.

About a facelift - OMG, she did not need a facelift! She was beautiful, even in the last pictures taken of her. A facelift might have ruined her beauty.
Dolly should share her royalties with Whitney's family somehow, even if it's a token. Esp. if Whitney was broke...

I know it's biz,but I would do it. seems like it would be the right thing.
Still have a heavy heart over this, she brought me infinite amounts of joy over the years, she was such a beautiful soul. We all have our demons and hers were obviously too much for her to deal with.
what really irks me is all the "I heard Whitney passed" or when I heard she passed etc...honestly...Whitney didn't pass...she didn't pass away...

she died a funky, too soon, horrible death...she freaking dropped dead...it wasn't a passing...like in her sleep...in her pajama's in her bed she expired...no

Whitney flew into death's arms after a week of flipping her wig.

RIP, I do hope her soul is finally at peace.
Maybe the drug dealers who profited off of whitney should contribute too. Wouldn't that be "right" as well? The facts are the Whitney made a lot of money, more than any of us will ever see. If she chose to blow it on lavish living or drugs or whatever, that was her choice. What she may consider living in poverty would be riches to most of us.

It is not up to Dolly to give money to Whitney's family. Many of us have had to choose cremation for our deceased loved ones because we couldn't afford a $8000 funeral and an overpriced coffin.

Whitneys family will profit from her passing by the increased sales of her albums. Her music is now selling like hotcakes since her death. She has family with money as well (Bobby Brown, Cissie Houston, Dionne Warwick, Brandy & RayJ) They can step up to the plate if they feel like it.

Dolly wrote a song that made Whitneys millions so I think Whitney owes a huge thanks to Dolly, not the other way around.

Sorry I don't feel more sympathy for Whitney but her actions and words showed that she thought she was better than others, too rich to do crack like the common addict, so she didn't consider herself as having a problem.

Addiction and arrogance can be a deadly mix. Drugs are the great equalizer, they don't care if you "make too much money to do crack", they will kill you just the same. Sorry Whitney learned that lesson the hard way and her child has to pay the price.
I have to disagree with your last statement. I am an alcoholic and I beat my addiction. Why because I wanted to. I saw what it was doing to me my family and the ones I cared about. I had a choice the bottle or lose everything. I beat the addiction . As of March 1st it will be two years. Alcoholism is a disease that is treatable but first the person has to be willing to take that first step.


As am I, as did I..."BUT for the Grace of God, there go I.", comes to mind...cunning, baffling and powerful is the dis-ease of addiction and too, too many are not as fortunate as you and I. Humility is a wondrous trait.
I guess you could say Dolly already gave Whitney the greatest song of her career and she profited handsomely, If it was me I would feel weird making money off of someone's death,

maybe I'd donate some of it to music programs for kids or something.


As am I, as did I..."BUT for the Grace of God, there go I.", comes to mind...cunning, baffling and powerful is the dis-ease of addiction and too, too many are not as fortunate as you and I. Humility is a wondrous trait.

BBM. Thank YOU!! Humility can cover a multitude of sins and things we have done wrong in the past and to others. Humility can strip away the anger, resentment, grudges, etc that have built up. It can help restore love because it brings you back to your basic being as a fallible human, just like everyone else.

Sadly, we never saw that with Whitney. She continued a campaign of arrogance and feeling she was better than others. I feel badly for her that she left this earth before she was able to experience what a little humility can do for you.
swampmama, her arrogance...imo, it's false pride to cover all the insecurities and the shame.
On NG tonight a friend of Bobby Brown said Whitney was never supposed to be on "Being Bobby Brown" That she just showed up on the set.(she basically crashed the set: my words.) He also confirmed BB didn't do cocaine until after he met WH. NG didn't believe him.
swampmama, her arrogance...imo, it's false pride to cover all the insecurities and the shame.

ITA, and to add...

From her shy & quiet beginnings, even before substance abuse became a way of life for her, Whitney read like an insecure person to me. Despite all her gifts, she seemed uncomfortable in her own skin. I truly feel that she recognized her problems and was ashamed, but was unwilling to do what was necessary to 'fix' them (dedicated long-term rehab), which only brought-about even more shame. It was a painful cycle which she covered with false pride, arrogance, wild behavior, and so forth.

I think she was unhappy at heart, except for the love she felt for her daughter.

~strictly jmo~
ITA, and to add...

From her shy & quiet beginnings, even before substance abuse became a way of life for her, Whitney read like an insecure person to me. Despite all her gifts, she seemed uncomfortable in her own skin. I truly feel that she recognized her problems and was ashamed, but was unwilling to do what was necessary to 'fix' them (dedicated long-term rehab), which only brought-about even more shame. It was a painful cycle which she covered with false pride, arrogance, wild behavior, and so forth.

I think she was unhappy at heart, except for the love she felt for her daughter.

~strictly jmo~

I think she loved music, since childhood. She definately had very rare, God-given, talents.

She was subject to pressures that would buckle most people, from

I thought CNN's interview of her recent voice coach was very telling tonight, and one of the
best interviews to date - the teacher fully documented her rare talents, even at mid-age.
He judged her ability to recover years of physical abuse and basically said that in his
opinion she could have come back to "95%" of her former ability - and that is a testimony!
I just wish it could have happened and she could have had the opportunity to retire to have
some peace for a change.

I was glued to this interview: dont have a link or I would post it. Look it up if you can!

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