Who believes that Cindy should be prosecuted for perjury? Or is it just me...?

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Yes, I know Cindy is grieving grandparent and is also grieving the inevitable loss of her daughter which she tried to prevent by lying on the witness stand. However, Cindy's behavior, in my opinion, is indicative of why Caylee is deceased, people are camping outside the courtroom, George was near suicide and all of here at WS can't tear ourselves away from this trial along with many others across the nation. Cindy has never allowed Casey to suffer any consequences for her behavior and actions for she has been forever coddled. Cindy was well aware that Casey killed the baby--the unthinkable--and yet Cindy still protects her as she risks her own freedom. Is that love? Is that truly a demonstration of a mother's love? No. That is the ultimate demonstration of co-dependency. I don't say that Cindy should turn her back on her. Allowing your child to take responsibility and deal with consequences is in now way turning your back but instead it builds positive character. Casey's character sucks and so does Cindy's and she needs to suffer the consequences for her behavior and actions in this matter as well. She knew she was lying to the court and breaking the law and it did not matter to her. She was willing to take a chance and face prosecution so that's what should happen--and I think she should get the maximum sentence too.

What do you think?

Thank you and well said! :)

YES! CA should be charged with perjury!
IMO, if the SA were EVER going to file perjury charges against someone, this is the time to do it. It's one thing to say you think the death smell may have been pizza and that the TotMom is the "Mother Of The Year!", but to lie and take ownership of something that is a direct piece of the evidence in this case is criminal. She should be charged and made an example of or they will be setting a precedent they do not want to set. MOO.
I suppose what I, personally, wanted to see from Cindy from the beginning to this day.....put Caylee first. Bless her heart....she was only 2. She loved you. Stop using her for your "grieving grandmother" excuse. For your media shows. For money. Stop lying for her killer.
snipped by me...

I see it as you do. Almost everyone walking this earth has lost a loved one, for me, CA's grief is not bigger, more important, or more painful than anyone else's.

CA put herself in the spot light, and I think she is a big reason why this case exploded, and brought out such passion for Caylee. CA's actions, and constant need to be seen and heard in support of ICA pushed boundaries that many could not fathom. It should have always been about the truth for Caylee's sake, and now, when Caylee needed her, she chose to lie - again. CA's grief, or a need to "save" her daughter, yet again, does not excuse this for me.

I don't think they will attempt to prosecute CA, even though she's been proven a liar. The SA showed that with facts and evidence, a person's testimony can be easily disproved. That in and of itself spoke volumes to me, and should for anyone who thinks that lying during their testimony won't be noticed, proven, and /or have their entire testimony called into question.

I think if CA does get jail time, perhaps the perfect sentence would be to put CA and ICA in the same cell for 1 week - talk about a steel cage match.
I totally agree, with the world watching she raises her hand and swears to tell the truth and then lies her a&& off. She has lied enough and should be held responsible for doing so. Not to mention the money spent to get to the truth.


And have you noticed every time time she raises her hand and swears and ends it with "So help me God" almost like she is asking God for forgiveness for lying before she even sits down. What a good Christian she is!
If CA is ever called to testify in any other case can the proof that she lied in this case be used to impeach her or would they not be able to use it as charges were never filed and she was never convicted of it? IOW, is she forever labeled as having perjured herself or is that information not useable as she is/was not charged and convicted?
While I can't walk in her shoes, thank heavens, and have sympathy for what she's gone through - the fact remains that she willfully attempted to subvert justice. Letting her slide in consideration of her suffering creates an arbitrary interpreted slippery slope and questionable message that lying under oath is understandable and might not criminally punishable depending on the perjurer's relationship to the accused.
I've gotten whiplash trying to sort out all of her lies, absolutely CA should be prosecuted for perjury!
I keep remembering that Martha Stewart was sent to jail for "lying under oath".
I'm sure there was more to it but...

I also think that the whole family have lied and covered things up from day 1.
Cindy ran the show and George was so scared of her that he was sneaking to the police station.
Your wife has that much control over you that you can't tell the truth?

I do believe he had an affair with that woman also.
Use a woman for sympathy, get money from her and tell your wife you're working.
Wow! What a guy!

Every answer on the stand was like pulling teeth!
From all of them! Just answer the **** question!

Cindy saying, "Look at Jesse Grund, Any H., etc., etc."
Anyone but my daughter. When we all knew it couldn't be anyone BUT her daughter from about day 2.

The way both she and George behaved at the ZFG depo. Disgraceful!
"How dare you sir!" And "You are not a 10!"
You pieces of (what your daughter treated HER daughter as)!

And Lee saying, "I believe everything my sister tells me." How about you molested her?
You believe that?
And that CMA stuff at the memorial service and asking people to not judge the inmate,
but instead, send her letters. OMG!!!

And last, but not least, the Media!
They have all made this bigger than it should have been.
They have made these liars celebrities!
They must all be in a panic thinking, "What are we going to sensationalize now?"

Poor little Caylee has been a cash cow for so many people.
It makes me so sick!!!!!!!

So yes, I hope they prosecute her.
*Unless it takes out the 911 call.*
And I wish the state of Florida would fine them to recoup some of the cost of the trial.

They collected a lot of money off of their NOT missing granddaughter.

And last, I hope they are never welcome on another television program for as long as I live.
I don't want to see their lying faces ever again.

They have shown the "worst" of humanity.
Sadly, I think we'll see more of this. (from other people)

If the President of the United States can be "IMPEACHED" for "lying under oath" in his deposition testimony ...

Then Cindy should be CHARGED with PERJURY for "lying on the witness stand" and changing her deposition testimony ...

This is about murder -- the Murder of Caylee Marie Anthony !

If Cindy is NOT charged ... then WHY even have these laws on the books ! :banghead:

In case there's another trial she shouldn't be prosecuted for perjury. If KC's acquitted, then I absolutely think she should be prosecuted.

Richard Hornsby breaks it down why Cindy should not be prosecuted for perjury!

YouTube - ‪Casey Anthony: Day 33, Are Cindy Anthony's Pants on FIre?‬‏

I'd love nothing more than for CA to spend a big chunk of time in jail for lying - not only this time, but for the past three years with everything she's done to derail justice for her granddaughter. And I think it's well deserved.

But, reluctantly, I have to agree with Richard in that there's a chance this trial may be hung or have to be re-tried at some point. However much she lies, she's a vital witness in this case.

I can reconcile it in my mind by knowing that CA is paying the ultimate price by losing her granddaughter and quite possibly her daughter. And that she's FINALLY been exposed to the entire world as the liar and manipulator we've always known her to be.
I don't think she should be prosecuted. She already has been punished enough - for life.

P.S. I'm about to change my mind.....bear with me......
In the OJ Simpson trial, Mark Fuhrman was impeached and later convicted of perjury and stripped of his livelihood for lying about an issue immaterial to the case. Cindy should be called to account for her purposeful, defiant false testimony. In a perfect world, she and Casey would share a cell.
I think the best thing we can do as parents is to teach our children right from wrong, and to take responsibility for our actions. When has it become OK to not value truth and integrity? If as children, they learn that lying and breaking the rules are acceptable, then cheating in school, betraying your friends and family, breaking the law is the result. This family is a prime example of that. And I have to say, that no, I would not lie to save my children from bad choices that they have made. But I do hope that the work we have done in trying to rear our kids, has let them know that that is not acceptable, no matter what.
I still love them, but I do not support bad behavior.
Yes she should be.. I do not care if it is a fine and a day in Jail.. I want it in writing that she committed perjury. I want it part of public record.

The judge held a tight rope on the attorneys.. why not the witnesses.

I guess I am mad beacause when CA broke down on the stand I changed my feelings from previous about her which wasnt nice.. she got to me on the crying breaking down and I felt bad.. then the next thing she flat lies.. I am mad at ME for feeling sorry for her.
Cindy and George and probably, Lee, knew for a long time before June 16th, 2008 that ICA was a liar. What about all the money she stole from CA's retirement acct.? All the money she stole from CA's checking acct.? The credit card bills. The check she stole from grandpa's nursing home acct.?? They have been covering her *advertiser censored** for years! Of course they knew she killed Caylee. The day they picked up the death smell car they knew.

From that day on, it's been cover-up mode. And lying mode. When CA is seen breaking down in the jail.....it's because she can't stand seeing ICA there. The media is onto their lies. The pressure CA was under to keep up with the misdirection and lies was taking a toll. She recovered nicely, though, when the money started rolling in. And, when ICA was charged with murder....she really got going! How dare anyone doubt the mighty CA!! Sorry, I really can't stand the <unusual person>...

Put her in jail! And her lap dog, George, also! He knew what the smell of human decomp in the car meant and he knew CA didn't call him about the ladder! ugh rant over

This is a high profile case, if Cindy is not charged with perjury what message does that send?

I agree. My son and his girlfriend were talking about this last night (19 years old). She said "I thought when you took that oath, you HAD to tell the truth or you could go to jail?"

It makes me sick. That kid got 6 days and Cindy gets a pass because she is the mother ??? UMM NO!!!!
She has lost a granddaughter she loved dearly.
She has lost a daughter she loved dearly.
Her daughter will be convicted of murder.
Her once quiet, life will be forever a media circus.
The world will never desist judging her.
She has been proven to be a liar in front of the world.
She may have to watch the State kill her daughter.
She has and will continue to be vilified in the media and on chat boards everywhere.
She will probably never be able to work as a nurse again.

Punishment enough for the sin of trying to protect her family. Cindy is no angel, but she isn't the devil incarnate either. She's a MOTHER.

Oh, Thank you so much for saying this, Your thoughts are the same as mine. Cindy has paid a price no Mother or Grandmother should have to pay. She has and still is suffering the loss of her her daughter killed Caylee. Cindys life as she once knew it is no more.How she can even get thur a day is a miracle from God. How can any one say they would not do the same thing, I have said a thousand times in my life that I would not put up with something or I would never do that only to find out that when face with the decision I did what I thought I would never do. I am a Mom. I am a Grandmother,My love for them is behond anything I have ever know in my life.I have no idea what I would do if I was in Cindys shoes. For asnyone that thinks Cindy & George should now be punished by jail time, let me ask you this, what more can be done to these grandparents. How can any of us say they need to be punished more. Enough is enough. It would be nice if we could offer them a soulder to cry on, a soft word of encourgement, a phone call to them just to say they are in our prayers.
IMO: my feelings are what Cindy said and did in Court should be between Cindy & God alone. Not for us to decied or the courts.
I feel she has suffered enough, she needs to be left alone now to some how get thur all this and what is to come.

Sending Prayers to Cindy, George & Lee.
Cindy and George and probably, Lee, knew for a long time before June 16th, 2008 that ICA was a liar. What about all the money she stole from CA's retirement acct.? All the money she stole from CA's checking acct.? The credit card bills. The check she stole from grandpa's nursing home acct.?? They have been covering her *advertiser censored** for years! Of course they knew she killed Caylee. The day they picked up the death smell car they knew.

From that day on, it's been cover-up mode. And lying mode. When CA is seen breaking down in the jail.....it's because she can't stand seeing ICA there. The media is onto their lies. The pressure CA was under to keep up with the misdirection and lies was taking a toll. She recovered nicely, though, when the money started rolling in. And, when ICA was charged with murder....she really got going! How dare anyone doubt the mighty CA!! Sorry, I really can't stand the <unusual person>...

Put her in jail! And her lap dog, George, also! He knew what the smell of human decomp in the car meant and he knew CA didn't call him about the ladder! ugh rant over


Yep, charge GA too! He perjured himself about the tape on his beloved gas can. I don't like the fact that the state implied it was ok for GA to lie in his deposition with them because at the time he thought Caylee had died at the hands of someone other than ICA. If GA still felt that way and wasn't on their side I don't think the state would be ok with it.
No matter what the case it is not ok to lie under oath. JB impeached him-I think that is the only good thing JB did during the trial.
Why is Cindy a vital witness?? Just play the 911 call. No need to ever ask her anything.

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