Who cares about Miss USA????

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I also was laughing like crazy, because there was absolutely no applause at anytime. If the press thought it was a neat decision on Trump's part, they would have given her a big ovation. Nothing. Actually I was embarrased for her. She evidently was chosen because of her long midline figure, as what else is there about her that is wonderful. Her hair looked like straw I thought, and her voice was dead with no joi de vivre or even personality.

Oh, I'm a mean one, a Ms Grinch, but I just have to call it like I see it. I saw Miss California, and she was not only pretty but seemed to exude a personality that was genuine.

I think this Miss
contest will
go downhill from

here on
:rolleyes: Scandi
I think I am beautiful, talented, and well spoken (ok maybe not well spoken!) but you will never see me competing in a pagent. It seems that most people have little interest in these pageants and its no wonder the ratings stink on just about all of them and really the majority of the fan base is male.

Also, when you put Miss America, Miss USA and Miss Universe all in the same NYC apt, expect trouble.

I have zero interest in these beauty competitions. I would have more respect for any woman that flies to Africa to help AIDS orphans, or find a cure for AIDS than to compete in a pagent.

No surprise Trump did not de-throne her. He is not the best role model himself. He left his first wife for floosie Marla Maples, and then gets another trophy wife 20 years younger than him. I do not know his wife, she could be smart, but she certainly is gorgeous.

His son also married a trophy. Kinda tells me that looks are regarded more in that family than anything.
I'm astounded at the coverage this has gotten in the news. I didn't know anyone cared about Miss USA unless they were in the pageant world... or whatever. *Shrug*
Well I saw the "breaking news" conference also and it certainly was one of the funniest things I've seen in a awhile--crocodile tears and all--The thing is her drug use and drinkig have been mentioned before but I'm a little more interested in the story that she was seen lip-locked with the underage Miss Teen USA lol
Looks like the desicion to let Miss USA keep her title while she sobers up, has a lot of peoples attention.

MADD Severs Ties With Miss Teen USA
Dec 20, 6:41 PM EST

The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES -- Mothers Against Drunk Driving said Wednesday that allegations of illegal underage drinking had led it to sever ties with 18-year-old Katie Blair, the reigning Miss Teen USA.

MADD said it was "disappointed" by news reports of hard partying by Blair and Miss USA Tara Conner, who on Tuesday tearfully admitted drinking at New York nightclubs as a minor. Conner turned 21 on Monday.

mssheila said:
I'm astounded at the coverage this has gotten in the news. I didn't know anyone cared about Miss USA unless they were in the pageant world... or whatever. *Shrug*

Believe me this is unnecessary reporting. Idiots of the first order. For everyone reporting and the take on what this bimbo has to say and what Donald has to say..manipulation.Don't buy into this crap.Think! By yourself.
Rosie O'Donnell went off the deep end today--She mocked Trump calling him a snake oil salesman--She also said he cheated people out of their money and that he went bankrupt in the past--She also mocked his previous marraiges--Trump was not amused and he is now going to sue her for making false statements--btw the View's ratings are up 27% from last year but that's probably more due to Star Jones absence rather than Rosie's presence
I haven't even followed this story from headline one. I am not too into pageants my self. Sorry if I am about to offend anyone but pageants scare me. The mothers are so in your face about it, the little girls get sexualized (to me JonBenet looked way too provocative and sexed up and it's sick, these are kids why are they wearing next to nothing with more makeup than boy george) So the girls grow up in the pageant world being sexualized and judged on their outer beauty. i don't know, it all seems so fake and plastic. Like I said I am really not into pageants so I may be wrong.
The whole thing is a :croc: . Many are saying it is a media ploy.

She did not even have tears coming down her face. Even though she was sniviling, no tears were shed.

Why would she think that people would buy that? What was Donald thinking?
She was kicked out of the apartment, and went to a bar after the fact. Yet she still got a second chance after Donald kicked her out and spoke to her.:doh:

Boozy Miss USA Tara Conner drowned her sorrows at a chic Manhattan bar with her tiara at her side a day after she was booted from her fancy Trump Place digs, witnesses told the Daily News.
Peter Hamilton said:
Rosie O'Donnell went off the deep end today--She mocked Trump calling him a snake oil salesman--She also said he cheated people out of their money and that he went bankrupt in the past--She also mocked his previous marraiges--Trump was not amused and he is now going to sue her for making false statements--btw the View's ratings are up 27% from last year but that's probably more due to Star Jones absence rather than Rosie's presence
trump can dish it out but he cant take it-i find him a braggart and I have never been fond of people who keep telling me how great they are-how rich-etc.
rosie pply will get sued and if she had stopped after the mocking i think she would be fine..its the stuff about how he got his money that can be used..i am not even saying rosie isnt right - but it takes a lot to disprove what he says..i mean everyone can create accounting to dispute things..he said he never went bankrupt but i recall him saying he was bankrupt during the marla maples era..but maybe he was just at the bottom and then came back before he had one.
Rosie may have to eat *advertiser censored* on this one and apologise just to get out of it- but it really irks me how donald talks about everyone..he put anjelina jolee down on LKL - and he killed martha at a time she really did not need the press..but if u say a thing about him, he goes off the deep end.
dark_shadows said:
The whole thing is a :croc: . Many are saying it is a media ploy.

She did not even have tears coming down her face. Even though she was sniviling, no tears were shed.

Why would she think that people would buy that? What was Donald thinking?
She was kicked out of the apartment, and went to a bar after the fact. Yet she still got a second chance after Donald kicked her out and spoke to her.:doh:

Boozy Miss USA Tara Conner drowned her sorrows at a chic Manhattan bar with her tiara at her side a day after she was booted from her fancy Trump Place digs, witnesses told the Daily News.
plus if u think about rehab-isnt it supposed to take a few months..how can she even make her royal visits, if she is in treatment..and if they are sending her for a month thats just not enuf so it all smells bad imo.
newtv said:
plus if u think about rehab-isnt it supposed to take a few months..how can she even be a winner if she is in treatment..and if they are sending her for a month thats just not enuf so it all smells bad imo.
Hey there Newtv,:)
Nice to see you. Thanks for the post. You are right. You would think that the message she sent by going out to the bar after he had a talk with her and kicked her out would project the lack of respect on her part. She went out drinking. She gets kicked out of the Towers and is called on her actions. Instead of cleaning up right there she romps the night away in sorrow. Donald then brings here on national tv after the fact and thinks that she is already rehabilitated!

Vanessa Williams lost her tiltle for much less, I think Tara should be subjected to the same. Sorry I may seem judgmental but that is my opinion.
BirdieBoo said:
Vanessa Williams lost her tiltle for much less, I think Tara should be subjected to the same. Sorry I may seem judgmental but that is my opinion.
I'm not up on Miss USA stuff, what did Vanessa Williams lose the title for?
Vanessa lost the title because they published some earlier pictures of her where she was naked or semi-naked and she was pictured doing some soft core lesbian stuff

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