Who do you think Caylee looks like?

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Whoever THIS guy is, I think he and she look exactly alike-right down to the shape of their lips and face...

This is NOT the guy who was holding her on the porch-that guy MAY be JP-but I am not real sure who this guy is...but she sure looks like him...

I think she looks like this guy and KC. Maybe not exactly like KC, but in some pictures, I see a resemblance.
I dont see how she looks like Cindy. :confused:

to me, she looks in pics like a healthy, happy well taken care of little girl so this has been shocking to me. I think that is why so many people have followed this case. You just dont expect little girls like her to end up missing and family not seeming to be all over the place looking for her!
It is good to hand out fliers but Cindy said she would knock on every door. It seems now she just want to cover for KC.
And no, I dont think kC should be the one to look, she had a full month:furious:
SHES the one to lose her.
I dont know which one she looks like but she does resemble the family. You could tell she was a family member, the hair, eyes, etc. The way George brags about her saying her name, etc he sounds like a proud GF.
I feel sorry for him. He is the one who drove that thing all over the place and passed out fliers. George, PLEASE tell everything yu know at the Grand Jury for CAYLEES sake, she is helpless.
Dont let anyone sway you, tell what you know!

Personally, even from the VERY beginning I thought she looks EXACTLY like Lee.
From the beginning, I couldn't figure out who Caylee looked like. Then I saw the picture of the great grandfather in the nursing home. Caylee looks just like him and not like anyone else in the family. I always thought this was a strange family. Neither Lee nor Casey look like either their mother or father, although they look somewhat alike.
Here are some assorted pics of JP, including a side view for the "ear analysis".

Also, here is a group picture, the guy on the porch looks like he's a little closer to the awing than JP would be, imo.

Here is a comparison of guys Casey knows who have dark hair and eyes.


We know Jesse isn't her daddy, but we don't know for sure that the guy on the porch is the daddy, so I included him.

I did some with Caylee at various ages in the center spot, but don't want to post them all on here. Here is one and the others are on my photobucket page.http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr64/missy8394/


I've heard some people say that Casey meet JP, Ricardo or Gabe until, but there are pictures on JP's page of him and Ricardo partying with Lauren in either 2005 or 2006 (I'll have to check the date). And if Lauren and Casey have been friends since middle school and were close enough that Lauren was babysitting Caylee, I would think they would've met sooner.
It's entirely possibly (if not likely) that the young man holding Caylee is a relative... NOT her father, but a visiting relative. IIRC, gr-grandma said a grandson she hadn't seen in ages came to visit earlier this year.

It would explain the resemblence and the fact that this guy as not been indentified within Casey's circle of friends.
Okay, if I had to pick "Baby Daddy" (and it's damn pitiful no one seems to know) I would go with JPC. The more pics we see of him the more the resemblance is uncanny.
Okay, if I had to pick "Baby Daddy" (and it's damn pitiful no one seems to know) I would go with JPC. The more pics we see of him the more the resemblance is uncanny.

Why do people want to assume that the father is someone from her current circle? It's been said that the majority of people she was associating with were relatively new friends. Caylee was conceived in late 2004, long before she hung out with this gang...even JG didn't know her until 2005.
Why do people want to assume that the father is someone from her current circle? It's been said that the majority of people she was associating with were relatively new friends. Caylee was conceived in late 2004, long before she hung out with this gang...even JG didn't know her until 2005.
You know cherish, you are right...I never thought about it that way. I guess it's just that we get in auto pilot mode and it's natural just to compare the guys we have pictures of to Caylee, but you are so right....considering what we've found out about her "behavior", there is absolutely no telling. My husband is convinced that the baby is Lee's....I do see some of the points he makes, but I guess to me, it just seems so...unbelievable. I mean, I know it happens, but...I dunno. Anyway, my point is, I guess the best way to go about this is to concede that there is no way we can know who all she "knew" at that point in her life, but IF it were one of the "current" guys, it's more likely to be X, Y or Z....
I have no clue who Caylee's dad might be...I'm thinking a one night stand...
Caylee might very well look like her father or his side of the family..however when it comes to KC's family i think Caylee looks the most like GA..
...and IF it IS one of the guys from the current pool...my vote is still JPC...
Caylee looks like Cindy - a lot. I see it every time I look at a photo of Caylee.
...and IF it IS one of the guys from the current pool...my vote is still JPC...

Ditto! Of all of the men she knows NOW he looks the most like Caylee, or she looks the most like him...(although she does look a LOT like Lee too, I am sure that is just family resemblance.)
The "guy on the porch" mystery photo is not JP. There is an obvious flattening of the nose in front, rather than the sharp point. Anywho...one of the reasons I chose the "guy on the porch" and we REALLY need to figure that one out, is because Caylee has that same glow to her smile that just lights up her whole face. Does anyone else see that? It's the It factor that some people have.

And, in MO, I think Casey may possibly have been jealous of Caylee for that very reason: she outshined her.

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