Who Is Entitled To A Right To Privacy?

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About comparing the Anthony's to celebrities: There is a huge difference. Celebrities continually seek the limelight with all things being equal. The Anthony's sought the limelight in the middle of a tragedy- searching for their missing granddaughter (or acting out denial). Don't they deserve amateur status and a chance to learn from their mistakes?


Absolutely. I am waiting for them to start learning.
I also don't think people who give interviews have given up their rights to privacy. If I see Cher in concert and enjoy an interview she gave on the Tonight Show, that doesn't give me the right to go to her home, or go into her trash or follow her to her sister's house. Wasn't Princess Diana's death enough of a reminder that invasion of privacy has gone too far?


It is what it is. The media followed them and the Ant's encouraged it. I'm not saying that the media is right or wrong, they're just doing their job but the Ant's DID encourage the frenzy by acting outlandish. At times I thought I was watching something straight out of the Jerry Springer show. They did not conduct themselves with dignity - that's part of the reason the media followed them.

The Ant's are hardly being chased and photographed like Princess Diana.
I didn't really know where to put this hope it's ok here.
Who thinks Mr. Morgan will win and get Zenaida Gonzalez's
name back for her.
Everyone has the right to privacy however I get a bad taste in my mouth when a day or two after the report of Caylee is missing and you invite the local media into your home and sit on the floor in front of Caylee's bed. Or when you invite the "national" media into your home and take a tour of your house. Or use the media to ones advantage and then blame them for following you around.

As far as I can tell, the media hasn't bothered the Anthony's for quite sometime. The last great media coverage of the Anthony's was when Casey was arrested back on October 14th with the famous exchange of Casey from one car to another.
The A family and their attorneys are making this harder than it has to be. By putting up a fuss, they *appear* to be guilty. All they need to do is answer the questions. Honestly. By refusing to answer, it shows me they are hiding things.
The As want privacy when it suits them. Too late, As, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. Put another way, the Pandora's box has your name on it. Although it seems the As have no compunction about asking Tim Miller for all of his records. Yeah, the volunteers aren't entitled to privacy but the As are.
When an individual makes the decision- whether it be premeditated or due to a psychological snap, to commit a crime, all rights to privacy are compromised.

Yes, the A's were reacting to a missing granddaughter. But from the very first day of their nightmare they began lying and obstructing justice.

Cindy by washing the clothing in the car that she said smelled like death

And as things unfolded they changed their stories, they refused to cooperate with LE and searchers, they threw others under the bus. They coddled their daughter who was clearly guilty rather than executing tough love- had they pushed harder for answers and refused to let her back into their home unless she came clean maybe this would be history in most of our minds now.

By the time Casey was bonded out forensics had shown that decomp and the hair of a dead female Anthony was in that car.

I have the utmost sympathy for this family. And in a sense they are victims.

But they gave up their right to enjoy the considerations provided to typical victims when they began thwarting the efforts of LE and volunteer organizations to obtain justice for Caylee and bulldozing the rights of innocent people on the fringes of this situation. And when they began to treat their missing grandaughter as a cash cow.

And this may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm going to say it. The idea of a public memorial for Caylee is sickening to me. And it proves to me that this family is not interested in preserving their privacy. They should quietly conduct a private service/memorial/funeral for their granddaughter and leave it at that. They need to stop posturing and requesting the opportunity for Casey to be included in any manner.

They may not have made any public appearances, but they continue to make waves in the media by expecting or even hoping for special consideration to be given to any of them.

And as the public, we have every right to honor Caylee in our own way- but we have no right to expect to be privy to any kind of memorial services for Caylee. And holding a public memorial just perpetuates the circus atmosphere that has surrounded this baby's horrible death.

Their attorney needs to zip it. He needs to advise them to comply with depositions, and answer questions honestly and in a timely manner.

Casey may have started this by murdering her daughter, but her family is 100% responsible for everything that has happened since July 15.
Since Dec. 14, The Anthony's attorney (Conway) has asked, pleaded and demanded that the privacy of the Anthonys be respected. I have read at least a dozen news articles and watched his interviews, and this is a constant theme with Conway. I find it disgusting, so I ask here: who has a right to privacy, and at what point is that right relenquished?

In my eyes, the Anthonys sold their right to privacy when they bartered their appearances in the national media for money. Lee sold his when he asked for donations to his personal paypal account. This test would also apply to Kiomarie and others that sold their stories to the media.
It goes deeper than this for me however. I often ask the following questions:

Why didn't the Anthonys respect the rights to privacy of JG and Amy as they subtly steered LE to investigate them?

Why didn't the Anthonys respect the right to privacy of the little girl in the Orlando Mall? They knew it was not Caylee, yet insisted that the photo continually be shown. Thank goodness, the girl was not identified.

Why didn't Cindy respect TM's right to privacy when she publicly proclaimed him to be alcoholic? What an awful thing to do, but I don't hear Conway crying foul.

Why is a public memorial being held in a forum with video capabilities? Don't the attendees of such a memorial have a limited right to privacy?

I'm sure that those here can post a dozen more examples of the Anthonys lack of respect for the rights of others. So why such a clamor for their own rights? I agree that the media should not be camped out at the house, and droves of reporters should not hound them for photographs and interviews.

But did they cross the line months ago and lose their right to complete privacy?

ITA, Jay D. You bring up some salient points in this post.
When an individual makes the decision- whether it be premeditated or due to a psychological snap, to commit a crime, all rights to privacy are compromised.

Yes, the A's were reacting to a missing granddaughter. But from the very first day of their nightmare they began lying and obstructing justice.

Cindy by washing the clothing in the car that she said smelled like death

And as things unfolded they changed their stories, they refused to cooperate with LE and searchers, they threw others under the bus. They coddled their daughter who was clearly guilty rather than executing tough love- had they pushed harder for answers and refused to let her back into their home unless she came clean maybe this would be history in most of our minds now.

By the time Casey was bonded out forensics had shown that decomp and the hair of a dead female Anthony was in that car.

I have the utmost sympathy for this family. And in a sense they are victims.

But they gave up their right to enjoy the considerations provided to typical victims when they began thwarting the efforts of LE and volunteer organizations to obtain justice for Caylee and bulldozing the rights of innocent people on the fringes of this situation. And when they began to treat their missing grandaughter as a cash cow.

And this may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm going to say it. The idea of a public memorial for Caylee is sickening to me. And it proves to me that this family is not interested in preserving their privacy. They should quietly conduct a private service/memorial/funeral for their granddaughter and leave it at that. They need to stop posturing and requesting the opportunity for Casey to be included in any manner.

They may not have made any public appearances, but they continue to make waves in the media by expecting or even hoping for special consideration to be given to any of them.

And as the public, we have every right to honor Caylee in our own way- but we have no right to expect to be privy to any kind of memorial services for Caylee. And holding a public memorial just perpetuates the circus atmosphere that has surrounded this baby's horrible death.

Their attorney needs to zip it. He needs to advise them to comply with depositions, and answer questions honestly and in a timely manner.

Casey may have started this by murdering her daughter, but her family is 100% responsible for everything that has happened since July 15.

This thread has certainly brought about some great posts that cover many instances and issues from the beginning up until now. And this post is another good example of that.

Some opinions may differ from poster to poster, but a heck of a lot of thought has gone into the responses.
We are all entitled to privacy and we all have it. It is up to an individual to protect their privacy. No one makes you talk but YOU. We are in control of what we say. IMHO, they weren't concerned about their privacy when they stood in front of the camera and now, they don't seem to know how to regain control of it.

Very good points and questions you brought up! :)

Bold mine. :clap::clap::clap:
We are all entitled to privacy and we all have it. It is up to an individual to protect their privacy. No one makes you talk but YOU. We are in control of what we say. IMHO, they weren't concerned about their privacy when they stood in front of the camera and now, they don't seem to know how to regain control of it.

Very good points and questions you brought up! :)

Well said, suki, and very pertinent to the A family.
IMO,any lack of respect shown by the Anthony's has been paid back to them 1000fold.

Great statement! Enough is enough. I couldn't agree more.

As for the question... WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO PRIVACY regardless of the circumstances that brought us into the spotlight. Even those in the entertainment world (who know that they will be in the spotlight) have a right to privacy. It's not a right that can decided by circumstances or a right that can be decided by the public.
Initially the Anthonys were thrown into the media spotlight through no fault of their own. However, except for GA's medical condition which should remain private, what they did with that spotlight has led them to where they are now. Once in the spotlight they ran with it for their own purposes. They did not use it to focus on pleading for the safe return of Caylee or requesting anyone with knowledge to come forward. They used the spotlight for their own agenda of promoting their propaganda that KC was mother of the year, trashing LE and it's investigation, and poisoning the jury pool. CA in particular was begged by YM to get out of the spotlight because she was hurting the investigation as precious resources were being used by LE to counter the BS that CA was spouting to the media--yet, she put her own interests above those of finding her granddaughter and continued to give media interviews. The bottom line is she is reaping what she sowed. She has no right to pick and choose what the media hears from her now whether its on LK or in a deposition.
If I valued my privacy I would appear circumspectly in public.

Swinging haammers, accusing anyone and everyone, vilifying anyone who offers aid and comfort, uttering outrageous statements, appearing on multiple talk shows, requesting donations for a very restricted search, manipulating facts, degrading LE, hiring a lawyer who appears daily to state your case in public, surrounding yourself with very public and dubious characters, destroying property,...none of these things seem to lend themselves to suggest a desire for privacy. If the Anthony family desired privace a simple 'No Comment' or' Please help in the search for our grand daughter' or a simple 'thank you kindly' would have worked wonders, attracted abundant assistance, and engendered sympathy.

You cannot demand attention at the top of your lungs one minute because it serves your purpose and then yell to be left alone the next and expect the whole world to follow your wishes.

If you choose to make a public spectacle of yourself than you must expect the public to comment. The Anthony's made their choices. It is what it is.

Do I have sympathy for their loss? Yes I do.

Do I hate the Anthony's? No I do not.

Do I wish them pain or more suffering? No I do not.

Do I believe they should be investigated for wrongdoing? Yes I do?

Do I believe they should be required to follow the laws of the land just as everyone must? Yes I do.

Do I believe they should be punished, if it is proven in a court of law, that they have broken said laws? Yes I do.

Do I think that they rate a 'free pass' because their daughter is accused of killing their grand daughter? No I do not.

Caylee had the right to a long and happy life.

As usual, the preceeding post is only my opinion.


Well said! And "IMO" I will add that a person knows deep inside what their child is up to or has done, at least a mother does. This is when I go back and think about the time Casey said, Mom would understand- Mother's just know, have that feeling, connection- something to that affect. I can not feel sorry for anyone that has lied since day one or care about their privacy after they manipulated so many people to save their daughter. There is only one victim in this case and that is Caylee.
Those who do not actively seek the spotlight.

Those who do not break the law.

Those who do not make gigantic fools of themselves in public.

Those who do not lie to LE during an investigation.

Those who do not condone their daughter killing their granddaughter.

Those who do not try to make money off of a brutally murdered baby.

So who do I think is entitled to a right of privacy? Most everyone BUT the Anthony's.
NOW the Anthony family wants privacy. I'm willing to give it to them.
Having said that, I would expect them to give no more interviews, TV appearances,
or media related comments.
In addition, I assume that they will not be writing books or be engaged in any other money-making activities that would allow them to profit from this travesty as they have done in the past.
what george and cindy did in the months prior to LE finding Caylee's body down the road is under the bridge. they are now conducting themselves in the manner everyone wished they would. the anthony's have been out of the spotlight for nearly 2 months now. they have their privacy.

but for general discussion, i do not feel discussing whatever they may have done this whole time as an invasion of their privacy for the sole purpose that what they have done in the public eye has a direct correlation to the case of the murder of their granddaughter and it weighs heavily in my assessment of that case. standing on their lawn with picket signs, sending hate mail, or harassing them as they go in and out of their home for regular daily life issues is all off limits, in my book.
they deserve privacy in as much as they stay private, just like any other citizen. since they've been out of the spotlight for almost 2 months now, if they could only convince their attorney that they have privacy.....
We are all entitled to privacy and we all have it. It is up to an individual to protect their privacy. No one makes you talk but YOU. We are in control of what we say. IMHO, they weren't concerned about their privacy when they stood in front of the camera and now, they don't seem to know how to regain control of it.

Very good points and questions you brought up! :)

Yes we all have the right to privacy EVEN if someone talks. If a person shares part of their life that part may no longer be private since they shared the information, however this doesn't give us the right to scrutinize their every move or dig deeper into their lives and bring out things that they DID NOT share with the public. They are not on trial.

As for them not being concerned about their privacy at the time, you hit it right on the nail! WHY would they be concerned at the time? I seriously doubt they were concerned that their whole life would be criticized or scrutinized. Their immediate goal was to get Caylee's face and name out there not to have their whole life ripped apart by people who don't even know them. I never agreed that their actions were smart, but I won’t sit here and say they deserve the ridicule and hatred that they have received. The focus should be on Casey, she is the one who caused all of this and unfortunately she is probably relishing in the fact that everyone is ridiculing her family (poor me, this is their fault because they didn't raise me right, blah blah blah)

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