who is this unidentified young girl? jumped/thrown from vehicle in AZ, 1999

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Or, God forbid,
She was in a situation like Sharon Marshall where her parents were not involved in her life and are not even looking for her, maybe she was running away from a bad home situation, and the parents don't want to come forward for fear of incriminating "themselfs" (is that a word)...GRRRRRRRRR I dunno, just thinking here. LOL:crazy:

Oh I hope not but you never know it could have been a SHARON MARSHALL situation, and that is why it has been so hard to identify her. But even Sharon had friends and had went to school. With this girl being in that age range you would think she would have had some friends that would recognize her. If it was a Sharon Marshall situation, maybe she jumped out to get away from the evil man, and she had had enough of him and was running away from him and hitchhicked with these people.

If it was a sharon like situation that would explain the eyebrowns and the tattoo, but wonder what type of clothes she was wearing? sEXY CLOTHES? Wonder if she could have worked in a strip club like sharon?
Phenol, Seems like she was wearing odd clothing from what I gather. They didn't release what she was wearing, but the artist's sketch of her has a Victorian, high-collared blouse. It was discussed earlier in the thread..others suggested the artist picked this clothing out of respect.
I found this site interesting..

It has a sketch of this unidentified girl with what she may have been wearing. It does look like victorian clothes...Hummmmm
But it also has alot of other unidentified persons and missing...wonder if she is the one that did the sketch?
Thanks for the site, K Watson - interesting. I wonder if we could e-mail her and ask why she drew/chose the clothing she did
I dont see what it would hurt to email the artist. It would be helpful to us to know if she were wearing something like that or if the artist just did that on her own. Thanks Kwatson for the link to the other missing girl too. The one thing I noticed about her were her eyebrows TOO!!!! very very thin lines...I am gettig ready to start a new thread about a mssing 19 yr old from my area missing 5 yrs this summer beautiful girl and has alot of twist and turns in the story it could be a book....LOL

I would appreciate your help on that case PLEASE!!!!!!
Phenol, Will e-mail her ASAP. No problem at all...here to help! =)
I dont see what it would hurt to email the artist. It would be helpful to us to know if she were wearing something like that or if the artist just did that on her own. Thanks Kwatson for the link to the other missing girl too. The one thing I noticed about her were her eyebrows TOO!!!! very very thin lines...I am gettig ready to start a new thread about a mssing 19 yr old from my area missing 5 yrs this summer beautiful girl and has alot of twist and turns in the story it could be a book....LOL

I would appreciate your help on that case PLEASE!!!!!!

I would be honored to help you..I think I will e-mail the artist and ask if the clothes in the sketch were what she was wearing....:banghead:
Whoops! Sorry, I though Phenol was asking me to e-mail. Sorry...I already e-mailed. I will post her reply as soon as I receive one; Here's the e-mail I sent:

Ms. Trepkov, I hope I am not bothering you...I am a member of Websleuths.com and we have been discussing a Jane Doe case that you provided an artist's rendering of. We are trying to help identify the young lady found in AZ in 1999 (Case # 99-0305).

Your drawing is labeled as #17 on your website. A couple of us have some questions regarding the clothing in your drawing. She seems to be wearing a "Victorian collar" of some sort. Her clothing details were not released and we would like to know if the clothing you drew resembled what she was wearing or whether it was chosen randomly.

I understand if you cannot answer, however, there are many of us who keep up on this case and would really like to have her identified. Any help you can offer (beyond doing her a great service with the drawing) would be greatly appreciated.

Best, Jennifer
Lol:) I have'nt sent an e-mail yet....Just let us know what you hear back. Thanks Karen:D
Agree about the best match being the girl from Moscow...
But, what happened to that lead? The girl from Moscow was a dead on match, the first girl, the one whose "friend" told us that the UID was her friend from Moscow and that the friend was going to get back with us with all the details. The details and the friend never showed up again.

Has anyone considered that the scarring around the young lady's mouth was caused by burns? To me, the incident in which she was burned would have occurred quite a while before her death because the scarring does not look recent. She could have pulled a pot of boiling water off a stove as a toddler, or something like that. Is there any way to check with burn centers, such as St. Barnabas in Livingston, NJ?

I would like to know how to check out any medical facilities that would specialize in traumatic injuries, burns? Someone suggested a dog mauling? These facilities spend a lot of time and energy on a child. If this girl does show massive scarring around the face from some trauma, I would imagine that there would be a medical community that would recognize her or the injuries.
I guess that's why I'm on the sidelines. Darn those eye colors. :waitasec:
I was showing my Mother the picture of this Doe, and she is a nurse she seems to think that it is POSSIBLE that it may NOT be a SCAR that it could possibly be remenants of the tape that they use to tape down the tubes for the breathing machines etc. I know I have had Ivs in the hospital and it is hard to get that remaining strip of sticky stuff that is left there like a line kinda... What do you guys think. Has it been substanciated that this is INDEED an actual SCAR?

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