Who is Vasco Thompson?

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You know what? I don't think there will be a made for LifeTime movie...I think there will be a mini-series. You can't make this up and I HAVE NEVER, NEVER seen anything quite like this case.
Oh, how I hope the defense is allowed to put him on the stand.

JB: Mr. VT, it is true, is it not, that your phone number in July 2008 was 407-4*5-3082, is it not true, isn't it?

VT: Um, no. :waitasec:

JB: And you are not a chemist, ARE YOU NOT???

VT: No.

JB: No further questions.
OMG!! Vasco Thompson!! Hilarious--I investigated him and these phone calls like CRAZY probably back in 2008/2009.

IIRC I finally after much frussshhhtration as Casey would say decided that his phone number contained 2 numbers that were transposed in some public records database to inaccurately match up with the number George was actually calling. And I THINK--but I have to go back and check if I kept those notes--that the actual number he called was someone from his work.

Thank God for the voice of sanity! So glad you remember this AZ :)
They didn't get Vasco T's records IMO. They are looking at George's records. The number for not-Vasco (see my posts above) is 407-4*5-3082. The first contact was George calling this number on July 9, 2008 when he had to drive down to (IIRC) Celebration, FL for his brand-new job. Then George texted the number July 14 at 10:22 am, when IIRC he was supposed to be travelling again to Celebration and gave his employer some story about a traffic problem and instead stayed in Orlando--IMO to try to figure out WTF Casey was doing. George received a short (12-character) response text from this number at 1:32 pm, and responded again by text at 2:49 pm. The number then called George July 19 at 11:08 am--probably George's work trying to figure out when and if he would be returning to his job--and texted him on July 24 at 5:32 pm.

That Monday July 14th was George's first day at his new job.

Why would he have needed to go to Celebration first that day? Or, was the gig in Celebration?
Well............from the sounds of this article, IF this guy has nothing to do with this, I sure would not want to be one of the DT out on a dark, lonely night.

They may just end up crying like a cow stepping on her udder, MOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo.

Don'tcha just hate it when ya think you're *this close*, and are soooo faaarrrr away!
That Monday July 14th was George's first day at his new job.

Why would he have needed to go to Celebration first that day? Or, was the gig in Celebration?

Actually, it wasn't his first day, although we thought for a long time that it was, and I was trying to figure out why he had been driving down that way on July 9. But eventually we saw his records from his new job, and he had started before July 9 (not long before--I don't remember the exact day).

ETA: My notes say he started July 7.

ETA2: And yes, his assignment was in Celebration.
My goodness, this is getting hazardous to my health!!:rollercoaster:

Must get away from my keyboard for a bit! :floorlaugh:
They didn't get Vasco T's records IMO. They are looking at George's records. The number for not-Vasco (see my posts above) is 407-4*5-3082. The first contact was George calling this number on July 9, 2008 when he had to drive down to (IIRC) Celebration, FL for his brand-new job. Then George texted the number July 14 at 10:22 am, when IIRC he was supposed to be travelling again to Celebration and gave his employer some story about a traffic problem and instead stayed in Orlando--IMO to try to figure out WTF Casey was doing. George received a short (12-character) response text from this number at 1:32 pm, and responded again by text at 2:49 pm. The number then called George July 19 at 11:08 am--probably George's work trying to figure out when and if he would be returning to his job--and texted him on July 24 at 5:32 pm.

Thank YOU!!!!! My post got posted after your posts, but before I read your posts....LOL

And, makes me feel better...things ALWAYS seem better when you say 'em!!!
You know what? I don't think there will be a made for LifeTime movie...I think there will be a mini-series. You can't make this up and I HAVE NEVER, NEVER seen anything quite like this case.

I've always said if you went to a movie producer and pitched this story, they'd laugh you out of there as being too ridiculous to be believable. :floorlaugh: What is the saying, truth is stranger than fiction?
HELLOOOOO, JB!!! :seeya: Read this thread before you embarrass yourself further and tick off a criminal in the process, OK?
How much hate this KC has for her family to let this nonsense carry on. It just amazes me...
I cannot believe (OK I can totally believe) that the DT would throw this to the media BEFORE fully investigating it! WSers (AZ Lawyer- THANK YOU) have already figured it out- couldn't have taken them THAT long with all their fancy investigators to figure out it was a dead end, but yet they had to blow smoke and not even to the jury.
I am now excited to see them backpedal on this one. I almost hope it is in front of the jury even though they do not deserve to have their time wasted.
Can someone call WESH or another media outlet and let them know that WS again has the answers before them and get this cleared up before we have to hear LKB talk about it on tonight's shows????

HELLOOOOO, JB!!! :seeya: Read this thread before you embarrass yourself further and tick off a criminal in the process, OK?

:laughcry: :lol:

Darn it! I want to see him tick off this criminal, AND further embarrass himself!
Not to rain on any parades - and I trust completly what AZ has done in her checking things out, but;

Remember Richard Grund telling how George told him in the driveway on one of the first nights of the vigils, that he thought maybe Casey had finally "crossed someone" that she shouldn't have, and, could not handle????
This sounds like just the kind of guy that I wouldn't want to take a ride with.
Just saying....

BUT, I still think that the DT are stepping on their collective udders with this guy.

{Thanks again AZ for ALL you do; and darn straight, you should be invoices Baez for your work - let him SEE how what one looks like and how it is done ~ Billable hours!}
I just found some old emails I was exchanging with another WS'er on this subject. Apparently I determined that Vasco T's true number was 407-2*6-3082 instead of 407-4*5-3082. (Yes, the stars stand for the same # lol.) But at some point his number got recorded in a public records database incorrectly and got mixed up with the other number.
HELLOOOOO, JB!!! :seeya: Read this thread before you embarrass yourself further and tick off a criminal in the process, OK?

Oh Mr. Baez - IGNORE that woman in red. {for ONCE}
DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Go ahead......if things get to bad, just pull out one of your pocket squares and wave it in front of the guy and surrender to him so he won't hurt ya so bad!
Someone needs to send a link of this thread to one of our favorite reporters KB!!!

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