Who is Vasco Thompson?

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You canot believe it? Tee hee. They will try and make this part of the daisy chain:

George----->Thompson----->Kronk. It's four calls dontcha know.

Now JB's minions like AL, LKB, and Geraldo will be all over the media with this bombshell news and in everybody's mind George will have had contact with a convicted kidnapper. Thank goodness the jury is secluded from this nonsense. I wish I were too.

This just adds to the TTD (temporary tourette's disorder) I have fallen victim to today.
I heard on Foxnews after today's trial that Geraldo is claiming this trial has turned Political where as a Judge laughed and said, are you kidding me, this is far from Political this is about two people Caylee Marie and Casey Marie. lol so Geraldo is trying to drum up BS for his friend.
And we thought today would be boring :thud:

I'm hoping some peep is keeping a close eye on HLN and gives us the signal when this story breaks. I don't tweet but someone should pass this info to Vinnie, stat.
Respectfully snipped....

Here comes the "daisy-chain"?.....

My guess is the DT will say something along the lines of....This person is an "expert" in kidnapping, GA contacted him to help cover up the accident, this person is "morally bankrupt" enough to help GA. And they will try to find some obscure link to Kronk. They probably have the same pharmacist or something.

I heard Vasco, George, and Kronk all have american express cards...and don't leave home without them...:bananapowerslide:


Big, big pat on the back to AZlawyer for this info. Thanks.
I wish the Media would pick this up and correct their story. I do not want to hear the EXPLOSIVE BOMBSHELL from any of the bobble heads and I sure hope the SA is aware. AZ we can't thank you enough here on WS. You are just wonderful!

Oh come on now, it will be fun watching Wendy hyperventilate and spin around in circles with this breaking news story!!!!:woohoo::floorlaugh:
Wow. I know what the topic of the day is at Happy Hour for the SA right now! They have GOT to be laughing their butts off at this!

A convicted kidnapper has the transcribed number of a job George was trying to call, and the same kidnapper had to call LE to get the defense's annoying PI's off of him (the same PI's that harrassed TES volunteers at one point). And apparently the defense couldn't figure out the obvious "connection" that our esteemed and awesome Azlawyer among others figured out in 2009!

You. Cannot. Make. This. Stuff. UP!!!!!!

Just when I think this case can't get more bizarre...
Thank you AZ for sharing what you discovered.

This would be hilarious if it didn't cause so much destruction amidst it all.

Aside from GA, this person (Vasco T) himself is also being thrown under the bus without reason. I have no idea what VT did or didn't do, but I DO know he's not on trial in HHJBP's court room; contrary to what the DT would like to spin. Apparently this guy is trying to the right thing now; thus the call to LE on the DT's fishing expedition.

Truly sad...

On another note - I see KB an NG have been emailed...thanks to my WS friends.

Looks as if the A's lawyer is clueless as well (according to OS article); understandably so since given this extremely reckless, knee-jerk action of the DT...

An email to him (A's attorney) and BS probably wouldn't hurt either!

I would do it myself if I were able, but considering I'm sitting in dr. office on iphone, I can't. I will check back here though, when I get home and will shoot those emails off then, if no one else has. TIA.

Priceless posts in this thread. Simply priceless.

Debunked in 6 seconds! That has to be a record! :floorlaugh:
I heard on Foxnews after today's trial that Geraldo is claiming this trial has turned Political where as a Judge laughed and said, are you kidding me, this is far from Political this is about two people Caylee Marie and Casey Marie. lol so Geraldo is trying to drum up BS for his friend.
And did ya notice Jon Scotts reaction to him ... Jon couldn't get GR off the air quick enough. :rocker:
BFF's forever and all :innocent:


Noooooo! She took the day off from Caseysitting.

Liz had the pleasure,but I noticed either this morning or yesterday,before trial ,Liz and Mr. George were having a very cheerful conversation before the trial started. I wonder if he was offering her a job?
Sorry ,wondering minds.....OT
*wiping my eyes* Ok. ehem, being serious here. So is the DT going to try and say that GA looked this guy up in some public directory? That it was the wrong number but GA thought it was the right number to get a hold of Thompson? Goodness, do I even make sense anymore? :crazy:
I wonder which one of the defense's sterling PIs got the honor of ringing this guy's doorbell to try for an interview.

LOL . . . and they were complaining about not being well-received by the searchers they were trying to contact.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:​
I wish the Media would pick this up and correct their story. I do not want to hear the EXPLOSIVE BOMBSHELL from any of the bobble heads and I sure hope the SA is aware. AZ we can't thank you enough here on WS. You are just wonderful!

Headline News is taking phone call questions, also from FB and twitter. They are doing it right now.

Whover gets through, tell them you have huge breaking news about a new witness that the DT is bringing in.
They just answered a question about calling new witness', and, Jean C said that yes they could.
I wonder which one of the defense's sterling PIs got the honor of ringing this guy's doorbell to try for an interview.

LOL . . . and they were complaining about not being well-received by the searchers they were trying to contact.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:​

LMAO! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Noooooo! She took the day off from Caseysitting.

Liz had the pleasure,but I noticed either this morning or yesterday,before trial ,Liz and Mr. George were having a very cheerful conversation before the trial started. I wonder if he was offering her a job?
Sorry ,wondering minds.....OT

EF does have a chance at being a really good attorney, once this mess is over and she can get with the right team.
Thousands of thanks AZlawyer! You make me proud to live in AZ too! xoxo
I'm hoping some peep is keeping a close eye on HLN and gives us the signal when this story breaks. I don't tweet but someone should pass this info to Vinnie, stat.

They are waiting to get AZLawyer on the phone to interview her :innocent:

Wouldn't that be COOL ! :woohoo:
I wonder which one of the defense's sterling PIs got the honor of ringing this guy's doorbell to try for an interview.

LOL . . . and they were complaining about not being well-received by the searchers they were trying to contact.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:​

No kidding. And the sad part for me is, I didn't see his first name at first (it came up first on the sidebar thread), just the mention of someone named Thompson. I think the guy that claimed to see Caylee and Casey at Walmart's last name is Thompson. So I was imagining these guys going to Walmart and harassing this poor guy. And then I realized this is Vasco Thompson, a completely different person. LOL.
BET YOU MONEY BAEZ is gong to try and use this guy as having a connection to George EVEN if it is proven the number is wrong. I bet he will do it. He accused George of sexual abuse, the worst thing you can say about any man, imo. So this is nothing. SOMEONE IMMEDIATELY TEXT THE RIGHT PEOPLE. I DON'T KNOW HOW. I AM SERIOUS. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE.

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