Who Killed Janet Abaroa?

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Who Killed Janet Abaroa?

  • Her husband, Raven

    Votes: 90 76.3%
  • A family member

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • A co-worker (past or present)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A jealous female

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • An infatuated male or an ex boyfriend

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Someone who was hired for a contract

    Votes: 5 4.2%
  • None of the above / Unsure

    Votes: 18 15.3%

  • Total voters
juliagoulia said:
Good Mormon families would not protect him. Please remember Mark Hacking's own brothers turned him in to authorities.
You are absolutely right. Good Mormon families would not harbor a fugitive, and he is already charged with felonious crimes, but apparently is not considered to be a fugitive since his whereabouts are known.

However, it is naive to think that there are not splinter groups which are called LDS but are not living the law of the land that would take Raven in if he could be a valuable contributor to the group in some way.

The other thing is that I am almost sure that his attempt to align himself with a current Native American tribe was to escape to a reservation.
As we know, some of the bloodiest fights fought on modern USA soil involve splinter groups and factions and the government. Also, there's a huge mistrust of the legal system and the government among some of the tribal reservations.
I think a person who was desperate to avoid the death penalty would gladly go live with a splinter group. I would!!!
Thinkoflaura said:
You are absolutely right. Good Mormon families would not harbor a fugitive, and he is already charged with felonious crimes, but apparently is not considered to be a fugitive since his whereabouts are known.

However, it is naive to think that there are not splinter groups which are called LDS but are not living the law of the land that would take Raven in if he could be a valuable contributor to the group in some way.

The other thing is that I am almost sure that his attempt to align himself with a current Native American tribe was to escape to a reservation.
As we know, some of the bloodiest fights fought on modern USA soil involve splinter groups and factions and the government. Also, there's a huge mistrust of the legal system and the government among some of the tribal reservations.
I think a person who was desperate to avoid the death penalty would gladly go live with a splinter group. I would!!!
IMO, I think that the likelyhood of this happening is very slim. And Raven is still only charged with embezzling, not murder (yet).

And I bet that Janet's family is only thinking about what's best for Kaiden. Although, I do think that Raven needs to be thinking about what's best for Kaiden and he should be searching for some kind of employment soon. I mean he's got a child to support. Wonder if he's been looking anywhere?
Jenifred said:
IMO, I think that the likelyhood of this happening is very slim. And Raven is still only charged with embezzling, not murder (yet).

And I bet that Janet's family is only thinking about what's best for Kaiden. Although, I do think that Raven needs to be thinking about what's best for Kaiden and he should be searching for some kind of employment soon. I mean he's got a child to support. Wonder if he's been looking anywhere?
...i would hope so, that alone would be a big clue as to whether he plans on sticking around the area...

...and...i hope i don't sound insensitive, but here in canada, we generally see a 'trust fund' set up for a child/children when they have lost their parents....( accidentally...tragically.....)

...in kaiden's case, he still has his father, and a young man at that, perfectly capable of providing for kaiden.....is it the norm to see a trust fund established in this type of situation ?

..and if it is.........and it is in fact receiving donations, who's in charge? raven ?
Raven in charge....that would be scary! IMO, you would have to wonder if that money would be used for his attorney or pay back of the stolen funds.

Someone posted that Janet's parents set up a trust fund for Kaiden with them in charge. Hopefully they will be keeping these funds for Kaiden and not his able bodied father who could work.
Mr. Abarao, I know that you are reading this site. You may think what we are doing here is humorous. I do not. I find it appalling that a bunch of strangers and acquaintances of Janet are more concerned about justice for your wife than you are.

Forgiveness does not exclude justice. I've uncovered enough material to know that you have severe financial difficulties. These are by your own selfish actions. Regardless, there are foundations out there to help families in your situation with money for reward for information leading to an arrest. Have you called them? Have you been cooperating with police to find who did this to your wife? If my spouse was brutally murdered, I'd be camped out on the doorstep of the investigators.

One day you will be held accountable by Kaiden. He will look you in the eyes and ask, "Dad, what did you do?" Have you asked your own father that question? Were you satisfied with the answer? Don't think Kaiden will accept some goofy song and dance from you. Kids have a strong BS-meter when it comes to their parents.

Finally, if you want Kaiden to have a better life than you had, then you need to do something different.
When I was a teenager, I had the unfortunate experience of being romantically involved with a man who's personality traits are very similar to what we know of Janet's husband. I know that fact is probably biasing my opinion that he is the perpetrator, but to me, it's as plain as can be.

That type of man looks for a woman who is naive, who hasn't been bruised by the world and therefore swallows their b.s. hook, line and sinker. Eventually, even the most naive woman in the world will catch on though, because that type of man can't consistently cover their lies. He just talks too much - and eventually his big mouth does him in. Getting out of a relationship with that type of man is a really scary proposition. You don't confront that type of man with his lies - you just leave when he's not looking and get some distance between yourself and him. And I think that's where Janet went wrong - my heart just breaks for her and for her family.

And the reports of him being so overcome that he can't even SPEAK? Call me hard-hearted, but that just sounds ridiculous to me when coupled with the fact that he has done NOTHING to focus media attention on Janet's murder. NOTHING. That type of man would find it much easier to just stand there and sob than to start talking (which even he realizes has gotten him in so much trouble henceforth).

I have great admiration for Janet's family - I believe they are keeping tightlipped because they desperately want to do everything in their power to protect their grandson. If they publicly disparage Janet's husband, there is no telling what he might do - flee with the child, never to be heard from again - comes immediately to my mind. I can only pray that Janet's death occurred in a fit of his desperation - he just could not let her leave with HIS child. And that his love for his child will prevent him from doing any further harm.

And I too believe that he is reading and possibly even posting. Narcissistic to the letter.
Jess that was an awesome post and welcome to WS! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I think a lot of folks have experiences with these kind of guys, but it takes a royal to cross over and murder someone.
Ya' know, I still haven't voted in this poll. I really wish we'd get something from LE. I don't know how long it takes to get stuff back from the crime lab but it seems like enough time has gone by at this point to have heard something. I'm starting to worry that this case is going to grow cold based on a lack of evidence or something.
juliagoulia said:
Good Mormon families would not protect him. Please remember Mark Hacking's own brothers turned him in to authorities.
Does anybody know if Raven's family is considered by the church or whomever to be a "good mormon family?"
Sorry I didn't notice this questions earlier. I think based on what we've learned and deduced, they're probably semi-active. I highly doubt his siblings are affiliated in any way, shape or form. His family was the typical "one foot in the church and one foot in the world" family, where the only time they became active was because they needed $$ from the Bishop. I've seen it many, many times.

A cousin of mine who spent a lot of time with Raven and Janet at SVU said Raven had a limited understanding of the Church, much like the basic testimony or belief of a child.

ewwwinteresting said:
Does anybody know if Raven's family is considered by the church or whomever to be a "good mormon family?"
Reading the sister's blog and the brother's, I'm thinking not in the greatest standing, A little wackiness there, IMO.
JerseyGirl said:
Ya' know, I still haven't voted in this poll. I really wish we'd get something from LE. I don't know how long it takes to get stuff back from the crime lab but it seems like enough time has gone by at this point to have heard something. I'm starting to worry that this case is going to grow cold based on a lack of evidence or something.
Jerseygirl, did you vote yet? Just wondering if there is still some undecided.
snapple said:
Jerseygirl, did you vote yet? Just wondering if there is still some undecided.
Believe it or not, I still haven't. I will eventually - I promise! :)
Looking at the votes, and I'm so disgusted, a family member? Ummm, the husband maybe, but seriously, all Janet's family members and I'm sure Kaiden are quite innocent of this horrendous murder!
terminatrixator said:
Looking at the votes, and I'm so disgusted, a family member? Ummm, the husband maybe, but seriously, all Janet's family members and I'm sure Kaiden are quite innocent of this horrendous murder!
I'm wondering if they meant raven's family. Maybe his brother or something?
I don't know, but I don't think it was anyone in his family either, I think it's the one and only Raven myself!
I'd be really interested in seeing this poll re-run but since I wasn't its original creator, I figured I should put it past you all. PFM, if you're still reading here, do you want to make a new poll with these same questions?
JG, have you voted yet? Maybe someone is waiting for you to jump in!

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