Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? Poll

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Who Killed Jon Benet Ramsey? POLL

  • John

    Votes: 124 8.4%
  • Patsy

    Votes: 547 37.2%
  • Burke

    Votes: 340 23.1%
  • An Intruder, (anyone including someone known to them)

    Votes: 459 31.2%

  • Total voters
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I am of the belief that the murderer has been investigated and cleared. This is not uncommon in these kinds of crimes.
sissi said:
I am of the belief that the murderer has been investigated and cleared. This is not uncommon in these kinds of crimes.

Correct. And the actual killer may not be a Ramsey, but a Ramsey definitely is closely involved in the crime or there wouldn't be any need for all of the Ramsey lies and the blatant coverup.

The killer could be Burke Ramsey, whom Ramsey supporters insist was "cleared" (even though he wasn't, and wasn't even seriously investigated.)

I think given all that we know in this case - even just the basic facts and decisions the Ramseys have made and not made - make it obvious that they are hiding the truth to protect someone.
Now the logical question is WHOM would they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on to protect - hiring the highest priced and most powerful lawyers in the entire state??? And going so far as to move out of state to distance themselves from the crime and the authorities there?

Who would a mother protect at all costs? Who would a father protect?
Would a savvy woman like Patsy protect her husband if she'd found him molesting his daughter? Protect him to this day? I haven't seen any evidence of that.
John might possibly protect Patsy if she had lashed out in anger at JonBenet and inadvertantly killed her and then covered it up - given Patsy's ordeal with cancer etc. But I really doubt it with John's extreme grief over having already lost one daughter.

The most likely scenario that fits all the facts we know to date is that Burke accidentally killed his sister and his mother frantically staged the scene and covered it up. Whether John was in on this or not is unclear.
All of their actions, behaviors and decisions make sense when considering this scenario.
Not to mention John's terse voice aimed at Burke that morning, "We weren't speaking to YOU!"
Then shuffling him off and away from them.
And not bothering to rush to him once John "discovered" the dead body, but going instead to the Fernie's home leaving Burke vulnerable to this "foreign faction" that they now KNOW will kill a child. This is what they HAD to have still believed at that point.
Yet they left Burke for hours before reuniting with him. Absolutely no fear.
And when they told him JonBenet was dead - he simply 'nodded his head' and ran off to play!
3 weeks shy of 10 yrs old. This is NOT how a ten year old boy whom they claimed "loved his sister" would react!! No questions asked about what happened, how did she die?, will they come get me now? Nothing.
Just like the psychologist said. His "lack of affect" was pronounced.
And the cover-up continues.......IMO
Right, one or two distraught but otherwise normal and even "savy" adults, strangle, beat and fingerbang the still warm corpse of their beloved daughter and manage to do it in such a way that some pathologists conclude the strangulation came first. Then they write a note with a ransom amount that contra-indicates a kidnapping for ransom.

BrotherMoon, I didn't read anything in angel's post that referred to what you described. If you have to ridicule a poster, why don't you at least base your attack on something the poster actually said?

Ivy said:
BrotherMoon, I didn't read anything in angel's post that referred to what you described. If you have to ridicule a poster, why don't you at least base your attack on something the poster actually said?


I might find that taxing.
I noticed within the poll stats,there are 32 people who believe Jonbenet was killed by an intruder, yet few offer their opinions on their favorite suspects. Does this mean there are 32 people who are intimidated by the majority on this forum, or does this mean "ya have a feeling" but no thoughts on a particular perp.

There are many coincidences surrounding a few families, would anyone like to discuss some of the following ?

Someone connected to the Whites?
Someone connected to the Pughs?
Someone connected to the McReynolds?
Someone connected to the Barnhills?
The photographer?
BrotherMoon said:
Right, one or two distraught but otherwise normal and even "savy" adults, strangle, beat and fingerbang the still warm corpse of their beloved daughter and manage to do it in such a way that some pathologists conclude the strangulation came first. Then they write a note with a ransom amount that contra-indicates a kidnapping for ransom.


It wasn't the parents who strangled, beat etc. their beloved daughter.
It was most likely their 10 yr old son and they (or Patsy) then staged the body and scene to LOOK like some intruder/foreign faction/kidnapper did it - in order to protect their son and hide the "accident."

The fake "ransom" note is part of the staging. That is quite obvious.

The circumstances and evidence all point right back to the home and the inhabitants in it.
K777angel said:
It wasn't the parents who strangled, beat etc. their beloved daughter

It was most likely their 10 yr old son and they (or Patsy) then staged the body and scene to LOOK like some intruder/foreign faction/kidnapper did it - in order to protect their son and hide the "accident."

Angel, you are right, except that IMO kids also staged most of the crime scene and wrote the ransom note (which Patsy may have re-wrote to better fit the horror she walked in on). The bizarre text of the note (threats, foreign faction, movie adages, etc.) has young male written all over it.

sissi said:
I noticed within the poll stats,there are 32 people who believe Jonbenet was killed by an intruder, yet few offer their opinions on their favorite suspects. Does this mean there are 32 people who are intimidated by the majority on this forum, or does this mean "ya have a feeling" but no thoughts on a particular perp.

There are many coincidences surrounding a few families, would anyone like to discuss some of the following ?

Someone connected to the Whites?
Someone connected to the Pughs?
Someone connected to the McReynolds?
Someone connected to the Barnhills?
The photographer?

If one were to state who they thought might be responsible other than a Ramsey, we would be lynched here on this board or they would close the thread altogether. Sometimes it is best to leave it alone and not give a specific name. My gut feeling is that you and I both are thinking the same person.
Why don't we just have a seance and ask JonBenet ourselves? ;) just kidding.....
It boils my blood when Ramsey supporters use some form of the word "lynch" to insult anyone who thinks one of the Ramseys killed JonBenet.
Forgive me. I was being unkind, but it feels that way sometimes. I am truly sorry.
I'll gladly state my opinion of an intruder -

Santa McReynolds and Wife....if there was an intruder, they are top of my list! Too many coincidences; Santa knew the house; JonBenet said she was expecting a visit from Santa after Christmas; Wife was a film critic - the experience with their own daugher; the play Wifey wrote, etc. Did Charles Kuralt really have an interview set-up for the Ramseys (as that is the reason Patsy threw the party on the 23rd?!)

A "pre-planned" trip to Spain (do they have extradition there?)

Also, the "heart" on JonBenet's hand - Christmas and/or Santa is always in the "heart" according to Santa and JonBenet's little saying...

I've been shot down because there were no Santa beard traces - or because of his health. I don't think either excludes them.

The handwriting examples had eliminations because of alibis. They only alibied each other. I don't know if their handwriting was even considered - but they sure had the opportunity to copy Patsy's.

However, I probably wasn't one of the 32 who picked "intruder" because I don't know who killed her - but I do whole-heartedly believe JonBenet knew her killer - and knew her killer well.
I am confused here I thought that she was sexually abused, are you saying that a 9 yr old was sexually abusing her?
TisHerself said:
I am confused here I thought that she was sexually abused, are you saying that a 9 yr old was sexually abusing her?


IMO, that's the direction the evidence is pointing.

JonBenet often slept with Burke; she had acute injuries (same night as the murder) and chronic injuries (2 or 3 days prior to the murder) to the vagina; both the acute and the chronic injuries were to the same 7 o'clock position to the vagina; only a family member would have successive opportunities to get to JonBenet on any day of the week; the hymenal opening was twice the size it should have been; and the medical experts concluded that the abuse was not from the penis of an adult but was either digital or "otherwise".

Ok so if that was the case and it was Burke, and he was doing it before the night she was murdered. Why did she not tell her mother? or you think she was scared? If it was Burke and he was doing that at 9yrs old they have a sick kid there and he will do something like that to someone else.
TLynn said:
I'll gladly state my opinion of an intruder -

Santa McReynolds and Wife....if there was an intruder, they are top of my list! Too many coincidences; Santa knew the house; JonBenet said she was expecting a visit from Santa after Christmas; Wife was a film critic - the experience with their own daugher; the play Wifey wrote, etc. Did Charles Kuralt really have an interview set-up for the Ramseys (as that is the reason Patsy threw the party on the 23rd?!)

A "pre-planned" trip to Spain (do they have extradition there?)

Also, the "heart" on JonBenet's hand - Christmas and/or Santa is always in the "heart" according to Santa and JonBenet's little saying...

I've been shot down because there were no Santa beard traces - or because of his health. I don't think either excludes them.

The handwriting examples had eliminations because of alibis. They only alibied each other. I don't know if their handwriting was even considered - but they sure had the opportunity to copy Patsy's.

However, I probably wasn't one of the 32 who picked "intruder" because I don't know who killed her - but I do whole-heartedly believe JonBenet knew her killer - and knew her killer well.

I believe it would be VERY important if the BPD didn't find any Santa hairs,after all he was in the home on the 23rd,and there was no "clean up" according to LHP after the party. Does this mean, his red fibers and his white hairs were dismissed as evidence BECAUSE of his visit on the 23rd.?
Did they also alibi their felon/mentally disturbed son,who had been to the home to deliver gingerbread houses?
BlueCrab said:

IMO, that's the direction the evidence is pointing.

JonBenet often slept with Burke; she had acute injuries (same night as the murder) and chronic injuries (2 or 3 days prior to the murder) to the vagina; both the acute and the chronic injuries were to the same 7 o'clock position to the vagina; only a family member would have successive opportunities to get to JonBenet on any day of the week; the hymenal opening was twice the size it should have been; and the medical experts concluded that the abuse was not from the penis of an adult but was either digital or "otherwise".


As Lee indicates in his new book,"even among his associates there is no agreement in the matter of previous abuse".
There was NO prior injury! There were ACUTE injuries! There was a degree of inflammation suggesting any myriad of causes,including what is often seen in children who wet the bed. However ,because this level of chronic inflammation has been seen in children who masturbate as well as in children who have been molested there is always the possibility of molestation.
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