"Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey?"

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Aug 13, 2003
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I am just now reading this book by Wecht. I know most of you read this a long time ago, and frankly, I don't know why I've waited so long to purchase/read it.

What are your thoughts on this particular book and on Dr. Wecht?
Dr. Wecht,IMO,interpreted the autopsy findings correctly,finding that the strangulation occurred before the hit on the head. He found the "less than two spoonfulls of blood indicative of blood flow having stopped".
His problem wasn't in his discussion of autopsy findings ,it was with his giant leap to "DETECTIVE". Indicating chronic vaginal inflamation must mean chronic abuse,then taking that to the terrible end that this wasn't just chronic abuse it was JOHN who abused,molested and killed her.
He is good in his field,he should have stayed there!!!

The book is great for explaining the medical aspects of the case, tho some of Wecht's conclusions can be disputed. The rest of the book is just rehashed tab stories. Wecht had no inside track on the case at the time he wrote the book.

I believe Wecht has a JD as well as an MD, so evalutation evidence and legal issues isn't completely out of his field.
I think that Wecht is one of those people that tends to see conspiracy wherever he looks. (JMO-don't freak out on me) His book was very informative as far as medical records go. I don't put alot of faith in him as a detective, either.
I really enjoyed reading Wecht's book. He gave some good medical info, in layman's terms. I expected him to have some ideas, and was glad to hear what he thought, since he's had so much experience and has seen the outcome of cases he's worked on.
Thank yoooo sissi! Strangulation first. Chisel that in stone (JonBenet's tombstone).

Wecht had a wheedling ghost writer. Wecht himself is much impressed by Wecht. He gets derailed by the importance of sex.

Nehemiah. The kundalini is an eastern philosophy that says the body's energies lie dormant at the base of the spine. That's represented by the coiled serpent. Stimulation of the serpent causes the energy to rise in the body along two paths that intersect at seven junctures called chakras. Various schools of modern psychology parallel the description of symptoms of the activated chakras. Notably (please excuse me but I have to use the F word) Freud and his sex theory match the second chakra.

Stimulation of the serpent can cause symptoms all over the body if not done with guidance, including excessive talking (fifth), visions (sixth) and obsession with the God image (seventh). Sexual activity is only one of the symptoms of the rising kundalini energy.

Patsy's crime shows symptoms from the stimulation of many of the chakras and yes sex is part of it but a minor one imo. Wecht like so many over emphasize it.

You asked about the serpent in one of my other posts.
Originally posted by Nehemiah
I am just now reading this book by Wecht. I know most of you read this a long time ago, and frankly, I don't know why I've waited so long to purchase/read it.

What are your thoughts on this particular book and on Dr. Wecht?

My Thoughts: Compelling...a must-read b00k ...at times "hard to comprehend but you do so for the sake of JonBenet......I did have to read this/his/Wecht's book twice... ... !!! ... ~~~ ???!!!~~~!!!"IMHO...FWIW :D :eek: :D:rolleyes: ;) :) :eek: :D
Originally posted by BrotherMoon
Thank yoooo sissi! Strangulation first. Chisel that in stone (JonBenet's tombstone).

Wecht had a wheedling ghost writer. Wecht himself is much impressed by Wecht. He gets derailed by the importance of sex.

Nehemiah. The kundalini is an eastern philosophy that says the body's energies lie dormant at the base of the spine. That's represented by the coiled serpent. Stimulation of the serpent causes the energy to rise in the body along two paths that intersect at seven junctures called chakras. Various schools of modern psychology parallel the description of symptoms of the activated chakras. Notably (please excuse me but I have to use the F word) Freud and his sex theory match the second chakra.

Stimulation of the serpent can cause symptoms all over the body if not done with guidance, including excessive talking (fifth), visions (sixth) and obsession with the God image (seventh). Sexual activity is only one of the symptoms of the rising kundalini energy.

Patsy's crime shows symptoms from the stimulation of many of the chakras and yes sex is part of it but a minor one imo. Wecht like so many over emphasize it.

You asked about the serpent in one of my other posts.

:confused: :dontknow: WHAT'S IT MEAN?: ... help ?!... ENGLISH ... please ...(I read/understood it...but not sure of meaning...!?)/...!~~~:dontknow: :confused: :D :p ;) :)
Originally posted by Imon128
I really enjoyed reading Wecht's book. He gave some good medical info, in layman's terms. I expected him to have some ideas, and was glad to hear what he thought, since he's had so much experience and has seen the outcome of cases he's worked on.

DITTO...I agree(a joyful book to read!)! ...can't say I understood it in his layman terms but I did read the whole book(open-mindedly +) and can say/did enjoy reading it (as I understood it to be ... ) for what it was worth to me...regarding JONBENET PATRICIA RAMSEY...!!!~~~ .. ~~~it's a MUST-READ-BOOK ... just because it's FULL OF INFORMATION TO DATE... ~~~@@...~~~!!!:D
:mad: :eek: :confused: :mad: :confused: :rolleyes: :cool: :p ;) :D
So, if the strangulation came first, that rules out an accident, right? (PR going bonkers and knocking JBR in the head)
ajt, some have theorized that the strangulation was Burke getting angry with her over some incident, and then the garrotte was applied by the parents to cover up anything that had to do with that. Others have theorized that it was aea gone too far.... I guess the ones who hold these theories would need to speak of it for themselves as I cannot remember the details.

Thanks BrotherM, for your explanation.
Yes, strangulation first rules out accident.

Head blow second rules in ritual.

Blazeboy3, I mean JonBenet's death does not revolve around sexual abuse as so many of the lay detectives think.

Patsy did the deed but she was using JonBenet before the famous deed in ways that had nothing to do with sex and she continues to use her in ways that have nothing to do with sex.

The Psalms are refered to over and over by Patsy before the event, after in DOI and in the ransom note. Patsy repeatedly ties the angel theme to JonBenet, again before, after and during the event. Patsy's ruminations on God are projected on to JonBenet.

The blow to the head, the initial strangulation, the final position of the garrote, the raising of the arms, the implied posing of the body and the duct tape point to obsessional thinking about corporeal issues in the upper region. And the large panties refer to lower body issues.

The nature of this crime points to a wide spectrum of psychological and physical concerns in the perp, not just sex.
Originally posted by BrotherMoon

The Psalms are refered to over and over by Patsy before the event, after in DOI and in the ransom note. Patsy repeatedly ties the angel theme to JonBenet, again before, after and during the event. Patsy's ruminations on God are projected on to JonBenet.

Where are the Psalms referred to in the ransom note?
The number 118.

The repeated use of the word delivery.

The line "I will call you..."

Victory! Saved By The Cross


50-15 And call apon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you will honor me.

118-15 Shouts of joy and Victory resound in the tents of the righteous.

119-146 I have called out to you, Save me! and I will keep your statutes.
Originally posted by ajt400
So, if the strangulation came first, that rules out an accident, right? (PR going bonkers and knocking JBR in the head)
Depends on what one means by "accident." It could have been unintentional: PR (or whoever) going bonkers, grabbing JB by the neck/collar and inadvertently choking her.

The head blow which followed could have also been unintentional: PR (or whoever) flinging JB around by the neck/collar and bashing her head into something... OR it could have been deliberate: JB goes unconscious from the choking, perp thinks she's dead and the head blow is attempted staging.

IMO Dr. Spitz is correct:
1. Choking
2. Head blow
3. Garrote strangulation

The "strangulation" came before AND after the head blow.
Thanks candy. Everyone interested in this case should read The Psalms, especially 118. And they should use The New International Version Study Bible (large volume) as that was the one found in the Ramsey home. The NIV has a comment on 118, it is called the climax of the liturgy. 118 is about sacrifice and if it is the climax then sacrifice is the major theme of The Psalms along with praise.

68-20 Our Lord is a God who saves, from the soveriegn Lord comes escape from death.

103-17 But the loving kindness of God is from time indefinite-

103-18 With those who keep His covenant, and remember to obey His precepts.

105-9 The covenant He made with Abraham, the oath He swore to Isaac.

116-12 How can I repay the Lord for all his kindness to me?

116-17 I will sacrifice a thank offering to you.

Blow to the head
Repositioning of the garrote for display

All intentional.

Marking of the dictionary
Display of The Bible
Feeding of the pineapple
Opening the window
Misspelling posession

All intentional
Originally posted by BrotherMoon
The number 118.

The repeated use of the word delivery.

The line "I will call you..."

Victory! Saved By The Cross


50-15 And call apon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver you and you will honor me.

118-15 Shouts of joy and Victory resound in the tents of the righteous.

119-146 I have called out to you, Save me! and I will keep your statutes.

Sorry Brother, but that just smells like BS to me. How do you know SBTC means saved by the cross? How do you know the 118 in the ransom note refers to the psalm 118?

This is just pure speculation.

And I have a hard time believing that strangling could be accidental. You just don't accidently strangle someone.

Also, if the blow to her head came in the middle, why was is done? To quiet a screaming child? To get the job done? To make sure she was dead?
Thanks BrotherM, for your explanation. However, I can't really "see" a connection to the Psalms, esp. not knowing what SBTC stands for. The only connection I can make is *118* to *118,000* and I think that is a stretch.

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