Who Knows What Happened to Haleigh? Vote Now. No Need to be a Member

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Who is Involved in the Abduction of Haleigh Cummings

  • Her Biological Father Ron

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal

    Votes: 1 0.2%
  • Her Step Mother Misty

    Votes: 149 33.6%
  • Her Biological Father Ron and Step Mother Misty

    Votes: 113 25.5%
  • Her Biological Mother Crystal along with an accomplice

    Votes: 14 3.2%
  • Strangers to the family

    Votes: 12 2.7%
  • Other Persons not mentioned in this poll

    Votes: 41 9.2%
  • maternal side Granny Marie with accomplices

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Don't know? could have been any one of them

    Votes: 16 3.6%
  • Donald Sapp & Misty

    Votes: 10 2.3%
  • Johnny Sheffield , Crystals father

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • The Cummings Family, and the Croslin Family

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Killed by Ron, coverup by Ron's family & GF

    Votes: 13 2.9%
  • Death resulting from actions of babysitter

    Votes: 18 4.1%
  • Misty Croslyn's brother (?)

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • Someone the family knew after Misty left the kids alone

    Votes: 27 6.1%
  • Sister Crystal isn't on the list

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think she walked out open back door and a gator got her.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have no idea and don't want to accuse an innocent party.

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • It is a male around the same age as the parents. Either an Uncle or a very close family friend. Ta

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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You could add her if you like. I don't believe she is involved in any way, but if someone did think that why not add her?

What does it matter now that someone manipulated the option you selected? I really dont feel like adding her, then having to find a billion different proxy servers to manipulate the poll- I mean its already been rigged, its ruined- I mean sorry but its pathetic.
What does it matter now that someone manipulated the option you selected? I really dont feel like adding her, then having to find a billion different proxy servers to manipulate the poll- I mean its already been rigged, its ruined- I mean sorry but its pathetic.
OK, I agree to a point, but listen..please..The point is that has already posted that he is aware of this scheme and it's not going to fly. Look at the REAL results when they come out.
Look at the ones he already posted. IIRC, I think Marie received a total of 3 REAL votes. That is more believable than over 300.

Also, IMO, no matter what the poll says, won't change the fact that Misty was the key, is the key, and will be the key to the investigation of Haleigh's disappearance. No poll numbers, cheaters, or manipulators will change that fact.

Let those people that cheated live with what they have done if they so choose. Please don't let them ruin a good thing that Tricia and the mods (and the GOOD people at WS) have going here. :blowkiss:
OK, I agree to a point, but listen..please..The point is that has already posted that he is aware of this scheme and it's not going to fly. Look at the REAL results when they come out.
Look at the ones he already posted. IIRC, I think Marie received a total of 3 REAL votes. That is more believable than over 300.

Also, IMO, no matter what the poll says, won't change the fact that Misty was the key, is the key, and will be the key to the investigation of Haleigh's disappearance. No poll numbers, cheaters, or manipulators will change that fact.

Let those people that cheated live with what they have done if they so choose. Please don't let them ruin a good thing that Tricia and the mods (and the GOOD people at WS) have going here. :blowkiss:

Thats true, I agree. I mean I am just saying what is the point of adding anyone anymore when its been grossly manipulated?:blowkiss:
What the hell kind of remark is that to make to another poster here? Do you talk to people in real life that way?

Sometimes I do, , as real life calls for tough decisions and I've had to make tough calls for eons... I believe I am a very generous poster and more often than not, kind...however, I do call them as I see them. Before you judge me on one post, I encourage you to check out my previous posts (and those of the poster I was responding to....) as I try to be fair and present facts---but I guess I took the bait here and, for that, I do sincerely apologize. MOO
Are you trying to make the point that you have someone on ignore and you want everyone to know it? If so, congratulations on dropping a notch. Sheesh.

No I wasn't. I'll leave it alone now.
It looks as though has been given a little taste of the snark that runs rampant through the Haleigh threads. I personally have been the recipient of snotty comments and insults. The people who are so solidly in the "RC DID IT" camp seem to feel as though he is also responsible for all the world's problems. When I posted a link to a public entity's guidelines in an effort to help posters determine on their own whether or not a specific rule existed, someone decided I was on the "other side". Since then, there has been plenty of rudeness and snark directed at me. The thing is, the posters handing out the heaping helpings of steaming nastiness are careful enough to phrase their insults such that a mod would have to wade through pages to see what is really going on. One poster in particular likes to use smileys in a particularly insulting way.

I don't really give a crap what any of you think about me as I'm sure you don't care what I think of you. I would suggest to those that can't seem to stop themselves from attacking posters they perceive to be on the "other side" that they need to take a look at themselves to figure out why they feel compelled to attack total strangers on a public forum.

It is ALL ABOUT HALEIGH!!! We won't know who is responsible or what happened until LE solves this case.
I don't believe I have ever posted on the Haleigh threads- I have done a lot of reading on them, but no posting. I have never tried to sway anyone's opinion, just wanted to learn as much as I could and make my own decision based on what I learned.

I respect every person's individual decision, and their right to have that decision.

One of the many reasons I love Websleuths, is for the differing points of view.

I am just disappointed that we couldn't have an 'honor system' poll, where each person, member or non-member, simply casts one vote... and then wait to learn the tally.

I think it was a great idea, and hope we can try it again in the future with more honest results.
Yeah, I guess I'm not real bright. I appreciate your understanding.

I never said a word about your intellect???? I don't need thanks or appreciation for understanding different people's views....It comes with who I am as a person....and it's not a bad thing...BTW I emailed you :)
I like the poll idea, if you want my opinion. (I just know you do) I love statistics, how they can be broken down into component parts and examined like atoms. And even, yes, how people respond to them, how they perceive them and choose to react to the results. (I confess, I was a Sociology major) I appreciate 's work and I hope the polls will continue. With the ability to break out members stats from guests, we should get a good idea of member's attitudes on various topics.

God I'm boring.
I have to reply to this. I have said over and over that if there is any attack anywhere you should alert to it. WE have around 4 million posts here--can you read that many every day? I assume all of the regular posters here are adults and I would hope that they act like it however occasionaly we do get nasty or snarky remarks made. The mods wont know if we arent alerted to them. The majority of us are just like all of you we have lives outside of WS. If you have a problem with the way a thread is moderated go to an admin, we will look into it. It really is easy. I also want to point out, since I recently took over modding the Haleigh forum, that BOTH sides give theri share of rudeness toward the other.

It looks as though has been given a little taste of the snark that runs rampant through the Haleigh threads. I personally have been the recipient of snotty comments and insults. The people who are so solidly in the "RC DID IT" camp seem to feel as though he is also responsible for all the world's problems. When I posted a link to a public entity's guidelines in an effort to help posters determine on their own whether or not a specific rule existed, someone decided I was on the "other side". Since then, there has been plenty of rudeness and snark directed at me. The thing is, the posters handing out the heaping helpings of steaming nastiness are careful enough to phrase their insults such that a mod would have to wade through pages to see what is really going on. One poster in particular likes to use smileys in a particularly insulting way.

I don't really give a crap what any of you think about me as I'm sure you don't care what I think of you. I would suggest to those that can't seem to stop themselves from attacking posters they perceive to be on the "other side" that they need to take a look at themselves to figure out why they feel compelled to attack total strangers on a public forum.

It is ALL ABOUT HALEIGH!!! We won't know who is responsible or what happened until LE solves this case.
I added the last option but maybe I just should have clicked on "others". My sense has been very early on that Misty knows something - her story is sketchy to me. But I believe she likely left the kids alone to party while her boyfriend was gone. She was 17 and in a relationship, responsible for two kids. That's a big burden for someone her age. She might have staged things after she came home and found Haleigh missing. I get a feeling that the abductor is someone who knew the family and their patterns and stalked Haleigh. What sways me from Misty killing the child is a sense I get from her - irresponsible, on the margins, not too affected by the disapperance of Haleigh, but not sophisticated enough to kill her, hide the body and any evidence, etc. I think she panicked when she found Haliegh gone and is lying to keep people from knowing she neglected the kids and created this situation.
I don't believe the dad knows anything much. The panic, fear and anger shown by him in the initial 911 call was very believable to me.
I don't think any of the extended family is sophisticated enough to execute such a kidnapping with Misty still in the house, and then to keep her hidden for this long. Haleigh has a distinct face. I think she'd be hard to hide.
A stranger to the family may have kidnapped Haleigh but I think someone who knew them well and their patterns is a better bet. Who? I don't know.
IMO it does seem this poll was manipulated and that's a shame because I'd love to see what percentages are really out there. I think there must be a way to prevent much false voting however, if the voting by guests is only done after registering their e-mail addresses and then adding a mechanism that remembers the e-mails registered such that mutliple votes cannot be made by one with the same e-mail address. That would help reduce multiple votes by the same person, I think. JMO! Otherwise, I think the poll idea is great. It just needs to be fine-tuned.
I don't believe I have ever posted on the Haleigh threads- I have done a lot of reading on them, but no posting. I have never tried to sway anyone's opinion, just wanted to learn as much as I could and make my own decision based on what I learned.

I respect every person's individual decision, and their right to have that decision.

One of the many reasons I love Websleuths, is for the differing points of view.

I am just disappointed that we couldn't have an 'honor system' poll, where each person, member or non-member, simply casts one vote... and then wait to learn the tally.

I think it was a great idea, and hope we can try it again in the future with more honest results.

It is only because we opened up the voting to the public that this happened. What is so ironic is the person(s) voting over and over for "Grandma Marie" just pointed a big red arrow at themselves.

The investigators could be asking themselves, "Why would someone take an interest in making sure Grandma Marie had the most votes. What is in it for the person(s) doing this?"

The answer is the people trying to screw up the poll have something to hide. The only thing I can think of that needs to be hidden is guilt.

Good news is we can eliminate the repeat voters. Their game won't work.

Yes, we will do it again. In fact we will do it often.
They spent many many hours spreading rumors TG no facts...Hence the RUMOR Thread...Help with the case i see nothing IMO they did for the case other than to add more Drama intentionally..IMO

AnnaFl was welcomed and also Banned when she went against certain players in the case...After weeks of her being rude, snarky and just plain mean...She was only banned when she started telling the other sides dirty little secrets..IMO After all this is all based on my opinions and i am allowed a opinion right? If posters are allowed to say in their opinion Ronald Cummings killed his child why shouldn't I be allowed to say the locals had a agenda?

You are so wrong. I banned AnnaFL and I did so only when I found out the stupid games she was playing.

You can't say the locals have an agenda because you are lumping everyone in one comment. And the forum is not about locals it is about Haleigh.

Ron C is a key player in this case. Therefore speculation about him is allowed.

The locals are just that. Local people posting.

Unless you can prove they had their secret meetings in the Moose Lodge on Thursday nights you have no way of knowing anything about them.

If you have complaints please PM me or email me. You are way off base here and it is very aggravating and I don't like the attention being taking away from the topic of this thread (the poll) by your complaints.
It is only because we opened up the voting to the public that this happened. What is so ironic is the person(s) voting over and over for "Grandma Marie" just pointed a big red arrow at themselves.

The investigators could be asking themselves, "Why would someone take an interest in making sure Grandma Marie had the most votes. What is in it for the person(s) doing this?"

The answer is the people trying to screw up the poll have something to hide. The only thing I can think of that needs to be hidden is guilt.

Good news is we can eliminate the repeat voters. Their game won't work.

Yes, we will do it again. In fact we will do it often.

I know you area the Big Boss here and I appreciate that you are trying to do this poll. But I honestly think that it is unfair to say that Marie was the only manipulated vote. I saw with my own eyes Ron go up by large numbers and I think that this poll is not fair to ANYONE. It wasn't just Marie it is all of them These posters are smarter then the average bear when it comes to proxies and changing their names to suit the need,LOL I am a parent and know all about manipulation, I have teenagers and some of the posters have acted just like that Teenagers to get their own way. And it is sad. This is about Haleigh and Here we are AGAIN argueing over a stupid poll that won't amount to meaning nothing to the LE. I for one voted for other but feel it is right that I do state that refreshing my page I saw Ron poll move by leaps and bounds. Maybe a GRAF that shows how the voting went would better show you what I mean but then it would probally show that all votes were manipulated and no one wants to know that possibly it is the truth?
I do not know how the logistics of the voting all work. I do know that I voted other and my husband voted other (we actually don't agree who was involved and yet there is still peace and harmony in the house lol). When the Marie option was added I changed my vote to vote for Marie. However now when I log on it says vote now, I have not clicked the vote now button and maybe when you do it says you have already voted, but normally once you vote that vote now button is not an option. Does this mean that the WS votes for Marie have been removed because of the votes being manipulated? Or is it because I did system maintenance and removed all my history and stuff?
I do not know how the logistics of the voting all work. I do know that I voted other and my husband voted other (we actually don't agree who was involved and yet there is still peace and harmony in the house lol). When the Marie option was added I changed my vote to vote for Marie. However now when I log on it says vote now, I have not clicked the vote now button and maybe when you do it says you have already voted, but normally once you vote that vote now button is not an option. Does this mean that the WS votes for Marie have been removed because of the votes being manipulated? Or is it because I did system maintenance and removed all my history and stuff?

Great question? So If someone was to use a proxie like we all assume then they could erase their cookies and revote? Maybe that is why I thought that it was autovote that day?
This is the second dime you have asked for a graf, which I have not figured out a way to do. However, earlier I did post some graphs that I did of the vote tally by time:

Who Knows What Happened to Haleigh? Vote Now. No Need to be a Member - Page 3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Perhaps these will be useful to you instead.

Thanks and exactly i see where i was here that day and sure enough i see about 100 votes at 12 and then at midnite for the green the one i saw and thought there was a auto vote. Thanks I must of missed it,
Wow! I came here to see how the poll was going and to read when I saw so many pages of posts were here.

I cast my vote very early on in the poll and do not need to change it. Nor do I need to vote more than once. I have only one voice here and respect that.

I voted that Ron and Misty know what happened to Haleigh. I really suspect that they do know. I had not even heard of Ronalds' record when I decided that he and Misty knew what happened to Haleigh. I was, and still am, going by my gut feelings of the very first video of Ronald and the 911 tape. That is my feeling and my opinion.

I have as a part of my signature that if I do not respond to your post, it is because I have you on ignore. I placed that in my signature because of a poster who was downright insulting to LE. I was not going to continue to go back and forth with that poster and did report her. I have since taken that poster off of my ignore list because we no longer have posts addressed to each other. In fact, there is no one on my ignore list at the moment.

As for anyone voting several times in this poll - shame on you. To thine self be true?
I voted on this thread when I first saw the notice, and I voted for #4, "[FONT=&quot]Her Biological Father Ron and Step Mother Misty", [/FONT]because I have leaned in that direction since early on in the investigation. I tried to be objective about the key players in the case, but I kept coming back to Ron & Misty.

Now, after looking over the graphs that so graciously put together, I am convinced of manipulation. I don’t know who caused the manipulation or the reasoning behind the manipulation, but it is evident…especially when comparing the 3 graphs. It’s obvious that the "non-member voters" attempted to skew the results of the overall poll, but I think the member-only voting graph looks fairly consistent with the discussions that have taken place over the past 6 months.
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