Who should be responsible for this crime?

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Nedthan Johns

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Sep 5, 2003
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I know this is long, but I believe this post is at the HEART of this case and truly is a question we should all be asking ourselves.

My question is:

Casey and Casey alone, or Casey and her parents?

Here are my views. First and foremost under the current law it’s my personal opinion that Cindy and George may have knowingly tried to conceal evidence from the police, although Cindy later did reveal to them that she washed Caylee’s pants that were found in the trunk and turned them over to investigators, this was not done until days into the investigation from what we know. George also cleaned the trunk of that car, when they both having been (and Cindy still is) in LE and the medical field, know how important it is to not touch evidence. They already knew their granddaughter had been missing for weeks. The trunk REAKED of a decomposing body yet they BOTH chose to cover for their daughter, by concealing evidence and by changing their original statements. I believe there could be a case against them for obstruction of justice and by hiding or destroying evidence in this case. It amazes me that a young police officer loses his job by lying to the investigators about even knowing Casey, yet the parents have not been charged with lying or concealing evidence in this crime. I am not in LE but I think this should seriously be looked into. That’s my first bone to pick.

Secondary and more importantly:


What makes Casey any different from mentally challenged adults in this world, whose parents still care for them because they can not care for themselves? Why shouldn’t Casey’s parents be charged with child neglect for FAILING to get their child the medical attention she needed. The law states they can’t because she is over the age of 18 and a legal adult. But Casey has exhibited signs of mental illness for years. The Anthony’s knew this. Cindy even went to Casey’s child hood friend and told him you should stay clear of Casey she is PSYCOTIC and I don’t want you to get hurt. Why was Cindy so concerned for this friend, yet failed to do anything to help Casey (that we know of?).

What if anything have the Anthony’s done to help their mentally disabled daughter? The current law states that once a child turns 18, that child is a legal adult and the parents can no longer be held responsible for the actions of that child. I say that law needs to be changed in cases where the parents who have mentally or physically handicapped children. Because how can we prevent deaths like Caylee’s when we are dealing with a mentally ill person? When we stopped institutionalizing children with mental illnesses, why have WE AS A SOCIETY FAILED TO TREAT THEM? There was a CLEAR pattern of mentally instability from Casey from her early teens. Instead of acknowledging there was a problem, her parents ignored it and continued to ENABLE their daughter. They forced her into keeping a child they knew she was not mentally equipped to deal with. Then they threw this child out, when they knew she was a compulsive liar, did not have a job and was known to steal from people. They put Casey in a situation where the only way Casey could handle the problem was to eliminate it. By getting rid of Caylee, her biggest responsibility, that insured the survival of Casey in her mind. Casey is incapable of making sound decisions. She was mentally ILL EQUIPPED to deal with the situation. So is Casey 100% responsible for the murder of her child? When a mentally ill child turns 18 does the parents obligation to care for that child end there? How are we going to prevent cases like this from happening?

Does a parent of a physically handicapped or mentally challenged child throw up their hands and decide at 18, their responsibility ends there, or do they commit to caring for that child for the rest of their lives because they know that child is incapable of taking care of themselves? Why is there such a stigma attached to mental illness, and when are we going to draw the line and make parents responsible when they fail to do anything to help their child? Is it Casey’s fault she is mentally ill? NO, but the parents had the obligation to care for Casey even in her teenage years when she was first exhibiting signs of instability. If it can be proven that the Anthony’s failed or ignored to seek medical attention for their daughter, should they be held liable for her actions even after the age of 18. Should the parents of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold be held responsible for the traffic deaths of the Columbine shootings? Many people believe so. Should Cho’s parents be held responsible for Cho’s massacre at Virginia Tech? When does our responsibility end as a parent of mentally disabled children? And when should we be held responsible for not providing that child with medical care? This is a huge and personal issue with me because a sibling of mine is bipolar. My parents even after having been told my 5 experts of the diagnoses when he was a teen chose to IGNORE it. They were even told the best therapy for their child was to have the child instutionalized until they could get him mentally stable and they knew he could function normally as an adult. Now that he is an adult he is refusing to be treated and has children of his own, one of which was removed from his care, because he was an unfit parent. My parents are riddled with guilt and feel responsible for not having done something earlier, as I am sure the Anthony’s will surely feel when this is all over with. But is that enough? Is it enough that the parents just feel guilty for the rest of their lives, or should a law be imposed that parents of mentally ill children have a LEGAL OBLIGATION to seek medical help for that child when a CLEAR pattern of mental instability can be established, like we have in this case.

DID THE ANTHONY’S FAIL TO PROVIDE THEIR DAUGHTER MEDICAL CARE FOR HER CONDITION? If Casey was 16 and this happened, under the law could they be held responsible. What changes in Casey besides legally becoming 18. Is Casey anymore mentally healthy at 18 then she was at 17? Did she all of a sudden stop being or exhibiting signs of mental illness? Mental illness is a chemical imbalance, and can be fostered or exhibited in more aggressive ways when that person is in an unhealthy or unstable environment as Casey was at home. In other words, just because someone is born genetically predisposed for a mental illness does not always mean that they will exhibit the signs of an illness or commit a horrible act such as Casey has done. A good case and point is Britney Spears. Here you have a person who is bipolar and two parents who are not even married to each other any longer doing everything they could to help their child, even if it meant airing this to the public. Because of their care, Britney is unable to harm her two boys and can only see with through supervised visits. Were the Anthony’s trying to get Casey help? Can they establish a time line of trying to get their daughter some professional help, or were they enabling their daughter, ignoring the signs of her illness, even though they were warning others with descriptive words, like “she’s psychotic” yet doing nothing about it or in my opinion may have pushed their daughter to her psychotic breaking point.? I would like to know what others think. It’s my personal opinion along with my parents having a brother that is mentally ill, if he were to ever harm his children, or harm himself, my parents would feel responsible for not having done something to help him when they were told of his diagnosis when he was a teen, when they could have intervened and done something to help him.


I believe that her parents are very responsible for obstructing justice by providing false statements (after the fact) and by trying to 'clean up' some stuff also after the fact and for this, I believe they should be charged. For this alone.

As for Casey's mental status, I don't know if any of it has been proven yet or if she has been evaluated. I know that I have a very close relative that lies like you would not believe and has stolen a lot of money. He's always been that way. He also believes his own lies. He will flatly refuse to see a psychiatrist and when you confont him on his lies when he is caught he flies off the handle and doesn't want to 'talk about it' and finds a reason to hurredly get off the phone or leave.
I am of the belief that Casey was well enough to party, juggle boyfriends around and commit fraud, she was not exactly mentally incapacitated. To me, she was a selfish young woman who is a pathological liar. That is where the true mental problem is, she lies to get her way. I sort of get tired of blaming others for your actions, I think as a society we need to stop and make people take accountability. She was 22 years old. If she felt she was overwhelmed she could have gone to her parents and said 'I'm overwhelmed' and as much as I am not a Cindy fan, I highly doubt that they would have kicked her to the curb. She needs to take accountabilty and that is it. But yes, I do think that George and Cindy did some covering up too and they should be charged.
The victim in this case, poor little Caylee, has been highly over looked by her family by them trying to save Casey. Even the grandparents are victims here. I am praying for Caylee and the grandparents to have peace.
Guilt by ommision is still guilt. They may not have first have knowledge of what happened to Caylee but like Casey, they have talked in riddles. Being anything but completely forthcoming is unacceptable. Withholding info, regardless of how seemingly insignificant it may seem, is wrong and possibly criminal. I highly doubt the grandparents will be prosecuted for anything, even if they are able to throw the book at Casey.
I think the only person here to blame is Casey.
She is an adult. as an adult, if she needed help, she could get it for herself. Also, as an adult, she could refuse that help even if her parents tried. I don't buy that she has a mental problem at all. Before she became an adult, she was in a school system that would be there now coming to her defense if she was thought to have then had a problem.
Casey did this, she did it without her parents. She is self absorbed into herself.
Casey didn't have to listen to anything her parents said once she reached the age of 18.
This is totally my opinion, and I know that others will not agree..
I grew up with an alcoholic, there were so many days of my young life that I seen more beer in the refrigerator than food. I could have grown into an alcoholic myself, however chose to take the better road for myself.
If Casey truly had a problem, I believe these parents would have seeked help for her, the same as they took her and
Caylee in and provided for them. Casey is in trouble now, that is no mental problem, that is stupidity on her part. She made her bed, and she alone needs to lie in it!
I believe that her parents are very responsible for obstructing justice by providing false statements (after the fact) and by trying to 'clean up' some stuff also after the fact and for this, I believe they should be charged. For this alone.

As for Casey's mental status, I don't know if any of it has been proven yet or if she has been evaluated. I know that I have a very close relative that lies like you would not believe and has stolen a lot of money. He's always been that way. He also believes his own lies. He will flatly refuse to see a psychiatrist and when you confont him on his lies when he is caught he flies off the handle and doesn't want to 'talk about it' and finds a reason to hurredly get off the phone or leave.
I am of the belief that Casey was well enough to party, juggle boyfriends around and commit fraud, she was not exactly mentally incapacitated. To me, she was a selfish young woman who is a pathological liar. That is where the true mental problem is, she lies to get her way. I sort of get tired of blaming others for your actions, I think as a society we need to stop and make people take accountability. She was 22 years old. If she felt she was overwhelmed she could have gone to her parents and said 'I'm overwhelmed' and as much as I am not a Cindy fan, I highly doubt that they would have kicked her to the curb. She needs to take accountabilty and that is it. But yes, I do think that George and Cindy did some covering up too and they should be charged.
The victim in this case, poor little Caylee, has been highly over looked by her family by them trying to save Casey. Even the grandparents are victims here. I am praying for Caylee and the grandparents to have peace.

Catsmeow: If it's proven that Casey is clearly mentally ill (which I believe she will be). My arm chair diagnosis is Sociopath and perhaps Bipolar or Boarderline personality disorder, then would that change how you feel about her situation? And even if these systems did not appear until pregnancy or thereafter, do the parents have an obligation, legal or otherwise to provide care to a mentally instable child? If a pattern of instability could be established well prior (as in her teens) did the parents FAIL to provide her with care and would this fall under child neglect? Did the parents of Eric and Dylan fail as responsible parents for noticing the odd behaviors in their children yet failing to do anything about it? Has society as a whole failed to seek treatment for the mentally ill as in the case of Cho who had professors that were afraid to be in the same classroom with him. Whose responsibility is it to seek treatment for the mentally ill?
I think the only person here to blame is Casey.
She is an adult. as an adult, if she needed help, she could get it for herself. Also, as an adult, she could refuse that help even if her parents tried. I don't buy that she has a mental problem at all. Before she became an adult, she was in a school system that would be there now coming to her defense if she was thought to have then had a problem.
Casey did this, she did it without her parents. She is self absorbed into herself.
Casey didn't have to listen to anything her parents said once she reached the age of 18.
This is totally my opinion, and I know that others will not agree..
I grew up with an alcoholic, there were so many days of my young life that I seen more beer in the refrigerator than food. I could have grown into an alcoholic myself, however chose to take the better road for myself.
If Casey truly had a problem, I believe these parents would have seeked help for her, the same as they took her and
Caylee in and provided for them. Casey is in trouble now, that is no mental problem, that is stupidity on her part. She made her bed, and she alone needs to lie in it!

I value your input and would agree if I didn't feel Casey was mentally ill. But I think all the signs are there, and I know this from personal experience. However I may be proven wrong. But with that in mind, if she truly proves to have a mental illness would this change your view of things or how her parents handled her situation?
Guilt by ommision is still guilt. They may not have first have knowledge of what happened to Caylee but like Casey, they have talked in riddles. Being anything but completely forthcoming is unacceptable. Withholding info, regardless of how seemingly insignificant it may seem, is wrong and possibly criminal. I highly doubt the grandparents will be prosecuted for anything, even if they are able to throw the book at Casey.

Hi. I agree. Unless the police can prove that they helped hide Caylee's body-then they should be charged as accessories. But, we haven't seen any evidence that the Grandparents have gone that far to protect Casey.
CASEY! AND CASEY ALONE! She created this web of lies all on her own, not to mention theft on many occasions. Her parents just made the mistake of loving her unconditionally that they were in deep denial! I think we all would be in the beginning. No one wants to believe the child you loved and raised would do such a thing. Although, I'm not a big fan of the parents on some of there actions but I can understand the heartache they must have felt. I really feel sorry for them now, not only did they learn their grand daughter is dead but, their own daughter is responsible. Casey just was not going to give in with her lies. So now the parents are having to deal with two losses in their family now, not to mention guilt, anger and betrayal of Casey. Very sad! They are probably blaming themselves that they didnt see this coming. They probably feel they failed Caylee by not protecting her, and failed at parents and getting help for a very disturbed daughter. But, it's not their fault, they didn't think it would ever come to such a horrible nightmare like this. It's very difficult to help someone who doesn't want help or refuses to see they have a problem.
Very Very sad!!!!
First and foremost, I believe that Casey is responsible for what happened to little Caylee, HOWEVER, I also feel that Cindy has some responsibilty also. In my mind, if she knew her daughter did not want to keep the child, then why didn't she take her as her own and raise her herself? By forcing Casey to have the child and then raise her, this, I believe, was the beginning of the end. And George is responsible by being always in the background, apparently a hands off dad. BUT this is just IMHO.

It amazes me that a young police officer loses his job by lying to the investigators about even knowing Casey, yet the parents have not been charged with lying or concealing evidence in this crime. I am not in LE but I think this should seriously be looked into.

Good point. I agree.

Casey IS the only one responsible for Caylee's death, I'm not in a field of law but could as a juror be convinced by a prosecution team that (at a minimum) George and Cindy have shown to be potentially guilty of perjury, obstruction of justice, and/or destruction of evidence - if not accomplices AFTER the fact.
Hopefully a psych professional will come online and correct me if I am wrong, BUT, it is my understanding that those in the field are leaning more toward nature being responsible for mental illness & personality disorders than upbringing. Haven't tests and scans shown that the brains of those with some disorders are different?

To my knowledge being a sociopath does not DRIVE a person to kill. The lack of empathy for other humans and putting themselves first makes it easier to do wrong.

But, I think sociopaths can choose.

Can you have someone committed without evidence they are a danger to themselves or others?

Don't people with personality disorders have to WANT to change before ANY treatment is effective.

What evidence MUST a grandparent have to take custody of a grandchild from the natural parent?
I value your input and would agree if I didn't feel Casey was mentally ill. But I think all the signs are there, and I know this from personal experience. However I may be proven wrong. But with that in mind, if she truly proves to have a mental illness would this change your view of things or how her parents handled her situation?
I respect your opinion as well, but to answer your question as to would it change my mind? No. Had I heard anything before a crime, maybe..
I have had personal experiences with mental illnesses in my family as well, and I wish right now I could find the words to explain my answer. Right now, I just can't do it..the events of the past few days are getting me down.
Please know, I respect you so much for your insight on mental illness. I know its a huge problem for very many people, but I also know that some think its the only road to take when their own choices lead them to prosecution. Mental Illness IMHO is widely abused in these circumstances.:blowkiss:
Unless this is a situation that was known way before the crime, I may would change my mind. However, the only thing I am seeing is a bratty daughter who wanted everything her way and did everything it took to get it.
I think Casey is solely responsible for her action.
As an adult and as a mother, the actions are her own.
I do think she has a personality disorder but many people do, they don't commit crimes of this nature.

I think it is demeaning to people who function everyday with mental illness, and there are many, to say that their actions could be attributed to another.

If Casey is so mentally ill that it alleviates or spreads the responsiblity why not ask why her teachers didn't get her help. What about her doctors? Why assign that to Cindy who very well may share the same mental illness/personality disorder. Does that then make Greatgrandma responsible as well? She raised Cindy and failed to get her grandchild help as well.

I think personal responsibility is lacking in our world to a very concerning level. If you can make a sociopath (for those who say there is no organic cause) by catering to them and not making them take responsibility for anything it appears to me we are going to have a lot more of them in the future.

IMO a sociopath= 1 part genetic predisposition + 1 part environment.
I do not agree that the parents are responsible for Casey, her "mental illness" and for failing to get her help. She may be a sociopath, as Cindy said, she may be a pathological liar, she may be a lot of things. But when it is your own daughter, you tend to love and forgive too much, though I think they were trying to show her tough love when they told her she would keep the baby. Unfortunately, it worked out worse than everyone's worst nightmare. They only way to get someone mental help in Fl. if they don't want help, is to Baker Act them, and short of that how to you persuade a 22 year old she needs psychological help? The same way you try to help an alcoholic? Can't be done, they have to want to help themselves first, and Casey was more interested in living the life she lived, partying, lying and stealing. She alone is responsible for the death of Caylee.
If Casey was a black widow that killed for profit nobody would blame it on mental illness.

Some humans just put their own needs ahead of all others. They are sociopaths but not mentally ill.

I think Casey saw Caylee as coming between herself and the lifestyle she wanted with the man she wanted.

I am not sure she is any different than the woman who kills for money.
If Casey was a black widow that killed for profit nobody would blame it on mental illness.

Some humans just put their own needs ahead of all others. They are sociopaths but not mentally ill.

I think Casey saw Caylee as coming between herself and the lifestyle she wanted with the man she wanted.

I am not sure she is any different than the woman who kills for money.

well said, I get sick of people blaming parents for adult children's behavior, Casey was a mother, dog's protect their puppies, this girl needs to pay, her parents will pay for the rest of their lives their hearts will be ofrever broken,
I do not think anyone is responsible for this crime but Casey and Casey alone. Cindy may have made a poor decision to discourage Casey from giving the baby up for adoption, however; she is not responsible for the actual crime.

We are all responsible for our own acts and deeds and whoever killed Caylee is solely responsible for the deed. If the Anthony's have covered up for Casey they are guilty of that.

How many families are responsible for buying their child a car at 18 or 19 years old and trust the child not go out and drive and drank. Then their child is dead from a car accident to which dranking was involved.

We are all guility of making mistakes. Cindy Anthony probably made the mistake of not wanting the child adopted out. She is only guilty of wanting her grandchild near her.

The bible says we are all responsible for what we do. No one else is to blame.
If Casey was a black widow that killed for profit nobody would blame it on mental illness.

Some humans just put their own needs ahead of all others. They are sociopaths but not mentally ill.

I think Casey saw Caylee as coming between herself and the lifestyle she wanted with the man she wanted.

I am not sure she is any different than the woman who kills for money.

Or if it was male that was being discussed instead of a mother.
If all that is reported is true, then Casey alone is responsible for this crime.
This busines about holding George and Cindy accountable is nonsense. Unless it comes out that they covered up the crime then they are 100% victims imo.
I have no idea if Casey will be found mentally ill, or not. I haven't made up what I think on that. At first I was like, throw whatever charges you can at the grand-parents, but some people here made some really good points as to other cases and how far do we go? Its a slippery slope, and needs to be looked at once case at a time.

If they are not prosecuted in a court of law, they have suffered in the court of public opinion. If this turns out as we all think it will, once they come to grips that their daughter killed their grand-daughter they will live with more guilt in a personal hell that will be a lot worse than a short time in jail.

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