Who should be responsible for this crime?

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What's bothering me is that everyone seems to be assuming it's a fact that Cindy told Casey she couldn't give the baby up for adoption. This could very well have been another lie Casey told, and she may never have seriously thought about or even mentioned adoption to Cindy.

From what we know thus far, Casey committed this crime. To me, her parents did not help cause this, and it seems cruel to blame them.
I saw pictures of Casey when she was in the hospital with Caylee and you could tell from the look on her face that she adored her. They were pictures I hadn't seen before on one of the TV station websites. They made me very sad. I think as stubborn as Casey is, no one could have made her keep that baby if she didn't want to.
And perhaps this very family dynamic fed the dysfunction we are seeing now?

I have compassion as do many others here. But right and wrong is pretty clear cut. If this is how this family dealt with things....then I can surely see where the problems grew from.
Closing ranks and denying reality is an insult to that precious baby Caylee. It does their daughter Casey no possible good either...maybe a lesson learned 22 years too late, but they should make her take responsibilty for her actions.

Earlier tonight when I briefly saw Headline News and heard Cindy saying "There is no new evidence" I began to understand why maybe Casey is the way she is.

Can you imagine? Cindy IMO is Casey's ultimate supporter. Casey, for probably years even when she did something wrong it's like it didn't happen. Cindy also stated that Casey isn't going back to jail. I wonder if she meant about the bail revocation or if she believes she isn't going back to jail at all.

So what's going to happen when it's in Cindy's face that Casey is going back to jail, say Saturday?

I am going to go out on a limb here and maybe suggest that Cindy be kept a close eye on. She is the enabler. She could help Casey get away from the ankle monitor. What stuns me is it's as if Caylee is an afterthought. I could be wrong but wow! Has Casey ever been punished for something ever?

It's scary to watch. I hope Cindy gets some kind of counseling soon. She needs something.

Casey is responsible for whatever happened to Caylee.
Cindy should be charged with tampering with evidence. Obstruction of justice. If I may add that if it's true that she talked to the tow truck driver she should be charged with soliciting perjury. Something.

Cindy being a nurse hit it dead on when she said the smelled like a dead body. SHE KNEW. There is absolutely no other smell even close to decomposition, I had the unfortunate experience of being with my best friend in high school when we checked on her aunt. For some strange reason she wanted to check in on her because her mom wasn't as concerned as she was. I offered to go with her and when we opened the door to her aunt's mobile home it hit me and the only thing I could do was take 3 steps down the porch and throw up. I remember later that night at home, I swear I could taste it. Cindy washed the pants in the car because they smelled like the car. She knew.

Casey might have a problem, but I am not familiar with mental illnesses or disorders. I think if anything she might be just a liar, a thief and a murderer. No big words.

Caylee never had a chance.
IMO, The blame should rest all on Casey. Cindy is an enabler. But alot of people have mother's like this and don't murder their offspring.

Prayers for Caylee
Catsmeow: If it's proven that Casey is clearly mentally ill (which I believe she will be). My arm chair diagnosis is Sociopath and perhaps Bipolar or Boarderline personality disorder, then would that change how you feel about her situation? And even if these systems did not appear until pregnancy or thereafter, do the parents have an obligation, legal or otherwise to provide care to a mentally instable child? If a pattern of instability could be established well prior (as in her teens) did the parents FAIL to provide her with care and would this fall under child neglect? Did the parents of Eric and Dylan fail as responsible parents for noticing the odd behaviors in their children yet failing to do anything about it? Has society as a whole failed to seek treatment for the mentally ill as in the case of Cho who had professors that were afraid to be in the same classroom with him. Whose responsibility is it to seek treatment for the mentally ill?

Hi Nedthan: I don't know that I can say 100% how I will feel, but I don't 'think' that my opinion will change much. It really depends on how much comes out. She, right now, to me at least, just comes across as a very self absorbed person that lies to get her way. Not enough has come to light about her past in school as so forth. Now, reading further down about how Cindy thinks the information and test results are 'hocus pocus' that does make me wonder if the both of them aren't perhaps a little off and if that is the case then how could Cindy get help for Casey if Cindy herself is off, she wouldn't know to recognize it in Casey...so then how far back do we want to go in the blame game?
I came from a terrific household, neither parents drank, neither smoked, they were awesome role models yet when I hit my late teens and early twenties I was hell on wheels and was an irresponsible mess. There were several times that I should have gotten DUI's. I am surprised I am still alive and grateful that in my irresponsible youth I never hurt anyone and that is by God's good grace alone because I was horrible. But it was not my parents fault that I was an idiot, they had set a good example.
I completely agree that there are times when parents definitely fail their children in getting diagnosis but I don't know that's the case here.
Casey is a liar, but there is no evidence that she is bipolar. I've known two bipolar people well in my life, they didn't act like this! Casey is just an evil sociopath like Scott Peterson and Susan Smith. She alone committed the crime, but her parents-at least her mother helped her cover it up and tampered with evidence and should be charged as accessories to the crime!
Casey got rid of Caylee because she was an inconvienience to her party lifestyle- she never loved her ( those were photo ops), and to get back at her mother. If it was an accident, you call 911, you admit it, then you probably won't get manslaughter. She has no concern for Caylee, it's all about Casey!:mad::behindbar:behindbar:behindbar Prison is where she belongs!

I agree LinasK. My daughter was Bi-Polar. Casey is no way Mentally Ill.

Very nice post, and thank you, I'm fine now. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, I can imagine the pain. I have a daughter with incurable cancer, 28, and it is hell.

I didn't realize, until this child went missing and we learned a lot of horrible things, just how much illness and pathology is out there. This case has made me rethink my entire life.

And, yes, I believe Cindy and possibly George, should be found guilty of something; I'll leave it to LE, DA, whomever, to decide what. Just my opinion of course.

I have lung cancer and I'm beating it.

If you're interested, pop into the Prayer Thread at the top of the Jury Room.

If all that is reported is true, then Casey alone is responsible for this crime.
This busines about holding George and Cindy accountable is nonsense. Unless it comes out that they covered up the crime then they are 100% victims imo.

I totally agree. I can see George and Cindy as being victims in denial, but I don't think they deliberately tried to deceive LE, at least in the beginning. As for them changing their stories, I just think that in the heat of emotion, they weren't thinking clearly about what happened over a month ago, and Casey was there feeding them lies, so they just bought it up and went with it. Now, I will say George and Cindy may be guilty of not being the brightest folks in the world, but I don't think they did anything wrong other than not being wise to their daughter's ways and letting her fool them. I could be wrong, but unless it comes out that they did indeed cover for her, then I'm still in the mindset that they are just not that smart.
Catsmeow: If it's proven that Casey is clearly mentally ill (which I believe she will be). My arm chair diagnosis is Sociopath and perhaps Bipolar or Boarderline personality disorder, then would that change how you feel about her situation? And even if these systems did not appear until pregnancy or thereafter, do the parents have an obligation, legal or otherwise to provide care to a mentally instable child? If a pattern of instability could be established well prior (as in her teens) did the parents FAIL to provide her with care and would this fall under child neglect? Did the parents of Eric and Dylan fail as responsible parents for noticing the odd behaviors in their children yet failing to do anything about it? Has society as a whole failed to seek treatment for the mentally ill as in the case of Cho who had professors that were afraid to be in the same classroom with him. Whose responsibility is it to seek treatment for the mentally ill?

Even if she is proven to be a Sociopath, Bipolar, or BPD, that would not change how I felt about her situation. A person still needs to be held accountable, unless they are severely mentally ill, and have no cognizance of their actions. I work with MR/DD clients and recently one of my clients had to go to court because of her actions...though she has a great deal of trouble controlling her actions and identifying and expressing her feelings in an appropriate manner, she DOES know right from wrong, and realises her actions were wrong. Casey may be a Sociopath, or be Bipolar, but she is surely cognizant of her own actions. Don't let mental illness be a crutch.
Earlier tonight when I briefly saw Headline News and heard Cindy saying "There is no new evidence" I began to understand why maybe Casey is the way she is.

Can you imagine? Cindy IMO is Casey's ultimate supporter. Casey, for probably years even when she did something wrong it's like it didn't happen. Cindy also stated that Casey isn't going back to jail. I wonder if she meant about the bail revocation or if she believes she isn't going back to jail at all.

So what's going to happen when it's in Cindy's face that Casey is going back to jail, say Saturday?

I am going to go out on a limb here and maybe suggest that Cindy be kept a close eye on. She is the enabler. She could help Casey get away from the ankle monitor. What stuns me is it's as if Caylee is an afterthought. I could be wrong but wow! Has Casey ever been punished for something ever?

It's scary to watch. I hope Cindy gets some kind of counseling soon. She needs something.

Casey is responsible for whatever happened to Caylee.
Cindy should be charged with tampering with evidence. Obstruction of justice. If I may add that if it's true that she talked to the tow truck driver she should be charged with soliciting perjury. Something.

Cindy being a nurse hit it dead on when she said the smelled like a dead body. SHE KNEW. There is absolutely no other smell even close to decomposition, I had the unfortunate experience of being with my best friend in high school when we checked on her aunt. For some strange reason she wanted to check in on her because her mom wasn't as concerned as she was. I offered to go with her and when we opened the door to her aunt's mobile home it hit me and the only thing I could do was take 3 steps down the porch and throw up. I remember later that night at home, I swear I could taste it. Cindy washed the pants in the car because they smelled like the car. She knew.

Casey might have a problem, but I am not familiar with mental illnesses or disorders. I think if anything she might be just a liar, a thief and a murderer. No big words.

Caylee never had a chance.

That was a really great post Eva. I agree with you that Cindy knew the moment she opened that trunk. Never smelled a dead body, hope I never do.
That was a really great post Eva. I agree with you that Cindy knew the moment she opened that trunk. Never smelled a dead body, hope I never do.

Nor do I. If it smells anything like a dead rat, that stench will linger for weeks. We had one get in between the walls in the building where my office is located and it was absolutely horrible. The exterminator tried everything to get rid of the odor but it still tooks several weeks.
I personally think JB is going to use mentally incompetent for his defense. With Casey going to his offfice for hrs on end my thoughts are JB is having her tested / so the results don't go to the states attorney.

I don't think Casey is mental at all. She simply didn't care at all about Caylee or anyone else she drug down. She used everyone she knows. That has always worked for her.

Her cop boyfriend I think got tangled up by telling her to much. Such as how do we know she hadn't questioned him as to how to commit the perfect crime? There is more behind this saga too. JMO

She is a user: She used her folks / Amy / the "4" boyfriends & the list goes on & on all the way to TP & LP. She is evil, nothing other than pure evil!
Thank you Thank you Thank you for those posters who do NOT give Casey an inch of leeway for a "mental illness". She is not mentally ill - she is pure and simple - EVIL. Deliberate, calculating, with 100% knowledge of EXACTLY what she is doing. She is a grifter & a con artist - concocting stories & people to make it look like she is a hardworking person so she can continue to fleece those around her. Her mother Cindy is an idiot for nurturing and cultivating her deviant anti social behaviors - allowing her to take NO responsibility for any wrong action. The tree grows from a very small seed....it has taken two decades and alot of help along the way to become the monster that she is.
Casey's behavior alone proves she is impaired in some form or other. I do not think this absolves her of guilt in any way, shape, or form. I hate to think that she really was involved in the death of Caylee, but let's be reasonable here and ask ourselves why on earth wouldn't she just tell the police the truth.? If she gave her away, why not tell? Better than them thinking she killed her? We know she wasn't stolen. Anyone, (were that true) who would do that, would have disposed of the child themselves after all this media attention so it's not like she was trying to keep her safe. That is a total farce. If Casey didn't kil her and believes she knows where Caylee is, after all of this evidence is coming to light and it definetly points towards homicide, why stay quiet with the supposed truth.
I think Cindy is guilty only of denial, inappropriate responses to the media and public at large, and backpeddaling.
George, well there is another story. Being a retired policeman, I do not believe for a moment that he is not well aware of what exactly has happened, and second, I don't believe he was not involved in some way with tampering. Police officers, like anyone else in their professions, unless they are incompetant, become very proficient at spotting anything abnormal to what they are involved in. George would have known immediately that something was not right with the timing, the missing items, money, and lastly the vehicle. He would have recognized the odor. He would have known instantly that nothing should be touched, let alone removed and police called to the scene of the auto immediately. The fact that clothing was removed and cleaned etc. would have been totally against his training. Something besides the car smells to high heaven.
IMO Cindy should have let Casey give Caylee up for adoption when she was born,Casey wasn't ready to be a mom and on some level she knew it. Now I would not have given her to the young lady who wanted to adopt her but to a loving family that wanted a baby....I do think Casey has some mental health issues she seems to have stopped development on an emotional level at say 14 or 15 but I believe she knows right from wrong and should be held accountable for Caylee's death if thats found to be true.

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