Who was George Brody?

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Thank you dear Annasmom!
You know: my heart is with your heart, and I believe as all moms!
yes the reconstruction is a very plausible reconstruction ...
In the first time, when I joined here as member, so much infos and postings, was hard for me, to have a final thought, because it was necessary a very good knowdlege of Anna's abduction and abt the 2 Georges... the more enigmatic was GB... so infos.. and so anthitethics..! so was necessary a more and deep knowdlege by documents posted.. and especially the pictures... because by a picture it is possible to understand the spirit of a man... and by Gb pictures ( of Marguerite Kylroy and abt old Brody, without glass) seeming to me of to see in the first, a man, happy... and in the second a man: clever, vain, that it has caught up something...
by writing:
-the cursive: a passional man, a romantic man, a illusion's man
- by block letters: a ingratiating man, affected man; he no making the "G" or the "P" with only one line, of course, but in 2 parts, with 2 lines almost ... that means prudence in appearance, will of pleasure, will of to make a good impression...

so he was a man with 2 spirits: a man who repressed its nature (cursive/1° spirit)) in favor of the second ( block letters/2° spirit -contructed by itself; so GB constructed another GB and the last was the GB current version; the second identity that GW knew )...
so why that?
Gb was a intelligent man, but without school's culture( almost.. high school) but in GB lacking the mom's cure, feeling... seeming to me a man that lived in own fantastic world,

with only 1 object: the money for a better life...
I believe he suffering when young...
I believe that, if the GB that I found is OUR GB, he was a man unsatisfied of own destiny, for family's conditions, for parent's divorce... he estimated itself as a man able ... but humiliated from the life, from destiny... I believe that this thoughts was the young GB's thoughts...
but he was no much rational and no much critic with itself... because he loved no much the work; he loved to make other things and no money making this things... as for all romantic's people... dispersing its young age... without constructing a good future...
Raf, i feel you are right about the Billy Liar personality, wishing you luck with your further research
Thank you anne11!
I hope of to find more... until now I found the paternal line of this GB.... and also some record abt 2 brothers; for one, I'm pretty sure that this article is abt this GB brother
the article is of 15 jan 1946-sparks, Nevada, USA... frankly... I believe that is possible that is the GB brother; only possible, but highly possible...

I crossed the name for prudence, because when I will be very sure I can say the true name of GB, if it is the same bad guy.
I posted this article for let understand the GB family background... and it is very possible that GB changed the surname also because the brother having police problems...
I cannot find, until now, what happens to mother, and sisters; one sisters was married in 1920, and having a daughter, born in 1918... all missings in 1930 census... I believe that was a good use of this family to change the surname...
the second and youngest brother of this GB, died in 1978 in Nevada City, NE, USA...
I hope of to give more info nextly...
all the best,


  • GB brother 15 jan 1946.jpg
    GB brother 15 jan 1946.jpg
    90.7 KB · Views: 53
well, I have a new info; the man that I found, and that I think our possible GB, had the complete first name George Walter B...
Always I asked my self abt all stories of GB abt GW passport and always thinked that in some way GB wanted to have GW identity on the passport... now to know that the second first name was Walter give me another helpful input.. I wrote to a niece of this person and I send GB picture; she having the mother living, 82 aged, so maybe she can recognize if GB face is pertaing to family roots...
hoping in God,
Thank you anne11!
I hope of to find more... until now I found the paternal line of this GB.... and also some record abt 2 brothers; for one, I'm pretty sure that this article is abt this GB brother
the article is of 15 jan 1946-sparks, Nevada, USA... frankly... I believe that is possible that is the GB brother; only possible, but highly possible...

I crossed the name for prudence, because when I will be very sure I can say the true name of GB, if it is the same bad guy.
I posted this article for let understand the GB family background... and it is very possible that GB changed the surname also because the brother having police problems...
I cannot find, until now, what happens to mother, and sisters; one sisters was married in 1920, and having a daughter, born in 1918... all missings in 1930 census... I believe that was a good use of this family to change the surname...
the second and youngest brother of this GB, died in 1978 in Nevada City, NE, USA...
I hope of to give more info nextly...
all the best,

Raf, I am not able to see the attachment full size, but looking at the headline, I would say that's evidence...in many ways GB was certainly preoccupied with the physical. I can't wait to see if there is response to the photograph you sent. Thank you for all this wonderful work.
Oh dear Annasmom, you know my feeling.. I hope also so much.. until now no reply from this GWB niece... the article is abt the brother of GWB... I will know soon also other helpful details abt GWB's brother... maybe also some picture, maybe... it could be helpful... !!! I have a picture of GWB uncle ( paternal line) and seeming to me that have a resemblance, but the man in picture have the hat, so I wait some other input by the niece...
I asked, before: you knew if GB our bad guy was able in the cooking, in the recipes, if he had good knowdlege abd the food or so... you can say me???
PS: the article ( you can read it by this link)
Oh dear Annasmom, you know my feeling.. I hope also so much.. until now no reply from this GWB niece... the article is abt the brother of GWB... I will know soon also other helpful details abt GWB's brother... maybe also some picture, maybe... it could be helpful... !!! I have a picture of GWB uncle ( paternal line) and seeming to me that have a resemblance, but the man in picture have the hat, so I wait some other input by the niece...
I asked, before: you knew if GB our bad guy was able in the cooking, in the recipes, if he had good knowdlege abd the food or so... you can say me???
PS: the article ( you can read it by this link)
Raf, as far as I know, GB didn't have much interest in fine food (they always ate at terrible restaurants and did not cook in their room) and I would be surprised if he could cook at all. Thank you for the link. I'll try it now.
ok Annasmom... the GWB that I found was butcher profession in 1929, and cook helper or so ...
I'm pretty sure, to 100% of certainty, that this woman is the GWB ( who I think is our GB ) sister's daughter ... you think it are some resemblance with our GB?
PS no reply from GWB niece... she living in Woodland Hills, CA; this is my last hope and if I am wrong, frankly I will be very frustated!
ok Annasmom... the GWB that I found was butcher profession in 1929, and cook helper or so ...
I'm pretty sure, to 100% of certainty, that this woman is the GWB ( who I think is our GB)sister( or sister's daughter )... you think it are some resemblance with our GB?

Raf, do you have a link to the photograph?
yes here the niece http://www.myspace.com/375896684
and here the picture http://www.myspace.com/441511637 I know not very well if the picture is abt GWB sister or GWB sister's daughter.... but now I think that is abt GWB sister!!
...................oh my english!
PS GWB niece post
added: the youngest brother of GWB died in Nevada county, CA and not in Nevada state, sorry
The pictures are small, but I can see a certain resemblance to GB in both these women. Nevada County, California, somehow makes more sense than the state of Nevada to me, being that much closer to San Francisco.

Your English is fine! I understand everything you say! (You would laugh VERY hard at my Italian, which contains only music terms.)
The pictures are small, but I can see a certain resemblance to GB in both these women. Nevada County, California, somehow makes more sense than the state of Nevada to me, being that much closer to San Francisco.

Your English is fine! I understand everything you say! (You would laugh VERY hard at my Italian, which contains only music terms.)
Hi Annasmom, if you click on the picture a new window open and the picture will be large...
yes me too see a good resemblance with our GB... no reply from GWB niece... maybe the email no working... :banghead:
here a picture abt a uncle of GWB (paternal line)
Hi Annasmom, if you click on the picture a new window open and the picture will be large...
yes me too see a good resemblance with our GB... no reply from GWB niece... maybe the email no working... :banghead:
here a picture abt a uncle of GWB (paternal line)

Hi Raf,

Amazing work you have been doing on Anna's case. Those myspace's with the photos, you can click on the user's photos to see more and enlarge them. Thought I should let everyone know.

That paternal photo, looks alot like our GB especially his lips and ears.. Very interesting!!

Hi SideKick,
I agree abt GWB's uncle picture...
the test is OK!.. completely OK!
Today I descovered that the youngest brother of GWB was also a cook helper and from 1936/1942 he was in San Francisco; sure in 1936 and 1942.. well in 1936 the address was 88 Sixty... however the GWB and brother entourage was the hotels.. the hotels was the residences and work's places also... Hi believe that, the work in a hotel, to know so many persons, influenced GWB in the personal style and look ..
Pratically, from what I understood, no GB and GWB had a home, but always lived in the hotels... that matching enough with GB personality, no suffering for to stay any day in a hotel, he was in own entourage... thanks, all the best,
raf, I just have to add you are amazing! I agree with Annasmom, I can understand your English perfectly. As a matter of fact, I understand it better than some who live in the States!

Thank you for all this hard work you are doing. I can't begin to imagine the hours and hours you have put into this case.

Hi Annasmom, if you click on the picture a new window open and the picture will be large...
yes me too see a good resemblance with our GB... no reply from GWB niece... maybe the email no working... :banghead:
here a picture abt a uncle of GWB (paternal line)
Raf, yes, I see a strong resemblance here.
Hi all!
Thanks to all... yes Cubby ... much work, but without working no possibility of results!
I believe that this GWB could be our man... so much coincidences... I need of to have a sure proof... and the better sure proof is a picture... maybe also of a GWB's brother... but where to find it? I have hope... however... I read by internet, that the GWB's niece know no much abt the family... she also are searching for... but I believe that, maybe her mom, when child, maybe knew in person her uncle: GWB... maybe... so the mom is living and for that I hope in a reply..... to my email ( I sent 2 emails...)
I believe also that GWB maybe was in contact, especially around 1940/50 with youngest brother ... when the youngest brother married at Edith G a woman of italian heritage, and moved in Nevada County, maybe no more, but until the youngest brother was in San Francisco I believe that GWB was in contact with the brother...
so it is important for me to find more, and especially some pictures... I know not, until now, if the youngest brother ( RVB/ aka RCB) had children, but if so they could be living, because the youngest brother was unmarried in WWII, and I believe he married in the end of WWII, so if some child was born from marriage, it could be living... my problem is that I know not Edith G birth surname, I know that the her mother having italian surname... I must to search abt that...
we must find who can confirm us that the GB pictures are abt GWB...
Hoping in God...
I sent the 3° email, she having various email address...
I found the Edith G ( wife of youngest brother of GWB) birth surname: Tinaglia...The father was italian as a well the mother... Edith was born in 1911, and I think married after WWII end... but I found not children.... so this way is out...
I'm convinced that this GWB is our man.. I'm optimist abt that...

some points, just my thoughts:

when I said that GB maybe was born in foreign country, because no able in the pronounce of book's authors, well I think that for a man that estudied only the Marysville Grammar school, well most probable, it was hard to know or remember the book's author... however, surely, it was a man that wished to gain more culture... and more money, and more respect... more class, style and distinction...
the metamorphosis (GWB becoming GB, IF Is so) maybe started before of 1936, just a suggestion... because the ONLY George Brodie assistant that I found in all California, it was a assistant manager of Imperial Theater in Long Beach, died in the march 1933 earthquake... no more... so maybe our man had the idea of to change the name... similar of a died person.... I believe that he changed the name also because the oldest brother having problems with police since from 1934... GWB had shame of its humble origins.. to work in various hotels, to work on the ships, he descovered another life, a better life... and he wished a better life, but without efforts.... I know not when he learned the numerology, but in the same period the numerology was very in .. so I read on old newspapers... the numerology seemed the miraculous medicine for him life... and I'm sure that GB was self-taught also in that.... consequent to the numerology was its philosophy a dull philosophy... everyone to understand abt that, reading the Brody philosophy chart... and most months ago, I always said that GB was not a Leo but maybe a Virgin when I descovered that GWB was born the 25 aug, that convinced me more..... Billy liar/GB liar.... and as all liars.. it created lies from true facts...

I believe that GB ended of to work, completely, after that he met MK... it was a dream for he... a young woman, with a profession.... and she going to work and he at home... and sure he was also a optimist... because also if more old of MK, of 10 years, he thinking that MK would be died before of he... this is pure optimism! But the insurance no payed, because he had no identity documents ... so he without money, old and lazy man, thinking in a further plan....

I believe that, the GB's plan abt GW insurance, was born soon -as idea- when MK died.... and GB no cashed the insurance... and most probably, because GB could not proof of being really George Brody...
for this inconvenience GB thinked that the next time, he would have been more clever... but needing of to find a person available for a insurance... in him favor obviously... but GB to chase its dream: the better life, especially because he was in old age...
the dream continue: to GB, sure GW seeming the right person... the initials of GW name was the same of initials of GWB first names.... and the insurance would have paid to man of the photo... and when all will of GW was under GB influence the plan was completed in GB mind...
but as to eliminate the payment's inconvenience had after MK death? So all complicate....! and the plan becoming complicate also... everyone can read the booklet in the box ... counts on counts... obsessing....and the haste of to increase... ohhh "poor GB" :doh: the haste, because he knew him real age... and the death could arrive at any moment.... the death arrived... before... and also this time GB no cashed the insurance payment... I think to all sufferences of GB in life ending... yes the cancer... but the anger that he had... :furious: also this time... empty ... nothing... zero.... I believe that the main sufference was for anger...

I believe that GW never knew the true GB identity... GW was unaware of that... but he was under GB influence and never thinked abt that...
passing the time, seeming to me of to know better GB... maybe in something I'm wrong, but frankly I think that I'm no far from truth... and after so much years that Anna vanished .. I believe that is the right time of to free the Truth....
all the best,
I sent the 3° email, she having various email address...
I found the Edith G ( wife of youngest brother of GWB) birth surname: Tinaglia...The father was italian as a well the mother... Edith was born in 1911, and I think married after WWII end... but I found not children.... so this way is out...
I'm convinced that this GWB is our man.. I'm optimist abt that...

I believe that the main sufference was for anger...

I believe that GW never knew the true GB identity... GW was unaware of that... but he was under GB influence and never thinked abt that...
passing the time, seeming to me of to know better GB... maybe in something I'm wrong, but frankly I think that I'm no far from truth... and after so much years that Anna vanished .. I believe that is the right time of to free the Truth....
all the best,

Raf: Amazing scenario. I can see it, too. I am not sure that GB didn't get insurance money from MK. I know that he was assigned her guardianship, and that he gave us some things which had belonged to her like a stethoscope. Otherwise, where did all that money come from which he had in a safety deposit box in Oakland? (Because Doogie is pretty certain that this account belonged to the same Brody.)

I agree with you that Virgo in a way makes more sense than Leo.

He was "into" numerology, but also in astrology and other occult things. He claimed to be able to read the "akashic records", or, in other words, to foretell the future.

I agree that anger featured very strongly in his personality. The employees at the hotel described angry tirades where GB would scream at GB. So sad.

Thank you once again for the tremendous effort you have put into this case.
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