Who was the most effective defense witness?

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DNA Solves

who was the most effect non-Anthony defense witness?

  • Dr. Michael Rickenbach, FBI Chemist (insignificant levels of chloroform)

    Votes: 10 5.5%
  • Dr. Michael Sigman, UCF Chemistry professor (said tests consistent with gasoline in trunk)

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • Dr. Kenneth Furton, FIU Chemistry professor (no definitive scientific manner to determine decomp)

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Dr. Warner Spitz, ME (no evidence of homicide, duct tape likely placed post-mortem/post decomp)

    Votes: 24 13.1%
  • River Cruz/KH (claimed GA told her Caylee's death was "an accident that snowballed out of control")

    Votes: 69 37.7%
  • Maria Kish (no smell in car, backseat passanger, testimony JB pronounced as 'bombshell')

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Tony Lazaro (no smell when trunk opened, Casey good Mom-stopped Caylee from running to Apt pool)

    Votes: 4 2.2%
  • Dr. Sally Karioth (behavior during the 31 days not that unusual, could be consistent with grieving)

    Votes: 4 2.2%
  • Roy Kronk (manipulated skull, shook the bag 3x, comment to son 11/08 about remains?)

    Votes: 9 4.9%
  • R. Eicklenboom, touch DNA (duct tape marker not Casey/Caylee,not permitted to test other evidence)

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 54 29.5%

  • Total voters
The most important witness for the defense was Casey herself. Her silence spoke volumes in that she wasn't going to dignify any charges with a response.
Lie...Lie...Deny...Deny... blame...blame...silence...silence and more lies and blame.
That is obviously an account that works and means freedom in todays world.
Sad but true.
I voted River Cruz because the alternate juror basically QUOTED her on national TV when explaining the verdict.

If I'm not mistaken, JB used the phrase 'accident that spiraled out of control' first (in his opening statement), not RC. She quoted JB.
I don't believe that the defence had a particularly "effective" witness; they got lucky and had a DEFFECTIVE jury.

GA due to the fact evasive answers and acted as he was hiding somthing.. I feel it was planned.. dont admitt molestation, dont admitt accidental drowning.. but left some wiggle room as he hestitated some answer.. intentional to take not the fall but to soften the fall ICA was going to recieve..

Anthony lies and mistruths to the end.. planned IMO
After hearing him all day, I now think their lucky charm was Jeff Ashton. He is remarkably boring (repeated himself all day). Remarkably egotistic (he never once took any blame especially for his demeanor that turned off the jury). and, remarkably uncreative. stuck in his old ways of 30 years, unable to be creative and push the envelope.

JA is the reason this trial was lost.

I agree. He had 3 years to create a great case and failed. I don't understand why SA didn't provide a scenario to the jury as to what they believe happened to caylee from the time GA left the house that monday morning until caylee ended up in the swamp. I'm talking a "blow by blow" scenario. They have her phone pings. It looks to me like the state didn't want (or feel the need) to work that hard on the investigation. Lousy job by the state and a lazy/naive jury is what happened here imoo.
I voted OTHER.

the defense witnesses were ALL effective - for the state.

it doesnt matter because the jurors werent concerned with any testimony and didnt pay attention to any evidence.

the defense could have consisted of 12 dancing monkeys (a similar number to the jurors, with other similarities perhaps) and they were still gonna bring back NG. no evidence at all mattered.
IMO Dr. Warner Spitz and River Cruz had the greatest impact on the jurists. Both testimonies impeached several prosecution witnesses

Plus, the defense's opening. Even though the jury claims to know it wasn't evidence, it was for them.
the voids between 12 sets of ears
I couldn't vote. Because so many were involved........no.1.....Biaz. They didn't need KC to testify, Baez did it for her and regardless of JP telling the jury, OS are not to be considered as proof, they used the OS in their decision.

RC helped and happily so in my opinion.......payback to George for ignoring her.
George.....I expected some expression of distaste when Biaz was destroying his reputation but he just sat there stone faced. I expected him to answer with more conviction when asked if he molested his daughter. (not that I believe he did)
Cindy for the major act of grief and crying yet when in the audience and they were discussing the babies skull, she sat there like she was listening to a sermon in church.
I could go on.
After hearing him all day, I now think their lucky charm was Jeff Ashton. He is remarkably boring (repeated himself all day). Remarkably egotistic (he never once took any blame especially for his demeanor that turned off the jury). and, remarkably uncreative. stuck in his old ways of 30 years, unable to be creative and push the envelope.

JA is the reason this trial was lost.

I agree. Especially his bullying demeanor during the trial and how he was always sitting there puffing out his cheeks when the defense was presenting their case. His overkill of objections and sidebars and delays during the defenses case. I am sure all of that turned off the jury. When I see him in the interviews now, he seems like a much nicer, more human person. If he would have shown some of that during the trial it would have helped. IMO. LDB was not much better.
I agree. Especially his bullying demeanor during the trial and how he was always sitting there puffing out his cheeks when the defense was presenting their case. His overkill of objections and sidebars and delays during the defenses case. I am sure all of that turned off the jury. When I see him in the interviews now, he seems like a much nicer, more human person. If he would have shown some of that during the trial it would have helped. IMO. LDB was not much better.

I repeately yelled at the TV about this and the Commercial breaks every 5-10
minutes. LDB put me to sleep :)
I agree. Especially his bullying demeanor during the trial and how he was always sitting there puffing out his cheeks when the defense was presenting their case. His overkill of objections and sidebars and delays during the defenses case. I am sure all of that turned off the jury. When I see him in the interviews now, he seems like a much nicer, more human person. If he would have shown some of that during the trial it would have helped. IMO. LDB was not much better.

I was wondering if what Jean Cesarez, one of the reporters said was true and now I think it is. She had said during the trial that the jurors didn't like Jeff Ashton. I don't know if the jury voted against the prosecution because of JA but it may be true. I always noticed that one thing about Baez was that he always smiled at the jury. Maybe it was a genuine smile and maybe they believed him more than the prosecution because of this.
I voted "other" unfortunately I believe that poor Caylee's skeletonized body.......no DNA or anything to directly tie ica....although if you can connect the following 2 dots . . you would find her guilty regardless:
I always noticed that one thing about Baez was that he always smiled at the jury. Maybe it was a genuine smile and maybe they believed him more than the prosecution because of this.

Maybe it's just me, but I always found that slimy, grinchy smirk very off-putting... :twocents: :cow:
I didn't vote because the A's weren't on the list and it said non-Anthony's. But I think the two best ones were GA and CA.
JA doesn't have to worry about it now since he's retired from office but he should at least admit to himself that he was obnoxious and came across like a jerk during this trial. IMO his smirk sealed the deal regarding his 'likeability' factor, or in in this case, 'dislikeability'. The jurors might have been thinking, 'this is a woman's life or death we're determining and this jerk is laughing?!'

I loved LDB though.

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