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I am extremely interested in "Beth Doe", an unidentified female found in White Haven, PA in 1976. This is the year I graduated from high school and she has captured my heart. I have researched every US missing person case in the 1970s on WS and the DOE Network regarding her and no one seems to be looking for her.

Hi Stacey - here are some links to some previous discussions here on Beth Doe (or Carbon County Jane Doe as I called her until LE found her grave).




And her pages on my site:
My name is Rachel, and I am a teacher in Tennessee. I am a brand new registered member of this forum, although I have lurked here for about a year :chicken:. I first came here looking for information on the Angela Hammond disappearance. I remember being terrified by her story on Unsolved Mysteries as a child, and I always hoped that she would be found.
Hi EV-1,

I'm Enid and am from Northern NJ. I see I have a few neighbors here on board. This is my 1st post on Websleuths but I have been posting on other boards with the same nic for about 10 years.

Got married on Halloween 1995 to the love of my life Johnny and we have a son ( you guessed it!!!) Justin who will be 13. We also have a 16-1/2 year old lab mix naned Misty. She is doing pretty well for a super senior doggie. Her eyesight and back legs are going but boy can she eat her alpo.

I work as a Project Manager in the tradeshow/display industry for a terrific small but family owned ( 3rd generation) company.

I have been a die-hard crime buff for many a year and its terrific to meet all of you. Have a super nite - I'm off to check out the topics here
Justins Mom,

What cold cases are you interested in?

I also have an old lab - 12 yrs old. He loves his kibble (alpo) as well.

I am interested in Beth Doe, Carbon County, PA 1976.

Hi Stacey,

How are you this evening? I have been following cases of Tabitha Tuders, Jacob Wetterling, The doe network/Charley Project.

Back in the day Danielle Van Dam but there is one I follow and pray something breaks on. Amanda Jones from Festus Mo

Back in August of 2005 a then 26 year old woman named Amanda Jones was about 9 months pregnant. She went to a new years party and allegedly had a one night stand with a man named Bryan Westfall. ( BTW - Bryan had-has) a long time girlfriend.

When Amanada found out she was pregnant she contacted this man but he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby.

Amanda found out she was having a boy. She named him Hayden Lucas and began making preparations for his birth.

Amanda was divorced and had a young daughter. She was self supporting with a good paying job and a loving supportive family.

Amanda made one more attempt to ask Bryan Westfall ( aka babydaddy) if he was going to play a part in the babys life. Somehow he and she chose to meet at the Hillsborough Civic center on 8/15/05.

This is the last time anyone saw Amanda Jones.

her car was parked at the center but No Amanda.

I think of her often and pray for an outcome. Bryan Westfall lawyered up and is heavily connected in his community.

Sadly, Amanda's ex husband who took their daughter after her disappearance died last year and ... its so sad

I with a few others have kept this case in the spotlight on a few other boards but... with nothing new, we are all just hoping for a miracle.

I have contacted most every outlet I could find to try to get more written about Amanda and to get answers but it really seems under rug swept
PS Stacey K - I drove the 50 miles from my town to Levittown PA to play big stakes bingo every weekend before they made better bingos closer to home ( and met my hubby) That was back in the single days - Levittown - Good memories!!!
I know there is a thread like this in most forums, I figured why not one here? A lot of us are almost family. Maybe a little background will help us all understand our individual viewpoints. (And if Richard is not an MIB, with the knowledge of what happened to Amelia Earhart, John F. Kennedy and what happens to that other sock in the dryer, I've been mistaken all this time!!)
My name is Mark, I live in upstate NY. I've been married 15 years, with two boys, 14 and 3, who are absolutely the whole reason I exist. I spent almost ten years in the Army, including visits to Europe, Saudi Arabia, Honduras and Cuba. At present, I am the security director for a large hospital in northern NJ. Most days off find me hiking with the boys or just doing anything outside that includes the two of them.

Hi Mark, just to let you know,for future reference, that "other"sock in the dryer turns into an unwanted wire hanger in the closet! mystery solved!
Since I've been here off and on for several years, I suppose it's about that time. I guess I'm kind of unusual among Websleuthers. Having Asperger Syndrome, means I'm not always emotional about these cold cases. I do, however, find the more mysterious ones interesting, and researching them is sort of a hobby of mine. I'm currently also helping a friend, who is helping a brother and sister to find their father (missing since 1982) and another sister, a mentally disabled woman missing since 2005. A little frustrating, since apparently no one in the family will contact LE about either case.

What I am emotional about, is my wife. And our furry, four-legged "kid" of species Felis cattus. We live in the San Diego area where we just got through one of the worst winters on record. Why, sometimes it got down to 54!

I'm an unashamed leftie and a card carrying member of the California Teachers Association. I have two master's degrees and sometimes even use them at my teaching and techie jobs. When not working, I enjoy cooking, writing fiction (uncle was an Emmy-winning screenwriter but I'm afraid not me), and practicing aikido and tai chi.

Gosh, I always thought that other sock fell through a worm hole and ended up alongside the freeway!
My name is Mia, and I am 27 years old. I live in Greenwich Village, on the wonderful island of Manhattan. I am currently a full-time graduate student, studying Library Science. My ultimate goal is to work with archives, hopefully in one of the larger branches of the New York Public Library, although with the economy the way it is, once I graduate I'll probably take what I can get! I live alone, with my two beautiful Siamese cats. I've always been an avid reader, and my interest in crime began with my obsession with 19th century New York, which was kind of like the Wild West back then. Gangs prevailed, the police were corrupt, and it was ultimately a fascinating time. From there, I began reading anything I could get my hands on within the crime/mystery genre, and finally I discovered Websleuths. I was a long-time lurker, and was thoroughly impressed with the knowledge all of you possess, and the passion with which you try to solve these cases. I officially registered with WS just a few days ago, and since Cold Cases has always been my favorite place to "lurk", I imagine it will now be the place in which I post the most. A few of the cases that have interested me to the point of obsession are the Johnny Gosch case, the Evelyn Hartley case, the Jacob Wetterling disappearance, and the ax murders in Villisca, Iowa in 1912. I'm honored to finally be an official member, and I very much look forward to trying to solve some of these old crimes with all of you. Most of my friends think I'm insane for being interested in this kind of stuff - I was so happy to finally find others who share my fascination.
First of WOW! Looking thru the beginning pages of this and seeing some of the names who have been here since at least 2005. Impressive!:clap:

And then there's the introduction --- My name is Krysten, 29 year old mommy to a beautiful baby girl and a growing son. I lurked here for a few months before I became a member - unfortunately "CA" decided to do her thing and Ive been here daily (at LEAST twice a day) checking on several cases......... Sooooo Hello from Michigan!
My name is Amy, I am a jet engine mechanic in Oklahoma.(YES, you read that right,a FEMALE jet engine mechanic,lol). I have been a lurker for awhile, but saw too many intelligent people on here that I just had to join. I have a cold case I have been trying to solve for 12 years,
Kirsten Renee Hatfield ,is my niece. She was abducted back in 1997,and has never been found. I am on here to try and put the pieces together. I have devoted many hours and alot of emotional sacrifice studying child predators and their minds. It was very hard to "go there", but now I am prepared to deal with what we may find.The worst part is the not knowing what happened.My family doesn't really talk about it much, it's too painful, so I am doing this on my own, because I am the youngest and strongest.She would be 20 yrs old this year. I just can't let this rest, so any help with matching UIDs, theories, etc. is greatly appreciated! Here is her flyer :

Hi my name is Georgi, I live in Co. Laois, Ireland, I was drawn to WS through the Caley A case. I caught a bit about it on Fox News (yes we have it here too) when it was first breaking and the only way to find much info was on the net and that landed me here...
I am a Mum and a foster Mum I have two fab girls of my own and two adorable foster children a boy and a girl. I have always loved working with kids I run my local Ladybirds (I think the US would be Daisy) they are the little brownies...
I have always been interested in crime storys and missing persons case. The first one that really effected me was a Boy called Phillip Carins(spelling) he was 13 came home for lunch one day said goodbye to his nan when he was heading back then he vanished the Garda did a full search of the area but found nothing then a week later his school bag turn up in a laneway that was used daily. It was really bizzar It was in the early 80's .... well that me nice to meet you all....:blowkiss:
Well....It started in 1997 when I came across an article in a local paper in White Haven, PA (I was on vacation in the Poconos) about an unidentifed girl and her baby whose bodies were found in 1976. No doubt - I am obsessed to this day with this unsolved case (Beth Doe, White Haven, PA 1976).

Then, after years of self-reflection, I realized/admitted that I myself had been a victim of a sexual assault (at gun-point) that was covered-up when I was 15 years old (1974). The perpitrator has never been formally identified and/or brought to justice, although I had a pretty good idea at the time of his identity. So - the seed was planted much earlier than I even realized or was willing to admit.

I started and am still researching Beth Doe (Doe Network Case File 169UFPA). For some reason, I feel an intense connection to her...She died the year I graduated from high school, we look alike, I could have been her...but I was lucky and survived my attack.

Just recently, I have started the research into my own sexual assault that happened in 1974, Phila., PA when I was 15 years old.

If I could get some help in my own investigation - I would like to pursue this research. This involves the Philadelphia Police Department in 1974 and I have been unable to find ANYTHING regarding old records. It has taken a lot for me to get to this point and this asault has damaged my life like no one can imagine. I am thinking about writing a book about this.

Can you help?

I figure you need a new face, so...

I'm Scout (on the internet, anyway), I am 33 and live in TN. I found you guys after spending an obscene amount of time on The Charley Project. I have a degree in history, but right now I am a stay at home mom to three kids. I love sleuthing and I love reading, and I am part of a ghost hunters group here. I am really enjoying your site.
I figure you need a new face, so...

I'm Scout (on the internet, anyway), I am 33 and live in TN. I found you guys after spending an obscene amount of time on The Charley Project. I have a degree in history, but right now I am a stay at home mom to three kids. I love sleuthing and I love reading, and I am part of a ghost hunters group here. I am really enjoying your site.

Hi Scout. Welcome.
Hal Lowder, Private Investigator in NEGA, work on the Elain Nix case when we get leads. I am stirring that case up right now, and looking at it from a different angle. i do have a new person of interest that is a fresh lead. would love to hear from anyone about Elaine.
I have my dads case on here. Joe Neff, he was abducted and murdered on May 14,2009. It took us 3 days to find him, shot, floating in a strip pit. It has been over 10 months and we still do not know who killed him, or why. The LE brought in the FBI and US Marshals but that was over 4 months ago. They are now calling this a "cold case". I am devastated. If anyone cares to take a look it would be appreciated. thank you.
As you can guess, I am the SAHM mother of 6, from 13 y down to almost 2. I'm in my 30s and still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. After the birth of our first, I learned about home birth, and we have planned home births for all the rest of our kids, which led me to studying midwifery for years and training as a doula. After apprenticing as a midwife for a year or so, then having our last baby, I've re-evaluated the time and energy that path takes away from our own family. But I have lots of other interests. I play Clarinet in our local community band, design websites on the side, and would like to be a published writer. I hope eventually to return to school and maybe funnel some of my esoteric interests into anthropology or sociology studies.

I first discovered and lurked on Websleuths during the Trenton Duckett case. I was an avid Unsolved Mysteries watcher as a kid, but hadn't really turned onto True Crime. After that introduction, I discovered the Boy in the Box/America's Unknown Child, but then pushed all this "morbid" time-consuming stuff aside for awhile, with some questions about my own sanity. :D I recently returned over the Somer Thompson case and have been lurking here and there for awhile. I am just fascinated by the cold cases, which seem to just beg not to be forgotten. I finished reading the Sodder children's forum yesterday and have been following the Debbie Fijan threads, too. I don't seem to have much to offer, but I am amazed at the way WS members piece these puzzles together. I hope I can learn to put my mad Google skillz to use and eventually do something to investigate these mysteries. Until then, I'll offer my analysis of the facts others have drummed up when it seems useful.
I have my dads case on here. Joe Neff, he was abducted and murdered on May 14,2009. It took us 3 days to find him, shot, floating in a strip pit. It has been over 10 months and we still do not know who killed him, or why. The LE brought in the FBI and US Marshals but that was over 4 months ago. They are now calling this a "cold case". I am devastated. If anyone cares to take a look it would be appreciated. thank you.

I am so sorry to hear they are considering this case cold! I have been following it since you first posted. My prayers are with your family that evidence will be found to solve this murder.
I thought I should add a post. I'm a never married single mom with one 1st grade son. I stumbled upon WS towards the end of 2006 searching something non crime related. Started reading lurked for awhile until I had to reply to a thread and joined. Didn't know much about sleuthing but read and learned. Been hooked ever since. The members here are the best and I enjoy being part of the team.

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