Why did JA drag TA back to the shower?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Does anyone know if the shower door was open or closed when TA was found?

According to Flores' report, the roommates said it was open. You can also see in the pictures that the door frame is damaged on the side where you close it. It's possible Jodi tried to close the door, but the damage to the frame either prevented it or caused it to pop back open.
She would have been expecting his roomate to come back home around 6:00pm, right? She knew, from Travis telling her, that one roomate was out of town.

She was dressed - as in ready to leave? - and Travis was in the shower. She says she convinced him to allow her to take photos of him in the shower. I believe I remember her likening it to "a Calvin Klein ad campaign" photoshoot.

She obviously brought the gun and the knife into the house with her. Where do you think she had them? Inside a small suitcase, perhaps, which she had brought up into his bedroom?

Whether gunshot first or chest stab first, where do you think she went to get the weapon?

Do you think maybe she took some of the photos and then Travis said "that's enough, you need to get out of here and get on the road"? She then goes into the bedroom and gets the knife (I am of the knife first theory) which could have fit into the pocket of a hoodie. She comes back into the bathroom, takes one more photo of him, then goes over and opens the shower door, surprising him, and stabs him in the chest.

He then comes out of the shower and goes to the sink where he coughs out blood. (That fine spray of blood seen on the sink and the mirror is definitely from a bloody cough. There are also splotches of blood at the sink that would have been from the chest wound.)

Did she then start stabbing him in the back? There were both cuts and stab wounds all over him - including on his neck, his abdomen, etc. Then somehow he is crawling down the hallway towards the bedroom. He had to have been all cut up by the time this happened judging by the amount of blood on the floor of the hallway and low on the walls on both sides of the hallway.

She slit his throat when he was at the end of the hallway in the bedroom. And in this scenario, she shot him after all of this when he was back in the bathroom. I have only put the gunshot to the head last because of the lack of blood within the brain as per the Medical Examiner. If the gunshot to the brain was first, there would HAVE to have been blood inside the cranium. There are just too many arteries and veins inside there for there not to have been any blood in there.

Her clothing, at least the slacks for sure, had to have blood all over them. So she has to have changed clothing before she left. Meaning she had to go somewhere and get plastic bags to put them into. It was was quite a feat for her to get Travis into that shower when you think of it, him being 180 lbs. of dead weight. Especially to get him into that upright, sitting position.

If you have children, think back to when a child finally becomes too heavy for you to "carry them to bed" when they have fallen asleep somewhere else. That child did not weigh anywhere near 180 lbs. Perhaps she was having an adrenaline-fueled burst of strength. I think she washed his body or at least his genitals off really well to remove DNA evidence.I think the water came out onto the bathroom floor during this, as she leaned in over his body.

Jodi may not have been the person who washed the sheets. That could have been Travis, cleaning up after the K-Y sex. But I think she put the load of towels and clothes in, and I still can't decide if she put the camera in on purpose or by mistake.

How much did she try to clean up? Not too much, really, because that sink area would have been one of the easiest areas to clean and she didn't clean it.

I think she got the hell out of there as quickly as she could afterwards so as not to encounter the roomate.

It is really, really lucky that the palm print and the hair were found. With all of the above, I would have expected there to be more fingerprint evidence. And maybe there was, but only the palm print was in the blood?
The roommates were not out of town. One roommate's girlfriend was out of town on a cruise, and he (Zach, I believe) was house-sitting.

Enrique is the one who has the 6-630pm arrival story, but he also said Travis was on a conference call at that time, indicating that Enrique must have his days mixed up. I believe he's thinking of the day before the murder.

Zach, however, said he got home at 9pm on June 4th.

It's possible Travis washed the sheets and duvet, but I have to look at the pictures again. If there's bleach all over them, then no, he didn't do that. If they look fine coming out of the dryer, then maybe Travis did wash them. I don't know what kind of washer he has, but that's a lot to put in a washer--sheets and a duvet cover.
I still can't get why he agreed to let her take nude pics on his own camera. Still can't get a scenario of how this could have logically played out.
As far as I can tell in that shoulder pic, it looks like the duvet cover (or something with buttons) is lying next to where they are on the floor, I can't figure a good reason for it being there, if she planned to kill him in the shower and leave him there, why put something drag-worthy nearby?

I think she left him on the floor, showered then managed to get him in and wash him off, the shower was running all of the time and you can see in the sitting pic it's already coming out onto the floor so it was slippery before any blood spilled.

The rental car guy testified there were 'kool-aid-looking stains' on the back and passenger seats and the floor mats were missing, that's all we've heard about it so far, maybe (hopefully) more in rebuttal.

One roommate said he thinks he came home between 6:00 and 6:30 but both were confused about days and times that week so I don't think either are too reliable, all we truly have are the time stamps on the pictures.

Agreed that the roommates were both confused about dates and times and that the timestamps are key.

I don't think that could be the duvet cover since page 10 of Detective Flores' report said that Travis' bedding was found in the dryer.

"During the search, I noted that Travis' bedding was missing from his bed. A search of the entire bedroom and closets was done, but no bedding was located. A search of the washer and dryer in the downstairs laundry room revealed Travis' bedding was in the dryer."
I think she knew her DNA was all over him at that point. She needed to clean him off. JMO
I've been on Websleuths for a LONG time, but am late to this party so excuse me for asking a question I'm sure has been discussed.

I've searched on here for the reason she would drag him back to the shower, but haven't found it. It's not like dragging him back to the shower was going to accomplish anything since he had already bled out on the carpet and since the bathroom was a bloody mess. The only reason I could ever see for using the shower would have been to keep him in there the whole time while murdering him in order to drain the blood and therefore making it easier to dispose of his body in a neat manner/without a trace. I guess he ruined that for her when he bolted from the shower..... so why drag him back??? Unless the shower was so part of her plan that she just automatically did it after he died and then realized, "hell, I can't clean this huge mess up and dispose of him neatly now so it's time to get out of here".

TIA and y'all, as usual, are doing a wonderful job keeping up with the trial and info!
This is my theory as well. I really think she planned a clean killing in the shower and was planning to dump his body in the desert. Ninja into Arizona, no body, no crime. She knew she would be #1 suspect. Hard to prove without evidence of being there or even a body. "He must have just taken off". Travis getting out of the shower ruined her whole plot and the bloody mess forced her to just leave his body there and flee. I think she was hell bent on her original plan and in a frenzy drug him back into the shower to clean him, tried to clean the scene and realized it was a NO GO. I think she wanted the blood off of him to wrap him in something and cleanly remove him from the house and into her car.
Think about it, most every murder victim by a known person I can think of on this website was dumped/hidden. And most of those by a stranger if it included rape/DNA. Why would Jodi think any differently? She is not dumb, she plotted this whole murder.
The roommates were not out of town. One roommate's girlfriend was out of town on a cruise, and he (Zach, I believe) was house-sitting.

Enrique is the one who has the 6-630pm arrival story, but he also said Travis was on a conference call at that time, indicating that Enrique must have his days mixed up. I believe he's thinking of the day before the murder.

Zach, however, said he got home at 9pm on June 4th.

It's possible Travis washed the sheets and duvet, but I have to look at the pictures again. If there's bleach all over them, then no, he didn't do that. If they look fine coming out of the dryer, then maybe Travis did wash them. I don't know what kind of washer he has, but that's a lot to put in a washer--sheets and a duvet cover.

That reminds me, was a fitted sheet in the dryer along with the flat and duvet cover? I don't recall having seen it when the forensic lady was pulling them all out of the bags in court.
I cannot imagine that she ever planned toremove his body from the house. Unless she was totally delusional about her ability to accoplish this.

Even Drew Peterson, who is not a small man, required the assistance of his cousin to remove the body of his dead wife in a plastic container from a second floor bedroom to his vehicle.
I still can't get why he agreed to let her take nude pics on his own camera. Still can't get a scenario of how this could have logically played out.

Because remember all he said what all he wanted to do with "a high-quality camera?" He went on and on about that just 3 1/2 weeks earlier.

JA told Detective Flores they took video first (and that may be why TA looks post-coital on the bed). Detective Flores said deleted video is harder to recover because it takes up so much space, while deleted photos are easier to recover.

TA texted her May 2--notice how he refers to himself as her sex slave!

"Send me some of the pictures I want to see of you right now.

"Remember this. That photoshoot is gonna be one of the best experiances [sic] of your life and mine. I haven't stopped thinking about it, the pics ill [sic] take, the progressiveness of it, from very clean to very very dirty and everything in between. It will tell quite a story and be a lot of fun and not a day has gone by that I haven't dreamed about driving my shaft long and hard into you. When I am all by my lonesome I have no desire to think of anyone else in my scandilous [sic] fantasies because from my own experience nothing is even enjoyable compared to you. Because of that I spent a lot more time getting myself off. What you do and let me do to you puts me on another planet. You are the ultimate *advertiser censored* in bed. No wonder I blow enormous loads every time. I want to send one down your throat and another on your face and want to taste you as you ride my face I want to thoroughly work my tongue along every hole of your body. You are going to get taken like you have never been taken before. When its [sic] done the intensity will make your body feel like you've been raped but you will have enjoyed every delightful moment of it. You'll rejoice in being a *advertiser censored* thats [sic] sole purpose in life is to be mine to have animalistic sex with and to please me in any way I desire. I will rejoice in you getting off on the fact that you can do and have me do anything you ask of me at anytime you want it like a sex slave except for I am not obligated to do it but free to do it and is my only desire to be your muse designed for your most vile and lustful pleasures to be given to you in any form you want them."

Then on May 10 this is just part of their a hour 10 minute phone conversation. [Yes, I know he sent her a 16-page rant that made her mad enough to murder him. But he'd told her before not to contact him and then turned around and contacted her. That was their history.]




Note what he said on the tape, "Just think of how, how I pounded you with a full Tootsie Roll Pop until it was nothing," and consider the very last photo he ever took: A shot of JA with a Tootsie Roll up her v*gina.

TA was a typical red-blooded male. I know it's hard for women to think a guy could put aside his concerns just for sex, but there you have it. :cow:
Such awesome ideas here...hard to resist the urge to comment on each one...but I agree that putting him in the shower was all about getting rid of any traces she was there. The shower Travis took before the photos would have taken care of her DNA from the sexual encounter earlier in the day, but she had cuts and knew her blood would be on Travis so she had to wash it off. I also think this is why the camera went in the washer...she would have bled on it too and knew if she just tried to wipe it off she would miss something in all the little crevices and the washing machine would take care of the fingerprints on the camera too. We really don't know how long she was in the house after killing Travis but one clue is the phone call to Brian between 1030 and 11pm. She's near Kingman when she calls and Kingman is about 200 miles from Mesa so had to leave soon enough to drive that far so she had to leave no later than about 730 or 8pm I would think. But she could have left sooner...I also think as another poster mentioned that she had a rough idea of what time the roommate was expected home and she was rushing to get out before being caught in Mesa because she thought no one would ever know she was in town. But I do not think that she planned to kill him in the shower all along nor that she ever had any intention to dispose of his body. She didn't think she needed to because no one was ever going to discover she was in Mesa.

One final thought...someone pointed out the stains in the rental car regarding blood that may have been in the car. But the couldn't determine it was blood. I don't think the stains were blood...I think that was from the hair color she used before she got to Travis's. I color my hair dark brown sometimes and the stains I always manage to get on a towel always appear light reddish brown.
Because that was where he was supposed to be killed .. He couldn't even do what she wanted as she killed him, so she dragged him back to where he belonged, tried to clean up the mess he left, gave up .. And hightailed it put of there in fear of his roommate returning.
That reminds me, was a fitted sheet in the dryer along with the flat and duvet cover? I don't recall having seen it when the forensic lady was pulling them all out of the bags in court.

Afaik the forensic lady showed only the items that were in the washer--one towel, T-shirt, TA's long pants, camera, black socks, etc.--but did not show anything that was in the dryer.

The floor plan shows there was a treadmill behind the screen in the right-hand corner of the bedroom:


I think she always planned to leave him in the shower.
I still can't get why he agreed to let her take nude pics on his own camera. Still can't get a scenario of how this could have logically played out.

I believe that would be the only way he would allow her to take the nude pics. If it's his camera he has ownership of the pictures & can delete them or store them in such a way as no-1 gets to see them. If she took the pics on her own camera she would have control over them & be able to use them against him. She wouldn't delete them & he would worry over who else would get to see them.
I agree with all that's been said -- that JA intended for TA to be placed in the shower (and ideally, to die in the shower in the first place). I think she dragged him back there for two primary reasons:

(1) Initially, she did it because it was part of the original plan, and would "seclude" TA's body for a time, keep blood from continuing to drain from his body (and possibly through the floor and the ceiling below), such that his body would not be discovered as quickly. Of course, the blood evidence visible in the bedroom made this idea ridiculous, since anyone peeking into the bedroom looking for TA would have been compelled to look further once they saw the puddle of blood, but I think that at first, JA might have thought she's have time to clean it up before she left.

(2) After getting TA's body back to the bathroom and surveying the scene, JA realized there was no way she could clean up all that blood before Enrique was due home. She defaulted to plan B: instead of cleaning up the evidence of the killing, her sole goal was to eradicate any evidence of HER having been in the house. All of her efforts after that were directed solely toward that goal, and she succeeded to a surprising extent. She deleted the "murder" photos from the camera (I tend to believe that the "sex" photos had already been deleted at that point, by TA - any evidence at trial yet on when they were deleted?), changed her clothes, rinsed herself off (possibly in the shower, or possibly just used the shower to wet down a towel and give herself a quick wipe-down), washed the bedding and TA's clothing (and the camera, inadvertently, I believe), any of which might have contained her bodily fluids, placed TA's body in the shower and rinsed it off, wrapped up her cut and bleeding hand and mopped up any of her blood that had dripped onto the floor (or wound up on the stairway bannister). Although she would have had to move very quickly, her clean-up was so thorough that only one sample of her blood (the handprint on the wall) and one of her hairs were found at the scene. Had she left TA where he died, I'm confident that some of her blood, and possibly other DNA evidence, would have been present on his body.
Afaik the forensic lady showed only the items that were in the washer--one towel, T-shirt, TA's long pants, camera, black socks, etc.--but did not show anything that was in the dryer.

The floor plan shows there was a treadmill behind the screen in the right-hand corner of the bedroom:


I think she always planned to leave him in the shower.

I recall seeing Heather taking everything out of bags of both the washer and dryer, the duvet cover was in the dryer and I have a screen shot of it (trial day 2?) but I don't recall seeing the fitted sheet, wonder if that's what she took her clothes, shoes and weapons out in? The shower mat is missing also, maybe she laid everything on that, wrapped it up in the fitted sheet and put it in the car, causing the stains on the seats.
One final thought...someone pointed out the stains in the rental car regarding blood that may have been in the car. But the couldn't determine it was blood. I don't think the stains were blood...I think that was from the hair color she used before she got to Travis's. I color my hair dark brown sometimes and the stains I always manage to get on a towel always appear light reddish brown.

Excellent point! I've colored my hair brown and you're right -- the dye is rust-colored, not brown!
I think she needed to clean his body of her DNA and also she had to have been a bloody mess too. I think she showered over him, 2 birds/1 stone.

Agree. Plus, the more blood at the scene, the worse the smell would have been. It relates right back to covering her tracks.
I seriously do not think that she ever had any plans to cut up the body and take it with her. TA was almost 190 pounds. And it creeps me out thinking about her getting into the shower with his body and showering. Would there even be room with him on the floor?

I can't imagine how hard it was to manipulate his body back into the bathroom and into the shower! But it makes sense that she put him there because she bled on him.

Did they find any blood in the rental car? And does anyone know what time she left TA's home?

NG did a jailhouse visit segment sometime ago and talked with an inmate and said JA told her she killed him in self defense and chopped up his body and spread it throughout the county. I could see her lying about the 'self-defense' portion of her story but I just don't understand why would she lie to another inmate about chopping up his body and dispersing it? Perhaps that was in her original plan so they would never find his body.
NG did a jailhouse visit segment sometime ago and talked with an inmate and said JA told her she killed him in self defense and chopped up his body and spread it throughout the county. I could see her lying about the 'self-defense' portion of her story but I just don't understand why would she lie to another inmate about chopping up his body and dispersing it? Perhaps that was in her original plan so they would never find his body.

To make the other inmates scared of her and/or give her more cred and/or to make herself look more interesting.

Also, people like JA lie just for fun all the time.

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