Why did Madeleine 'go missing'?

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Why did Madeleine 'go missing'?

  • She was abducted

    Votes: 187 36.7%
  • She wandered off and disappeared

    Votes: 14 2.8%
  • She was overdosed on sedatives; parents covered it up

    Votes: 168 33.0%
  • She met with an accident; parents covered it up

    Votes: 65 12.8%
  • One of her parents was violent to her and killed her

    Votes: 63 12.4%
  • Any other reason Madeleine went missing

    Votes: 12 2.4%

  • Total voters
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Morning Colomom. What is the context of Kate's shaking Maddie motion? What is she talking about at the time. Just hearing about it creeps me out.
I can't get the video to work on any of the links. I'm hoping for a future "youtube"

Morning Colomom. What is the context of Kate's shaking Maddie motion? What is she talking about at the time. Just hearing about it creeps me out.

Morning TB!!

I believe that it was regarding the morning after the crying at night incident. She was saying that she should have just shaken her, something like that. It is mentioned here (on 3A's) http://www.the3arguidos.net/viewtopic.php?p=321635#p321635 in Brit Abroad's post (3rd one down).

Really weird that I can't find anything else....
Morning TB!!

I believe that it was regarding the morning after the crying at night incident. She was saying that she should have just shaken her, something like that. It is mentioned here (on 3A's) http://www.the3arguidos.net/viewtopic.php?p=321635#p321635 in Brit Abroad's post (3rd one down).

Really weird that I can't find anything else....

I wondered if this is the clip of video you mentioned with the shaking, ( ya know) :) ...take a look.

Thanks Prickle! I have finally watched it. I'll save comments for later. Might need to watch it again.

Thanks for posting that link Prickle! Each time KM speaks about Maddie she is looking to the left (again) and away from direct eye contact. When GM speaks she looks down and I would love be able to read her thoughts. Her expression during his speaking is odd to me. She's lying. He's lying. And poor Maddie has yet to be found.
Kate looks to me like someone ready to break. Give me an hour with her. Just. one. hour.
Did you all notice the amount of times Gerry gulps? (obvious sign he was nervous)
I have to say..you all (most of you all) are pinholing these parents into what you think is appropiate behavior for (ALL) MISS the ques all together because of your emotions or one sided thinking...objectiveness is more than what I have read in all these threads...I still have a glimmer of HOPE the she is still alive as you all think she is dead.
SleuthMom wrote: "Did you all notice the amount of times Gerry gulps? (obvious sign he was nervous)?"

REPLY: Yes - and a lot of hand-to-face (or head) movements by the pair of them. Plus Gerry's eyes darting left and right; he looked really haunted - never seen him so nervous before except on the night (7 September 2007) he left the police station after being questioned.

The reason Kate was on the edge of breaking down was because the questions came closer than any before to discussing the precise events which led to Madeleine's demise - and she had to somehow gather herself to repeat the pathetic cover-up line about Madeleine cheerily saying she wondered why her parents weren't there when she and Sean were crying the night before.

They were both very very edgy as the interviewer focussed on the morning of 3rd May. By then, IMO, Madeleine was already dead.

I was also reminded of Kate's 4-second pause on 'Woman's Hour' after she was asked if the last time she saw Madeleine was asleep in her bed. The monosyllabic and Scouse word: "Yeah" finally emerged. It was a telling moment

I have to say..you all (most of you all) are pinholing these parents into what you think is appropiate behavior for (ALL) MISS the ques all together because of your emotions or one sided thinking...objectiveness is more than what I have read in all these threads...I still have a glimmer of HOPE the she is still alive as you all think she is dead.

Hi Mysticj,

After a year of research and observation, reading everything I can get my hands on and watching most (if not all) of the videos released, I can assure you that I do not feel as if I am "pinholing" the McCanns. I realize that you did say most and not all but I just wanted to say, in defense of some, that there are many, many, many reasons that some believe that the McCanns are involved in Maddie's disappearance.

As far as thinking she is dead, what did it for me was when two of the finest sniffer dogs in the world were brought to Praia Da Luz and proceeded to "hit" on blood and cadaver scents in the apartment, in their car, on their clothes, keys and bible and even on Maddie's stuffed toy. While some may say that these dogs are not 100% proof, that along with many others clues have brought me to the place I am today. I am 99.99% sure there was no abduction. Therefore, my alternatives about what happened to her on the night of May 3rd are very limited.

I "bumped" a great thread many of us contributed to (http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55657) check it out.

Thanks for posting, hope to CYA around.
I have to say..you all (most of you all) are pinholing these parents into what you think is appropiate behavior for (ALL) MISS the ques all together because of your emotions or one sided thinking...objectiveness is more than what I have read in all these threads...I still have a glimmer of HOPE the she is still alive as you all think she is dead.

Actually, if you go back to the very beginning of these threads which is a year's worth of discussions, you will see that most of us started out very objectively looking at all the information available.

I personally have spent hours and hours looking at the interviews, reading the articles, and trying to figure out other explanations for things the McCanns have done, said, or carried out. Like most people my age I've encountered a fair number of deaths, tragedies, and as well a famous disappearance (church members) that ended up being a murder, and I have seen a range of emotions and acts. However, over and over again I found myself asking, "why did they do that?" "what does that mean?" "Why would someone say that about their child?"

It doesn't really matter what you or I hope or think. Madeleine is either still living or not, and it does not doom her if anyone thinks she is not living. Nor does it magically bring her back to keep hoping that she is alive.

I hope and pray there is a chance that Madeleine is still alive. Do I think there's a reasonable chance? Not really. But I'd like to be wrong.
For me, the key point reached when I listened to what they had to say in interviews. It just did not make any sense. After watching hours and hours, I left with more questions than answers!

In my opinion, parents of a child missing will not say, state or assume some of the things the Mc Canns have been saying (and no, there are not rumors, I am speaking about things they indeed say). The latest is the statement they gave when Maddie asked her mother where she was when her sister and her were crying. Any normal parent if the child wakes up in the middle of the night would assume the child is either sick or had a nightmare. Any normal parent would never assume that the reason their kids woke up in the middle of the night is because probably there was an abductor in the room! How in the world they come up with a conclusion like that? It does not make ANY sense to me.
I have to say..you all (most of you all) are pinholing these parents into what you think is appropiate behavior for (ALL) MISS the ques all together because of your emotions or one sided thinking...objectiveness is more than what I have read in all these threads...I still have a glimmer of HOPE the she is still alive as you all think she is dead.

For me Mysticj, you could be right. I try to remain objective but I admit I thought they were involved from the very beginning. I was so shocked that 2 doctors would leave their toddler children alone, that I just figured it had to be them. But lo and behold, they had been leaving those children alone every night for a week. Okay..... maybe I'm wrong. There was all that talk about how "normal" it was to leave your kids alone. That all was shot down pretty much by other British folks who post here. No, it is not a cultural norm.

But then, they did that first video with Skynews. I watched them, and as far as I'm concerned they lied all the way through that video. I think at that point in time, Kate wanted to tell the truth, but Gerry held her back. And the circus continued....... Now I think Gerry would like to tell the truth, but Kate is holding him back.

I would very much like for Maddie to be alive. But now, what I really want the most is for Maddie to be found and brought home.

I try to put myself in Kate and Gerry's shoes. What would I do, how would I feel. Not always the best way to judge a situation, I know. But in this case, the only "factual" evidence of what happened that night point to the McCanns. There is no other evidence, none, nada, zip. All forensics, the dogs, the movements everything points to the McCanns involvement.

Oh - I almost forgot - there is Jane Tanner's statement about bundleman, however that can not be confirmed by the other people standing on the street at the same time.

If you know of other evidence, please feel free to dispute my comments. We do have some posters that "defend" (probably not the right word) the McCanns and I force myself to slow down and read what they post, in an effort to be sure I don't just jump to conclusions because I think the McCanns are involved. So far, though, I haven't changed my thoughts.

Praying for Maddie that she comes home soon,

I have to say..you all (most of you all) are pinholing these parents into what you think is appropiate behavior for (ALL) MISS the ques all together because of your emotions or one sided thinking...objectiveness is more than what I have read in all these threads...I still have a glimmer of HOPE the she is still alive as you all think she is dead.
Excellent post Mysticj.
And so true IMO. :clap::clap::clap:
Double agreed. I resent always being put into a "lynch mode" mentality simply because I use the reasoning powers God gave me to come up with the conclusion that Maddie is PROBABLY dead. No one knows for sure - except pehaps, Kate and Gerrie. And as God is my witness, I pray often for this little girl, with the fervent desire that she will be found alive.

I work hard not to judge those that post with the One-Note-Johhny act of believing every single thing that comes from the McCanns and their spokespeople and absolutely nothing that doesn't - I wish others would have the same respect for those of us who sincerely wish to have an equal right to carefully thought out opinions and conclusions.
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