Why did the Grand Jury not indict the Ramseys?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Very usual for her age IMO. Sheds new light to the bed sharing as well as comments and observations made about it by the housekeeper. I don't know why but reading that she had made those statements (which I haven't before your post and I have read a lot!!!!), caused a few things to about the bed sharing to smack me in the head versus questioning possibilities in the past.
Also it is reminiscent of someone letting out bits of information hoping others fit the pieces together to see the finished puzzled picture IMO.

Also it is reminiscent of someone letting out bits of information hoping others fit the pieces together to see the finished puzzled picture IMO.
Yes, IMO this is Patsy referring to what the BPD already know, but is off limits due to the interview agreement and protocol as arranged by Lin Wood.

Since Patsy said JonBenet shared a bedroom on Christmas Eve and that Patsy more or less allowed the children to do whatever they wanted, it's likely JonBenet and Burke shared a bedroom on Christmas Day night, and that both JonBenet would simply wear the bed-clothes they wore on Christmas Eve.

Yet the Pink Pajama Bottoms JonBenet wore on Christmas Eve are missing as related by Patsy and have never been found.

With JonBenet wearing the Bloomingdale's size-12 then the underwear she wore to the White's party will similarly be missing?

Add in Burke searching for more gifts it might be there was a disagreement or quarrel over some recently unwrapped gift?

Consider the lack of Christmas Morning photographs.

On the sharing bedrooms:
Schuler asked Burke where people slept in the home and he admitted sometimes sneaking into his sisters room at night.

SCHULER: This bedroom?

BURKE: I would sometimes sleep on - I forget which bed. But I would sometimes sleep in there cause mine got cold.

SCHULER: Cause your room got cold. So whose bed was this?

BURKE: Um, JonBenét.

SCHULER: Okay, so when it gets real cold in the winter, would you sleep over here?

BURKE: Yeah. I would sleep in there cause my rooms kind of an older part of the house, cause that's the way it is.

SCHULER: Yeah, some of the older parts are like that, without the insulation in them.
Okay, how often would you sleep over here sometimes?

BURKE: Usually like really cold nights.

Last edited:
It is possible that John and Patsy stayed at the Grand Hotel. There is an event every October just for the movie ‘Somewhere In Time’. The hotel offers afternoon tea and shopping for Patsy and outdoor activities for John.
June 1998 John Ramsey Interrogation by Lou Smit and Mike Kane
MIKE KANE: There was, I don't
3 believe we have a picture of it, but there was a
4 poster hanging up. Do you remember if there was
5 a poster?
6 JOHN RAMSEY: Okay. Some movie
7 posters, right?
8 MIKE KANE: Yeah.
9 JOHN RAMSEY: Hung up. Those were
10 from our old house, the space where we had the
11 theater, we had those hanging on the walls.

John further states in reference to SBTC in the RN:
14 done, I have run numbers and letters, I have
15 tried to figure code. I have looked in the
16 bible extensively for that reference. Talked to
17 people who know a lot more about the bible than
18 I do. The only thing I have heard that makes
19 sense are that it's star-based technical
20 command, was a term on I think Star Trek, one of
21 those, Star Wars, Star Trek, I think, which kind
22 of fits the movie theme.
So, I would say that is a submission of familiarity.

BPD has never told us if any of the underwear found in JB drawers were Bloomies.

I’ll go with this. Seems anger was definitely a motivating factor behind that strike to her head.

I am still unclear as to who did what at this point in time.

Rain on my Parade,
6 JOHN RAMSEY: Okay. Some movie
7 posters, right?
8 MIKE KANE: Yeah.
9 JOHN RAMSEY: Hung up. Those were
10 from our old house, the space where we had the
11 theater, we had those hanging on the walls.
There is your answer, the posters decorated their theater walls.

I guess they had friends over, served the drinks and popcorn, watched movies like Speed and Dirty Harry, etc.

On the SBTC I reckon John is attempting deflection with his answer because if there were a SBTC in Star Trek we would have heard about it by now.

SBTC might be meaningless just something Patsy thought should end the Ransom Note?

BPD has never told us if any of the underwear found in JB drawers were Bloomies.
Yes but they will be. BPD were holding them back as ammunition to confront Patsy in court.

Remember JonBenet was present when Patsy purchased the underwear:
Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
Patsy replies:
1 Q. The underwear that she was
2 wearing, that is Bloomi's panties, do you
3 know where they come from as far as what
4 store?
5 A. Bloomingdales in New York.
6 Q. Who purchased those?
7 A. I did.
Patsy says that she purchased the size-12 Bloomindales.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
2 Q. Which of those two trips did you
3 purchase the Bloomi's?
4 A. The first trip.
5 Q. Was it something that was selected
6 by JonBenet?
7 A. I believe so.

So Patsy is suggesting Two packs of size-12 Bloomingdale's were purchased.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
10 Q. So if I understand you correctly,
11 you bought one package for Jenny Davis, your
12 niece, and one for JonBenet?
13 A. I am not sure if I bought one or
14 two.
15 Q. Do you remember what size they
16 were?
17 A. Not exactly.

Yet we have courtesy of BPD:
Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
1 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Okay. Were you
2 aware that these were the size of panties
3 that she was wearing, and this has been
4 publicized, it is out in the open, that they
5 were size 12 to 14? Were you aware of
6 that?
7 A. I have become aware of that, yes.
8 Q. And how did you become aware of
9 that?
10 A. Something I read, I am sure.
11 Q. And I will just state a fact
12 here. I mean, there were 15 pair of panties
13 taken out of, by the police, out of
14 JonBenet's panty drawer in her bathroom. Is
15 that where she kept -
16 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
17 Q. -- where you were describing that
18 they were just put in that drawer?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. Okay. And every one of those was
21 either a size four or a size six. Okay?
So 14 pairs of size-12 underwear have vanished, how come?

Patently Patsy's attempt at deflection has failed as no size-12's were found anywhere in the house!

I am still unclear as to who did what at this point in time.
On Christmas Night Burke whacked JonBenet, then he amateurishly redressed her the size-12's and a pair of his long johns to hide it all.

There might be no sexual element to this.

The rest is Patsy and John staging a crime-scene which distances Burke but links both parents via forensic evidence left at the crime-scene?

So the apparent sexual assault is staged along with the use of a garrote to asphyxiate JonBenet, all intended to point away from the Ramsey's.

Take your pick as to who did what, my money is on Patsy asphyxiating JonBenet and John wiping her down, possibly before he moves her into the wine-cellar?

You could replace Burke with Patsy for a PDI along the lines of Steve Thomas' theory.


Of course, it is possible that a fake sexual assault was part of the staging. Although, ironically, JB was, in fact, already the victim of a sexual predator before Christmas. This fact had to have been known to at least one of the other three Rs; even if none of them had molested her themselves. One way or another, this would
be revealed inevitably in the autopsy. A faked victim who was an actual victim of the same purported crime is more than coincidence.

On the other hand, it is peculiar that there is such a lack of evidence that would indicate a sexual assault, especially given the savage ferocity of the murder. JB is said to have been wiped down. With what? Of what? At the crime scene, there weren't any body fluids, or pubic hairs. There was a rather small amount of JB's blood for such a violent crime. Also, nothing was under JB's fingernails. There is JB's blood on the nightgown, but from where did JB bleed? and when? The Rs would not have been able to remove all traces of blood. Whether RDI or IDI, this paucity seems another puzzle piece.

Can we assume that the kids wore the same bed clothes on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day night, with what is known about bedwetting issues? Why would BR want to sleep in the same bed as JB, since he knew of her toilet problems. (Not to mention his own.) Still, I don't get why the kids didn't have special Holiday outfits and sheets for bedtime. PR seemed so compulsive about Christmas.

I am not convinced that the blow to the head came before the strangulation. Only about a teaspoon of blood was found in JB's brain. Dr. Wecht took this as JB was already dead from strangulation when struck. Thus, the blow was part of the staging, which was meant to point to a crazed pedophile intruder. Needless to say, the strangler may not have been the one who dealt the blow to JB. If one thinks as the blow coming first, the motivation would appear then as anger, a flash of rage. If strangulation first, the motive would be sexual in my view.

All in all, PR's entanglement in the ligature is damning evidence. Amazing that she escaped indictment anyway!

Going off topic a bit, I cannot understand why the WC and the RN have nothing to do with each other. The RN pretends that the WC scene doesn't exist. The WC is absent of anything which refers to the RN, e.g. there is no S.B.T.C scrawled on the walls a la Manson family.

So was the RN written before, after or during the staging? The latest that the RN could have been penned is about 5:20 AM. It could have been written first, with a certain kidnapping scenario in mind, which was dropped? Or afterwards, as the staging and restagings took a long time, and the RN was the last necessary bit, as the 911 call had to be made? Or it was composed during the staging, with the Rs dividing up chores - JR arranging the scene and PR fabricating the RN and rehearsing her 911 call; but, she was unaware of JR (and BR?) was doing in the basement.
There is your answer, the posters decorated their theater walls.

I guess they had friends over, served the drinks and popcorn, watched movies like Speed and Dirty Harry, etc.

On the SBTC I reckon John is attempting deflection with his answer because if there were a SBTC in Star Trek we would have heard about it by now.

SBTC might be meaningless just something Patsy thought should end the Ransom Note?
Or, it could be the Southern Baptist Texas Command.
And it’s principle:
So, regardless of your ultimate end vision, model or strategy, this training will serve to better prepare you to accomplish what God has called you to do wherever He has called you to do it.
Whatever SBTC meant ... IMO, it was meaningful to the author. Why else profess Victory?

Deflection’, a great word.

Yet we have courtesy of BPD:
Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt

Yet we have courtesy of BPD:
Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
1 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Okay. Were you
2 aware that these were the size of panties
3 that she was wearing, and this has been
4 publicized, it is out in the open, that they
5 were size 12 to 14? Were you aware of
6 that?
7 A. I have become aware of that, yes.
8 Q. And how did you become aware of
9 that?
10 A. Something I read, I am sure.
11 Q. And I will just state a fact
12 here. I mean, there were 15 pair of panties
13 taken out of, by the police, out of
14 JonBenet's panty drawer in her bathroom. Is
15 that where she kept -
16 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
17 Q. -- where you were describing that
18 they were just put in that drawer?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. Okay. And every one of those was
21 either a size four or a size six. Okay?

So 14 pairs of size-12 underwear have vanished, how come?

Patently Patsy's attempt at deflection has failed as no size-12's were found anywhere in the house!

Those taken from the drawer were all size 4 or 6. So only 6 pairs of size 12/14/were missing.

This is where the anger issue comes from?
On Christmas Night Burke whacked JonBenet, then he amateurishly redressed her the size-12's and a pair of his long johns to hide it all.

The rest is Patsy and John staging a crime-scene which distances Burke but links both parents via forensic evidence left at the crime-scene?

Except for Burke’s touch dna on the Barbie night gown and his knife. Perhaps his poon print.

Take your pick as to who did what, my money is on Patsy asphyxiating JonBenet and John wiping her down, possibly before he moves her into the wine-cellar?

You could replace Burke with Patsy for a PDI along the lines of Steve Thomas' theory.

Then this would mean the anger issue started with Patsy, or Burke?


Or, it could be the Southern Baptist Texas Command.
And it’s principle:
So, regardless of your ultimate end vision, model or strategy, this training will serve to better prepare you to accomplish what God has called you to do wherever He has called you to do it.
Whatever SBTC meant ... IMO, it was meaningful to the author. Why else profess Victory?

Deflection’, a great word.

Yet we have courtesy of BPD:
Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
1 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Okay. Were you
2 aware that these were the size of panties
3 that she was wearing, and this has been
4 publicized, it is out in the open, that they
5 were size 12 to 14? Were you aware of
6 that?
7 A. I have become aware of that, yes.
8 Q. And how did you become aware of
9 that?
10 A. Something I read, I am sure.
11 Q. And I will just state a fact
12 here. I mean, there were 15 pair of panties
13 taken out of, by the police, out of
14 JonBenet's panty drawer in her bathroom. Is
15 that where she kept -
16 A. Uh-huh (affirmative).
17 Q. -- where you were describing that
18 they were just put in that drawer?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. Okay. And every one of those was
21 either a size four or a size six. Okay?

Those taken from the drawer were all size 4 or 6. So only 6 pairs of size 12/14/were missing.

This is where the anger issue comes from?

Except for Burke’s touch dna on the Barbie night gown and his knife. Perhaps his poon print.

Then this would mean the anger issue started with Patsy, or Burke?

Rain on my Parade,
Tool No. 1 in any Politician or Attorney's toolbox, i.e. point in another direction, e.g. The Swamp, The Deep State; The accuser's character, the accuser's behavior, etc.

Whatever SBTC meant ... IMO, it was meaningful to the author. Why else profess Victory?
Because the Ransom Note is meant to reflect that of a pseudo military outfit, e.g. Foreign Faction.Victory has military connotations besides religious interpretations.

Those taken from the drawer were all size 4 or 6. So only 6 pairs of size 12/14/were missing.
NO! Because Patsy stated in her interview that she purchased them:

1 Q. The underwear that she was
2 wearing, that is Bloomi's panties, do you
3 know where they come from as far as what
4 store?
5 A. Bloomingdales in New York.
6 Q. Who purchased those?
7 A. I did.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
2 Q. Which of those two trips did you
3 purchase the Bloomi's?
4 A. The first trip.
5 Q. Was it something that was selected
6 by JonBenet?
7 A. I believe so.
So That is one set for JonBenet and one for her niece Jenny.

The important words are wearing and selected by JonBenet

Patsy is saying she purchased the size-12's because JonBenet wanted them inside Bloomingdales!

Then she says she purchased a set of size-12's for Jenny.

Atlanta 2000 BPD Patsy Interview Excerpt
10 Q. So if I understand you correctly,
11 you bought one package for Jenny Davis, your
12 niece, and one for JonBenet?
13 A. I am not sure if I bought one or
14 two.
15 Q. Do you remember what size they
16 were?
17 A. Not exactly.
Patsy is caught out here as she realizes she has said she purchased 14 pairs of size-12 underwear, so rows back with a bout of Ramnesia.

So if she never purchased a pack of size-12 underwear for JonBenet, then it must have been size-6 underwear, i.e. what was found in her underwear drawer, but as you know BPD have released no identifying features, suggesting they matter?

So, wait for it, six pairs of Bloomingdale's size-12 and one pair of Bloomingdale's underwear size-6 Wednesday Day Of The Week are missing?

Except for Burke’s touch dna on the Barbie night gown and his knife. Perhaps his poon print.
With JonBenet's Pink Pajama Bottoms missing where the Barbie night gown fits in is an open question?

Then this would mean the anger issue started with Patsy, or Burke?
Yes, Patsy over JonBenet wanting to choose her own wardrobe and clashing on color co-ordination and style, etc. With Burke it will be related to a gift or his inability to manage his anger?

JonBenet sustained a prolonged physical assault, not something I could link to either John or Patsy given their adult maturity.

Tool No. 1 in any Politician or Attorney's toolbox, i.e. point in another direction, e.g. The Swamp, The Deep State; The accuser's character, the accuser's behavior, etc.

Thank heavens the judge knows this.

Because the Ransom Note is meant to reflect that of a pseudo military outfit, e.g. Foreign Faction.Victory has military connotations besides religious interpretations.

So, we can conclude that both fit; as both participated in the RN.

Patently Patsy's attempt at deflection has failed as no size-12's were found anywhere in the house!

This is correct.

So, wait for it, six pairs of Bloomingdale's size-12 and one pair of Bloomingdale's underwear size-6 Wednesday Day Of The Week are missing?

How do we know for a fact that one pair of size 6 bloomies are missing?

One thing that really gets me is Patsy walks out in the sweater she turned over a year later for evidence. Yet, the BPD failed to collect the scarf on the wet bar that is red and black = same color as the fibers evidence found. My understanding of that sweater is: they cannot be sure it was the exact same one she walked out the door wearing (on the 26th). Possibly I read that in a file in the middle of the lost and found all these 24 years ago.
Thank heavens the judge knows this.

So, we can conclude that both fit; as both participated in the RN.

This is correct.

How do we know for a fact that one pair of size 6 bloomies are missing?

One thing that really gets me is Patsy walks out in the sweater she turned over a year later for evidence. Yet, the BPD failed to collect the scarf on the wet bar that is red and black = same color as the fibers evidence found. My understanding of that sweater is: they cannot be sure it was the exact same one she walked out the door wearing (on the 26th). Possibly I read that in a file in the middle of the lost and found all these 24 years ago.

Rain on my Parade,
So, we can conclude that both fit; as both participated in the RN.
Yes, with the miltary interpretation more likely rather than a religious one, i.e. piety and violence seem to clash.

How do we know for a fact that one pair of size 6 bloomies are missing?
We don't know it as a fact, only as a deduction.

JonBenet likely had a drawer full of Bloomingdale underwear, minimally a pack of seven, Day of the Week, size-6 pairs. i.e. purchased by Patsy on her and JonBenet's New York trip.

I reckon the size-12's Bloomingdale's JonBenet was found dressed in were meant as a substitute for the Bloomingdale's size-6 pair that are missing, and they should be a Wednesday Day of the Week pair?

BPD corroborates this by not releasing any details other than their size, i.e. no brand, and no Day of the Week features have ever been released.

This should reflect the above deduction with a pair of size-6, Wednesday Day of the Week Bloomingdale's missing from BPD's forensic collection?

One thing that really gets me is Patsy walks out in the sweater she turned over a year later for evidence.
Yes, who knows where they came from. John's shirt took for ever to be handed in, and years for the size-12's which were magicked up by some unknown storage crate searcher who evidently had a fetish for children's underwear as he/she recognized their relevance?

Did Pamela Paugh retrieve the size-12's, were they simply purchased at Bloomingdale's or on eBay in a manner similar to the purchase of the Christmas Doll, another Ramsey mystery?

Yes, with the miltary interpretation more likely rather than a religious one, i.e. piety and violence seem to clash.

You would think; yet it is not always the case.

JonBenet likely had a drawer full of Bloomingdale underwear, minimally a pack of seven, Day of the Week, size-6 pairs. i.e. purchased by Patsy on her and JonBenet's New York trip.

I reckon the size-12's Bloomingdale's JonBenet was found dressed in were meant as a substitute for the Bloomingdale's size-6 pair that are missing, and they should be a Wednesday Day of the Week pair?

BPD corroborates this by not releasing any details other than their size, i.e. no brand, and no Day of the Week features have ever been released.

This should reflect the above deduction with a pair of size-6, Wednesday Day of the Week Bloomingdale's missing from BPD's forensic collection?

Why would the BPD not release the details of brand and days of week found in JB drawer? Why are they keeping so much info. in this case behind locked doors? It was the payoff, political connection’s? Here perhaps is where the piety and violence come together?

Yes, who knows where they came from. John's shirt took for ever to be handed in, and years for the size-12's which were magicked up by some unknown storage crate searcher who evidently had a fetish for children's underwear as he/she recognized their relevance?

Here we go again with the hidden information. I find myself wondering where the dark blue fibers found came from? Just to many close ended questions.

Did Pamela Paugh retrieve the size-12's, were they simply purchased at Bloomingdale's or on eBay in a manner similar to the purchase of the Christmas Doll, another Ramsey mystery?

yes, the mystery of it all ...
You would think; yet it is not always the case.

Why would the BPD not release the details of brand and days of week found in JB drawer? Why are they keeping so much info. in this case behind locked doors? It was the payoff, political connection’s? Here perhaps is where the piety and violence come together?

Here we go again with the hidden information. I find myself wondering where the dark blue fibers found came from? Just to many close ended questions.

yes, the mystery of it all ...

Rain on my Parade,
Why would the BPD not release the details of brand and days of week found in JB drawer? Why are they keeping so much info. in this case behind locked doors? It was the payoff, political connection’s? Here perhaps is where the piety and violence come together?
No release of the underwear details means John or Patsy cannot cook up an explanation in anticipation of a criminal trial. With BPD telling us what size they were, we can assume they are Bloomingdale's as Patsy says JonBenet requested a pack of Bloomingdale's when they shopped together in the New York store.

I find myself wondering where the dark blue fibers found came from?
Dark blue fibers could have originated from John or even from one of the dolls taken by Pamela Paugh during her Supermarket Sweep on the house?

Did Patsy use the cord from a doll to restrain JonBenet and duct tape from another doll to place over JonBenet's mouth?

Patsy's fibers were found on the sticky side of the duct tape, suggesting she handled it, so if the source is a doll, might this explain the doll ordered after JonBenet's death but before January 1st 1997, for delivery to Access Graphics, i.e. a replacement in case BPD ever ask to see it?

Otherwise why would Pamela Paugh bother removing them from the house?

The link to Access Graphics suggests John Ramsey is involved big time, else why not have it mailed direct to Nedra Paugh?

Another angle is that one of the dolls removed was actually a Christmas gift unwrapped by JonBenet on Christmas morning and recorded either in photographs or/and video?

As we know few photographs or video footage of the children opening their gifts are available.

Alternatively one of the Partially Opened gifts unwrapped by Burke was a doll, which somehow leads to a fallout with JonBenet and her head injury, with parts of the doll subsequently used as staging elements?

No release of the underwear details means John or Patsy cannot cook up an explanation in anticipation of a criminal trial. With BPD telling us what size they were, we can assume they are Bloomingdale's as Patsy says JonBenet requested a pack of Bloomingdale's when they shopped together in the New York store.

Just as I presumed.

Dark blue fibers could have originated from John or even from one of the dolls taken by Pamela Paugh during her Supermarket Sweep on the house?

Did Patsy use the cord from a doll to restrain JonBenet and duct tape from another doll to place over JonBenet's mouth?

The cord on the American girl dolls is cotton. And not that long, but I get your drift. There was stuffing (cotton) found in the wine cellar on the floor. And it is said the company (that made this doll) recommends use of duck tape to hold down the cord. Interesting that PR was said to purchase string and duct tape at the hardware store just prior to the murder. I don’t recall any being found?

Patsy's fibers were found on the sticky side of the duct tape, suggesting she handled it, so if the source is a doll, might this explain the doll ordered after JonBenet's death but before January 1st 1997, for delivery to Access Graphics, i.e. a replacement in case BPD ever ask to see it?

Henry Lee Comments: In December 2006, it was reported that "several fibers were found on the duct tape covering JonBenet's mouth that were microscopically similar to a jacket worn by Patsy on Christmas night. Police considered that to be significant, but forensic expert Dr. Henry Lee has concluded that the fibers could have ended up there if "a mother kissed her child good night" and the fibers were transferred."
Let’s step back ... Nedra purchased an American girl doll for Jonbenet September 1996. Why the need for another doll delivered to AG in January 1997?

Are we looking at premeditation here?

Alternatively one of the Partially Opened gifts unwrapped by Burke was a doll, which somehow leads to a fallout with JonBenet and her head injury, with parts of the doll subsequently used as staging elements?

I know I have seen pictures of what seemed to be a Christmas Barbie in the wine cellar partially unwrapped. I don’t know why JB would receive yet another American girl doll?
There is an American girl doll laying on the floor on the left hand side of her bed and the right side of the lingerie chest. But that was on the night of the 26th. PP could have taken it for the sweep.
Just as I presumed.

The cord on the American girl dolls is cotton. And not that long, but I get your drift. There was stuffing (cotton) found in the wine cellar on the floor. And it is said the company (that made this doll) recommends use of duck tape to hold down the cord. Interesting that PR was said to purchase string and duct tape at the hardware store just prior to the murder. I don’t recall any being found?

Henry Lee Comments: In December 2006, it was reported that "several fibers were found on the duct tape covering JonBenet's mouth that were microscopically similar to a jacket worn by Patsy on Christmas night. Police considered that to be significant, but forensic expert Dr. Henry Lee has concluded that the fibers could have ended up there if "a mother kissed her child good night" and the fibers were transferred."
Let’s step back ... Nedra purchased an American girl doll for Jonbenet September 1996. Why the need for another doll delivered to AG in January 1997?

Are we looking at premeditation here?

I know I have seen pictures of what seemed to be a Christmas Barbie in the wine cellar partially unwrapped. I don’t know why JB would receive yet another American girl doll?
There is an American girl doll laying on the floor on the left hand side of her bed and the right side of the lingerie chest. But that was on the night of the 26th. PP could have taken it for the sweep.

Rain on my Parade,
Are we looking at premeditation here?
Its possible but unlikely since its obvious there was more than one staging event and multiple people were involved, see forensic evidence.

It appears the Dolls played a role in JonBenet's death, might just be as a source for forensic material, or it might be more complicated and include either Patsy or/ and Burke. So with Patsy rather than matching clothes it might have been JonBenet's rejection of her doll on Christmas morning that caused Patsy and JonBenet to fallout?

The missing underwear, both size-6 and size-12 including the pink pajama bottoms might have been inserted inside the dolls PP removed on her sweep through the house?

Let’s step back ... Nedra purchased an American girl doll for Jonbenet September 1996. Why the need for another doll delivered to AG in January 1997?
Because the previous doll was used in staging JonBenet's death? A new one is required, so the parents can claim the replacement is the original?

Sending a doll to Access Graphics must mean John sanctioned this and not Patsy as she could have had it sent direct to Nedra's house.

No wonder the GJ hit them both with identical True Bills!

The link to Access Graphics suggests John Ramsey is involved big time, else why not have it mailed direct to Nedra Paugh?

I recently was watching true crime on tv and discovered that Lockheed Martin Corporation developed an automated identification system for fingerprints that has enabled the Federal Bureau of Investigation to process more than 100 million print searches over the past six years.

The FBI's Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) consists of three principal components: The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), an Interstate Identification Index segment, and an Identification, Tasking, and Networking segment. Lockheed Martin's AFIS was originally produced for the FBI in 1999 and serves as a core component of IAFIS, which reached the milestone in late May.

Further info. on JR and Lockheed
From the Daily Camera:
Ramsey exit to follow trade of Boulder firm
Tuesday, November 4, 1997

Lockheed Martin Corp. said Monday that it has reached an agreement to trade Boulder-based Access Graphics Inc. and certain other assets to General Electric Co. for $2.8 billion in stock and that Access President John Ramsey will leave the computer distribution firm.

Ramsey - who has received national attention because of the murder of his daughter, JonBenet Ramsey, in Boulder last December - moved to Atlanta this past summer. He will be leaving Access at the close of the transaction, which is expected to be some time before the end of the year, said Laurie Wagner, vice president of corporate business development for Access.

Ramsey will be available for a period of time after that, at Lockheed Martin`s request, to assist in the transition. Ramsey was in the process of establishing a worldwide headquarters for Access in Atlanta, Wagner said, while the North American headquarters were to remain with the 360-employee Boulder operations.

She said she had no additional details about how the sale to GE would affect those plans or operations in Boulder.

Ramsey could not be reached for comment in Atlanta.

His forthcoming departure was not a surprise to employees, because a change in management often accompanies a change in ownership, said Access spokeswoman Julann Andresen.

"Employees at Access are excited for him as he goes on to his new opportunity with Lockheed Martin," she added, noting that he will work in a consultant capacity for Lockheed Martins Commercial Systems Group.

Bruce Bunch, a GE spokesman at its headquarters in Fairfield, Conn., said GE expects Access to be a nice complement to its own computer distribution business, called GE Capital Information Technology Solutions.

That GE business emphasizes the distribution of computer products using Intel chips and Windows operating systems, so Access strength in products with Unix-based operating systems should help it broaden its offerings, he said.

GE Capital Information Technology Solutions, which employs 10,000 people worldwide, will provide management for Access, said Bunch. He gave no particulars other than to confirm Ramsey`s departure.

The unsolved Ramsey murder case and John Ramsey`s move to Atlanta were absolutely not connected to Lockheed Martin`s decision to sell Access, said Lockheed Martin spokesman Charles Manor.

Rather, he said, the deal was prompted by Lockheed`s desire to acquire GE-owned preferred shares of Lockheed Martin, based in Bethesda, Md.

Those shares - which were received by GE in 1993 when the former Martin Marietta Corp. acquired GE Aerospace - would have been callable, or eligible for purchase, by Lockheed Martin in April of next year.

Since Lockheed Martin was willing to trade certain non-core businesses such as Access, GE and Lockheed eventually settled on the exchange announced Monday.

It calls for Lockheed Martin to receive all the preferred shares held by GE, which is convertible to 29 million shares of common stock valued at roughly $2.8 billion.

Lockheed Martin plans to retire that stock, which represents about 13 percent of the company`s 219 million fully diluted shares.Retiring those shares is designed to increase shareholder value.

In exchange for those shares, GE would get Access Graphics, a minority share in a telecommunications low-orbit satellite company called Globalstar Telecommunications, a maker of thrust reversers for commercial jet engines called Lockheed Martin Aerostructures, and some cash.

Although the exact amount of cash will be determined at the closing of the deal, GE`s Bunch said it will be about $1.5 billion, leaving a valuation of $1.3 billion for the two operating companies and the minority stake in Globalstar.

GE expects a gain of $1 billion from the transaction, and Lockheed Martin expects a gain of more than $300 million.

The deal is subject to approval by federal regulators to assure that it complies with antitrust laws. The case will be assigned either to the Department of Justice or the Federal Trade Commission.

Paul Nisbet, aerospace analyst for JSA Research Inc. in Newport, R.I., said the transaction is a good one for Lockheed Martin, and others apparently agreed Monday. Lockheed Martin stock (NYSE:LMT) rose 4.1 percent, to $99.125, and GE stock (NYSE:GE) rose 3.7 percent, to $67.125.

Access Graphics, which hit $1 billion in revenues last year and has already surpassed that mark this year, was having trouble making good profit margins, probably because it was a standalone operation, Nisbet said. GE may change that.

``I`d say it would probably be better for Access Graphics people to be with a company like GE," Nisbet said.

Politics run deep.
I realize one precedes the other, but it is interesting to note.
Rain on my Parade,

Its possible but unlikely since its obvious there was more than one staging event and multiple people were involved, see forensic evidence.

It appears the Dolls played a role in JonBenet's death, might just be as a source for forensic material, or it might be more complicated and include either Patsy or/ and Burke. So with Patsy rather than matching clothes it might have been JonBenet's rejection of her doll on Christmas morning that caused Patsy and JonBenet to fallout?

The missing underwear, both size-6 and size-12 including the pink pajama bottoms might have been inserted inside the dolls PP removed on her sweep through the house?

Because the previous doll was used in staging JonBenet's death? A new one is required, so the parents can claim the replacement is the original?

Sending a doll to Access Graphics must mean John sanctioned this and not Patsy as she could have had it sent direct to Nedra's house.

No wonder the GJ hit them both with identical True Bills!


It looks as though those dark blue fibers came from Molly the American girl doll. Since PP, retrieved several of these dolls your deduction is spot on.

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