Why did the jury reach this verdict?

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Listening to one of the alternate jurors on the radio... No motive, no COD and all the lying= not guilty

Doesn't sound like this alternate juror had any common sense along with the rest of the jurors.

The movtive WAS - Casey did not want to be a MOM, she did not value her own daughters life, so she killed her.

The cause of death does not have to be proven for a conviction, just has to be established that it was a homicide. IT WAS!

About the lying.... that was one dead giveaway that CA is quilty. And the fact she carries on and celebrates her pathetic life, NOT reporting her daughter missing of course, because she killed her. She would still be telling her lies that Caylee was kidnapped if the Anthony's wouldn't have retrieved the car with the dead body smell, among other things. (all the above in my opinion only)

I have been bawling my eyes out since the verdict was read. I am literally sick about this. I just can't help it!! Justice in the US? What justice? I am so sickened right now!!!!!
Hey Everybody - I understand that many of us are upset, all the other mods understand too! You are not alone in your feelings of outrage BUT wishing violence or harm upon another human being is NOT acceptable at WS.

We are above that. Please - if you need to, stand up and stomp your feet (or stomp them where you sit), go out side and do some screaming, voice your opinion loudly at the clips they keep playing over and over again on HLN, take a break, get some air. Whatever you need, but remember that we do not wish harm upon others in our posts. If you want to do it in your mind or say it to your computer - go right ahead. Please just don't post it!



If I could I would go outside and scream, but I don't think the neighbors would be happy with me if I did that. After all the war zone fireworks last night, everyone around here went to bed already. :maddening:
I think the first mistake on the SA's side is to go for murder 1 when there was no definitive cause of death. It's just a logical question that needs to be answered for jurors to give a guilty verdict and possibly sentence someone to death for the crime. And I know from being obsessed with this case for the last 3 yrs that the only reason there was no definitive cause of death was because of the amount of time her poor body layed in a swamp waiting to be discovered. No cause of death meant that hey, it could have been an accident like the DT said.

I believe JB's opening statement changed the game for jurors, it went from "the state must prove she did it" to "the state better disprove that it was an accident" and the SA couldn't do such a thing. They did go through what she did to dispose of the body/cover it up and how she acted afterwards and I'm still confused on how there's not a crime in there somewhere. Even though the jurors were given the instructions that counsel's words are not evidence I think the accident story and GA helping cover it up.....got into their heads, so to speak. It most likely made them think/say "what if?"

I still do not understand how she cannot be charged with atleast manslaughter when through her counsel she admitted to being present when Caylee drowned in the pool. Disposing of a body and covering it up is not illegal? who wouldn't make the natural connection that Casey wrapped the body up in trash bags, put her in the trunk then disposed of her in a swamp....there is no punishment for THAT? She then lied and lied and lied....because all innocent people lie to law enforcement, right? Again: why would someone cover up an accident and make it look like a murder?

I've always went on the theory that she died of an accident that was directly related to Casey being negligent....meaning she wasn't watching her and she drowned or maybe Casey fell asleep and Caylee got into chemicals or choked on something, etc. I believe Casey freaked and put her in the bags and put her in the trunk, she dumped her on suburban a day or two later with duct tape on her mouth to go along with the kidnapping story she had concocted in her head. She couldn't tell people she was a bad mom whose daughter got hurt and died on her "watch" could she? Her whole world of lies would blow up in her face and she'd have to act like a grieving mother, admit things she'd lied about, miss out on those hot body contests at fusian..... My question is...what kind of sick person can take the lifeless body of their 2 year old, their flesh and blood and put her in trash bags? I can't wrap my head around someone doing this to their own child, it makes me nauseous. I think she deserved punishment for THAT. Sick.

i agree, my biggest surprise was she got not guilty on everything but the lying to the police. that is what i can't grasp.

i knew she wasn't going to get the dp, and wasn't sure about lwop, but i thought she would get something other than the lying.
yesterday when jbp was reading juror instructions I could have sworn he said something to the effect of unfortunately u the jury must use the law and the law alone in reaching your decision. I believe the judge knew that the sa didnt have the case they thought they did. all imo.

Thats a pretty standard statment for a Judge to make when giving the jury their instructions. In some of the trials I have sat in on ( I am a legal assistant) a Judge will often reiterate that fact several times. Jury instructions are very specific questions based on the law.

I'd like to give the jury a little more credit. I think it would be hard NOT to want to convict Casey based on the circumstantial evidence... well, I just don't think it was there. I think the SA and law enforcement presented the best possible case and under the circumstances a conviction just wasn't possible.

I don't think that means that the jury bought what Baez was selling or even that in their hearts they don't think she did it. It just means that by the letter of the law there is reasonable doubt.

I'll admit, that while I think the jury made the right decision, I cried with I heard she was aquitted.

Lets remember though, just because she was found NOT GUILTY does not mean she is INNOCENT.
I keep reading that the jury didn't get to see everything we are privy to.

Would someone please tell me, what exactly have we seen that wasn't presented at trial that was so damning? From where I am sitting, they saw all the important things.
IMO, this was the result of the public watching these crime shows where the police find a smoking gun of some sort. They didn't understand the meaning of "reasonable doubt." They were looking for proof beyond ALL doubt. I know how the "justice system" works, or is supposed to work, but these people were just m@r@ns.

It's too bad the family won't sue her in a civil case, like Nicole Brown Simpson's family did.

All I can hope for now is that KC gets sterilized and never has another child.
How many times did we hear through this trial .... "You only need one." I can't tell you how many times this was repeated over and over, but in reference to one saying "not guilty" for the defense. Now. Today. It boggles my mind that there wasn't even ONE for the prosecution. Not one of those 12 believed that ICA murdered her child? Not ONE couldn't get past those party pictures and say "guilty." Not ONE could listen to those jail tapes and could not be persuaded to vote not guilty? Not ONE thought it made no sense at all to make an accident look like a murder? Not ONE stood up and said "31 days people!"

All 12 decided none of that meant anything in just 11 hours?
How many times did we hear through this trial .... "You only need one." I can't tell you how many times this was repeated over and over, but in reference to one saying "not guilty" for the defense. Now. Today. It boggles my mind that there wasn't even ONE for the prosecution. Not one of those 12 believed that ICA murdered her child? Not ONE couldn't get past those party pictures and say "guilty." Not ONE could listen to those jail tapes and could not be persuaded to vote not guilty? Not ONE thought it made no sense at all to make an accident look like a murder? Not ONE stood up and said "31 days people!"

All 12 decided none of that meant anything in just 11 hours?

I really believe that society as a whole is circling the drain.
How many times did we hear through this trial .... "You only need one." I can't tell you how many times this was repeated over and over, but in reference to one saying "not guilty" for the defense. Now. Today. It boggles my mind that there wasn't even ONE for the prosecution. Not one of those 12 believed that ICA murdered her child? Not ONE couldn't get past those party pictures and say "guilty." Not ONE could listen to those jail tapes and could not be persuaded to vote not guilty? Not ONE thought it made no sense at all to make an accident look like a murder? Not ONE stood up and said "31 days people!"

All 12 decided none of that meant anything in just 11 hours?

THat is what I have such a hard time wrapping my head around. That and the fact that she was found Not Guilty on EVERYTHING but lying. She had a responsibility as a mother to report her child missing... but she didn't... how is that not child abuse? How was she found NG on every count?

Beside myself tonight... Unable to grasp it.

The evidence presented didn't meet the burden of proof, and Baez poked holes in the State's case, especially in closing. And really, who can tell one Anthony liar from the next? Perhaps they felt Not Guilty was the only fair verdict.

Like I said in the other thread, I don't agree with the jury's verdict (because i'm privy to far more than they were during trial), but I do understand and respect their verdict.

This is a lot like I'm beginning to understand this, too.

I believed Casey was guilty of the death of her daughter because of the 31 days, so I've had this conviction from the moment this news was released in July 2008. I still do believe this. The fact that the majority of people following this case believes this as well is an indication that it is the truth as close as we can get it.

I'm not completely clear on this yet . . . but perhaps the only FAIR verdict that could be reached, based upon the evidence presented, was the verdict they gave.

If a person came into this trial a blank slate, and had only the evidence placed on the table . . .

Is the system broken? I don't think it is broken. I think it is by necessity LIMITED in scope. Perhaps to prevent an even greater outrage, to convict an innocent person of a crime they did not commit.

While I am so incredibly disappointed in the verdict they did reach, I'd rather live in a society that errs on the side of innocence. The alternative is the stuff of nightmare.

We did get one wish, though . . . Casey Anthony is gonna be tossed into the general population here, very soon. With no guards. I absolutely condemn anyone who would want to harm her, but these things happen. Even if they don't, she'll suffer this stigma in all ways. Her "bella vita" is even less ensured with her acquittal of murder one. She's less safe than she would be in prison.

What about any potential children she may have?

I wonder if we could get together a significant amount of money to give her if she'd get her tubes tied? I'd totally be making a contribution.
"Alternate juror #14, Russell Huekler, agrees with the jury’s verdict.

“We don’t know how she (Caylee) died,” the alternate juror told Fox News. “It just comes down to probably an accident that the family didn’t know how to cope with…the prosecution failed to show motive.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/05/meet-jurors-casey-anthony-trial/#ixzz1RGi6C4GZ

Just read this. If he's representative of what the sitting jurors thought. . . it's just unreal. Could this case have been won if they were able to bring in the IM's between Casey and Tony? What if Cindy had actually been honest about what kind of mother Casey was?

What if Cindy had been honest about what happened the night of June 15th? Or not seeing the stairs up on the swimming pool on the 16th? Or...a whole lot of other things.

Cindy Anthony got Casey off, not Baez, IMO

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