why is it so hard to account for the wearabouts...

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Mar 6, 2005
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of one group of friends during one meal??? This is becoming rediculous in my opinion. How can it possibly be this difficult to get a definitive accounting of that meal and who left the table when ? I can not accept an accounting of this meal is so complicated that it has never been able to be solidified. We are talking maybe 9 people here not 90. We are talking maybe at most a two hour or three hour gathering. I am sorry but other then the need to hide information I can not make sense of this ever chaning accounting of this not so complicated event.

Well...they where drinking like fishes. That there probably accounts for 3/4 of it. The rest being they where all doing something naughty and don't want to tarnish their sparkling reputations.

The more I think about it, I think the men in the group are all paedophiles, and where taking turns with the children of the group. If it was a swing Holiday, the kids would have stayed at home. A child sex ring would make more sence, thus the pact of silence. This would be something that would put them ALL in prison.
Well...they where drinking like fishes. That there probably accounts for 3/4 of it. The rest being they where all doing something naughty and don't want to tarnish their sparkling reputations.

The more I think about it, I think the men in the group are all paedophiles, and where taking turns with the children of the group. If it was a swing Holiday, the kids would have stayed at home. A child sex ring would make more sence, thus the pact of silence. This would be something that would put them ALL in prison.

This is something I think is based on pure conjecture on your part and I have not seen anything that would make me believe such a horrible thing.

LOL...Isn't that what this entire thread is all about...pure conjecture, speculation and theories all based on tabloid reports, PLE "leaks" and the McCann spin? I don't think it's any more appalling than anything else suggested.

Grown men have sex with children, fathers rape their daughters, wives are in denial... it happens ALL the time. Face it, we don't know what happened to Madeleine. Anyone's guess is just as good as another's. I am not ashamed of myself for thinking outside of the box. Thankfully I have an open mind, and am not persuaded by one side of the fence or the other...I live on a farm, we have more than one fence.
LOL...Isn't that what this entire thread is all about...pure conjecture, speculation and theories all based on tabloid reports, PLE "leaks" and the McCann spin? I don't think it's any more appalling than anything else suggested.

Grown men have sex with children, fathers rape their daughters, wives are in denial... it happens ALL the time. Face it, we don't know what happened to Madeleine. Anyone's guess is just as good as another's. I am not ashamed of myself for thinking outside of the box. Thankfully I have an open mind, and am not persuaded by one side of the fence or the other...I live on a farm, we have more than one fence.

There has been nothing that I have read to indicate paedophilia amongst the group be it tabloids,PLE or McCann spin aas you put it.
LOL...Isn't that what this entire thread is all about...pure conjecture, speculation and theories all based on tabloid reports, PLE "leaks" and the McCann spin? I don't think it's any more appalling than anything else suggested.

Grown men have sex with children, fathers rape their daughters, wives are in denial... it happens ALL the time. Face it, we don't know what happened to Madeleine. Anyone's guess is just as good as another's. I am not ashamed of myself for thinking outside of the box. Thankfully I have an open mind, and am not persuaded by one side of the fence or the other...I live on a farm, we have more than one fence.

That is true must of what we discuss here comes from conjecture and what you state is just another proposed theory. It is just a hard one to swallow but that dosent' mean it is any less valid then any others that have been proposed.

I can't even begin to think of what to say in answer to that notion.

It's ridiculous.

It's not based on even the slightest hint or shred of evidence, and it's a disgusting accusation to the entire group.
That is true must of what we discuss here comes from conjecture and what you state is just another proposed theory. It is just a hard one to swallow but that dosent' mean it is any less valid then any others that have been proposed.


Of course it is less valid when there is not a shred of evidence to support it,you might as well suggest aliens did it LOL.Discussing if Madeleines parents are involved and other possible related scenarios ARE valid because Madeleine HAS disappeared and her parents ARE arguidos.To suggest something like IW has done is counter-productive IMO when there are no facts to support it.
One crime solving model that we have used here in our poll and that the PJ has also used is the narrowing of possibilities into a handful of options. Maybe what did happen is none of those but it helps to sort out ones thinking and streamline the messy case. The oddest aspect is that Murat is like a game piece that will play in any scenario!
Well...they where drinking like fishes. That there probably accounts for 3/4 of it. The rest being they where all doing something naughty and don't want to tarnish their sparkling reputations.

The more I think about it, I think the men in the group are all paedophiles, and where taking turns with the children of the group. If it was a swing Holiday, the kids would have stayed at home. A child sex ring would make more sence, thus the pact of silence. This would be something that would put them ALL in prison.

I have been away from this forum for a few days as it was getting to me - the amount of personal crap being flung around and less actual discussion of issues - then I see posts like this - all the kids are pre school - I hope that you reconsider your statement and maybe admit that it was out of order - in fact disgusting
Why is it hard to account for their whereabouts is an excellent question.
Why not ask the Tapas 9 to take LD test? At least the dects would know who is credible and who isn't.
I'd like to know why a large vacationing resort didn't use video cameras?
Of course it is less valid when there is not a shred of evidence to support it,you might as well suggest aliens did it LOL.Discussing if Madeleines parents are involved and other possible related scenarios ARE valid because Madeleine HAS disappeared and her parents ARE arguidos.To suggest something like IW has done is counter-productive IMO when there are no facts to support it.

Oh I think it is popostrous and a vile suggestion but I had to admitt that since we do not know what happened to maddie any theory ( even repulsive ones) have to be considered as valid possibilites unless they ae physically impossible until the truth is known. So as much as I hate this suggestion, don't believe it and think it has no basis I can't say it is not a valid theory.

I have been away from this forum for a few days as it was getting to me - the amount of personal crap being flung around and less actual discussion of issues - then I see posts like this - all the kids are pre school - I hope that you reconsider your statement and maybe admit that it was out of order - in fact disgusting

I agree. Too many people in the various Madeleine forums seem to be there mostly to make up ghoulish scenarios (to get little shiver down their spines), and to launch vitriolic -- and mind-numbingly repetitive -- attacks on the parents.

Sad that a little girl's disappearance has become the excuse for so many people to behave so badly.
I agree. Too many people in the various Madeleine forums seem to be there mostly to make up ghoulish scenarios (to get little shiver down their spines), and to launch vitriolic -- and mind-numbingly repetitive -- attacks on the parents.

Sad that a little girl's disappearance has become the excuse for so many people to behave so badly.

I am asking this in all sincerity:

You speak of the "mind-numbingly repetitive attacks on the parents" and apparently chalk that up to people behaving badly.

Do you not think the McCanns behaved badly in leaving their very young children alone night after night so they could drink and dine with friends? Even after Maddie had difficulties one of the nights before?

I have not attacked the McCanns personally but yes, I have been one who has and will continue to assert their behavior was wrong and irresponsible. As educated doctors I hold them to a standard of parenting that says it is inexcusable to repeatedly leave babies alone to party with friends. I don't see myself as a person bahaving badly...but rather as an advocate for the real victim in this tragedy. The three year old girl who disappeared on May 3 and is most probably dead before she turned 4.

Frankly, I'm a little amazed that taking this position could make me a person behaving badly while the McCanns behavior that resulted in something terrible happening to their child is excused.

Strange world.
I am asking this in all sincerity:

You speak of the "mind-numbingly repetitive attacks on the parents" and apparently chalk that up to people behaving badly.

Do you not think the McCanns behaved badly in leaving their very young children alone night after night so they could drink and dine with friends? Even after Maddie had difficulties one of the nights before?

I have not attacked the McCanns personally but yes, I have been one who has and will continue to assert their behavior was wrong and irresponsible. As educated doctors I hold them to a standard of parenting that says it is inexcusable to repeatedly leave babies alone to party with friends. I don't see myself as a person bahaving badly...but rather as an advocate for the real victim in this tragedy. The three year old girl who disappeared on May 3 and is most probably dead before she turned 4.

Frankly, I'm a little amazed that taking this position could make me a person behaving badly while the McCanns behavior that resulted in something terrible happening to their child is excused.

Strange world.

A further thought-the McC's are "educated". If they really, really needed to have a whoop it up vacation, with all their friends, then why in the world did they not just leave their poor children with caring, competent adults at home? I'm sure the grandparents would have been thrilled to have had the opportunity to tend those babies for a few days.
I am asking this in all sincerity:

You speak of the "mind-numbingly repetitive attacks on the parents" and apparently chalk that up to people behaving badly.

Do you not think the McCanns behaved badly in leaving their very young children alone night after night so they could drink and dine with friends? Even after Maddie had difficulties one of the nights before?

I have not attacked the McCanns personally but yes, I have been one who has and will continue to assert their behavior was wrong and irresponsible. As educated doctors I hold them to a standard of parenting that says it is inexcusable to repeatedly leave babies alone to party with friends. I don't see myself as a person bahaving badly...but rather as an advocate for the real victim in this tragedy. The three year old girl who disappeared on May 3 and is most probably dead before she turned 4.

Frankly, I'm a little amazed that taking this position could make me a person behaving badly while the McCanns behavior that resulted in something terrible happening to their child is excused.

Strange world.

Yes we all know they were wrong to leave the children alone but I think the poster was referring to the whole group being called paedophiles and a post I saw calling them b******s-totally unnecessary IMHO.
You get one post saying that the group is pedophiles and everyone who thinks the McCanns are involved or could be involved is easily included.

The sad truth is, that by their behavior that night and the five previous nights, the McCanns opened themselves up to criticism and judgment regarding their critical parenting skills and personal judgment.

So yes, while I think some accusations go overboard, I will say it again: The Mccans put their personal needs for socializing ahead of the welfare of their children not once, not for a few minutes, but for several hours, night after night.

As a result, their judgment, decision making values, and priorities are subject to question in every way, especially when it comes to determining what really happened that night. That's not "mind numbing repetitive attacks" that's natural consequences and the logical results of again, what was not a one-time, quickly made decision, but a repeated act that to this day, the McCanns defend.
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